Financial year 2019-20

LA and school expenditure

Pre-release access list


Besides Department for Education (DfE) professional and production staff, the following post holders were given pre-release access up to 24 hours before release.

Prime Minister
Secretary of State for Education
Minister of State for Schools
Parliamentary Under Secretary for the Lords
Parliamentary Under Secretary of State for Children and Families
Permanent Secretary
Special advisors
Academies briefing team leader
Acting Deputy Director, Early Years Quality and Outcomes
Assistant Director,  Child Protection and LA Performance 
Assistant Director,  Data & Quality Assurance, Funding
Assistant Director,  High Needs, Efficiency and Accountability 
Capital Efficiency and Capability Lead
Chief Media Officer 
Communications Manager x 3
Data & Quality Assurance, Funding
DD, CSC Central Division
Deputy Director,  Child Protection and LA Performance 
Director General, Early Years and Schools Group
Economic Adviser
Executive Officer,  Early Years Providers and Regulation 
Head of Data Insight and Statistics Division
Head of Funding policy unit 
Head of LA Analysis and Engagement
Head of Schools Resource Management - Portfolio Management Team
Higher Executive Officer, Children's Social Care Local Government Funding
LG funding analyst
LG funding team
Media officer 
Policy lead, Early years funding 
Policy lead, High needs funding policy
Principal Private Secretary to the Secretary of State
Senior Executive Officer,  Early Years and Childcare 
Senior Executive Officer,  Early Years Funding 
Senior Executive Officer, Academies briefing team
Senior Media Officer
Statistician, Funding policy unit 
Strategic Finance Director
Team Leader - LA engagement
Team leader,  Children's Social Care 
Team leader,  Data & Quality Assurance, Funding
Team leader,  Early Years Funding
Team leader,  High Needs/SEN Funding
Team leader,  Social mobility, health and SEND in the Early Years 
Team leader, Children's Social Care 
Team leader, Local Authorities and Funding