The table below shows that the percentage of pupils that are disadvantaged, have special educational needs (SEN) or have English as an additional language (EAL) are higher in MATs (eligible MATs and schools only) than the national average, and their prior attainment at key stage 1 is slightly lower.
The analysis by characteristics described below shows that disadvantaged pupils make more progress in each measure than the national average for disadvantaged pupils. Similarly, EAL pupils make more progress in each measure than the national average for EAL pupils. However, SEN pupils, non-SEN pupils, low prior attainment pupils, non-disadvantaged pupils and pupils with English as a first language make less progress in reading than their respective national averages.
The gap between disadvantaged and non-disadvantaged pupils is smaller in MATs than the national average. However, the gap between SEN and non-SEN pupils, EAL pupils and pupils with English as a first language, and between low and high prior attainment pupils, is larger in MATs than the national average.
Progress measures for disadvantaged pupils
For each progress measure, disadvantaged pupils in MATs make more progress than the national average for disadvantaged pupils. For non-disadvantaged pupils, pupils in MATs make more progress than the national average for non-disadvantaged pupils in writing and maths but less in reading. The gap between disadvantaged and non-disadvantaged pupils is smaller in MATs than the national average for each progress measure.
In reading, disadvantaged pupils in MATs achieve an average progress score of -0.38 compared to 0.24 for non-disadvantaged pupils. Both disadvantaged and non-disadvantaged pupils in MATs make least progress in reading. Progress for disadvantaged pupils in MATs is not statistically significant from the national average for disadvantaged pupils. Nationally, non-disadvantaged pupils achieve 0.35.
Disadvantaged pupils in MATs achieve an average writing progress score of 0.15 compared to 0.64 for non-disadvantaged pupils. Writing has the smallest attainment gap between disadvantaged and non-disadvantaged pupils in MATs. Both disadvantaged and non-disadvantaged pupils in MATs make most progress in writing, and more progress than the national average for disadvantaged and non-disadvantaged pupils respectively. Nationally, disadvantaged pupils achieve -0.32 and non-disadvantaged pupils achieve 0.28.
Disadvantaged pupils in MATs achieve an average maths progress score of -0.23 compared to 0.47 for non-disadvantaged pupils. Maths has the largest attainment gap between disadvantaged and non-disadvantaged pupils in MATs. Nationally, disadvantaged pupils achieve -0.47 and non-disadvantaged pupils achieve 0.35.
Progress measures for pupils with English as an additional language (EAL)
Pupils with EAL in MATs make more progress in each measure than the national average for EAL pupils. Pupils in MATs with English as a first language (EFL) make more progress than the national average for EFL pupils in writing and maths but less in reading. The gap between EAL and EFL pupils is larger in MATs than the national average for each progress measure.
EAL pupils in MATs achieve an average reading progress score of 0.69 compared to -0.16 for EFL pupils – this compares nationally with 0.63 and -0.03 respectively. EAL pupils in MATs make least progress in reading. The difference between EAL pupils in MATs and EAL pupils nationally is not statistically significant.
EAL pupils in MATs achieve an average writing progress score of 1.93 compared to 0.11 for EFL pupils – nationally, the respective figures are 1.30 and -0.17. Reading has the smallest attainment gap between EAL and EFL pupils in MATs.
EAL pupils in MATs achieve an average maths progress score of 2.26 compared to -0.28 for EFL pupils – nationally, the respective figures are 2.12 and -0.35. EAL pupils in MATs make most progress in maths whilst EFL pupils in MATs make least progress. Maths has the largest attainment gap between EAL and EFL pupils in MATs. The difference between EAL pupils in MATs and EAL pupils nationally is not statistically significant.
Progress measures for pupils with special educational needs (SEN)
Both SEN and non-SEN pupils in MATs make more progress than the national average for SEN and non-SEN pupils respectively in writing and maths but less in reading. The gap between SEN and non-SEN pupils is larger in MATs than the national average for each progress measure.
In reading, SEN pupils in MATs achieve an average progress score of -1.39 compared to 0.30 for non-SEN pupils. Non-SEN pupils in MATs make least progress in reading. Nationally, SEN pupils achieve -1.16. The difference between non-SEN pupils in MATs and the national average for non-SEN pupils is not statistically significant.
SEN pupils in MATs achieve an average writing progress score of -1.92 compared to 0.96 for non-SEN pupils. SEN pupils in MATs make least progress in writing whilst non-SEN pupils in MATs make most progress. Writing has the largest attainment gap between SEN and non-SEN pupils in MATs. Nationally, non-SEN pupils achieve 0.52. The difference between SEN pupils in MATs and SEN pupils nationally is not statistically significant.
SEN pupils in MATs achieve an average maths progress score of -1.13 compared to 0.48 for non-SEN pupils. SEN pupils in MATs make most progress in maths and maths has the smallest attainment gap between SEN and non-SEN pupils in MATs. Nationally, non-SEN pupils achieve 0.34. The difference between SEN pupils in MATs and SEN pupils nationally is not statistically significant.
Progress measures by prior attainment at key stage 1
Prior attainment at key stage 1 is split into three groups: low, medium and high prior attainment.[1] (opens in a new tab) Pupils in the low and medium prior attainment groups in MATs make more progress in writing and maths than the national average for these groups, but less progress in reading. Pupils in the high prior attainment group in MATs make more progress in writing than the national average for high prior attainment pupils, but less progress in both reading and maths. The gap between low and high prior attainment pupils is higher in MATs than the national average for each progress measure.
In reading, low prior attainment pupils in MATs achieve an average progress score of 0.53 compared to
-0.20 for high prior attainment pupils. All three prior attainment groups in MATs make least progress in reading. Nationally, high prior attainment pupils achieve 0.03. The difference between low prior attainment pupils in MATs and low prior attainment pupils nationally is not statistically significant. This also applies to medium prior attainment pupils.
Low prior attainment pupils in MATs achieve an average writing progress score of 1.01 compared to 0.29 for high prior attainment pupils. Writing has the smallest attainment gap between low and high prior attainment pupils in MATs. All prior attainment groups in MATs make most progress in writing. Nationally, low prior attainment pupils achieve 0.52 and high prior attainment pupils achieve 0.02.
Low prior attainment pupils in MATs achieve an average maths progress score of 0.85 compared to -0.07 for high prior attainment pupils. Maths has the largest attainment gap between low and high prior attainment pupils in MATs. Nationally, low prior attainment pupils achieve 0.61. The difference between high prior attainment pupils in MATs and high prior attainment pupils nationally is not statistically significant.