Reporting year 2020

Outcomes for children in need, including children looked after by local authorities in England

Data guidance



This document describes the data included in the ‘Outcomes for children in need, including children looked after by local authorities in England: 2020’ National Statistics release’s underlying data files. This data is released under the terms of the Open Government License (opens in a new tab) and is intended to meet at least three stars for Open Data (opens in a new tab).

The methodology document for this subject should be referenced alongside this release. It provides information on the data sources, their coverage and quality and how the data is produced.


This statistical release provides a range of outcome measures at national and level authority level for children in need (CIN), including children looked after (CLA) by local authorities in England. 

The outcome measures cover:

  • special education needs
  • educational attainment (at key stage 4)
  • destinations from school
  • absence from school
  • permanent exclusions and suspensions from school
  • free school meal eligibility
  • type of school attended

Detailed information on the social care groups and the all pupils comparisons is provided in the methodology document.

Abbreviations of social care group names used throughout this release 

  • CIN - children in need.
  • CINO - children in need, excluding children on a child protection plan and children looked after. This includes children on child in need plans as well as other types of plan or arrangements.
  • CPPO - children on a child protection plan, excluding children looked after.
  • CLA - children looked after (excludes children who are in respite care in their most recent episode during the reporting year).

Social care groups included in both national and local authority level data:

  • CINO at 31 March
  • CPPO at 31 March (where numbers are large enough).
  • CLA 12 months at 31 March

Social care groups included in national level data only:

  • All pupils comparison - from the national publications.
  • CIN at 31 March
  • CLA less than 12 months at 31 March
  • CIN at any point - ‘any point’ means at any point during the reporting year (including at 31 March).
  • CINO at any point
  • CPPO at any point
  • CLA at any point
  • Ever CIN - last 6 years - children in need, at any point in the last 6 reporting years (including at 31 March).

At key stage 4 there are additional groups in the national level data on previously looked after arrangements (PLAA). These are Official Statistics on arrangements for previously looked after children.

  • PLAA - Adoption - previously looked after children who left care through an adoption.
  • PLAA - SGO - previously looked after children who left care through a special guardianship order (SGO).
  • PLAA - CAO - previously looked after children who left care through a child arrangements order (CAO).
  • PLAA - Total - previously looked after children who left care through an adoption, SGO or CAO.

File formats and conventions

Rounding and suppression

National and regional figures have been rounded to the nearest 10.  Local authority figures are unrounded.

The following symbols have been used in the releases:

  • ‘c’ to protect confidentiality. Secondary suppression may be required.
  • ‘z’ for not applicable
  • ‘:’ for not available
  • ‘~’ for negligible – also used for a percentage (<0.5%) that would round to 0 but is not zero

For percentages:

  • where the numerator or denominator is small then the figure is replaced by ‘c’
  • they may not sum to 100% due to rounding

Data files

All data files associated with this releases are listed below with guidance on their content. To download any of these files, please visit our data catalogue.

LA - Absence (autumn term)

Geographic levels
Local authority; National; Regional
Time period

Absence by type of school for children in need (excluding children on a child protection plan and children looked after), children on a child protection plan (excluding children looked after) and children looked after, Autumn term 2019

Variable names and descriptions

Variable names and descriptions for this file are provided below:

Variable nameVariable description
pt_overallOverall absence percentage
pt_pupils_pa_10_exactPersistent absentees percentage
pt_sess_authorisedAuthorised absence percentage
pt_sess_unauthorisedUnauthorised absence percentage
school_typeSchool type - Filter by school type
social_care_groupSocial care group - Filter by social care group
t_pupilsTotal number of pupils or enrolments
t_pupils_pa_10_exactNumber of persistent absentees
t_sess_authorisedNumber of authorised absence sessions
t_sess_overallNumber of overall absence sessions
t_sess_possibleNumber of sessions possible
t_sess_unauthorisedNumber of unauthorised absence sessions
  1. The all pupils comparison figures taken from the national publication are produced using a different methodology based on enrolments and the school type is allocated in a different way. As a result of this, the all pupils comparison is not provided by school type as it is not appropriate to compare. More detailed information on the absence data published within this release is available in the accompanying methodology document.

LA - Absence (six half terms)

Geographic levels
Local authority; National; Regional
Time period
2016/17 to 2018/19

Absence by type of school for children in need (excluding children on a child protection plan and children looked after), children on a child protection plan (excluding children looked after) and children looked after, 2016/17 to 2018/19

Variable names and descriptions

Variable names and descriptions for this file are provided below:

Variable nameVariable description
pt_overallOverall absence percentage
pt_pupils_pa_10_exactPersistent absentees percentage
pt_sess_authorisedAuthorised absence percentage
pt_sess_unauthorisedUnauthorised absence percentage
school_typeSchool type - Filter by school type
social_care_groupSocial care group - Filter by social care group
t_pupilsTotal number of pupils or enrolments
t_pupils_pa_10_exactNumber of persistent absentees
t_sess_authorisedNumber of authorised absence sessions
t_sess_overallNumber of overall absence sessions
t_sess_possibleNumber of sessions possible
t_sess_unauthorisedNumber of unauthorised absence sessions
  1. The all pupils comparison figures taken from the national publication are produced using a different methodology based on enrolments and the school type is allocated in a different way. As a result of this, the all pupils comparison is not provided by school type as it is not appropriate to compare. More detailed information on the absence data published within this release is available in the accompanying methodology document.

LA - Free school meals (FSM)

Geographic levels
Local authority; National; Regional
Time period
2016/17 to 2019/20

Free school meal eligibility for children in need (excluding children on a child protection plan and children looked after), children on a child protection plan (excluding children looked after), 2016/17 to 2019/20

Variable names and descriptions

Variable names and descriptions for this file are provided below:

Variable nameVariable description
pt_FSM_eligiblePercentage of pupils with free school meal eligibility
social_care_groupSocial care group - Filter by social care group
t_FSM_eligibleNumber of pupils with free school meal eligibility
t_pupilsNumber of pupils
  1. Free school meal (FSM) eligibility is taken from both the school census and the alternative provision census. More detailed information on the FSM data published within this release is available in the accompanying methodology document.

LA - Key Stage 4 (KS4)

Geographic levels
Local authority; National; Regional
Time period
2016/17 to 2019/20

Key stage 4 attainment for children in need (excluding children on a child protection plan and children looked after), children on a child protection plan (excluding children looked after) and children looked after,  2016/17 to 2019/20

Variable names and descriptions

Variable names and descriptions for this file are provided below:

Variable nameVariable description
avg_att8Average Attainment 8 score of all pupils
avg_ebaccapsAverage EBacc APS score per pupil
pt_ebacc_e_ptq_eePercentage of pupils entering the English Baccalaureate
pt_l2basics_94Percentage of pupils achieving grades 4 or above in English and mathematics GCSEs
pt_l2basics_95Percentage of pupils achieving grades 5 or above in English and mathematics GCSEs
social_care_groupSocial care group - Filter by social care group
t_att8Total sum of pupils Attainment 8 scores
t_ebacc_e_ptq_eeTotal number of pupils entering the English Baccalaureate
t_ebaccapsTotal EBacc APS score of pupils
t_l2basics_94Total number of pupils achieving grades 4 or above in English and mathematics GCSEs
t_l2basics_95Total number of pupils achieving grades 5 or above in English and mathematics GCSEs
t_pupilsTotal number of pupils at the end of key stage 4
  1. The cancellation of summer 2020 GCSE exams and the new method of awarding grades has led to a set of pupil attainment statistics that are unlike previous years. Each of the pupil level attainment statistics have increased - more than would be expected in a typical year - between the 2018/19 and 2019/20 academic years. This reflects the change to the way GCSE grades were awarded rather than improvements in pupil performance. As a result the 2019/20 data should not be directly compared to attainment data from previous years for the purposes of measuring changes in student performance. More detailed information on the key stage 4 data published within this release is available in the accompanying methodology document.

LA - Permanent exclusions and suspensions

Geographic levels
Local authority; National; Regional
Time period
2016/17 to 2018/19

Permanent exclusions and suspensions by type of school for children in need (excluding children on a child protection plan and children looked after), children on a child protection plan (excluding children looked after) and children looked after, 2016/17 to 2018/19

Variable names and descriptions

Variable names and descriptions for this file are provided below:

Variable nameVariable description
pt_one_plus_susPercentage of pupils with one or more suspension
pt_perm_exclPercentage of pupils permanently excluded
social_care_groupSocial care group - Filter by social care group
t_one_plus_susTotal number of pupils with one or more suspension
t_perm_exclTotal number of pupils permanently excluded
t_pupilsTotal number of pupils
  1. The all pupils comparison figures taken from the national publication are produced using a different methodology based on enrolments and the school type is allocated in a different way. As a result of this, the all pupils comparison is not provided by school type as it is not appropriate to compare. More detailed information on the permanent exclusions and suspensions data published within this release is available in the accompanying methodology document.

LA - School type

Geographic levels
Local authority; National; Regional
Time period
2016/17 to 2019/20

Type of school for children in need (excluding children on a child protection plan and children looked after), children on a child protection plan (excluding children looked after) and children looked after, 2016/17 to 2019/20

Variable names and descriptions

Variable names and descriptions for this file are provided below:

Variable nameVariable description
social_care_groupSocial care group - Filter by social care group
t_primaryTotal number of pupils in state-funded primary schools
t_pruTotal number of pupils in pupil referral units
t_pupilsTotal number of pupils
t_secondaryTotal number of pupils in state-funded secondary schools
t_specialTotal number of pupils in special schools
  1. The all pupils comparison figures taken from the national publication have school type allocated in a different way. As a result of this, the all pupils comparison is not provided by school type as it is not appropriate to compare. More detailed information on the school type data published within this release is available in the accompanying methodology document.

LA - Special educational needs (SEN)

Geographic levels
Local authority; National; Regional
Time period
2016/17 to 2019/20

Special educational need and primary type of special education need for children in need (excluding children on a child protection plan and children looked after), children on a child protection plan (excluding children looked after) and children looked after, 2016/17 to 2019/20

Variable names and descriptions

Variable names and descriptions for this file are provided below:

Variable nameVariable description
pt_all_SENPercentage of pupils with SEN
pt_ASDPercentage of pupils with having primary type of need: Autistic Spectrum Disorder
pt_HIPercentage of pupils with having primary type of need: Hearing Impairment
pt_MLDPercentage of pupils with having primary type of need: Moderate Learning Difficulty
pt_MSIPercentage of pupils with having primary type of need: Multi- Sensory Impairment
pt_no_identified_SENPercentage of pupils with no identified SEN
pt_NSAPercentage of pupils with having primary type of need: but no specialist assessment of type of need
pt_OTHPercentage of pupils with having primary type of need: Other Difficulty/Disability
pt_PDPercentage of pupils with having primary type of need: Physical Disability
pt_PMLDPercentage of pupils with having primary type of need: Profound & Multiple Learning Difficulty
pt_SEMHPercentage of pupils with having primary type of need: Social, Emotional and Mental Health
pt_SEN_supportPercentage of pupils with SEN support
pt_SLCNPercentage of pupils with having primary type of need: Speech, Language and Communications needs
pt_SLDPercentage of pupils with having primary type of need: Severe Learning Difficulty
pt_SPLDPercentage of pupils with having primary type of need: Specific Learning Difficulty
pt_statement_or_EHC_planPercentage of pupils with statement or EHC plan
pt_VIPercentage of pupils with having primary type of need: Visual Impairment
social_care_groupSocial care group - Filter by social care group
t_all_SENTotal number of pupils with SEN
t_ASDTotal number of pupils with having primary type of need: Autistic Spectrum Disorder
t_HITotal number of pupils with having primary type of need: Hearing Impairment
t_MLDTotal number of pupils with having primary type of need: Moderate Learning Difficulty
t_MSITotal number of pupils with having primary type of need: Multi- Sensory Impairment
t_no_identified_SENTotal number of pupils with no identified SEN
t_NSATotal number of pupils with having primary type of need: but no specialist assessment of type of need
t_OTHTotal number of pupils with having primary type of need: Other Difficulty/Disability
t_PDTotal number of pupils with having primary type of need: Physical Disability
t_PMLDTotal number of pupils with having primary type of need: Profound & Multiple Learning Difficulty
t_pupilsTotal number of pupils
t_SEMHTotal number of pupils with having primary type of need: Social, Emotional and Mental Health
t_SEN_supportTotal number of pupils with SEN support
t_SLCNTotal number of pupils with having primary type of need: Speech, Language and Communications needs
t_SLDTotal number of pupils with having primary type of need: Severe Learning Difficulty
t_SPLDTotal number of pupils with having primary type of need: Specific Learning Difficulty
t_statement_or_EHC_planTotal number of pupils with statement or EHC plan
t_VITotal number of pupils with having primary type of need: Visual Impairment
  1. Special educational needs (SEN) status and primary type of SEN data is taken from both the school census and the alternative provision census. For 2016/17 primary type of SEN is not available on the alternative provision census. More detailed information on the SEN data published within this release is available in the accompanying methodology document.

National - Absence (autumn term)

Geographic levels
Time period

Absence by type of school and social care group, Autumn term 2019

Variable names and descriptions

Variable names and descriptions for this file are provided below:

Variable nameVariable description
pt_overallOverall absence percentage
pt_pupils_pa_10_exactPersistent absentees percentage
pt_sess_authorisedAuthorised absence percentage
pt_sess_unauthorisedUnauthorised absence percentage
school_typeSchool type - Filter by school type
social_care_groupSocial care group - Filter by social care group
t_pupilsTotal number of pupils or enrolments
t_pupils_pa_10_exactNumber of persistent absentees
t_sess_authorisedNumber of authorised absence sessions
t_sess_overallNumber of overall absence sessions
t_sess_possibleNumber of sessions possible
t_sess_unauthorisedNumber of unauthorised absence sessions
  1. The all pupils comparison figures taken from the national publication are produced using a different methodology based on enrolments and the school type is allocated in a different way. As a result of this, the all pupils comparison is not provided by school type as it is not appropriate to compare. More detailed information on the absence data published within this release is available in the accompanying methodology document.

National - Absence (six half terms)

Geographic levels
Time period
2016/17 to 2018/19

Absence by type of school and social care group, 2016/17 to 2018/19

Variable names and descriptions

Variable names and descriptions for this file are provided below:

Variable nameVariable description
pt_overallOverall absence percentage
pt_pupils_pa_10_exactPersistent absentees percentage
pt_sess_authorisedAuthorised absence percentage
pt_sess_unauthorisedUnauthorised absence percentage
school_typeSchool type - Filter by school type
social_care_groupSocial care group - Filter by social care group
t_pupilsTotal number of pupils or enrolments
t_pupils_pa_10_exactNumber of persistent absentees
t_sess_authorisedNumber of authorised absence sessions
t_sess_overallNumber of overall absence sessions
t_sess_possibleNumber of sessions possible
t_sess_unauthorisedNumber of unauthorised absence sessions
  1. The all pupils comparison figures taken from the national publication are produced using a different methodology based on enrolments and the school type is allocated in a different way. As a result of this, the all pupils comparison is not provided by school type as it is not appropriate to compare. More detailed information on the absence data published within this release is available in the accompanying methodology document.

National - Destinations

Geographic levels
Time period
2016/17 to 2017/18

Destinations after completing key stage 4 by social care group,  2016/17 to 2017/18

Variable names and descriptions

Variable names and descriptions for this file are provided below:

Variable nameVariable description
pt_all_notsustPercentage not recorded as a sustained destination
pt_all_unknownPercentage with activity not captured
pt_all_workPercentage in sustained employment destination
pt_appl2Percentage in intermediate apprenticeships (level 2)
pt_appl3Percentage in advanced and Higher apprenticeships (level 3 and above)
pt_apprenPercentage in sustained apprenticeships
pt_appruPercentage in alternative provision
pt_edu_comboPercentage in sustained education combination destination
pt_educationPercentage in sustained education destination
pt_fePercentage in further education
pt_hePercentage in UK higher education institution
pt_indPercentage in independent schools
pt_notsustPercentage in education or employment not sustained
pt_notsust_benPercentage in education or employment not sustained and known to be NEET
pt_only_benPercentage with no participation and known to be NEET
pt_other_eduPercentage in other education destination
pt_overallPercentage in sustained education, employment & apprenticeships
pt_sfcPercentage in sixth form college
pt_specialPercentage in special school
pt_spiPercentage in specialist post-16 institution
pt_ssfPercentage in school sixth form
pt_unknownPercentage not identified in any data
pt_unknown_idPercentage identified as DWP/HMRC customer
social_care_groupSocial care group - Filter by social care group
t_all_notsustTotal number of pupils not recorded as a sustained destination
t_all_unknownTotal number of pupils with activity not captured
t_all_workTotal number of pupils in sustained employment destination
t_appl2Total number of pupils in intermediate apprenticeships (level 2)
t_appl3Total number of pupils in advanced and Higher apprenticeships (level 3 and above)
t_apprenTotal number of pupils in sustained apprenticeships
t_appruTotal number of pupils in alternative provision
t_edu_comboTotal number of pupils in sustained education combination destination
t_educationTotal number of pupils in sustained education destination
t_feTotal number of pupils in further education
t_heTotal number of pupils in UK higher education institution
t_indTotal number of pupils in independent schools
t_notsustTotal number of pupils in education or employment not sustained
t_notsust_benTotal number of pupils in education or employment not sustained and known to be NEET
t_only_benTotal number of pupils with no participation and known to be NEET
t_other_eduTotal number of pupils in other education destination
t_overallTotal number of pupils in sustained education, employment & apprenticeships
t_pupilsTotal number of pupils at the end of key stage 4
t_sfcTotal number of pupils in sixth form college
t_specialTotal number of pupils in special school
t_spiTotal number of pupils in specialist post-16 institution
t_ssfTotal number of pupils in school sixth form
t_unknownTotal number of pupils not identified in any data
t_unknown_idTotal number of pupils identified as DWP/HMRC customer
  1. The destinations figures in this release are not directly comparable to the all pupils figures in the national publication as the social care destination figures include additional institutions. For example, other institutions include: independent schools, independent special schools and secure units. More detailed information on the destinations data published within this release is available in the accompanying methodology document.

National - Free school meals (FSM)

Geographic levels
Time period
2016/17 to 2019/20

Free school meal eligibility by children in need social care group, 2016/17 to 2019/20

Variable names and descriptions

Variable names and descriptions for this file are provided below:

Variable nameVariable description
pt_FSM_eligiblePercentage of pupils with free school meal eligibility
social_care_groupSocial care group - Filter by social care group
t_FSM_eligibleNumber of pupils with free school meal eligibility
t_pupilsNumber of pupils
  1. Free school meal (FSM) eligibility is taken from both the school census and the alternative provision census. More detailed information on the FSM data published within this release is available in the accompanying methodology document.

National - Key Stage 4 (KS4)

Geographic levels
Time period
2016/17 to 2019/20

Key stage 4 attainment by special educational need and social care group, 2016/17 to 2019/20

Variable names and descriptions

Variable names and descriptions for this file are provided below:

Variable nameVariable description
avg_att8Average Attainment 8 score of all pupils
avg_ebaccapsAverage EBacc APS score per pupil
pt_ebacc_94Percentage of pupils achieving the English Baccalaureate (grades 4 or above in English and maths, A*-C in unreformed subjects)
pt_ebacc_95Percentage of pupils achieving the English Baccalaureate (grades 5 or above in English and maths, A*-C in unreformed subjects)
pt_ebacc_e_ptq_eePercentage of pupils entering the English Baccalaureate
pt_l2basics_94Percentage of pupils achieving grades 4 or above in English and mathematics GCSEs
pt_l2basics_95Percentage of pupils achieving grades 5 or above in English and mathematics GCSEs
pupil_sen_statusSpecial Educational Needs status - Filter by Special Educational Needs status
social_care_groupSocial care group - Filter by social care group
t_att8Total sum of pupils Attainment 8 scores
t_ebacc_94Total number of pupils achieving the English Baccalaureate (grades 4 or above in English and maths, A*-C in unreformed subjects)
t_ebacc_95Total number of pupils achieving the English Baccalaureate (grades 5 or above in English and maths, A*-C in unreformed subjects)
t_ebacc_e_ptq_eeTotal number of pupils entering the English Baccalaureate
t_ebaccapsTotal EBacc APS score of pupils
t_l2basics_94Total number of pupils achieving grades 4 or above in English and mathematics GCSEs
t_l2basics_95Total number of pupils achieving grades 5 or above in English and mathematics GCSEs
t_pupilsTotal number of pupils at the end of key stage 4
  1. The cancellation of summer 2020 GCSE exams and the new method of awarding grades has led to a set of pupil attainment statistics that are unlike previous years. Each of the pupil level attainment statistics have increased - more than would be expected in a typical year - between the 2018/19 and 2019/20 academic years. This reflects the change to the way GCSE grades were awarded rather than improvements in pupil performance. As a result the 2019/20 data should not be directly compared to attainment data from previous years for the purposes of measuring changes in student performance. More detailed information on the key stage 4 data published within this release is available in the accompanying methodology document.
  2. Special educational needs (SEN) status is taken from both the school census and the alternative provision census. The key stage 4 data includes pupils for whom SEN status could not be determined. More detailed information on the SEN data published within this release is available in the accompanying methodology document.

National - Permanent exclusions and suspensions

Geographic levels
Time period
2016/17 to 2018/19

Permanent exclusions and suspensions by type of school and social care group, 2016/17 to 2018/19

Variable names and descriptions

Variable names and descriptions for this file are provided below:

Variable nameVariable description
pt_one_plus_susPercentage of pupils with one or more suspension
pt_perm_exclPercentage of pupils permanently excluded
school_typeSchool type - Filter by school type
social_care_groupSocial care group - Filter by social care group
t_one_plus_susTotal number of pupils with one or more suspension
t_perm_exclTotal number of pupils permanently excluded
t_pupilsTotal number of pupils
  1. The all pupils comparison figures taken from the national publication are produced using a different methodology based on enrolments and the school type is allocated in a different way. As a result of this, the all pupils comparison is not provided by school type as it is not appropriate to compare. More detailed information on the permanent exclusions and suspensions data published within this release is available in the accompanying methodology document.

National - School type

Geographic levels
Time period
2016/17 to 2019/20

Type of school by social care group, 2016/17 to 2019/20

Variable names and descriptions

Variable names and descriptions for this file are provided below:

Variable nameVariable description
social_care_groupSocial care group - Filter by social care group
t_primaryTotal number of pupils in state-funded primary school
t_pruTotal number of pupils in pupil referral unit
t_pupilsTotal number of pupils
t_secondaryTotal number of pupils in state-funded secondary school
t_specialTotal number of pupils in special school
  1. The all pupils comparison figures taken from the national publication have school type allocated in a different way. As a result of this, the all pupils comparison is not provided by school type as it is not appropriate to compare. More detailed information on the school type data published within this release is available in the accompanying methodology document.

National - Special educational needs (SEN)

Geographic levels
Time period
2016/17 to 2019/20

Special educational need and primary type of special educational need by social care group, 2016/17 to 2019/20

Variable names and descriptions

Variable names and descriptions for this file are provided below:

Variable nameVariable description
pt_all_SENPercentage of pupils with SEN
pt_ASD_sePercentage of pupils with statement or EHC plan having primary type of need: Autistic Spectrum Disorder
pt_ASD_ssPercentage of pupils with SEN support having primary type of need: Autistic Spectrum Disorder
pt_HI_sePercentage of pupils with statement or EHC plan having primary type of need: Hearing Impairment
pt_HI_ssPercentage of pupils with SEN support having primary type of need: Hearing Impairment
pt_MLD_sePercentage of pupils with statement or EHC plan having primary type of need: Moderate Learning Difficulty
pt_MLD_ssPercentage of pupils with SEN support having primary type of need: Moderate Learning Difficulty
pt_MSI_sePercentage of pupils with statement or EHC plan having primary type of need: Multi- Sensory Impairment
pt_MSI_ssPercentage of pupils with SEN support having primary type of need: Multi- Sensory Impairment
pt_no_identified_SENPercentage of pupils with no identified SEN
pt_NSA_sePercentage of pupils with statement or EHC plan having primary type of need: SEN support but no specialist assessment of type of need
pt_NSA_ssPercentage of pupils with SEN support having primary type of need: SEN support but no specialist assessment of type of need
pt_OTH_sePercentage of pupils with statement or EHC plan having primary type of need: Other Difficulty/Disability
pt_OTH_ssPercentage of pupils with SEN support having primary type of need: Other Difficulty/Disability
pt_PD_sePercentage of pupils with statement or EHC plan having primary type of need: Physical Disability
pt_PD_ssPercentage of pupils with SEN support having primary type of need: Physical Disability
pt_PMLD_sePercentage of pupils with statement or EHC plan having primary type of need: Profound & Multiple Learning Difficulty
pt_PMLD_ssPercentage of pupils with SEN support having primary type of need: Profound & Multiple Learning Difficulty
pt_SEMH_sePercentage of pupils with statement or EHC plan having primary type of need: Social, Emotional and Mental Health
pt_SEMH_ssPercentage of pupils with SEN support having primary type of need: Social, Emotional and Mental Health
pt_SEN_supportPercentage of pupils with SEN support
pt_SLCN_sePercentage of pupils with statement or EHC plan having primary type of need: Speech, Language and Communications needs
pt_SLCN_ssPercentage of pupils with SEN support having primary type of need: Speech, Language and Communications needs
pt_SLD_sePercentage of pupils with statement or EHC plan having primary type of need: Severe Learning Difficulty
pt_SLD_ssPercentage of pupils with SEN support having primary type of need: Severe Learning Difficulty
pt_SPLD_sePercentage of pupils with statement or EHC plan having primary type of need: Specific Learning Difficulty
pt_SPLD_ssPercentage of pupils with SEN support having primary type of need: Specific Learning Difficulty
pt_statement_or_EHC_planPercentage of pupils with statement or EHC plan
pt_VI_sePercentage of pupils with statement or EHC plan having primary type of need: Visual Impairment
pt_VI_ssPercentage of pupils with SEN support having primary type of need: Visual Impairment
social_care_groupSocial care group - Filter by social care group
t_all_SENTotal number of pupils with SEN
t_ASD_seTotal number of pupils with statement or EHC plan having primary type of need: Autistic Spectrum Disorder
t_ASD_ssTotal number of pupils with SEN support having primary type of need: Autistic Spectrum Disorder
t_HI_seTotal number of pupils with statement or EHC plan having primary type of need: Hearing Impairment
t_HI_ssTotal number of pupils with SEN support having primary type of need: Hearing Impairment
t_MLD_seTotal number of pupils with statement or EHC plan having primary type of need: Moderate Learning Difficulty
t_MLD_ssTotal number of pupils with SEN support having primary type of need: Moderate Learning Difficulty
t_MSI_seTotal number of pupils with statement or EHC plan having primary type of need: Multi- Sensory Impairment
t_MSI_ssTotal number of pupils with SEN support having primary type of need: Multi- Sensory Impairment
t_no_identified_SENTotal number of pupils with no identified SEN
t_NSA_seTotal number of pupils with statement or EHC plan having primary type of need: SEN support but no specialist assessment of type of need
t_NSA_ssTotal number of pupils with SEN support having primary type of need: SEN support but no specialist assessment of type of need
t_OTH_seTotal number of pupils with statement or EHC plan having primary type of need: Other Difficulty/Disability
t_OTH_ssTotal number of pupils with SEN support having primary type of need: Other Difficulty/Disability
t_PD_seTotal number of pupils with statement or EHC plan having primary type of need: Physical Disability
t_PD_ssTotal number of pupils with SEN support having primary type of need: Physical Disability
t_PMLD_seTotal number of pupils with statement or EHC plan having primary type of need: Profound & Multiple Learning Difficulty
t_PMLD_ssTotal number of pupils with SEN support having primary type of need: Profound & Multiple Learning Difficulty
t_pupilsTotal number of pupils
t_SEMH_seTotal number of pupils with statement or EHC plan having primary type of need: Social, Emotional and Mental Health
t_SEMH_ssTotal number of pupils with SEN support having primary type of need: Social, Emotional and Mental Health
t_SEN_supportTotal number of pupils with SEN support
t_SLCN_seTotal number of pupils with statement or EHC plan having primary type of need: Speech, Language and Communications needs
t_SLCN_ssTotal number of pupils with SEN support having primary type of need: Speech, Language and Communications needs
t_SLD_seTotal number of pupils with statement or EHC plan having primary type of need: Severe Learning Difficulty
t_SLD_ssTotal number of pupils with SEN support having primary type of need: Severe Learning Difficulty
t_SPLD_seTotal number of pupils with statement or EHC plan having primary type of need: Specific Learning Difficulty
t_SPLD_ssTotal number of pupils with SEN support having primary type of need: Specific Learning Difficulty
t_statement_or_EHC_planTotal number of pupils with statement or EHC plan
t_VI_seTotal number of pupils with statement or EHC plan having primary type of need: Visual Impairment
t_VI_ssTotal number of pupils with SEN support having primary type of need: Visual Impairment
  1. Special educational needs (SEN) status and primary type of SEN data is taken from both the school census and the alternative provision census. For 2016/17 primary type of SEN is not available on the alternative provision census. More detailed information on the SEN data published within this release is available in the accompanying methodology document.