Academic year 2021/22

Multi-academy trust performance measures (Key stages 2, 4 and 5)

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Data files

All data files associated with this releases are listed below with guidance on their content. To download any of these files, please visit our data catalogue.

KS4 headline measures broken down by MAT academy type, institution type, and pupil characteristics

Geographic levels
Time period

Headline attainment and progress performance measures at KS4 broken down by MAT academy type (converter and sponsored academies, and free schools), institution type (multi-academy trusts, single-academy trusts, institutions that were not academies, and all state-funded mainstream institutions), and pupil characteristics (gender, disadvantage status, ethnicity, prior attainment group, special educational needs status, and English as an additional language status).

Variable names and descriptions

Variable names and descriptions for this file are provided below:

Variable nameVariable description
avg_att8Attainment 8 score of all pupils
avg_ebaccapsEbacc APS per pupil
avg_p8score_adjAverage Progress 8 score of all pupils
institution_valueInstitution type
num_instNumber of schools
p8score_lowerProgress 8 lower 95% confidence interval
p8score_upperProgress 8 upper 95% confidence interval
pt_ebacc_94Pupils achieving the English Baccalaureate (grades 4 or above in English and mathematics)
pt_ebacc_95Pupils achieving the English Baccalaureate (grades 5 or above in English and mathematics)
pt_ebacc_e_ptq_eePupils entering the full English Baccalaureate
pt_l2basics_95Pupils achieving grade 5 or above in English and mathematics GCSEs
t_inp8calcPupils included in Progress 8 measure
tpupPupils at end of KS4
  1. Includes academies and institutions that are not academies that were open before 14 September of the academic year and had pupils at the end of the key stage. Institutions that converted into an academy or became a sponsored academy during the academic year are not included. Academies have been assigned to the trust that they were part of on 14 September of the academic year. Due to this, the total number of institutions may not match the figures in,, and Please note that the inclusion criteria as applied to the MAT level performance tables has not been applied here.
  2. All multi-academy trusts includes all converter academies, sponsored academies, and free schools in multi-academy trusts. Free schools includes free schools studio schools, and university technical colleges (UTCs).
  3. Institutions that are not academies includes all LA maintained schools (community schools, voluntary aided schools, voluntary controlled schools, foundation schools), further education sector institutions, and city technical colleges (CTCs).
  4. All single-academy trusts includes all converter academies, sponsored academies, and free schools in single-academy trusts. Free schools includes free schools, studio schools, and university technical colleges (UTCs).
  5. All state-funded mainstream institutions includes all schools included in all multi-academy trusts, all single-academy trusts, and all institutions that are not academies.
  6. Free schools includes free schools, studio schools and university technical colleges (UTCs).
  7. At KS4, disadvantaged all other includes pupils for whom free school meal eligibility, Special Educational Needs status (SEN provision) or SEN primary need could not be determined.
  8. From 2014/15, at KS4, disadvantaged pupils include pupils known to be eligible for free school meals (FSM) in any spring, autumn, summer, alternative provision or pupil referral unit census from year 6 to year 11 or are looked after children for at least one day or are adopted from care. For 2013/14 and earlier years, they include pupils known to be eligible for FSM in any spring, autumn, summer, alternative provision or pupil referral unit census from year 6 to year 11 or are looked after children.
  9. 'No identified SEN' includes pupils whom could not obtained, refused, unclassified or could not be determined.
  10. 'SEN' indicates whether a pupil has learning difficulties or disabilities that make it harder for them to learn than most children of the same age. This includes 'SEN with a statement 'EHC plan' or 'SEN support'.
  11. Unclassified includes pupils whom ethnicity was not obtained, refused or could not be determined.
  12. Sub totals may not sum to the grand total due to a small number of pupils with missing information e.g. for SEN, EAL and those where ethnicity is not recorded.

KS4 headline measures in MATs broken down by MAT academy type and trust characteristics

Geographic levels
Time period

Headline attainment and progress performance measures at KS4 in MATs broken down MAT academy type (converter and sponsored academies, and free schools) and trust characteristics (MAT size and length of time spent in MAT). Total figures for institutions that were not academies, single-academy trusts, and all state-funded mainstream institutions are provided for comparison.

Variable names and descriptions

Variable names and descriptions for this file are provided below:

Variable nameVariable description
avg_att8Attainment 8 score of all pupils
avg_ebaccapsEbacc APS per pupil
avg_p8score_adjAverage Progress 8 score of all pupils
institution_valueInstitution type
num_instNumber of schools
p8score_lowerProgress 8 lower 95% confidence interval
p8score_upperProgress 8 upper 95% confidence interval
pt_ebacc_94Pupils achieving the English Baccalaureate (grades 4 or above in English and mathematics)
pt_ebacc_95Pupils achieving the English Baccalaureate (grades 5 or above in English and mathematics)
pt_ebacc_e_ptq_eePupils entering the full English Baccalaureate
pt_l2basics_95Pupils achieving grade 5 or above in English and mathematics GCSEs
t_inp8calcPupils included in Progress 8 measure
tpupPupils at end of KS4
  1. Includes academies and institutions that are not academies that were open before 14 September of the academic year and had pupils at the end of the key stage. Institutions that converted into an academy or became a sponsored academy during the academic year are not included. Academies have been assigned to the trust that they were part of on 14 September of the academic year. Due to this, the total number of institutions may not match the figures in,, and Please note that the inclusion criteria as applied to the MAT level performance tables has not been applied here.
  2. All multi-academy trusts includes all converter academies, sponsored academies, and free schools in multi-academy trusts. Free schools includes free schools studio schools, and university technical colleges (UTCs).
  3. Institutions that are not academies includes all LA maintained schools (community schools, voluntary aided schools, voluntary controlled schools, foundation schools), further education sector institutions, and city technical colleges (CTCs).
  4. All single-academy trusts includes all converter academies, sponsored academies, and free schools in single-academy trusts. Free schools includes free schools, studio schools, and university technical colleges (UTCs).
  5. All state-funded mainstream institutions includes all schools included in all multi-academy trusts, all single-academy trusts, and all institutions that are not academies.
  6. Free schools includes free schools, studio schools and university technical colleges (UTCs).

KS2 headline measures broken down by institution type, trust type, academy type, and pupil characteristics

Geographic levels
Time period

Headline attainment and progress performance measures at KS2 broken down by MAT academy type (converter and sponsored academies, and free schools), institution type (multi-academy trusts, single-academy trusts, institutions that were not academies, and all state-funded mainstream institutions), and pupil characteristics (gender, disadvantage status, ethnicity, prior attainment group, special educational needs status, and English as an additional language status).

Variable names and descriptions

Variable names and descriptions for this file are provided below:

Variable nameVariable description
avg_mat_progress_scoreAverage progress score for maths
avg_mat_progress_score_lower_ciLower confidence interval for maths progress
avg_mat_progress_score_upper_ciUpper confidence interval for maths progress
avg_read_progress_scoreAverage progress score for reading
avg_read_progress_score_lower_ciLower confidence interval for reading progress
avg_read_progress_score_upper_ciUpper confidence interval for reading progress
avg_writta_progress_scoreAverage progress score for writing TA
avg_writta_progress_score_lower_ciLower confidence interval for writing progress
avg_writta_progress_score_upper_ciUpper confidence interval for writing progress
characteristic_valuePupil characteristic
institution_valueInstitution type
pt_mat_met_expected_standardPercentage of pupils meeting the expected standard in maths
pt_read_met_expected_standardPercentage of pupils meeting the expected standard in reading
pt_rwm_met_expected_standardPercentage of pupils meeting the expected standard in reading, writing and maths (combined)
pt_writta_met_expected_standardPercentage of pupils meeting the expected standard in writing TA
t_mat_eligible_pupilsNumber of eligible pupils in maths
t_mat_progress_eligible_pupilsTotal number of pupils progress scores for maths
t_read_eligible_pupilsNumber of eligible pupils in reading
t_read_progress_eligible_pupilsTotal number of pupils progress scores for reading
t_rwm_eligible_pupilsNumber of eligible pupils in reading, writing and maths (combined)
t_writta_eligible_pupilsNumber of eligible pupils in writing TA
t_writta_progress_eligible_pupilsTotal number of pupils progress scores for writing TA
total_institutionsNumber of institutions
total_pupilsPupils at end of KS2
  1. Includes academies and institutions that are not academies that were open before 14 September of the academic year and had pupils at the end of the key stage. Institutions that converted into an academy or became a sponsored academy during the academic year are not included. Academies have been assigned to the trust that they were part of on 14 September of the academic year. Due to this, the total number of institutions may not match the figures in,, and Please note that the inclusion criteria as applied to the MAT level performance tables has not been applied here.
  2. All multi-academy trusts includes all converter academies, sponsored academies, and free schools in multi-academy trusts. Free schools includes free schools studio schools, and university technical colleges (UTCs).
  3. Institutions that are not academies includes all LA maintained schools (community schools, voluntary aided schools, voluntary controlled schools, foundation schools), further education sector institutions, and city technical colleges (CTCs).
  4. All single-academy trusts includes all converter academies, sponsored academies, and free schools in single-academy trusts. Free schools includes free schools, studio schools, and university technical colleges (UTCs).
  5. All state-funded mainstream institutions includes all schools included in all multi-academy trusts, all single-academy trusts, and all institutions that are not academies.
  6. Free schools includes free schools, studio schools and university technical colleges (UTCs).
  7. Unclassified includes pupils whom ethnicity was not obtained, refused or could not be determined.
  8. Sub totals may not sum to the grand total due to a small number of pupils with missing information e.g. for SEN, EAL and those where ethnicity is not recorded.
  9. Disadvantaged pupils are defined as: those who were registered as eligible for free school meals at any point in the last six years, children looked after by a local authority or have left local authority care in England and Wales through adoption, a special guardianship order, a residence order or a child arrangements order.
  10. Figures for KS2 in 2022 are based on revised data. For more information on the KS2 statistics production schedule please see the data collection and matching section on the Key stage 2 attainment methodology page -

KS2 headline measures in MATs broken down by MAT academy type and trust characteristics

Geographic levels
Time period

Headline attainment and progress performance measures at KS2 in MATs broken down MAT academy type (converter and sponsored academies, and free schools) and trust characteristics (MAT size and length of time spent in MAT).

Variable names and descriptions

Variable names and descriptions for this file are provided below:

Variable nameVariable description
avg_mat_progress_scoreAverage progress score for maths
avg_mat_progress_score_lower_ciLower confidence interval for maths progress
avg_mat_progress_score_upper_ciUpper confidence interval for maths progress
avg_read_progress_scoreAverage progress score for reading
avg_read_progress_score_lower_ciLower confidence interval for reading progress
avg_read_progress_score_upper_ciUpper confidence interval for reading progress
avg_writta_progress_scoreAverage progress score for writing TA
avg_writta_progress_score_lower_ciLower confidence interval for writing progress
avg_writta_progress_score_upper_ciUpper confidence interval for writing progress
characteristic_valueTrust characteristic
institution_valueInstitution type
pt_mat_met_expected_standardPercentage of pupils meeting the expected standard in maths
pt_read_met_expected_standardPercentage of pupils meeting the expected standard in reading
pt_rwm_met_expected_standardPercentage of pupils meeting the expected standard in reading, writing and maths (combined)
pt_writta_met_expected_standardPercentage of pupils meeting the expected standard in writing TA
t_mat_eligible_pupilsNumber of eligible pupils in maths
t_mat_progress_eligible_pupilsTotal number of pupils progress scores for maths
t_read_eligible_pupilsNumber of eligible pupils in reading
t_read_progress_eligible_pupilsTotal number of pupils progress scores for reading
t_rwm_eligible_pupilsNumber of eligible pupils in reading, writing and maths (combined)
t_writta_eligible_pupilsNumber of eligible pupils in writing TA
t_writta_progress_eligible_pupilsTotal number of pupils progress scores for writing TA
total_institutionsNumber of institutions
total_pupilsPupils at end of KS2
  1. Includes academies and institutions that are not academies that were open before 14 September of the academic year and had pupils at the end of the key stage. Institutions that converted into an academy or became a sponsored academy during the academic year are not included. Academies have been assigned to the trust that they were part of on 14 September of the academic year. Due to this, the total number of institutions may not match the figures in,, and Please note that the inclusion criteria as applied to the MAT level performance tables has not been applied here.
  2. All multi-academy trusts includes all converter academies, sponsored academies, and free schools in multi-academy trusts. Free schools includes free schools studio schools, and university technical colleges (UTCs).
  3. Free schools includes free schools, studio schools and university technical colleges (UTCs).
  4. Figures for KS2 in 2022 are based on revised data. For more information on the KS2 statistics production schedule please see the data collection and matching section on the Key stage 2 attainment methodology page -

1618 headline measures broken down by trust type, academy type, and pupil characteristics

Geographic levels
Time period

Headline attainment performance measures at 16 to 18 broken down by MAT academy type (converter and sponsored academies, and free schools), institution type (multi-academy trusts, single-academy trusts, institutions that are not academies, and all state-funded mainstream institutions), and student characteristics (gender, disadvantage status, ethnicity, and prior attainment group).

Variable names and descriptions

Variable names and descriptions for this file are provided below:

Variable nameVariable description
aps_per_entry_acadAPS per academic entry
aps_per_entry_agenAPS per applied general entry
institution_valueInstitution type
number_of_institutions_acad_agenNumber of institutions with academic or applied general students
number_of_students_acadNumber of academic students
number_of_students_acad_agenNumber of academic or applied general students
number_of_students_agenNumber of applied general students
  1. Includes academies and institutions that are not academies that were open before 14 September of the academic year and had pupils at the end of the key stage. Institutions that converted into an academy or became a sponsored academy during the academic year are not included. Academies have been assigned to the trust that they were part of on 14 September of the academic year. Due to this, the total number of institutions may not match the figures in,, and Please note that the inclusion criteria as applied to the MAT level performance tables has not been applied here.
  2. All multi-academy trusts includes all converter academies, sponsored academies, and free schools in multi-academy trusts. Free schools includes free schools studio schools, and university technical colleges (UTCs).
  3. Institutions that are not academies includes all LA maintained schools (community schools, voluntary aided schools, voluntary controlled schools, foundation schools), further education sector institutions, and city technical colleges (CTCs).
  4. All single-academy trusts includes all converter academies, sponsored academies, and free schools in single-academy trusts. Free schools includes free schools, studio schools, and university technical colleges (UTCs).
  5. All state-funded mainstream institutions includes all schools included in all multi-academy trusts, all single-academy trusts, and all institutions that are not academies.
  6. Free schools includes free schools, studio schools and university technical colleges (UTCs).
  7. Figures for the total number of students may not match the sum of females and males, as not all institutions recorded the gender for every student.
  8. Disadvantage status is as reported at the end of key stage 4. Analysis involving disadvantage status includes students at state-funded schools and colleges only.

1618 headline measures broken down by trust type, academy type, and Trust characteristics

Geographic levels
Time period

Headline attainment performance measures at 16 to 18 in MATs broken down MAT academy type (converter and sponsored academies, and free schools) and trust characteristics (MAT size and length of time spent in MAT).

Variable names and descriptions

Variable names and descriptions for this file are provided below:

Variable nameVariable description
aps_per_entry_acadAPS per academic entry
aps_per_entry_agenAPS per applied general entry
institution_valueInstitution type
MAT_info_valueMAT Info
number_of_institutions_acad_agenNumber of institutions with academic or applied general students
number_of_students_acadNumber of academic students
number_of_students_acad_agenNumber of academic or applied general students
number_of_students_agenNumber of applied general students
  1. Includes academies and institutions that are not academies that were open before 14 September of the academic year and had pupils at the end of the key stage. Institutions that converted into an academy or became a sponsored academy during the academic year are not included. Academies have been assigned to the trust that they were part of on 14 September of the academic year. Due to this, the total number of institutions may not match the figures in,, and Please note that the inclusion criteria as applied to the MAT level performance tables has not been applied here.
  2. All multi-academy trusts includes all converter academies, sponsored academies, and free schools in multi-academy trusts. Free schools includes free schools studio schools, and university technical colleges (UTCs).
  3. Institutions that are not academies includes all LA maintained schools (community schools, voluntary aided schools, voluntary controlled schools, foundation schools), further education sector institutions, and city technical colleges (CTCs).
  4. All single-academy trusts includes all converter academies, sponsored academies, and free schools in single-academy trusts. Free schools includes free schools, studio schools, and university technical colleges (UTCs).
  5. All state-funded mainstream institutions includes all schools included in all multi-academy trusts, all single-academy trusts, and all institutions that are not academies.
  6. Free schools includes free schools, studio schools and university technical colleges (UTCs).

Number of MATs at each key stage by MAT size

Geographic levels
Time period

The number of multi-academy trusts at key stage 2, stage 4, and 16 to 18 by the number of academies the MATs had at each key stage.

Variable names and descriptions

Variable names and descriptions for this file are provided below:

Variable nameVariable description
composition_valueMAT size
key_stage_valueKey stage
number_matsNumber of MATs
  1. Includes academies and institutions that are not academies that were open before 14 September of the academic year and had pupils at the end of the key stage. Institutions that converted into an academy or became a sponsored academy during the academic year are not included. Academies have been assigned to the trust that they were part of on 14 September of the academic year. Due to this, the total number of institutions may not match the figures in,, and Please note that the inclusion criteria as applied to the MAT level performance tables has not been applied here.
  2. All multi-academy trusts includes all converter academies, sponsored academies, and free schools in multi-academy trusts. Free schools includes free schools studio schools, and university technical colleges (UTCs).

Number of MATs covering each key stage and MAT academy type

Geographic levels
Time period

The number of multi-academy trusts that had mainstream academies at each key stage and whether these MATs had academies at multiple key stages. Also includes the number of multi-academy trusts that had only converter academies or a mix of academy types.

Variable names and descriptions

Variable names and descriptions for this file are provided below:

Variable nameVariable description
number_matsNumber of MATs
  1. Includes academies and institutions that are not academies that were open before 14 September of the academic year and had pupils at the end of the key stage. Institutions that converted into an academy or became a sponsored academy during the academic year are not included. Academies have been assigned to the trust that they were part of on 14 September of the academic year. Due to this, the total number of institutions may not match the figures in,, and Please note that the inclusion criteria as applied to the MAT level performance tables has not been applied here.
  2. All multi-academy trusts includes all converter academies, sponsored academies, and free schools in multi-academy trusts. Free schools includes free schools studio schools, and university technical colleges (UTCs).

Number of pupils and institutions across key stages by institution type

Geographic levels
Time period

The number of pupils and institutions in the multi-academy trusts at each key stage and overall.

Variable names and descriptions

Variable names and descriptions for this file are provided below:

Variable nameVariable description
institution_valueInstitution type
keystage_valueKey stage
number_institutionsNumber of institutions
number_studentsNumber of pupils
  1. Includes academies and institutions that are not academies that were open before 14 September of the academic year and had pupils at the end of the key stage. Institutions that converted into an academy or became a sponsored academy during the academic year are not included. Academies have been assigned to the trust that they were part of on 14 September of the academic year. Due to this, the total number of institutions may not match the figures in,, and Please note that the inclusion criteria as applied to the MAT level performance tables has not been applied here.
  2. All multi-academy trusts includes all converter academies, sponsored academies, and free schools in multi-academy trusts. Free schools includes free schools studio schools, and university technical colleges (UTCs).
  3. Institutions that are not academies includes all LA maintained schools (community schools, voluntary aided schools, voluntary controlled schools, foundation schools), further education sector institutions, and city technical colleges (CTCs).
  4. All single-academy trusts includes all converter academies, sponsored academies, and free schools in single-academy trusts. Free schools includes free schools, studio schools, and university technical colleges (UTCs).
  5. All state-funded mainstream institutions includes all schools included in all multi-academy trusts, all single-academy trusts, and all institutions that are not academies.
  6. Free schools includes free schools, studio schools and university technical colleges (UTCs).

Headline measures across key stages by institution type

Geographic levels
Time period

All performance measures from each key stage for multi-academy trusts, institutions that were not academies, single-academy trusts, and all state-funded mainstream institutions.

Variable names and descriptions

Variable names and descriptions for this file are provided below:

Variable nameVariable description
1618_aps_per_entry_acad16 to 18 - APS per academic entry
1618_aps_per_entry_agen16 to 18 - APS per applied general entry
1618_number_institutions_acad_agenNumber of 16 to 18 institutions with academic or applied general students
1618_number_of_students_acad16 to 18 - Number of academic students
1618_number_of_students_agen16 to 18 - Number of applied general students
1618_number_students_acad_agenNumber of academic or applied general students at end of 16 to 18
institution_valueInstitution type
KS2_avg_mat_progress_scoreKS2 - Average progress score for maths
KS2_avg_mat_progress_score_lower_ciKS2 - Lower confidence interval for maths progress
KS2_avg_mat_progress_score_upper_ciKS2 - Upper confidence interval for maths progress
KS2_avg_read_progress_scoreKS2 - Average progress score for reading
KS2_avg_read_progress_score_lower_ciKS2 - Lower confidence interval for reading progress
KS2_avg_read_progress_score_upper_ciKS2 - Upper confidence interval for reading progress
KS2_avg_writta_progress_scoreKS2 - Average progress score for writing TA
KS2_avg_writta_progress_score_lower_ciKS2 - Lower confidence interval for writing progress
KS2_avg_writta_progress_score_upper_ciKS2 - Upper confidence interval for writing progress
KS2_pt_mat_met_expected_standardKS2 - Percentage of pupils meeting the expected standard in maths
KS2_pt_read_met_expected_standardKS2 - Percentage of pupils meeting the expected standard in reading
KS2_pt_rwm_met_expected_standardKS2 - Percentage of pupils meeting the expected standard in reading, writing and maths (combined)
KS2_pt_writta_met_expected_standardKS2 - Percentage of pupils meeting the expected standard in writing TA
KS2_t_mat_eligible_pupilsKS2 - Number of eligible pupils in maths
KS2_t_mat_progress_eligible_pupilsKS2 - Total number of pupils progress scores for maths
KS2_t_read_eligible_pupilsKS2 - Number of eligible pupils in reading
KS2_t_read_progress_eligible_pupilsKS2 - Total number of pupils progress scores for reading
KS2_t_rwm_eligible_pupilsKS2 - Number of eligible pupils in reading, writing and maths (combined)
KS2_t_writta_eligible_pupilsKS2 - Number of eligible pupils in writing TA
KS2_t_writta_progress_eligible_pupilsKS2 - Total number of pupils progress scores for writing TA
ks2_total_institutionsNumber of KS2 institutions
ks2_total_pupilsPupils at end of KS2
KS4_avg_att8KS4 - Average Attainment 8 score of all pupils
KS4_avg_ebaccapsKS4 - Ebacc APS per pupil
KS4_avg_p8score_adjKS4 - Average Progress 8 score of all pupils
KS4_p8score_lowerKS4 - Progress 8 lower 95% confidence interval
KS4_p8score_upperKS4 - Progress 8 upper 95% confidence interval
KS4_pt_ebacc_94KS4 - Pupils achieving the English Baccalaureate (grades 4 or above in English and mathematics, %)
KS4_pt_ebacc_95KS4 - Pupils achieving the English Baccalaureate (grades 5 or above in English and mathematics, %)
KS4_pt_ebacc_e_ptq_eeKS4 - Pupils entering the full English Baccalaureate (%)
KS4_pt_l2basics_95KS4 - Pupils achieving grade 5 or above in English and mathematics GCSEs (%)
KS4_t_inp8calcKS4 - Pupils included in Progress 8 measure
ks4_total_institutionsNumber of KS4 institutions
ks4_total_pupilsPupils at end of KS4