LA and school expenditure
Pre-release access list
Besides Department for Education (DfE) professional and production staff, the following post holders were given pre-release access up to 24 hours before release.
Prime Minister |
Secretary of State for Education |
Minister of State for Schools |
Parliamentary Under Secretary for the Lords |
Parliamentary Under Secretary of State for Children and Families |
Permanent Secretary |
Special advisors |
Academies briefing team leader |
Acting Deputy Director, Early Years Quality and Outcomes |
Assistant Director, Child Protection and LA Performance |
Assistant Director, Data & Quality Assurance, Funding |
Assistant Director, High Needs, Efficiency and Accountability |
Capital Efficiency and Capability Lead |
Chief Media Officer |
Communications Manager x 3 |
Data & Quality Assurance, Funding |
DD, CSC Central Division |
Deputy Director, Child Protection and LA Performance |
Director General, Early Years and Schools Group |
Economic Adviser |
Executive Officer, Early Years Providers and Regulation |
Head of Data Insight and Statistics Division |
Head of Funding policy unit |
Head of LA Analysis and Engagement |
Head of Schools Resource Management - Portfolio Management Team |
Higher Executive Officer, Children's Social Care Local Government Funding |
LG funding analyst |
LG funding team |
Media officer |
Policy lead, Early years funding |
Policy lead, High needs funding policy |
Principal Private Secretary to the Secretary of State |
Senior Executive Officer, Early Years and Childcare |
Senior Executive Officer, Early Years Funding |
Senior Executive Officer, Academies briefing team |
Senior Media Officer |
Statistician, Funding policy unit |
Strategic Finance Director |
Team Leader - LA engagement |
Team leader, Children's Social Care |
Team leader, Data & Quality Assurance, Funding |
Team leader, Early Years Funding |
Team leader, High Needs/SEN Funding |
Team leader, Social mobility, health and SEND in the Early Years |
Team leader, Children's Social Care |
Team leader, Local Authorities and Funding |