This document describes the data included in the Initial teacher training performance profiles Official Statistics release’s underlying data files. This data is released under the terms of the Open Government License (opens in a new tab) and is intended to meet at least 3 stars for Open Data (opens in a new tab). The methodology, found at the bottom of the publication site, should be referenced alongside this data. It provides information on the data sources, their coverage and quality as well as explaining methodology used in producing the data.
The release covers qualified teacher status and provisional employment outcomes for initial teacher trainees in England for the academic year 2021/22. The release also provides revised employment rates for trainees awarded qualified teacher status in 2020/21. It includes information on:
training route and subject
trainee characteristics
File formats and conventions
Suppression has been applied to the following personal characteristics: • Sex • Disability status • Ethnicity
The following symbols have been used within the publication and are defined below:
Small number suppressed to preserve confidentiality
Not applicable
Not available
Data files
All data files associated with this releases are listed below with guidance on their content. To download any of these files, please visit our data catalogue.
Table 1a) Trainee qualified teacher status and employment outcomes by characteristics
Geographic levels
Time period
2017/18 to 2021/22
This national level table contains the qualified teacher status and employment outcomes of postgraduate and undergraduate ITT trainees by characteristics. The data in this table covers 2017/18 to 2021/22. For 2021/22, employment numbers and rates are provisional, all other years are revised.
Variable names and descriptions
Variable names and descriptions for this file are provided below:
Variable name
Variable description
ITT level
Employment status
Total trainees
Total trainees percentage
Aged 25 and over percentage
Aged under 25 percentage
First class degree percentage
Lower second class degree percentage
Other degree percentage
Unknown degree percentage
Upper second class degree percentage
Disability declared percentage
Disability unknown percentage
Asian ethnicity percentage
Black ethnicity percentage
Mixed ethnicity percentage
Other ethnicity percentage
Unknown ethnicity percentage
White ethnicity percentage
No disability declared percentage
Female percentage
Male percentage
Other sex percentage
Unknown sex percentage
QTS status
Aged 25 and over
Aged under 25
First class degree
Lower second class degree
Other degree
Unknown degree
Upper second class degree
Disability declared
Disability unknown
Asian ethnicity
Black ethnicity
Mixed ethnicity
Other ethnicity
Unknown ethnicity
White ethnicity
No disability declared
Other sex
Unknown sex
Only trainees who have course outcomes are included. Previously, trainees who were 'yet to complete' were included so figures are not comparable with previous publications. Historical figures have been revised in this publication. See methodology for further details.
There were 961 trainees awarded QTS of 40,108 total trainees who were included in the 2020/21 release, for whom the end date has subsequently been revised to 2021/22. Figures for 2020/21 have been revised to reflect this.
There were 764 postgraduate trainees awarded QTS of 35,371 total postgraduate trainees who were included in the 2020/21 release, for whom the end date has subsequently been revised to 2021/22. Figures for 2020/21 have been revised to reflect this.
There were 197 undergraduate trainees awarded QTS of 4,737 total undergraduate trainees who were included in the 2020/21 release, for whom the end date has subsequently been revised to 2021/22. Figures for 2020/21 have been revised to reflect this.
This publication was produced using data extracted from the Register Trainee Teachers service for the first time. This is a move from the previous data source, DTTP (Database of Teacher Training Providers). See methodology for further details.
Warning: percentages have been rounded and therefore may not sum to 100%.
Trainees who were not awarded QTS are those who ended their training during the year and either left the course before the end (excluding those who left the course within 90 days of the start) or did not meet the standards.
Teaching in a state-funded school is the number of trainees registered as employed in a state-funded school in England within 16 months of the academic year end. For 2021/22, figures are provisional (uplifted), previous years are revised. Due to rounding, the sum of constituent parts may differ from the reported total. See methodology for further details.
Percentage of those awarded QTS teaching in a state-funded school is the percentage of trainees awarded QTS who are employed in a state-funded school in England within 16 months of the academic year end. For 2021/22, employment rate figures are provisional (uplifted), all prior years are revised.
Trainees' age is as recorded on 31st July 2022.
Sex was previously reported as gender. This has been updated as it was previously mislabelled.
For 2021/22, trainees who chose not to provide data on sex have been included in an 'Unknown' category. Prior to this they were included in 'Other'.
Degree classes relate to postgraduate ITT trainees only. From 2021/22, where possible, the first UK degree awarded has been selected. If no UK degree was awarded, the first non-UK degree awarded was selected.
Those with non-UK degrees or degree-equivalent qualifications are assigned UK style classifications where known.
'Upper second' degree class includes undivided second degree class.
Other degree class includes third class honours degrees, and ‘ordinary’ or ‘general’ degrees awarded after a non-honours course, and degrees awarded after a non-honours course that was not available to be classified. It also includes other categories from non-UK degrees.
Other ethnicity includes the Arab ethnic background.
Table 1b) Postgraduate trainee qualified teacher status and employment outcomes by ethnic group
Geographic levels
Time period
2017/18 to 2021/22
This national level table contains the qualified teacher status and employment outcomes of postgraduate ITT trainees by ethnicity. The data in this table covers 2017/18 to 2021/22. For 2021/22, employment numbers and rates are provisional, all other years are revised.
Variable names and descriptions
Variable names and descriptions for this file are provided below:
Variable name
Variable description
Ethnic background
Ethnic group
Total trainees
Awarded QTS
Percentage awarded QTS
Not awarded QTS
Percentage not awarded QTS
Teaching in a state-funded school
Percentage of those awarded QTS teaching in a state-funded school
Only trainees who have course outcomes are included. Previously, trainees who were 'yet to complete' were included so figures are not comparable with previous publications. Historical figures have been revised in this publication. See methodology for further details.
There were 764 postgraduate trainees awarded QTS of 35,371 total postgraduate trainees who were included in the 2020/21 release, for whom the end date has subsequently been revised to 2021/22. Figures for 2020/21 have been revised to reflect this.
This publication was produced using data extracted from the Register Trainee Teachers service for the first time. This is a move from the previous data source, DTTP (Database of Teacher Training Providers). See methodology for further details.
Warning: percentages have been rounded and therefore may not sum to 100%.
Trainees who were not awarded QTS are those who ended their training during the year and either left the course before the end (excluding those who left the course within 90 days of the start) or did not meet the standards.
Teaching in a state-funded school is the number of trainees registered as employed in a state-funded school in England within 16 months of the academic year end. For 2021/22, figures are provisional (uplifted), previous years are revised. Due to rounding, the sum of constituent parts may differ from the reported total. See methodology for further details.
Percentage of those awarded QTS teaching in a state-funded school is the percentage of trainees awarded QTS who are employed in a state-funded school in England within 16 months of the academic year end. For 2021/22, employment rate figures are provisional (uplifted), all prior years are revised.
For 2021/22, ethnic background now includes an 'Unknown' category for trainees whose ethnic background is unknown or not declared. Ethnic group totals are calculated with these unknowns included.
This national level table contains the qualified teacher status and employment outcomes of postgraduate and undergraduate ITT trainees by route and characteristics. The data in this table covers 2017/18 to 2021/22. For 2021/22, employment numbers and rates are provisional, all other years are revised.
Variable names and descriptions
Variable names and descriptions for this file are provided below:
Variable name
Variable description
Asian ethnicity
Black ethnicity
Mixed ethnicity
Other ethnicity
Unknown ethnicity
White ethnicity
Aged 25 and over
Aged under 25
First class degree
Upper second class degree
Lower second class degree
Other degree
Unknown degree
Disability declared
Disability unknown
No disability declared
Other sex
Unknown sex
Awarded QTS
Percentage awarded QTS
Not awarded QTS
Percentage not awarded QTS
Training route
Teaching in a state-funded school
Percentage of those awarded QTS teaching in a state-funded school
Total trainees
Only trainees who have course outcomes are included. Previously, trainees who were 'yet to complete' were included so figures are not comparable with previous publications. Historical figures have been revised in this publication. See methodology for further details.
There were 961 trainees awarded QTS of 40,108 total trainees who were included in the 2020/21 release, for whom the end date has subsequently been revised to 2021/22. Figures for 2020/21 have been revised to reflect this.
There were 764 postgraduate trainees awarded QTS of 35,371 total postgraduate trainees who were included in the 2020/21 release, for whom the end date has subsequently been revised to 2021/22. Figures for 2020/21 have been revised to reflect this.
There were 197 undergraduate trainees awarded QTS of 4,737 total undergraduate trainees who were included in the 2020/21 release, for whom the end date has subsequently been revised to 2021/22. Figures for 2020/21 have been revised to reflect this.
This publication was produced using data extracted from the Register Trainee Teachers service for the first time. This is a move from the previous data source, DTTP (Database of Teacher Training Providers). See methodology for further details.
Warning: percentages have been rounded and therefore may not sum to 100%.
School-led routes include all postgraduate routes except the Higher Education Institution route.
High Potential ITT was formerly reported as Teach First.
The postgraduate teaching apprenticeship (PGTA) was a new route introduced in 2018/19.
Trainees who were not awarded QTS are those who ended their training during the year and either left the course before the end (excluding those who left the course within 90 days of the start) or did not meet the standards.
Teaching in a state-funded school is the number of trainees registered as employed in a state-funded school in England within 16 months of the academic year end. For 2021/22, figures are provisional (uplifted), previous years are revised. Due to rounding, the sum of constituent parts may differ from the reported total. See methodology for further details.
Percentage of those awarded QTS teaching in a state-funded school is the percentage of trainees awarded QTS who are employed in a state-funded school in England within 16 months of the academic year end. For 2021/22, employment rate figures are provisional (uplifted), all prior years are revised.
Trainees' age is as recorded on 31st July 2022.
Sex was previously reported as gender. This has been updated as it was previously mislabelled.
For 2021/22, trainees who chose not to provide data on sex have been included in an 'Unknown' category. Prior to this they were included in 'Other'.
Degree classes relate to postgraduate ITT trainees only. From 2021/22, where possible, the first UK degree awarded has been selected. If no UK degree was awarded, the first non-UK degree awarded was selected.
Those with non-UK degrees or degree-equivalent qualifications are assigned UK style classifications where known.
'Upper second' degree class includes undivided second degree class.
Other degree class includes third class honours degrees, and ‘ordinary’ or ‘general’ degrees awarded after a non-honours course, and degrees awarded after a non-honours course that was not available to be classified. It also includes other categories from non-UK degrees.
Other ethnicity includes the Arab ethnic background.
Table 3) Trainee qualified teacher status and employment outcomes by subject
Geographic levels
Time period
2017/18 to 2021/22
This national level table contains the qualified teacher status and employment outcomes of postgraduate and undergraduate ITT trainees by subject. The data in this table covers 2017/18 to 2021/22. For 2021/22, employment numbers and rates are provisional, all other years are revised.
Variable names and descriptions
Variable names and descriptions for this file are provided below:
Variable name
Variable description
ITT Level
Awarded QTS
Percentage awarded QTS
Not awarded QTS
Percentage not awarded QTS
Teaching in a state-funded school
Percentage of those awarded QTS teaching in a state-funded school
Total trainees
Only trainees who have course outcomes are included. Previously, trainees who were 'yet to complete' were included so figures are not comparable with previous publications. Historical figures have been revised in this publication. See methodology for further details.
There were 764 postgraduate trainees awarded QTS of 35,371 total postgraduate trainees who were included in the 2020/21 release, for whom the end date has subsequently been revised to 2021/22. Figures for 2020/21 have been revised to reflect this.
There were 197 undergraduate trainees awarded QTS of 4,737 total undergraduate trainees who were included in the 2020/21 release, for whom the end date has subsequently been revised to 2021/22. Figures for 2020/21 have been revised to reflect this.
This publication was produced using data extracted from the Register Trainee Teachers service for the first time. This is a move from the previous data source, DTTP (Database of Teacher Training Providers). See methodology for further details.
Warning: percentages have been rounded and therefore may not sum to 100%.
Other subject includes economics, general sciences, media & communication studies, psychology and social sciences.
EBacc subjects here includes English, mathematics, modern foreign languages, physics, biology, chemistry, history, geography, computing and classics.
Trainees who were not awarded QTS are those who ended their training during the year and either left the course before the end (excluding those who left the course within 90 days of the start) or did not meet the standards.
Teaching in a state-funded school is the number of trainees registered as employed in a state-funded school in England within 16 months of the academic year end. For 2021/22, figures are provisional (uplifted), previous years are revised. Due to rounding, the sum of constituent parts may differ from the reported total. See methodology for further details.
Percentage of those awarded QTS teaching in a state-funded school is the percentage of trainees awarded QTS who are employed in a state-funded school in England within 16 months of the academic year end. For 2021/22, employment rate figures are provisional (uplifted), all prior years are revised.
Table 5) Trainee qualified teacher status and employment outcomes by region
Geographic levels
National; Regional
Time period
2017/18 to 2021/22
This regional level table contains the qualified teacher status and employment outcomes of postgraduate and undergraduate ITT trainees by geographic region. The data in this table covers 2017/18 to 2021/22. For 2021/22, employment numbers and rates are provisional, all other years are revised.
Variable names and descriptions
Variable names and descriptions for this file are provided below:
Variable name
Variable description
ITT level
Awarded QTS
Percentage awarded QTS
Not awarded QTS
Percentage not awarded QTS
Teaching in a state-funded school
Percentage of those awarded QTS teaching in a state-funded school
Total trainees
Only trainees who have course outcomes are included. Previously, trainees who were 'yet to complete' were included so figures are not comparable with previous publications. Historical figures have been revised in this publication. See methodology for further details.
There were 961 trainees awarded QTS of 40,108 total trainees who were included in the 2020/21 release, for whom the end date has subsequently been revised to 2021/22. Figures for 2020/21 have been revised to reflect this.
There were 764 postgraduate trainees awarded QTS of 35,371 total postgraduate trainees who were included in the 2020/21 release, for whom the end date has subsequently been revised to 2021/22. Figures for 2020/21 have been revised to reflect this.
There were 197 undergraduate trainees awarded QTS of 4,737 total undergraduate trainees who were included in the 2020/21 release, for whom the end date has subsequently been revised to 2021/22. Figures for 2020/21 have been revised to reflect this.
This publication was produced using data extracted from the Register Trainee Teachers service for the first time. This is a move from the previous data source, DTTP (Database of Teacher Training Providers). See methodology for further details.
Warning: percentages have been rounded and therefore may not sum to 100%.
Government Office Region is determined by the location of the provider, which is not necessarily where the trainee is located.
All High Potential ITT trainees who started courses from 2021/22 onwards are reported under the Teach First provider which is located in London. Previously, High Potential ITT trainees had been reported under providers across all regions. A small number of trainees who started High Potential ITT courses before this change are still reported under other providers for 2021/22.
Trainees who were not awarded QTS are those who ended their training during the year and either left the course before the end (excluding those who left the course within 90 days of the start) or did not meet the standards.
Teaching in a state-funded school is the number of trainees registered as employed in a state-funded school in England within 16 months of the academic year end. For 2021/22, figures are provisional (uplifted), previous years are revised. Due to rounding, the sum of constituent parts may differ from the reported total. See methodology for further details.
Percentage of those awarded QTS teaching in a state-funded school is the percentage of trainees awarded QTS who are employed in a state-funded school in England within 16 months of the academic year end. For 2021/22, employment rate figures are provisional (uplifted), all prior years are revised.
This national level table contains the number of assessment only candidates by subject. The data in this table covers 2017/18 to 2021/22.
Variable names and descriptions
Variable names and descriptions for this file are provided below:
Variable name
Variable description
Total trainees
Only trainees who have course outcomes are included. Previously, trainees who were 'yet to complete' were included so figures are not comparable with previous publications. Historical figures have been revised in this publication. See methodology for further details.
This publication was produced using data extracted from the Register Trainee Teachers service for the first time. This is a move from the previous data source, DTTP (Database of Teacher Training Providers). See methodology for further details.
Other subject includes economics, general sciences, media & communication studies, psychology and social sciences.
There were 14 of 1,516 AO candidates who were included in the 2020/21 release, for whom the end date has subsequently been revised to 2021/22. Figures for 2020/21 have been revised to reflect this.
Total trainees for 2017/18 excludes one AO trainee with missing subject information.
The EYITT assessment only route is not included in this publication.
This national level table contains the early year teacher status outcomes of postgraduate early years ITT trainees by characteristics and the early year teacher status outcomes of undergraduate early years ITT trainees . The data in this table covers 2017/18 to 2021/22.
Variable names and descriptions
Variable names and descriptions for this file are provided below:
Variable name
Variable description
ITT Level
EYTS status
EYITT graduate employment-based
EYITT graduate entry
Undergraduate EYITT
Total trainees
EYITT graduate employment-based percentage
EYITT graduate entry percentage
Undergraduate EYITT percentage
Total trainees percentage
Aged 25 and over percentage
Aged under 25 percentage
First class degree percentage
Lower second class degree percentage
Other degree percentage
Unknown degree percentage
Upper second class degree percentage
Disability declared percentage
Disability unknown percentage
Asian ethnicity percentage
Black ethnicity percentage
Mixed ethnicity percentage
Other ethnicity percentage
Unknown ethnicity percentage
White ethnicity percentage
No disability declared percentage
Female percentage
Male percentage
Other sex percentage
Unknown sex percentage
Aged 25 and over
Aged under 25
First class degree
Lower second class degree
Other degree
Unknown degree
Upper second class degree
Disability declared
Disability unknown
Asian ethnicity
Black ethnicity
Mixed ethnicity
Other ethnicity
Unknown ethnicity
White ethnicity
No disability declared
Other sex
Unknown sex
Only trainees who have course outcomes are included. Previously, trainees who were 'yet to complete' were included so figures are not comparable with previous publications. Historical figures have been revised in this publication. See methodology for further details.
This publication was produced using data extracted from the Register Trainee Teachers service for the first time. This is a move from the previous data source, DTTP (Database of Teacher Training Providers). See methodology for further details.
Warning: percentages have been rounded and therefore may not sum to 100%.
Twelve 2017/18 trainees on the EYITT – School Direct training route were previously grouped in EYITT graduate entry but are now correctly grouped in EYITT graduate employment-based.
Trainees who were not awarded EYTS are those who ended their training during the year and either left the course before the end (excluding those who left the course within 90 days of the start) or did not meet the standards.
The EYITT assessment only route is not included in this publication.
Trainees' age is as recorded on 31st July 2022.
Sex was previously reported as gender. This has been updated as it was previously mislabelled.
For 2021/22, trainees who chose not to provide data on sex have been included in an 'Unknown' category. Prior to this they were included in 'Other'.
Degree classes relate to postgraduate ITT trainees only. From 2021/22, where possible, the first UK degree awarded has been selected. If no UK degree was awarded, the first non-UK degree awarded was selected.
Those with non-UK degrees or degree-equivalent qualifications are assigned UK style classifications where known.
'Upper second' degree class includes undivided second degree class.
Other degree class includes third class honours degrees, and ‘ordinary’ or ‘general’ degrees awarded after a non-honours course, and degrees awarded after a non-honours course that was not available to be classified. It also includes other categories from non-UK degrees.
Other ethnicity includes the Arab ethnic background.