Academic year 2023/24

Provisional T Level results

Pre-release access list


The operation and publication of T Level statistics is part of the wider operation and publication of examination results for England each year, alongside A levels and GCSEs. As such early access is provided for operational purposes, and it is included in handling and media briefing (at 08:00 on the day of publication) delivered by the Joint Council for Qualifications (JCQ). This handling is to facilitate effective delivery of results and support better public understanding of the statistics. Further information on examination results can be found on the JCQ website (opens in a new tab)

Besides Department for Education (DfE) professional and production staff and the above, the following post holders were given pre-release access up to 24 hours before release.

  • Secretary of State for Education
    Minister for Skills
    Minister for School Standards
    Special Advisers, Private Office x4
    Permanent Secretary, Private Office
    Director General, Skills Group
    Director General, Schools Group
    Director General, Strategy Group
    Director of Technical Qualifications and Essential Skills (TQES)
    Deputy Director, T Levels
    Deputy Director, T Level Delivery
    G6,  Head of Corporate and Digital - TQES
    G6, Head of T Level Policy Development
    G6, Head of T Level Provider Readiness
    G7, T Level Policy Development
    G7, T Level Provider Engagement
    G7, MTLR Service Manager
    G7, T Level Development
    G7, T Level Industry Placement Policy
    SEO, T Level Provider Engagement
    SEO, T Level Digital Service
    SEO, T Level Development 
    HEO, T Level Delivery
    EO, T Level Policy Development
    Director, Director of Communications
    Deputy Director, Strategic Comms
    G6,  Head of Communications
    G6,  SoS Press Secretary
    G6,  Social Media
    G7,  Strategic Communications Lead on Further Education and Skills
    G7, Chief Prress Officer - Corporate
    G7,  Chief Press Officer - HEFE
    G7,  Chief Media Officer - Schools
    G7,  Strategic Comms - Schools
    SEO,  Strategic Comms - HEFE
    SEO, Social Media x2
    SEO, Senior Media Officer  x3
    HEO, Media Officer x2