LEO Graduate outcomes provider level data
Pre-release access list
Besides Department for Education (DfE) professional and production staff, the following post holders were given pre-release access up to 24 hours before release.
- Secretary of State for Education
- Minister of State for Universities
- Parliamentary Under Secretary of State for the School System
- Special Advisors x 2
- Permanent Secretary
- Director General, Higher and Further Education
- Director General, Social Care, Mobility and Disadvantage
- Director, Post 16 Skills & Strategy
- Director, HE Quality and Covid
- Deputy Director, HE Strategy and Financial Sustainability
- Deputy Head of Profession for Statistics
- Economist, Graduate Outcomes
- Policy advisor, Future Student Finance x2
- Policy advisor, Student Number Controls
- Policy advisor, Head of HE Quality and Governance
- Policy advisor, Graduate Support
- Policy advisor, Access and Participation
- Media Officer x 2
- Office for Students, Chief Executive
- Office for Students, Head of Media
- Office for Students, Senior Analyst