This document describes the data included in the ‘Postgraduate initial teacher training targets’ Official Statistics release's underlying data files. The publication itself should be referenced alongside this data, as it provides more detailed information on the methodology to produce the targets.
The Teacher Workforce Model is a national, stocks and flows model. From 2021/22 onward, the department’s annual postgraduate initial teacher training (PGITT) targets have been set using analysis from the Teacher Workforce Model (TWM). This publication reports the PGITT targets for the 2024/25 academic year.
The data used in this publication covers postgraduate initial teacher training targets for England for the 2024/25 academic year, and provides the previous, 2022/23 and 2021/22 targets, to enable comparisons to be made between them.
The TWM covers all state-funded primary (including maintained nurseries attached to schools) and secondary schools (including post-16 provision within such schools), academies, and free schools[1] (opens in a new tab) in England.
[1] (opens in a new tab) Whilst special schools, pupil referral units, early years, independent schools, and further education/sixth-form colleges are considered as being out of scope of the TWM, the PGITT targets set using the model does make an indirect provision for teachers required in those sectors.
File formats and conventions
Targets have been rounded to the nearest 5.
The following symbols have been used within the publication and are defined below:
Not available
The need to suppress data is not applicable, nor does any data enable individuals to be accurately identified.
Data files
All data files associated with this releases are listed below with guidance on their content. To download any of these files, please visit our data catalogue.
2024-25 PGITT targets
Geographic levels
Time period
2021/22 to 2024/25
This national level table contains the postgraduate initial teacher training (PGITT) targets for England, by subject and phase.
The table also includes both the raw and percentage difference in target to the previous year, for the latest three years.
Variable names and descriptions
Variable names and descriptions for this file are provided below:
Variable name
Variable description
Difference to previous year
Percentage difference to previous year
Postgraduate initial teacher training (PGITT) trainee target
ITT subject
Targets have been rounded to the nearest 5.
‘Others’ includes child development, citizenship, law, media studies, Other social studies, Other technology, politics, psychology, sociology, and social sciences among others.
2021/22 was the first year the annual PGITT target was set using analysis from the Teacher Workforce Model (TWM), therefore differences to the prior target year have not been provided for 2021/22.