Analysis is presented for English domiciled learners to reflect funding eligibility more closely and allow for consistent comparisons across both HESA and ILR sources.
Most of the data included in this release refers to academic year 2021/22. Time series data for academic years 2015/16, 2016/17, 2017/18, 2018/19, 2019/20 and 2020/21 has also been included at summary level.
Throughout the publication, all numbers are rounded to the nearest 5 to preserve confidentiality. Percentages are calculated on pre-rounded data but are not published if they are fractions of a small group of people (fewer than 22.5).
Due to rounding, it is possible that the sum of the category percentages may not always total to 100%.
Data files
All data files associated with this releases are listed below with guidance on their content. To download any of these files, please visit our data catalogue.
Data files
All data files associated with this releases are listed below with guidance on their content. To download any of these files, please visit our data catalogue.
Headline stats summary
Geographic levels
Time period
Headline statistics used in the blue summary boxes of the publication.
Variable names and descriptions
Variable names and descriptions for this file are provided below:
Variable name
Variable description
English-domiciled achievements in higher-level learning in 2021/22
Total English-domiciled enrolments in higher-level learning in 2021/22
English-domiciled entrants to higher-level learning in 2021/22
Percentage of English-domiciled, higher-level entrants that were female in 2021/22
Percentage of English-domiciled, higher-level entrants to NQF Level 6 in 2021/22
Percentage of English-domiciled, higher-level entrants registered in Higher Education Providers (HEPs) in 2021/22
English domiciled higher-level learners in England by type of higher level learning, academic years 2015/16 to 2021/22.
Variable names and descriptions
Variable names and descriptions for this file are provided below:
Variable name
Variable description
Type of higher level learning
Qualification level
All enrolments
Number of entrants
Percentage of all enrolments
Percentage of entrants
See the About this release section for explanation of differences from other official statistics on apprenticeships and higher education.
The “Other Higher Level (Unfunded higher level)” category is a lower bound estimate. There is likely to be some unfunded-learning in FE providers that is not recorded as it is only mandatory for providers to record information in the ILR for their ESFA-funded learners. There may also be higher level learning in the private sector that is not recorded in administrative data held by government.
English domiciled higher-level learners in England by distance learning flag, academic years 2018/19 to 2021/22. OfS-Recognised HE only.
Variable names and descriptions
Variable names and descriptions for this file are provided below:
Variable name
Variable description
Distance learner
Type of higher level learning
Qualification level
All enrolments
Number of entrants
Percentage of all enrolments by characteristic
Percentage of entrants by characteristic
See the About this release section for explanation of differences from other official statistics on apprenticeships and higher education.
The “Other Higher Level” category is lower bound estimate, combining “Other Higher Level (Unfunded higher level)” and "Other Higher Level (Advanced Learner Loan [ALL] and ESFA funded higher level)". There is likely to be some unfunded-learning in FE providers that is not recorded as it is only mandatory for providers to record information in the ILR for their ESFA-funded learners. There may also be higher level learning in the private sector that is not recorded in administrative data held by government.
English domiciled higher-level learners in England by registered provider type, academic years 2018/19 to 2021/22
Variable names and descriptions
Variable names and descriptions for this file are provided below:
Variable name
Variable description
Type of higher level learning
Qualification level
All enrolments
Number of entrants
Percentage of all enrolments by characteristic
Percentage of entrants by characteristic
Provider category
See the About this release section for explanation of differences from other official statistics on apprenticeships and higher education.
The “Other Higher Level” category is lower bound estimate, combining “Other Higher Level (Unfunded higher level)” and "Other Higher Level (Advanced Learner Loan [ALL] and ESFA funded higher level)". There is likely to be some unfunded-learning in FE providers that is not recorded as it is only mandatory for providers to record information in the ILR for their ESFA-funded learners. There may also be higher level learning in the private sector that is not recorded in administrative data held by government.
English domiciled higher-level learners in England by equivalent or lower qualification (ELQ) status, academic years 2018/19 to 2021/22
Variable names and descriptions
Variable names and descriptions for this file are provided below:
Variable name
Variable description
Equivalent or lower qualification
Type of higher level learning
Qualification level
All enrolments
Number of entrants
Percentage of all enrolments by characteristic
Percentage of entrants by characteristic
See the About this release section for explanation of differences from other official statistics on apprenticeships and higher education.
Caution should be applied when interpreting these statistics due to the high level of unknowns. To allow for comparisons across learning types, the following percentages are based on learners where ELQ status is known.
The “Other Higher Level” category is lower bound estimate, combining “Other Higher Level (Unfunded higher level)” and "Other Higher Level (Advanced Learner Loan [ALL] and ESFA funded higher level)". There is likely to be some unfunded-learning in FE providers that is not recorded as it is only mandatory for providers to record information in the ILR for their ESFA-funded learners. There may also be higher level learning in the private sector that is not recorded in administrative data held by government.
English domiciled higher-level learners in England by primary funding source of tuition fees and mode of study, academic years 2018/19 to 2021/22
Variable names and descriptions
Variable names and descriptions for this file are provided below:
Variable name
Variable description
Type of higher level learning
Qualification level
Mode of study
All enrolments
Number of entrants
Percentage of all enrolments by characteristic
Percentage of entrants by characteristic
See the About this release section for explanation of differences from other official statistics on apprenticeships and higher education.
Those receiving a Master's Loan ( are not reported as having a student loan as their primary source of tuition fee funding in this data. Unlike for undergraduate loans, money is paid directly to individual learners themselves and providers do not receive the student loans funding directly.
The “Other Higher Level” category is lower bound estimate, combining “Other Higher Level (Unfunded higher level)” and "Other Higher Level (Advanced Learner Loan [ALL] and ESFA funded higher level)". There is likely to be some unfunded-learning in FE providers that is not recorded as it is only mandatory for providers to record information in the ILR for their ESFA-funded learners. There may also be higher level learning in the private sector that is not recorded in administrative data held by government.
English domiciled higher-level achievements in England by age group, academic years 2018/19 to 2020/21
Variable names and descriptions
Variable names and descriptions for this file are provided below:
Variable name
Variable description
Age group
Type of higher level learning
Qualification level
Mode of study
All enrolments
Number of entrants
Percentage of all enrolments by characteristic
Percentage of entrants by characteristic
See the About this release section for explanation of differences from other official statistics on apprenticeships and higher education.
The “Other Higher Level” category is lower bound estimate, combining “Other Higher Level (Unfunded higher level)” and "Other Higher Level (Advanced Learner Loan [ALL] and ESFA funded higher level)". There is likely to be some unfunded-learning in FE providers that is not recorded as it is only mandatory for providers to record information in the ILR for their ESFA-funded learners. There may also be higher level learning in the private sector that is not recorded in administrative data held by government.
English domiciled higher-level learners in England by sex, academic years 2018/19 to 2021/22
Variable names and descriptions
Variable names and descriptions for this file are provided below:
Variable name
Variable description
Type of higher level learning
Qualification level
All enrolments
Number of entrants
Percentage of all enrolments by characteristic
Percentage of entrants by characteristic
See the About this release section for explanation of differences from other official statistics on apprenticeships and higher education.
The “Other Higher Level” category is lower bound estimate, combining “Other Higher Level (Unfunded higher level)” and "Other Higher Level (Advanced Learner Loan [ALL] and ESFA funded higher level)". There is likely to be some unfunded-learning in FE providers that is not recorded as it is only mandatory for providers to record information in the ILR for their ESFA-funded learners. There may also be higher level learning in the private sector that is not recorded in administrative data held by government.
English domiciled higher-level learners in England by ethnicity, academic years 2018/19 to 2021/22
Variable names and descriptions
Variable names and descriptions for this file are provided below:
Variable name
Variable description
Type of higher level learning
Qualification level
All enrolments
Number of entrants
Percentage of all enrolments by characteristic
Percentage of entrants by characteristic
See the About this release section for explanation of differences from other official statistics on apprenticeships and higher education.
The “Other Higher Level” category is lower bound estimate, combining “Other Higher Level (Unfunded higher level)” and "Other Higher Level (Advanced Learner Loan [ALL] and ESFA funded higher level)". There is likely to be some unfunded-learning in FE providers that is not recorded as it is only mandatory for providers to record information in the ILR for their ESFA-funded learners. There may also be higher level learning in the private sector that is not recorded in administrative data held by government.
English domiciled higher-level learners in England by disability, academic years 2018/19 to 2021/22
Variable names and descriptions
Variable names and descriptions for this file are provided below:
Variable name
Variable description
Disability status
Type of higher level learning
Qualification level
All enrolments
Number of entrants
Percentage of all enrolments by characteristic
Percentage of entrants by characteristic
See the About this release section for explanation of differences from other official statistics on apprenticeships and higher education.
The “Other Higher Level” category is lower bound estimate, combining “Other Higher Level (Unfunded higher level)” and "Other Higher Level (Advanced Learner Loan [ALL] and ESFA funded higher level)". There is likely to be some unfunded-learning in FE providers that is not recorded as it is only mandatory for providers to record information in the ILR for their ESFA-funded learners. There may also be higher level learning in the private sector that is not recorded in administrative data held by government.
English domiciled higher-level learners in England by region of domicile, academic years 2018/19 to 2021/22
Variable names and descriptions
Variable names and descriptions for this file are provided below:
Variable name
Variable description
Type of higher level learning
Qualification level
All enrolments
Number of entrants
Percentage of all enrolments by characteristic
Percentage of entrants by characteristic
See the About this release section for explanation of differences from other official statistics on apprenticeships and higher education.
The “Other Higher Level” category is lower bound estimate, combining “Other Higher Level (Unfunded higher level)” and "Other Higher Level (Advanced Learner Loan [ALL] and ESFA funded higher level)". There is likely to be some unfunded-learning in FE providers that is not recorded as it is only mandatory for providers to record information in the ILR for their ESFA-funded learners. There may also be higher level learning in the private sector that is not recorded in administrative data held by government.
Higher level learners by Index of multiple deprivation quintile
Geographic levels
Time period
2018/19 to 2021/22
English domiciled higher-level learners in England by Index of Multiple Deprivation (IMD) quintile of domicile, academic years 2018/19 to 2021/22
Variable names and descriptions
Variable names and descriptions for this file are provided below:
Variable name
Variable description
Type of higher level learning
Index of multiple deprivation quintile
Qualification level
All enrolments
Number of entrants
Percentage of all enrolments by characteristic
Percentage of entrants by characteristic
See the About this release section for explanation of differences from other official statistics on apprenticeships and higher education.
The “Other Higher Level” category is lower bound estimate, combining “Other Higher Level (Unfunded higher level)” and "Other Higher Level (Advanced Learner Loan [ALL] and ESFA funded higher level)". There is likely to be some unfunded-learning in FE providers that is not recorded as it is only mandatory for providers to record information in the ILR for their ESFA-funded learners. There may also be higher level learning in the private sector that is not recorded in administrative data held by government.
English domiciled higher-level learners in England by subject area of study (Common Aggregation Hierarchy level 1), academic years 2019/20 to 2021/22
Variable names and descriptions
Variable names and descriptions for this file are provided below:
Variable name
Variable description
CAH subject first level grouping
Type of higher level learning
Qualification level
All enrolments
Number of entrants
Percentage of all enrolments by characteristic
Percentage of entrants by characteristic
See the About this release section for explanation of differences from other official statistics on apprenticeships and higher education.
The “Other Higher Level” category is lower bound estimate, combining “Other Higher Level (Unfunded higher level)” and "Other Higher Level (Advanced Learner Loan [ALL] and ESFA funded higher level)". There is likely to be some unfunded-learning in FE providers that is not recorded as it is only mandatory for providers to record information in the ILR for their ESFA-funded learners. There may also be higher level learning in the private sector that is not recorded in administrative data held by government.
English domiciled higher-level learners in England by subject area of study (Common Aggregation Hierarchy level 2), academic years 2019/20 to 2021/22
Variable names and descriptions
Variable names and descriptions for this file are provided below:
Variable name
Variable description
CAH subject second level grouping
Type of higher level learning
Qualification level
All enrolments
Number of entrants
Percentage of all enrolments by characteristic
Percentage of entrants by characteristic
See the About this release section for explanation of differences from other official statistics on apprenticeships and higher education.
The “Other Higher Level” category is lower bound estimate, combining “Other Higher Level (Unfunded higher level)” and "Other Higher Level (Advanced Learner Loan [ALL] and ESFA funded higher level)". There is likely to be some unfunded-learning in FE providers that is not recorded as it is only mandatory for providers to record information in the ILR for their ESFA-funded learners. There may also be higher level learning in the private sector that is not recorded in administrative data held by government.
English domiciled higher-level learners in England by technical route, academic years 2018/19 to 2021/22. OfS-recognised HE and Other Higher Level learners only (i.e. excluding apprenticeships and institutional credit)
Variable names and descriptions
Variable names and descriptions for this file are provided below:
Variable name
Variable description
Type of higher level learning
Qualification level
All enrolments
Number of entrants
Percentage of all enrolments by characteristic
Percentage of entrants by characteristic
Technical route
See the About this release section for explanation of differences from other official statistics on apprenticeships and higher education.
The “Other Higher Level” category is lower bound estimate, combining “Other Higher Level (Unfunded higher level)” and "Other Higher Level (Advanced Learner Loan [ALL] and ESFA funded higher level)". There is likely to be some unfunded-learning in FE providers that is not recorded as it is only mandatory for providers to record information in the ILR for their ESFA-funded learners. There may also be higher level learning in the private sector that is not recorded in administrative data held by government.
English domiciled higher-level learners in England by National Qualification Framework (NQF) level, academic years 2018/19 to 2021/22
Variable names and descriptions
Variable names and descriptions for this file are provided below:
Variable name
Variable description
Type of higher level learning
Qualification level
All enrolments
Number of entrants
Percentage of all enrolments by characteristic
Percentage of entrants by characteristic
Qualification aim
See the About this release section for explanation of differences from other official statistics on apprenticeships and higher education.
The “Other Higher Level” category is lower bound estimate, combining “Other Higher Level (Unfunded higher level)” and "Other Higher Level (Advanced Learner Loan [ALL] and ESFA funded higher level)". There is likely to be some unfunded-learning in FE providers that is not recorded as it is only mandatory for providers to record information in the ILR for their ESFA-funded learners. There may also be higher level learning in the private sector that is not recorded in administrative data held by government.
English domiciled higher-level learners in England by National Qualification Framework (NQF) level on entry, academic years 2018/19 to 2021/22
Variable names and descriptions
Variable names and descriptions for this file are provided below:
Variable name
Variable description
Type of higher level learning
Qualification level
Level of qualification held on entry
All enrolments
Number of entrants
Percentage of all enrolments by characteristic
Percentage of entrants by characteristic
See the About this release section for explanation of differences from other official statistics on apprenticeships and higher education.
Caution should be applied when interpreting these statistics due to the high level of unknowns. To allow for comparisons across learning types, the following percentages are based on learners where ELQ status is known.
The “Other Higher Level” category is lower bound estimate, combining “Other Higher Level (Unfunded higher level)” and "Other Higher Level (Advanced Learner Loan [ALL] and ESFA funded higher level)". There is likely to be some unfunded-learning in FE providers that is not recorded as it is only mandatory for providers to record information in the ILR for their ESFA-funded learners. There may also be higher level learning in the private sector that is not recorded in administrative data held by government.
English domiciled higher-level achievements in England by type of higher level learning, academic years 2015/16 to 2021/22.
Variable names and descriptions
Variable names and descriptions for this file are provided below:
Variable name
Variable description
Type of higher level learning
Qualification level
All achievements
Percentage of all achievements
See the About this release section for explanation of differences from other official statistics on apprenticeships and higher education.
The “Other Higher Level (Unfunded higher level)” category is a lower bound estimate. There is likely to be some unfunded-learning in FE providers that is not recorded as it is only mandatory for providers to record information in the ILR for their ESFA-funded learners. There may also be higher level learning in the private sector that is not recorded in administrative data held by government.
English domiciled higher-level achievements in England by distance learning flag, academic years 2018/19 to 2021/22
Variable names and descriptions
Variable names and descriptions for this file are provided below:
Variable name
Variable description
Distance learner
Type of higher level learning
Qualification level
All achievements
Percentage of all achievements by characteristic
See the About this release section for explanation of differences from other official statistics on apprenticeships and higher education.
The “Other Higher Level” category is lower bound estimate, combining “Other Higher Level (Unfunded higher level)” and "Other Higher Level (Advanced Learner Loan [ALL] and ESFA funded higher level)". There is likely to be some unfunded-learning in FE providers that is not recorded as it is only mandatory for providers to record information in the ILR for their ESFA-funded learners. There may also be higher level learning in the private sector that is not recorded in administrative data held by government.
English domiciled higher-level achievements in England by registered provider type, academic years 2018/19 to 2021/22
Variable names and descriptions
Variable names and descriptions for this file are provided below:
Variable name
Variable description
Type of higher level learning
Qualification level
All achievements
Percentage of all achievements by characteristic
Provider category
See the About this release section for explanation of differences from other official statistics on apprenticeships and higher education.
The “Other Higher Level” category is lower bound estimate, combining “Other Higher Level (Unfunded higher level)” and "Other Higher Level (Advanced Learner Loan [ALL] and ESFA funded higher level)". There is likely to be some unfunded-learning in FE providers that is not recorded as it is only mandatory for providers to record information in the ILR for their ESFA-funded learners. There may also be higher level learning in the private sector that is not recorded in administrative data held by government.
English domiciled higher-level achievements in England by equivalent or lower qualification (ELQ) status, academic years 2018/19 to 2021/22
Variable names and descriptions
Variable names and descriptions for this file are provided below:
Variable name
Variable description
Equivalent or lower qualification
Type of higher level learning
Qualification level
All achievements
Percentage of all achievements by characteristic
See the About this release section for explanation of differences from other official statistics on apprenticeships and higher education.
Caution should be applied when interpreting these statistics due to the high level of unknowns. To allow for comparisons across learning types, the following percentages are based on learners where ELQ status is known.
The “Other Higher Level” category is lower bound estimate, combining “Other Higher Level (Unfunded higher level)” and "Other Higher Level (Advanced Learner Loan [ALL] and ESFA funded higher level)". There is likely to be some unfunded-learning in FE providers that is not recorded as it is only mandatory for providers to record information in the ILR for their ESFA-funded learners. There may also be higher level learning in the private sector that is not recorded in administrative data held by government.
English domiciled higher-level achievements in England by primary funding source of tuition fees and mode of study, academic years 2018/19 to 2021/22
Variable names and descriptions
Variable names and descriptions for this file are provided below:
Variable name
Variable description
Type of higher level learning
Qualification level
Mode of study
All achievements
Percentage of all achievements by characteristic
See the About this release section for explanation of differences from other official statistics on apprenticeships and higher education.
Those receiving a Master's Loan ( are not reported as having a student loan as their primary source of tuition fee funding in this data. Unlike for undergraduate loans, money is paid directly to individual learners themselves and providers do not receive the student loans funding directly.
The “Other Higher Level” category is lower bound estimate, combining “Other Higher Level (Unfunded higher level)” and "Other Higher Level (Advanced Learner Loan [ALL] and ESFA funded higher level)". There is likely to be some unfunded-learning in FE providers that is not recorded as it is only mandatory for providers to record information in the ILR for their ESFA-funded learners. There may also be higher level learning in the private sector that is not recorded in administrative data held by government.
English domiciled higher-level achievements in England by age group and mode of study, academic years 2018/19 to 2021/22
Variable names and descriptions
Variable names and descriptions for this file are provided below:
Variable name
Variable description
Age group
Type of higher level learning
Qualification level
Mode of study
All achievements
Percentage of all achievements by characteristic
See the About this release section for explanation of differences from other official statistics on apprenticeships and higher education.
The “Other Higher Level” category is lower bound estimate, combining “Other Higher Level (Unfunded higher level)” and "Other Higher Level (Advanced Learner Loan [ALL] and ESFA funded higher level)". There is likely to be some unfunded-learning in FE providers that is not recorded as it is only mandatory for providers to record information in the ILR for their ESFA-funded learners. There may also be higher level learning in the private sector that is not recorded in administrative data held by government.
English domiciled higher-level achievements in England by sex, academic years 2018/19 to 2021/22
Variable names and descriptions
Variable names and descriptions for this file are provided below:
Variable name
Variable description
Type of higher level learning
Qualification level
All achievements
Percentage of all achievements by characteristic
See the About this release section for explanation of differences from other official statistics on apprenticeships and higher education.
The “Other Higher Level” category is lower bound estimate, combining “Other Higher Level (Unfunded higher level)” and "Other Higher Level (Advanced Learner Loan [ALL] and ESFA funded higher level)". There is likely to be some unfunded-learning in FE providers that is not recorded as it is only mandatory for providers to record information in the ILR for their ESFA-funded learners. There may also be higher level learning in the private sector that is not recorded in administrative data held by government.
English domiciled higher-level achievements in England by disability, academic years 2018/19 to 2021/22
Variable names and descriptions
Variable names and descriptions for this file are provided below:
Variable name
Variable description
Disability status
Type of higher level learning
Qualification level
All achievements
Percentage of all achievements by characteristic
See the About this release section for explanation of differences from other official statistics on apprenticeships and higher education.
The “Other Higher Level” category is lower bound estimate, combining “Other Higher Level (Unfunded higher level)” and "Other Higher Level (Advanced Learner Loan [ALL] and ESFA funded higher level)". There is likely to be some unfunded-learning in FE providers that is not recorded as it is only mandatory for providers to record information in the ILR for their ESFA-funded learners. There may also be higher level learning in the private sector that is not recorded in administrative data held by government.
English domiciled higher-level achievements in England by ethnicity, academic years 2018/19 to 2021/22
Variable names and descriptions
Variable names and descriptions for this file are provided below:
Variable name
Variable description
Type of higher level learning
Qualification level
All achievements
Percentage of all achievements by characteristic
See the About this release section for explanation of differences from other official statistics on apprenticeships and higher education.
The “Other Higher Level” category is lower bound estimate, combining “Other Higher Level (Unfunded higher level)” and "Other Higher Level (Advanced Learner Loan [ALL] and ESFA funded higher level)". There is likely to be some unfunded-learning in FE providers that is not recorded as it is only mandatory for providers to record information in the ILR for their ESFA-funded learners. There may also be higher level learning in the private sector that is not recorded in administrative data held by government.
English domiciled higher-level achievements in England by region of domicile, academic years 2018/19 to 2021/22
Variable names and descriptions
Variable names and descriptions for this file are provided below:
Variable name
Variable description
Type of higher level learning
Qualification level
All achievements
Percentage of all achievements by characteristic
See the About this release section for explanation of differences from other official statistics on apprenticeships and higher education.
The “Other Higher Level” category is lower bound estimate, combining “Other Higher Level (Unfunded higher level)” and "Other Higher Level (Advanced Learner Loan [ALL] and ESFA funded higher level)". There is likely to be some unfunded-learning in FE providers that is not recorded as it is only mandatory for providers to record information in the ILR for their ESFA-funded learners. There may also be higher level learning in the private sector that is not recorded in administrative data held by government.
English domiciled higher-level achievements in England by Index of Multiple Deprivation (IMD) quintile of domicile, academic years 2018/19 to 2021/22
Variable names and descriptions
Variable names and descriptions for this file are provided below:
Variable name
Variable description
Type of higher level learning
Index of multiple deprivation quintile
Qualification level
All achievements
Percentage of all achievements by characteristic
See the About this release section for explanation of differences from other official statistics on apprenticeships and higher education.
The “Other Higher Level” category is lower bound estimate, combining “Other Higher Level (Unfunded higher level)” and "Other Higher Level (Advanced Learner Loan [ALL] and ESFA funded higher level)". There is likely to be some unfunded-learning in FE providers that is not recorded as it is only mandatory for providers to record information in the ILR for their ESFA-funded learners. There may also be higher level learning in the private sector that is not recorded in administrative data held by government.
English domiciled higher-level achievements in England by subject area of study (Common Aggregation Hierarchy level 1), academic years 2019/20 to 2021/22
Variable names and descriptions
Variable names and descriptions for this file are provided below:
Variable name
Variable description
CAH subject first level grouping
Type of higher level learning
Qualification level
All achievements
Percentage of all achievements by characteristic
See the About this release section for explanation of differences from other official statistics on apprenticeships and higher education.
The “Other Higher Level” category is lower bound estimate, combining “Other Higher Level (Unfunded higher level)” and "Other Higher Level (Advanced Learner Loan [ALL] and ESFA funded higher level)". There is likely to be some unfunded-learning in FE providers that is not recorded as it is only mandatory for providers to record information in the ILR for their ESFA-funded learners. There may also be higher level learning in the private sector that is not recorded in administrative data held by government.
English domiciled higher-level achievements in England by subject area of study (Common Aggregation Hierarchy level 2), academic years 2019/20 to 2021/22
Variable names and descriptions
Variable names and descriptions for this file are provided below:
Variable name
Variable description
CAH subject second level grouping
Type of higher level learning
Qualification level
All achievements
Percentage of all achievements by characteristic
See the About this release section for explanation of differences from other official statistics on apprenticeships and higher education.
The “Other Higher Level” category is lower bound estimate, combining “Other Higher Level (Unfunded higher level)” and "Other Higher Level (Advanced Learner Loan [ALL] and ESFA funded higher level)". There is likely to be some unfunded-learning in FE providers that is not recorded as it is only mandatory for providers to record information in the ILR for their ESFA-funded learners. There may also be higher level learning in the private sector that is not recorded in administrative data held by government.
English domiciled higher-level achievements in England by technical route, academic years 2018/19 to 2021/22. OfS-recognised HE and Other Higher Level learners only (i.e. excluding apprenticeships and institutional credit)
Variable names and descriptions
Variable names and descriptions for this file are provided below:
Variable name
Variable description
Type of higher level learning
Qualification level
All achievements
Percentage of all achievements by characteristic
Technical route
See the About this release section for explanation of differences from other official statistics on apprenticeships and higher education.
The “Other Higher Level” category is lower bound estimate, combining “Other Higher Level (Unfunded higher level)” and "Other Higher Level (Advanced Learner Loan [ALL] and ESFA funded higher level)". There is likely to be some unfunded-learning in FE providers that is not recorded as it is only mandatory for providers to record information in the ILR for their ESFA-funded learners. There may also be higher level learning in the private sector that is not recorded in administrative data held by government.
English domiciled higher-level achievements in England by National Qualification Framework (NQF) level, academic years 2018/19 to 2021/22
Variable names and descriptions
Variable names and descriptions for this file are provided below:
Variable name
Variable description
Type of higher level learning
Qualification level
All achievements
Percentage of all achievements by characteristic
Qualification aim
See the About this release section for explanation of differences from other official statistics on apprenticeships and higher education.
The “Other Higher Level” category is lower bound estimate, combining “Other Higher Level (Unfunded higher level)” and "Other Higher Level (Advanced Learner Loan [ALL] and ESFA funded higher level)". There is likely to be some unfunded-learning in FE providers that is not recorded as it is only mandatory for providers to record information in the ILR for their ESFA-funded learners. There may also be higher level learning in the private sector that is not recorded in administrative data held by government.
English domiciled higher-level achievements in England by National Qualification Framework (NQF) level on entry, academic years 2018/19 to 2021/22
Variable names and descriptions
Variable names and descriptions for this file are provided below:
Variable name
Variable description
Type of higher level learning
Qualification level
Level of qualification held on entry
All achievements
Percentage of all achievements by characteristic
See the About this release section for explanation of differences from other official statistics on apprenticeships and higher education.
Caution should be applied when interpreting these statistics due to the high level of unknowns. To allow for comparisons across learning types, the following percentages are based on learners where ELQ status is known.
The “Other Higher Level” category is lower bound estimate, combining “Other Higher Level (Unfunded higher level)” and "Other Higher Level (Advanced Learner Loan [ALL] and ESFA funded higher level)". There is likely to be some unfunded-learning in FE providers that is not recorded as it is only mandatory for providers to record information in the ILR for their ESFA-funded learners. There may also be higher level learning in the private sector that is not recorded in administrative data held by government.