Tax year 2018-19

LEO Graduate outcomes provider level data

Data guidance



Underlying data files for the tables and charts in the Graduate Outcomes (LEO): Provider level data publication.


Employment and earnings outcomes for graduates of English Higher Education Institutions (HEIs), one, three, and five years after graduation (YAG), 2014/15 to 2018/19 tax year.

File formats and conventions


Files are Comma Separated Value (CSV)


  • Earnings figures are rounded to the nearest £100
  • Employment outcome percentages are rounded to the nearest 0.1%
  • c = data has been supressed due to small numbers. z = there is no result (N/A)


Data files

All data files associated with this releases are listed below with guidance on their content. To download any of these files, please visit our data catalogue.

Underlying data for figure 1 and figure 2 (outcomes/earnings by subject)

Geographic levels
Time period


Underlying data file for the ‘Earnings outcomes' and ‘ Employment outcomes across providers and subjects’ sections of the Graduate Outcomes (LEO): Provider level data publication.


Employment and earnings outcomes across HEIs for each subject area five years after graduation, UK domiciled male and female first degree graduates from HEIs in Great Britain, 2018/19 tax year

File formats and conventions


Files are Comma Separated Value (CSV)


  • Earnings figures are rounded to the nearest £100
  • Employment outcome percentages are rounded to the nearest 0.1%
  • c = data has been supressed due to small numbers. z = there is no result (N/A)
Variable names and descriptions

Variable names and descriptions for this file are provided below:

Variable nameVariable description
earnings_diffDifference between maximum and minimum provider earnings
earnings_LQLower quartile provider earnings
earnings_maxMaximum provider earnings
earnings_medianMedian provider earnings
earnings_minMinimum provider earnings
earnings_UQUpper quartile provider earnings
outcomes_diffDifference between maximum and minimum provider graduates in sustained employment further study or both
outcomes_LQLower quartile provider graduates in sustained employment further study or both
outcomes_maxMaximum provider graduates in sustained employment further study or both
outcomes_medianMedian provider graduates in sustained employment further study or both
outcomes_minMinimum provider graduates in sustained employment further study or both
outcomes_UQUpper quartile provider graduates in sustained employment further study or both
providers_earningsNumber of providers included for earnings
providers_outcomesNumber of providers included for outcomes
subject_nameSubject name - Filter by name of subject
  1. All percentages are rounded to the nearest 0.1%.
  2. Earnings figures are rounded to the nearest £100
  3. In the 2018/19 tax year, 5 YAG (five years after graduation) relates to those who graduated in the 2012/13 academic year.

Underlying data for figure 10 (full cycle movement heatmap)

Geographic levels
Time period


Underlying data file for the ‘Full-cycle movement’ section of the Graduate Outcomes (LEO): Provider level data publication.


Number of providers with available data for each graduate home region and current region of residence five years after graduation, UK domiciled male and female first degree graduates from HEIs in Great Britain, 2018/19 tax year.

File formats and conventions


Files are Comma Separated Value (CSV)


  • c = data has been supressed due to small numbers. z = there is no result (N/A)
Variable names and descriptions

Variable names and descriptions for this file are provided below:

Variable nameVariable description
current_regionGraduates' current region of residence - Filter by current region of graduate
home_region_nameGraduates' home region - Filter by home region of graduate
num_providersNumber of providers with data available
  1. In the 2018/19 tax year, 5 YAG (five years after graduation) relates to those who graduated in the 2012/13 academic year.

Underlying data for figure 3 and figure 4 (Prior attainment bands)

Geographic levels
Time period


Underlying data file for the ‘Median earnings and prior attainment by provider’ section of the Graduate Outcomes (LEO): Provider level data publication.


Earnings data by prior attainment bands across HEIs for each subject area five years after graduation, UK domiciled male and female first degree graduates from HEIs in Great Britain, 2018/19 tax year.

File formats and conventions


Files are Comma Separated Value (CSV)


  • Earnings figures are rounded to the nearest £100
  • Percentages are rounded to the nearest 0.1%
  • c = data has been supressed due to small numbers. z = there is no result (N/A)
Variable names and descriptions

Variable names and descriptions for this file are provided below:

Variable nameVariable description
earnings_LQLower quartile provider earnings
earnings_maxMaximum provider earnings
earnings_medianMedian provider earnings
earnings_minMinimum provider earnings
earnings_UQUpper quartile provider earnings
PA_bandPrior Attainment Band - Filter by prior attainment band
prop_in_PA_bandProportion of providers in the prior attainment band
providers_includeNumber of providers in the prior attainment band
subject_nameSubject Name - Filter by name of subject
  1. All percentages are rounded to the nearest 0.1%.
  2. The number of providers included for each group varies, and is available in the table accompanying this figure.
  3. Earnings figures are rounded to the nearest £100
  4. In the 2018/19 tax year, 5 YAG (five years after graduation) relates to those who graduated in the 2012/13 academic year.

Underlying data for figure 5 (distribution of subject/sex differences)

Geographic levels
Time period


Underlying data file for the ‘Earnings by subject and sex’ section of the Graduate Outcomes (LEO): Provider level data publication.


Comparison of median earnings across HEIs between male and female graduates for each subject area five years after graduation, UK domiciled male and female first degree graduates from HEIs in Great Britain, 2018/19 tax year.

File formats and conventions


Files are Comma Separated Value (CSV)


  • Percentages are rounded to the nearest 0.1%
  • c = data has been supressed due to small numbers. z = there is no result (N/A)
Variable names and descriptions

Variable names and descriptions for this file are provided below:

Variable nameVariable description
equal_within_5pctProportion of included providers where the difference was less than 5%
female_5_15_pct_greaterProportion of included providers where female median earnings were 5%-15% greater than male median earnings
female_over_15_pct_greaterProportion of included providers where female median earnings were 15%+ greater than male median earnings
male_5_15_pct_greaterProportion of included providers where female median earnings were 5%-15% lower than male median earnings
male_over_15_pct_greaterProportion of included providers where female median earnings were 15%+ lower than male median earnings
num_providersNumber of providers with earnings data for male and female graduates
prop_equalProportion of included providers where female median earnings are equal to male median earnings
prop_female_earnings_greaterProportion of included providers where female median earnings are higher than male median earnings
prop_male_earnings_greaterProportion of included providers where female median earnings are lower than male median earnings
providers_earnings_equalNumber of providers where female median earnings are equal to male median earnings
providers_female_earnings_greaterNumber of providers where female median earnings are higher than male median earnings
providers_male_earnings_greaterNumber of providers where female median earnings are lower than male median earnings
subject_nameSubject name - Filter by name of subject
  1. All percentages are rounded to the nearest 0.1%.
  2. The number of providers included for each group varies, and is available in the table accompanying this figure.
  3. In the 2018/19 tax year, 5 YAG (five years after graduation) relates to those who graduated in the 2012/13 academic year.

Underlying data for figure 6 (Tax year comparison by subject)

Geographic levels
Time period


Underlying data file for the ‘Comparison of outcomes between tax years' section of the Graduate Outcomes (LEO): Provider level data publication.


Comparison of median earnings in the 2014/15 and 2018/19 tax years across HEIs for each subject area five years after graduation, UK domiciled male and female first degree graduates from HEIs in Great Britain, 2018/19 tax year.

File formats and conventions


Files are Comma Separated Value (CSV)


  • Percentages are rounded to the nearest 0.1%
  • c = data has been supressed due to small numbers. z = there is no result (N/A)
Variable names and descriptions

Variable names and descriptions for this file are provided below:

Variable nameVariable description
num_providers_1415_1819Number of providers with earnings data for 14/15 and 18/19 tax years
prop_10_20_pct_increase_1415_1819Proportion of providers with 18/19 median earnings 10% to 20% greater than 14/15 median earnings
prop_20_plus_pct_increase_1415_1819Proportion of providers with 18/19 median earnings over 20% greater than 14/15 median earnings
prop_5_10_pct_increase_1415_1819Proportion of providers with 18/19 median earnings 5% to 10% greater than 14/15 median earnings
prop_5_plus_pct_decrease_1415_1819Proportion of providers with 18/19 median earnings more than 5% lower than 14/15 median earnings
prop_within_5_pct_1415_1819Proportion of providers with 18/19 median earnings within 5% of the 14/15 median earnings
subject_nameSubject name - Filter by name of subject
  1. All percentages are rounded to the nearest 0.1%.
  2. The number of providers included for each group varies, and is available in the table accompanying this figure.
  3. In the 2018/19 tax year, 5 YAG (five years after graduation) relates to those who graduated in the 2012/13 academic year.

Underlying data for figure 7 (earnings by current region)

Geographic levels
Time period


Underlying data file for the ‘Earnings outcomes by current region’ section of the Graduate Outcomes (LEO): Provider level data publication.


Earnings data across HEIs for each graduates' current region of residence five years after graduation, UK domiciled male and female first degree graduates from HEIs in Great Britain, 2018/19 tax year.

File formats and conventions


Files are Comma Separated Value (CSV)


  • Earnings figures are rounded to the nearest £100
  • c = data has been supressed due to small numbers. z = there is no result (N/A)
Variable names and descriptions

Variable names and descriptions for this file are provided below:

Variable nameVariable description
current_regionRegion - Filter by region
earnings_diffDifference between maximum and minimum provider earnings
earnings_LQLower quartile provider earnings
earnings_maxMaximum provider earnings
earnings_median_medianMedian provider earnings
earnings_minMinimum provider earnings
earnings_UQUpper quartile provider earnings
providers_earningsNumber of providers included for earnings
  1. Earnings figures are rounded to the nearest £100
  2. In the 2018/19 tax year, 5 YAG (five years after graduation) relates to those who graduated in the 2012/13 academic year.

Underlying data for figure 8 (earnings by provider/current region map)

Geographic levels
Time period


Underlying data file for the ‘Earnings outcomes by current region’ section of the Graduate Outcomes (LEO): Provider level data publication.


Median earnings across HEIs for each provider region and graduates' current region of residence five years after graduation, UK domiciled male and female first degree graduates from HEIs in Great Britain, 2018/19 tax year.

File formats and conventions


Files are Comma Separated Value (CSV)


  • Earnings figures are rounded to the nearest £100
  • c = data has been supressed due to small numbers. z = there is no result (N/A)
Variable names and descriptions

Variable names and descriptions for this file are provided below:

Variable nameVariable description
inst_regionRegion of HEI - Filter by region of HEI
median_provider_earningsMedian provider median earnings
num_providersNumber of providers with earnings data
  1. The number of providers included for each group varies, and is available in the table accompanying this figure.
  2. Earnings figures are rounded to the nearest £100
  3. In the 2018/19 tax year, 5 YAG (five years after graduation) relates to those who graduated in the 2012/13 academic year.

Underlying data for figure 9 (Regionally adjusted earnings by provider region)

Geographic levels
Time period


Underlying data file for the ‘Effect or region at provider level’ section of the Graduate Outcomes (LEO): Provider level data publication.


Comparison of raw median earnings and regionally adjusted median earnings across HEIs for each subject area five years after graduation, UK domiciled male and female first degree graduates from HEIs in Great Britain, 2018/19 tax year.

File formats and conventions


Files are Comma Separated Value (CSV)


  • Percentages are rounded to the nearest 0.1%
  • c = data has been supressed due to small numbers. z = there is no result (N/A)
Variable names and descriptions

Variable names and descriptions for this file are provided below:

Variable nameVariable description
decrease_5_10_pctProportion of included institutions where adjusted earnings are more than 5% to 10% lower than raw median earnings
decrease_over_10_pctProportion of included institutions where adjusted earnings are more than 10% lower than raw median earnings
increase_5_10_pctProportion of included institutions where adjusted earnings are more than 5% to 10% higher than raw median earnings
increase_over_10_pctProportion of included institutions where adjusted earnings are more than 10% higher than raw median earnings
inst_regionRegion of Institution - Filter by name of subject
num_providersNumber of providers included in the adjusted earnings calculation
within_5_pctProportion of included institutions where adjusted earnings are within 5% of raw median earnings
  1. All percentages are rounded to the nearest 0.1%.
  2. The number of providers included for each group varies, and is available in the table accompanying this figure.
  3. In the 2018/19 tax year, 5 YAG (five years after graduation) relates to those who graduated in the 2012/13 academic year.