Calendar year 2019

NEET age 16 to 24

Data guidance


Data files

All data files associated with this releases are listed below with guidance on their content. To download any of these files, please visit our data catalogue.

NEET and NET estimates from the LFS

Geographic levels
National; Regional
Time period
2000 to 2019
Variable names and descriptions

Variable names and descriptions for this file are provided below:

Variable nameVariable description
ageAge - Filter by Age
conf_interval_plus_minus_ILO_unemployed_less_6monthsConfidence interval (95%) for the number NEET unemployed for less than 6 months
conf_interval_plus_minus_ILO_unemployed_more_6monthsConfidence interval (95%) for the number NEET unemployed for more than 6 months
conf_interval_plus_minus_inactive_does_not_want_a_jobConfidence interval (95%) for the number NEET inactive and does not want a job
conf_interval_plus_minus_inactive_wants_a_jobConfidence interval (95%) for the number NEET inactive and want a job
conf_interval_plus_minus_NEETConfidence interval (95%) for the number of NEET
conf_interval_plus_minus_NETConfidence interval (95%) for the number of NET
conf_interval_plus_minus_reason_inactive_long-term_or_temporary_sickConfidence interval (95%) for the number NEET with reason inactive as long-term or temporary sick
conf_interval_plus_minus_reason_inactive_looking_after_family_or_homeConfidence interval (95%) for the number NEET with reason inactive as looking after family/home
conf_interval_plus_minus_reason_inactive_otherConfidence interval (95%) for the number NEET with reason inactive as other
employment_rate_NETEmployment rate of the NET group
genderGender - Filter by gender
lower_bound_number_ILO_unemployed_less_6monthsLower bound number ILO unemployed less 6months
lower_bound_number_ILO_unemployed_more_6monthsLower bound number ILO unemployed more 6months
lower_bound_number_inactive_does_not_want_a_jobLower bound number inactive does not want a job
lower_bound_number_inactive_wants_a_jobLower bound number inactive wants a job
lower_bound_number_NEETLower bound number NEET
lower_bound_number_NETLower bound number NET
lower_bound_number_reason_inactive_long-term_or_temporary_sickLower bound number reason inactive long-term or temporary sick
lower_bound_number_reason_inactive_looking_after_family_or_homeLower bound number reason inactive looking after family or home
lower_bound_number_reason_inactive_otherLower bound number reason inactive other
lower_bound_percent_ILO_unemployed_less_6monthsLower bound percent ILO unemployed less 6months
lower_bound_percent_ILO_unemployed_more_6monthsLower bound percent ILO unemployed more 6months
lower_bound_percent_inactive_does_not_want_a_jobLower bound percent inactive does not want a job
lower_bound_percent_inactive_wants_a_jobLower bound percent inactive wants a job
lower_bound_percent_NEETLower bound percent NEET
lower_bound_percent_NETLower bound percent NET
lower_bound_percent_reason_inactive_long-term_temporary_sickLower bound percent reason inactive long-term temporary sick
lower_bound_percent_reason_inactive_looking_after_family_or_homeLower bound percent reason inactive looking after family or home
lower_bound_percent_reason_inactive_otherLower bound percent reason inactive other
number_ILO_unemployed_less_6monthsNumber NEET who are ILO unemployed for less than 6 months
number_ILO_unemployed_more_6monthsNumber NEET who are ILO unemployed for more than 6 months
number_inactive_does_not_want_a_jobNumber NEET who were inactive and does not want a job
number_inactive_wants_a_jobNumber NEET who were inactive and want a job
number_NEETNumber of NEET
number_NETNumber of NET
number_reason_inactive_long-term_or_temporary_sickNumber NEET where reason for inactivity was long-term or temporarily sick
number_reason_inactive_looking_after_family_or_homeNumber NEET where reason for inactivity was looking after family/home
number_reason_inactive_otherNumber NEET where reason for inactivity was other
percent_annual_change_NEETAnnual change in NEET rate
percent_annual_change_NETAnnual change in NET rate
percent_conf_interval_plus_minus_ILO_unemployed_less_6monthsConfidence interval (95%) for the percentage NEET unemployed for less than 6 months
percent_conf_interval_plus_minus_ILO_unemployed_more_6monthsConfidence interval (95%) for the percentage NEET unemployed for more than 6 months
percent_conf_interval_plus_minus_inactive_does_not_want_a_jobConfidence interval (95%) for the percentage NEET inactive and does not want a job
percent_conf_interval_plus_minus_inactive_wants_a_jobConfidence interval (95%) for the percentage NEET inactive and want a job
percent_conf_interval_plus_minus_NEETConfidence interval (95%) for the percentage of NEET
percent_conf_interval_plus_minus_NETConfidence interval (95%) for the percentage of NET
percent_conf_interval_plus_minus_reason_inactive_long-term_temporary_sickConfidence interval (95%) for the percentage NEET with reason inactive as long-term or temporary sick
percent_conf_interval_plus_minus_reason_inactive_looking_after_family_or_homeConfidence interval (95%) for the percentage NEET with reason inactive as looking after family/home
percent_conf_interval_plus_minus_reason_inactive_otherConfidence interval (95%) for the percentage of NEET with reason inactive as other
percent_ILO_unemployed_less_6monthsPercentage of NEET ILO unemployed for less than 6 months
percent_ILO_unemployed_more_6monthsPercentage of NEET ILO unemployed for more than 6 months
percent_inactive_does_not_want_a_jobPercentage of NEET who were inactive and does not want a job
percent_inactive_wants_a_jobPercentage of NEET who were inactive and want a job
percent_NEETPercentage of NEET
percent_NETPercentage of NET
percent_reason_inactive_long-term_temporary_sickPercentage of NEET where reason for inactivity was long-term or temporarily sick
percent_reason_inactive_looking_after_family_or_homePercentage of NEET where reason for inactivity was looking after family/home
percent_reason_inactive_otherPercentage of NEET where reason for inactivity was other
populationPopulation (ONS estimate)
quarterQuarter - Filter by the quarter of the year
upper_bound_number_ILO_unemployed_less_6monthsUpper bound number ILO unemployed less 6months
upper_bound_number_ILO_unemployed_more_6monthsUpper bound number ILO unemployed more 6months
upper_bound_number_inactive_does_not_want_a_jobUpper bound number inactive does not want a job
upper_bound_number_inactive_wants_a_jobUpper bound number inactive wants a job
upper_bound_number_NEETUpper bound number NEET
upper_bound_number_NETUpper bound number NET
upper_bound_number_reason_inactive_long-term_or_temporary_sickUpper bound number reason inactive long-term or temporary sick
upper_bound_number_reason_inactive_looking_after_family_or_homeUpper bound number reason inactive looking after family or home
upper_bound_number_reason_inactive_otherUpper bound number reason inactive other
upper_bound_percent_ILO_unemployed_less_6monthsUpper bound percent ILO unemployed less 6months
upper_bound_percent_ILO_unemployed_more_6monthsUpper bound percent ILO unemployed more 6months
upper_bound_percent_inactive_does_not_want_a_jobUpper bound percent inactive does not want a job
upper_bound_percent_inactive_wants_a_jobUpper bound percent inactive wants a job
upper_bound_percent_NEETUpper bound percent NEET
upper_bound_percent_NETUpper bound percent NET
upper_bound_percent_reason_inactive_long-term_temporary_sickUpper bound percent reason inactive long-term temporary sick
upper_bound_percent_reason_inactive_looking_after_family_or_homeUpper bound percent reason inactive looking after family or home
upper_bound_percent_reason_inactive_otherUpper bound percent reason inactive other

NEET primary health condition estimates from the APS

Geographic levels
Time period
2012 to 2018
Variable names and descriptions

Variable names and descriptions for this file are provided below:

Variable nameVariable description
conf_interval_number+/- Confidence interval (95%) for the number of 16-24 year olds in selected category (Total/NEET/NET). This number should be added and subtracted from the ‘population’ to get lower and upper bands of the estimate
conf_interval_percent_of_population+/- Confidence interval (95%) for the percentage of 16-24 year olds in selected category (Total/NEET/NET). This number should be added and subtracted from the percent_of_population to get lower and upper bands of the estimate
health_conditionHealth condition - Filter by category of main health condition reported by respondent
percent_of_NEETPercentage of 16-24 year olds NEET in selected category
percent_of_populationPercentage of 16-24 year olds in selected category (Total/NEET/NET)
populationNumber of 16-24 year olds in selected category (Total/NEET/NET) (ONS estimate)
sample_sizeNumber of 16-24 year olds surveyed in selected category (Total/NEET/NET)
total_NEET_NETPopulation estimate - Filter by NEET, NET or Total population estimates