Academic year 2021/22

Further education outcomes

Data guidance



The Further Education (FE) outcomes present statistics on the employment, earnings and learning outcomes of FE learners in the academic year following achievement of their aim. These data files cover all FE learners aged 16+ with learning recorded in the ILR. However the main publication does not report on 16 to 18 education and training learners, and instead focuses on adult (19+) education and training learners, and all age apprenticeship and traineeship learners. 

The data uses the longitudinal education outcomes (LEO) study, which looks at how learners move through education and into the labour market by bringing together:

  • schools, further and higher education information from the Department for Education (DfE)
  • employment information from HM Revenue and Customs (HMRC)
  • benefit histories from the Department of Work and Pensions (DWP)


This publication reports on the employment and learning destinations of ESFA funded further education learners from 2017/18 to 2021/22. Included in this cohort are:

  • All apprenticeship learners
  • All traineeship learners
  • Adult (aged 19+) education and training learners (Note: 16 to 18 education and training learners are included in the underlying data files, but are mostly not reported on in this publication)
  • Community learners (reported on separately)

File formats and conventions

The underlying data files are provided in comma separated value (csv) format.

Whole numbers are rounded to the nearest 10, percentages are provided to the nearest whole number. Figures have been suppressed with the value ‘c’ for small values. 

Please note that the number of rows in most files exceeds the number which can be opened within Microsoft Excel. We therefore recommend using this data within the table builder tool, rather than downloading it directly.

Data files

All data files associated with this releases are listed below with guidance on their content. To download any of these files, please visit our data catalogue.

National destinations of FE and Skills learners by demographics (NAT01)

Geographic levels
Time period
2017/18 to 2021/22
Reports on the employment and learning destinations of all age 16+ FE learners that achieved their aim and were recorded in the ILR. Broken down by provision, learner demographics and level of learning.
Variable names and descriptions

Variable names and descriptions for this file are provided below:

Variable nameVariable description
25th_percentileLower quartile annualised earnings
75th_percentileUpper quartile annualised earnings
age_groupAge Group - Filter by age group
any_learn_percentAny learning rate
app_advanced_plus_percentAdvanced apprenticeship (Level 3 or above)
app_intermediate_percentIntermediate apprenticeship (Level 2)
app_percentSustained apprenticeship rate
app_typeApprenticeship type - Filter by apprenticeship type (framework or standard)
below_l2_ex_essential_percentBelow Level 2 (excluding Essential skills)
benefit_learnerBenefit learner - Filter by whether learner was receiving benefits at start of learning aim
benefit_percentIn receipt of benefits only
cohort_selectionCohort Selection - Select either original cohort only (19+ Education & Training learners, all age apprenticeship and traineeship learners), additional 16-18 learners only (16-18 Education & Training learners) or Total (all 16+ FE learners)
community_learning_percentCommunity learning
emp_and_learn_percentSustained employment and learning
emp_only_percentSustained employment only rate
emp_percentSustained employment rate
eng_math_esol_percentEnglish, Maths & ESOL
essential_skills_percentEssential Skills
ethnicity_minorEthnicity - Filter by detailed ethnicity categories
fe_percentSustained further education rate
full_level_2_percentFull Level 2
full_level_3_percentFull Level 3
he_percentSustained higher education rate (Level 6+)
learn_only_percentSustained learning only rate
learn_percentSustained learning rate
learners_with_earningsNumber of learners with earnings
learning_difficultiesLearning difficulties - Filter by learning difficulties
level_2_percentLevel 2
level_3_percentLevel 3
level_4_plus_percentLevel 4/5
level_of_learningLevel of learning - Filter by level of learning
medianMedian annualised earnings
no_dest_percentNo activity captured in data
not_assigned_percentLevel not assigned
not_sustained_benefit_percentDestination not sustained and in receipt of benefits
not_sustained_nb_percentDestination not sustained and not on benefits
not_sustained_percentDestination not sustained
number_of_matched_learnersNumber of learners matched to LEO data
progression_sustained_prior_percentSustained progression from achieved aim
provisionProvision - Filter by provision type (Education & Training, Apprenticeships or Traineeships)
self_emp_percentSelf-employed rate
sexSex - Filter by sex
spd_percentSustained positive destination rate
t_level_aimT Level aim - Filter by whether aim is a T Level or T Level Foundation Year qualification
t_level_foundation_year_percentT Level foundation year
t_level_percentT Level

National destinations of community learners (NAT02)

Geographic levels
Time period
2017/18 to 2021/22
Reports on the employment and learning destinations of community learners that achieved their aim. Broken down by learner demographics and provision of community learning
Variable names and descriptions

Variable names and descriptions for this file are provided below:

Variable nameVariable description
age_groupAge Group - Filter by age group
any_learn_percentAny learning rate
app_advanced_plus_percentAdvanced apprenticeship (Level 3 or above)
app_intermediate_percentIntermediate apprenticeship (Level 2)
app_percentSustained apprenticeship rate
below_l2_ex_essential_percentBelow Level 2 (excluding Essential skills)
benefit_learnerBenefit learner - Filter by whether learner was receiving benefits at start of learning aim
benefit_percentIn receipt of benefits only
community_learning_percentCommunity learning
emp_and_learn_percentSustained employment and learning
emp_only_percentSustained employment only rate
emp_percentSustained employment rate
eng_math_esol_percentEnglish, Maths & ESOL
essential_skills_percentEssential Skills
ethnicity_minorEthnicity - Filter by detailed ethnicity categories
fe_percentSustained further education rate
full_level_2_percentFull Level 2
full_level_3_percentFull Level 3
he_percentSustained higher education rate (Level 6+)
learn_only_percentSustained learning only rate
learn_percentSustained learning rate
learning_difficultiesLearning difficulties - Filter by learning difficulties
level_2_percentLevel 2
level_3_percentLevel 3
level_4_plus_percentLevel 4/5
mca_fundedMCA funded - Filter by whether aim is funded by Mayoral Combined Authority (or the Greater London Authority)
no_dest_percentNo activity captured in data
not_assigned_percentLevel not assigned
not_sustained_benefit_percentDestination not sustained and in receipt of benefits
not_sustained_nb_percentDestination not sustained and not on benefits
not_sustained_percentDestination not sustained
number_of_matched_learnersNumber of learners matched to LEO data
provisionProvision - Filter by provision type (Education & Training, Apprenticeships or Traineeships)
self_emp_percentSelf-employed rate
sexSex - Filter by sex
spd_percentSustained positive destination rate
t_level_foundation_year_percentT Level foundation year
t_level_percentT Level

National destinations and progression of younger learners by demographics (NAT03)

Geographic levels
Time period
2017/18 to 2021/22
Reports on the employment and learning destinations and progression of younger learners that achieved their FE & skills, and apprenticeship aims.
Variable names and descriptions

Variable names and descriptions for this file are provided below:

Variable nameVariable description
age_groupAge Group - Filter by age group
any_learn_percent_paAny learning rate
app_advanced_percent_paAdvanced apprenticeship (Level 3)
app_higher_percent_paHigher apprenticeship (Level 4/5)
app_intermediate_percent_paIntermediate apprenticeship (Level 2)
below_l2_ex_essential_percent_paBelow Level 2 (excluding Essential Skills)
benefit_learnerBenefit learner - Filter by whether learner was receiving benefits at start of learning aim
benefit_percent_paIn receipt of benefits only
cohort_selectionCohort Selection - Select either original cohort only (19+ Education & Training learners, all age apprenticeship and traineeship learners), additional 16-18 learners only (16-18 Education & Training learners) or Total (all 16+ FE learners)
community_learning_percent_paCommunity learning
emp_and_learn_percent_paSustained employment and learning rate
emp_only_percent_paSustained employment only rate
emp_percent_paSustained employment rate
eng_math_esol_percent_paEnglish, Maths & ESOL
essential_skills_percent_paEssential Skills
ethnicity_minorEthnicity - Filter by detailed ethnicity categories
fe_percent_paSustained further education rate
first_time_at_level_percentPercent of matched learners achieving at this level for the first time
fsmFree school meals - Filter by free school meals status
full_level_2_percent_paFull Level 2
full_level_3_percent_paFull Level 3
he_percent_paSustained higher education rate (Level 6+)
learn_percent_paSustained learning rate
learning_destinationNumber of matched learners with any learning destination
learning_destination_percent_paSustained learning destination rate
learning_difficultiesLearning difficulties - Filter by learning difficulties
level_2_percent_paLevel 2
level_3_percent_paLevel 3
level_4_plus_percent_paLevel 4/5
level_of_learningLevel of learning - Filter by level of learning
no_dest_percent_paNo activity captured in data
not_assigned_percent_paLevel not assigned
not_sustained_benefit_percent_paDestination not sustained and in receipt of benefits
not_sustained_nb_percent_paDestination not sustained and not on benefits
not_sustained_percent_paDestination not sustained
progression_sustained_overall_percentProgression for learner overall
progression_sustained_prior_percent_paSustained progression from achieved aim
provisionProvision - Filter by provision type (Education & Training, Apprenticeships or Traineeships)
self_emp_percent_paSelf-employment rate
sexSex - Filter by sex
spd_percent_paSustained positive destination rate
t_level_aimT Level aim - Filter by whether aim is a T Level or T Level Foundation Year qualification
t_level_foundation_year_percent_paT Level foundation year
t_level_percent_paT Level

National destinations of FE and Skills learners by funding information (NAT04)

Geographic levels
Time period
2017/18 to 2021/22
Reports on the employment and learning destinations of all age 16+ FE learners that achieved their aim and were recorded in the ILR. Broken down by provision, level of learning and funding variables.
Variable names and descriptions

Variable names and descriptions for this file are provided below:

Variable nameVariable description
25th_percentileLower quartile annualised earnings
75th_percentileUpper quartile annualised earnings
adult_skills_fundingAdult Skills Funding - Filter by whether aim is funded by Adult Skills Funding (formerly known as AEB funding)
age_groupAge Group - Filter by age group
any_learn_percentAny learning rate
app_advanced_plus_percentAdvanced apprenticeship (Level 3 or above)
app_intermediate_percentIntermediate apprenticeship (Level 2)
app_percentSustained apprenticeship rate
app_typeApprenticeship type - Filter by apprenticeship type (framework or standard)
below_l2_ex_essential_percentBelow Level 2 (excluding Essential skills)
benefit_learnerBenefit learner - Filter by whether learner was receiving benefits at start of learning aim
benefit_percentIn receipt of benefits only
cohort_selectionCohort Selection - Select either original cohort only (19+ Education & Training learners, all age apprenticeship and traineeship learners), additional 16-18 learners only (16-18 Education & Training learners) or Total (all 16+ FE learners)
community_learning_percentCommunity learning
emp_and_learn_percentSustained employment and learning
emp_only_percentSustained employment only rate
emp_percentSustained employment rate
eng_math_esol_percentEnglish, Maths & ESOL
essential_skills_percentEssential Skills
fe_percentSustained further education rate
full_level_2_percentFull Level 2
full_level_3_percentFull Level 3
he_percentSustained higher education rate (Level 6+)
learn_only_percentSustained learning only rate
learn_percentSustained learning rate
learners_with_earningsNumber of learners with earnings
learning_difficultiesLearning difficulties - Filter by learning difficulties
level_2_percentLevel 2
level_3_percentLevel 3
level_4_plus_percentLevel 4/5
level_of_learningLevel of learning - Filter by level of learning
mca_fundedMCA funded - Filter by whether aim is funded by Mayoral Combined Authority (or the Greater London Authority)
medianMedian annualised earnings
no_dest_percentNo activity captured in data
not_assigned_percentLevel not assigned
not_sustained_benefit_percentDestination not sustained and in receipt of benefits
not_sustained_nb_percentDestination not sustained and not on benefits
not_sustained_percentDestination not sustained
number_of_matched_learnersNumber of learners matched to LEO data
progression_sustained_prior_percentSustained progression from achieved aim
provisionProvision - Filter by provision type (Education & Training, Apprenticeships or Traineeships)
self_emp_percentSelf-employed rate
spd_percentSustained positive destination rate
t_level_aimT Level aim - Filter by whether aim is a T Level or T Level Foundation Year qualification
t_level_foundation_year_percentT Level foundation year
t_level_percentT Level

National destinations and progression of younger learners by funding information (NAT05)

Geographic levels
Time period
2017/18 to 2021/22
Reports on the employment and learning destinations and progression of younger learners that achieved an FE aim. Broken down by provision, level of learning. and funding variables.
Variable names and descriptions

Variable names and descriptions for this file are provided below:

Variable nameVariable description
adult_skills_fundingAdult Skills Funding - Filter by whether aim is funded by Adult Skills Funding (formerly known as AEB funding)
age_groupAge Group - Filter by age group
any_learn_percent_paAny learning rate
app_advanced_percent_paAdvanced apprenticeship (Level 3)
app_higher_percent_paHigher apprenticeship (Level 4/5)
app_intermediate_percent_paIntermediate apprenticeship (Level 2)
below_l2_ex_essential_percent_paBelow Level 2 (excluding Essential Skills)
benefit_learnerBenefit learner - Filter by whether learner was receiving benefits at start of learning aim
benefit_percent_paIn receipt of benefits only
cohort_selectionCohort Selection - Select either original cohort only (19+ Education & Training learners, all age apprenticeship and traineeship learners), additional 16-18 learners only (16-18 Education & Training learners) or Total (all 16+ FE learners)
community_learning_percent_paCommunity learning
emp_and_learn_percent_paSustained employment and learning rate
emp_only_percent_paSustained employment only rate
emp_percent_paSustained employment rate
eng_math_esol_percent_paEnglish, Maths & ESOL
essential_skills_percent_paEssential Skills
fe_percent_paSustained further education rate
first_time_at_level_percentPercent of matched learners achieving at this level for the first time
fsmFree school meals - Filter by free school meals status
full_level_2_percent_paFull Level 2
full_level_3_percent_paFull Level 3
he_percent_paSustained higher education rate (Level 6+)
learn_percent_paSustained learning rate
learning_destinationNumber of matched learners with any learning destination
learning_difficultiesLearning difficulties - Filter by learning difficulties
level_2_percent_paLevel 2
level_3_percent_paLevel 3
level_4_plus_percent_paLevel 4/5
level_of_learningLevel of learning - Filter by level of learning
mca_fundedMCA funded - Filter by whether aim is funded by Mayoral Combined Authority (or the Greater London Authority)
no_dest_percent_paNo activity captured in data
not_assigned_percent_paLevel not assigned
not_sustained_benefit_percent_paDestination not sustained and in receipt of benefits
not_sustained_nb_percent_paDestination not sustained and not on benefits
not_sustained_percent_paDestination not sustained
progression_sustained_overall_percentProgression for learner overall
progression_sustained_prior_percent_paSustained progression from achieved aim
provisionProvision - Filter by provision type (Education & Training, Apprenticeships or Traineeships)
self_emp_percent_paSelf-employment rate
spd_percent_paSustained positive destination rate
t_level_aimT Level aim - Filter by whether aim is a T Level or T Level Foundation Year qualification
t_level_foundation_year_percent_paT Level foundation year
t_level_percent_paT Level

National industry destinations (SEC01)

Geographic levels
Time period
Reports on the industry information (1 &2 digit SIC code) for all FE learners age 16+ who have a sustained employment destination. Broken down by provision, apprenticeship type, level of learning, sector subject areas 1&2, ethnicity and gender.
Variable names and descriptions

Variable names and descriptions for this file are provided below:

Variable nameVariable description
age_groupAge Group - Filter by age group
app_typeApprenticeship type - Filter by apprenticeship type (framework or standard)
cohort_selectionCohort Selection - Select either original cohort only (19+ Education & Training learners, all age apprenticeship and traineeship learners), additional 16-18 learners only (16-18 Education & Training learners) or Total (all 16+ FE learners)
ethnicity_majorEthnicity - Filter by high level ethnicity categories
industry_divisionIndustry division - Filter by industry division (2 digit SIC)
industry_sectionIndustry section - Filter by industry section (1 digit SIC)
level_of_learning_groupLevel of learning - Filter by level of learning
number_sustained_employmentNumber of learners in sustained employment
provisionProvision - Filter by provision type (Education & Training, Apprenticeships or Traineeships)
sexSex - Filter by sex
ssa_tier_2Sector subject area - Filter by sector subject area
sustained_employment_percentSustained employment rate
t_level_aimT Level aim - Filter by whether aim is a T Level or T Level Foundation Year qualification

Regional industry destinations (SEC02)

Geographic levels
National; Regional
Time period
Reports on the industry information (1 &2 digit SIC code) for all FE learners age 16+ who have a sustained employment destination. Broken down by provision, apprenticeship type, level of learning, sector subject areas 1&2, and regional breakdowns.
Variable names and descriptions

Variable names and descriptions for this file are provided below:

Variable nameVariable description
app_typeApprenticeship type - Filter by apprenticeship type (framework or standard)
cohort_selectionCohort Selection - Select either original cohort only (19+ Education & Training learners, all age apprenticeship and traineeship learners), additional 16-18 learners only (16-18 Education & Training learners) or Total (all 16+ FE learners)
industry_divisionIndustry division
industry_sectionIndustry section
level_of_learning_groupLevel of learning - Filter by level of learning
number_sustained_employmentNumber of learners in sustained employment
provisionProvision - Filter by provision type (Education & Training, Apprenticeships or Traineeships)
ssa_tier_2Sector subject area - Filter by sector subject area
sustained_employment_percentSustained employment rate
t_level_aimT Level aim - Filter by whether aim is a T Level or T Level Foundation Year qualification
  1. Region is based on learner postcode

Qualification level destinations (QUA01)

Geographic levels
Time period
2017/18 to 2021/22
Reports on the employment and learning destinations of all age 16+ FE learners that achieved their aim. Broken down by qualification title, learner age, level of learning, apprenticeship type, access to higher education and SSA (tiers 1 & 2).
Variable names and descriptions

Variable names and descriptions for this file are provided below:

Variable nameVariable description
access_to_heAccess to HE - Filter by whether aim is an Access to HE qualification
age_groupAge Group - Filter by age group
any_learn_percentAny learning rate
app_advanced_plus_percentAdvanced apprenticeship (Level 3 or above)
app_intermediate_percentIntermediate apprenticeship (Level 2)
app_percentSustained apprenticeship rate
app_typeApprenticeship type - Filter by apprenticeship type (framework or standard)
below_l2_ex_essential_percentBelow Level 2 (excluding Essential skills)
benefit_percentIn receipt of benefits only
cohort_selectionCohort Selection - Select either original cohort only (19+ Education & Training learners, all age apprenticeship and traineeship learners), additional 16-18 learners only (16-18 Education & Training learners) or Total (all 16+ FE learners)
community_learning_percentCommunity learning
emp_and_learn_percentSustained employment and learning
emp_only_percentSustained employment only rate
emp_percentSustained employment rate
eng_math_esol_percentEnglish, Maths & ESOL
essential_skills_percentEssential Skills
fe_percentSustained further education rate
full_level_2_percentFull Level 2
full_level_3_percentFull Level 3
he_percentSustained higher education rate (Level 6+)
learn_only_percentSustained learning only rate
learn_percentSustained learning rate
level_2_percentLevel 2
level_3_percentLevel 3
level_4_plus_percentLevel 4/5
level_of_learningLevel of learning - Filter by level of learning
no_dest_percentNo activity captured in data
not_assigned_percentLevel not assigned
not_sustained_benefit_percentDestination not sustained and in receipt of benefits
not_sustained_nb_percentDestination not sustained and not on benefits
not_sustained_percentDestination not sustained
number_of_matched_learnersNumber of learners matched to LEO data
progression_sustained_prior_percentSustained progression from achieved aim
provisionProvision - Filter by provision type (Education & Training, Apprenticeships or Traineeships)
qualification_titleQualification title - Filter by qualification title
self_emp_percentSelf-employed rate
spd_percentSustained positive destination rate
ssa_tier_2Sector subject area - Filter by sector subject area
t_level_aimT Level aim - Filter by whether aim is a T Level or T Level Foundation Year qualification
t_level_foundation_year_percentT Level foundation year
t_level_percentT Level

Qualification level progression of younger learners (QUA02)

Geographic levels
Time period
2017/18 to 2021/22
Reports on the learning destinations and progression of younger learners that achieved an FE aim. Broken down by qualification title, learner type, level of learning and SSA (tiers 1 & 2).
Variable names and descriptions

Variable names and descriptions for this file are provided below:

Variable nameVariable description
age_groupAge Group - Filter by age group
app_advanced_percent_paAdvanced apprenticeship (Level 3)
app_higher_percent_paHigher apprenticeship (Level 4/5)
app_intermediate_percent_paIntermediate apprenticeship (Level 2)
below_l2_ex_essential_percent_paBelow Level 2 (excluding Essential Skills)
eng_math_esol_percent_paEnglish, Maths & ESOL
essential_skills_percent_paEssential Skills
fe_percent_paSustained further education rate
first_time_at_level_percentPercent of matched learners achieving at this level for the first time
fsmFree school meals - Filter by free school meals status
full_level_2_percent_paFull Level 2
full_level_3_percent_paFull Level 3
he_percent_paSustained higher education rate (Level 6+)
learn_percent_paSustained learning rate
learning_destinationNumber of matched learners with any learning destination
level_2_percent_paLevel 2
level_3_percent_paLevel 3
level_4_plus_percent_paLevel 4/5
level_of_learningLevel of learning - Filter by level of learning
not_assigned_percentLevel not assigned
progression_sustained_overall_percentProgression for learner overall
progression_sustained_prior_percent_paSustained progression from achieved aim
provisionProvision - Filter by provision type (Education & Training, Apprenticeships or Traineeships)
qualification_titleQualification title - Filter by qualification title
ssa_tier_2Sector subject area - Filter by sector subject area
t_level_aimT Level aim - Filter by whether aim is a T Level or T Level Foundation Year qualification
t_level_foundation_year_percentT Level foundation year
t_level_percentT Level

English Devolved Area level destinations by demographics (EDA01)

Geographic levels
English devolved area; National; Regional
Time period
2017/18 to 2021/22
Reports on the employment and learning destinations of all age 16+ FE learners that achieved their aim. Broken down by English devolved area (formerly known as Mayoral Combined Authority) of learner address, provision, level and learner demographics
Variable names and descriptions

Variable names and descriptions for this file are provided below:

Variable nameVariable description
25th_percentileLower quartile annualised earnings
75th_percentileUpper quartile annualised earnings
age_groupAge Group - Filter by age group
any_learn_percentAny learning rate
app_advanced_plus_percentAdvanced apprenticeship (Level 3 or above)
app_intermediate_percentIntermediate apprenticeship (Level 2)
app_percentSustained apprenticeship rate
below_l2_ex_essential_percentBelow Level 2 (excluding Essential skills)
benefit_percentIn receipt of benefits only
community_learning_percentCommunity learning
emp_and_learn_percentSustained employment and learning
emp_only_percentSustained employment only rate
emp_percentSustained employment rate
eng_math_esol_percentEnglish, Maths & ESOL
essential_skills_percentEssential Skills
fe_percentSustained further education rate
full_level_2_percentFull Level 2
full_level_3_percentFull Level 3
he_percentSustained higher education rate (Level 6+)
learn_only_percentSustained learning only rate
learn_percentSustained learning rate
learners_with_earningsNumber of learners with earnings
learning_difficultiesLearning difficulties - Filter by learning difficulties
level_2_percentLevel 2
level_3_percentLevel 3
level_4_plus_percentLevel 4/5
level_of_learningLevel of learning - Filter by level of learning
mca_fundedMCA funded - Filter by whether aim is funded by Mayoral Combined Authority (or the Greater London Authority)
medianMedian annualised earnings
no_dest_percentNo activity captured in data
not_assigned_percentLevel not assigned
not_sustained_benefit_percentDestination not sustained and in receipt of benefits
not_sustained_nb_percentDestination not sustained and not on benefits
not_sustained_percentDestination not sustained
number_of_matched_learnersNumber of learners matched to LEO data
progression_sustained_prior_percentSustained progression from achieved aim
provisionProvision - Filter by provision type (Education & Training, Apprenticeships or Traineeships)
self_emp_percentSelf-employed rate
sexSex - Filter by sex
spd_percentSustained positive destination rate
t_level_aimT Level aim - Filter by whether aim is a T Level or T Level Foundation Year qualification
t_level_foundation_year_percentT Level foundation year
t_level_percentT Level
  1. Region is based on learner postcode
  2. English Devolved Area is based on learner postcode

English Devolved Area level destinations by sector subject area (EDA02)

Geographic levels
English devolved area; National; Regional
Time period
2017/18 to 2021/22
Reports on the employment and learning destinations of all age 16+ FE learners that achieved their aim. Broken down by English devolved area (formerly known as Mayoral Combined Authority) of learner address, provision, level of learning and SSA.
Variable names and descriptions

Variable names and descriptions for this file are provided below:

Variable nameVariable description
25th_percentileLower quartile annualised earnings
75th_percentileUpper quartile annualised earnings
adult_skills_fundingAdult Skills Funding - Filter by whether aim is funded by Adult Skills Funding (formerly known as AEB funding)
any_learn_percentAny learning rate
app_advanced_plus_percentAdvanced apprenticeship (Level 3 or above)
app_intermediate_percentIntermediate apprenticeship (Level 2)
app_percentSustained apprenticeship rate
below_l2_ex_essential_percentBelow Level 2 (excluding Essential skills)
benefit_percentIn receipt of benefits only
cohort_selectionCohort Selection - Select either original cohort only (19+ Education & Training learners, all age apprenticeship and traineeship learners), additional 16-18 learners only (16-18 Education & Training learners) or Total (all 16+ FE learners)
community_learning_percentCommunity learning
emp_and_learn_percentSustained employment and learning
emp_only_percentSustained employment only rate
emp_percentSustained employment rate
eng_math_esol_percentEnglish, Maths & ESOL
essential_skills_percentEssential Skills
fe_percentSustained further education rate
full_level_2_percentFull Level 2
full_level_3_percentFull Level 3
he_percentSustained higher education rate (Level 6+)
learn_only_percentSustained learning only rate
learn_percentSustained learning rate
learners_with_earningsNumber of learners with earnings
level_2_percentLevel 2
level_3_percentLevel 3
level_4_plus_percentLevel 4/5
level_of_learningLevel of learning - Filter by level of learning
mca_fundedMCA funded - Filter by whether aim is funded by Mayoral Combined Authority (or the Greater London Authority)
medianMedian annualised earnings
no_dest_percentNo activity captured in data
not_assigned_percentLevel not assigned
not_sustained_benefit_percentDestination not sustained and in receipt of benefits
not_sustained_nb_percentDestination not sustained and not on benefits
not_sustained_percentDestination not sustained
number_of_matched_learnersNumber of learners matched to LEO data
progression_sustained_prior_percentSustained progression from achieved aim
provisionProvision - Filter by provision type (Education & Training, Apprenticeships or Traineeships)
self_emp_percentSelf-employed rate
spd_percentSustained positive destination rate
ssa_tier_2Sector subject area tier 2 - Filter by sector subject area
t_level_aimT Level aim - Filter by whether aim is a T Level or T Level Foundation Year qualification
t_level_foundation_year_percentT Level foundation year
t_level_percentT Level
  1. Region is based on learner postcode
  2. English Devolved Area is based on learner postcode

Local Authority District level destinations by demographics (LAD01)

Geographic levels
Local authority district; National; Regional
Time period
2017/18 to 2021/22
Reports on the employment and learning destinations of all age 16+ FE learners that achieved their aim and were recorded in the ILR. Broken down by local authority district, provision, level of learning and learner demographics.
Variable names and descriptions

Variable names and descriptions for this file are provided below:

Variable nameVariable description
25th_percentileLower quartile annualised earnings
75th_percentileUpper quartile annualised earnings
age_groupAge Group - Filter by age group
any_learn_percentAny learning rate
app_advanced_plus_percentAdvanced apprenticeship (Level 3 or above)
app_intermediate_percentIntermediate apprenticeship (Level 2)
app_percentSustained apprenticeship rate
below_l2_ex_essential_percentBelow Level 2 (excluding Essential skills)
benefit_percentIn receipt of benefits only
community_learning_percentCommunity learning
emp_and_learn_percentSustained employment and learning
emp_only_percentSustained employment only rate
emp_percentSustained employment rate
eng_math_esol_percentEnglish, Maths & ESOL
essential_skills_percentEssential Skills
fe_percentSustained further education rate
full_level_2_percentFull Level 2
full_level_3_percentFull Level 3
he_percentSustained higher education rate (Level 6+)
learn_only_percentSustained learning only rate
learn_percentSustained learning rate
learners_with_earningsNumber of learners with earnings
learning_difficultiesLearning difficulties - Filter by learning difficulties
level_2_percentLevel 2
level_3_percentLevel 3
level_4_plus_percentLevel 4/5
level_of_learningLevel of learning - Filter by level of learning
medianMedian annualised earnings
no_dest_percentNo activity captured in data
not_assigned_percentLevel not assigned
not_sustained_benefit_percentDestination not sustained and in receipt of benefits
not_sustained_nb_percentDestination not sustained and not on benefits
not_sustained_percentDestination not sustained
number_of_matched_learnersNumber of learners matched to LEO data
progression_sustained_prior_percentSustained progression from achieved aim
provisionProvision - Filter by provision type (Education & Training, Apprenticeships or Traineeships)
self_emp_percentSelf-employed rate
sexSex - Filter by sex
spd_percentSustained positive destination rate
t_level_aimT Level aim - Filter by whether aim is a T Level or T Level Foundation Year qualification
t_level_foundation_year_percentT Level foundation year
t_level_percentT Level
  1. Region is based on learner postcode
  2. Local Authority District is based on learner postcode

Local Authority District level destinations by sector subject area (LAD02)

Geographic levels
Local authority district; National; Regional
Time period
2017/18 to 2021/22
Reports on the employment and learning destinations of all age 16+ FE learners that achieved their aim and were recorded in the ILR. Broken down by local authority district, provision, level of learning and learner demographics and SSA tier 1&2
Variable names and descriptions

Variable names and descriptions for this file are provided below:

Variable nameVariable description
25th_percentileLower quartile annualised earnings
75th_percentileUpper quartile annualised earnings
any_learn_percentAny learning rate
app_advanced_plus_percentAdvanced apprenticeship (Level 3 or above)
app_intermediate_percentIntermediate apprenticeship (Level 2)
app_percentSustained apprenticeship rate
below_l2_ex_essential_percentBelow Level 2 (excluding Essential skills)
benefit_percentIn receipt of benefits only
community_learning_percentCommunity learning
emp_and_learn_percentSustained employment and learning
emp_only_percentSustained employment only rate
emp_percentSustained employment rate
eng_math_esol_percentEnglish, Maths & ESOL
essential_skills_percentEssential Skills
fe_percentSustained further education rate
full_level_2_percentFull Level 2
full_level_3_percentFull Level 3
he_percentSustained higher education rate (Level 6+)
learn_only_percentSustained learning only rate
learn_percentSustained learning rate
learners_with_earningsNumber of learners with earnings
level_2_percentLevel 2
level_3_percentLevel 3
level_4_plus_percentLevel 4/5
level_of_learningLevel of learning - Filter by level of learning
medianMedian annualised earnings
no_dest_percentNo activity captured in data
not_assigned_percentLevel not assigned
not_sustained_benefit_percentDestination not sustained and in receipt of benefits
not_sustained_nb_percentDestination not sustained and not on benefits
not_sustained_percentDestination not sustained
number_of_matched_learnersNumber of learners matched to LEO data
progression_sustained_prior_percentSustained progression from achieved aim
provisionProvision - Filter by provision type (Education & Training, Apprenticeships or Traineeships)
self_emp_percentSelf-employed rate
spd_percentSustained positive destination rate
ssa_tier_2Sector subject area tier 2 - Filter by sector subject area
t_level_aimT Level aim - Filter by whether aim is a T Level or T Level Foundation Year qualification
t_level_foundation_year_percentT Level foundation year
t_level_percentT Level
  1. Region is based on learner postcode
  2. Local Authority District is based on learner postcode

Local Education Authority destinations by demographics (LEA01)

Geographic levels
Local authority; National; Regional
Time period
2017/18 to 2021/22
Reports on the employment and learning destinations of all age 16+ FE learners that achieved their aim and were recorded in the ILR. Broken down by local education authority, provision, level of learning and learner demographics.
Variable names and descriptions

Variable names and descriptions for this file are provided below:

Variable nameVariable description
25th_percentileLower quartile annualised earnings
75th_percentileUpper quartile annualised earnings
age_groupAge Group - Filter by age group
any_learn_percentAny learning rate
app_advanced_plus_percentAdvanced apprenticeship (Level 3 or above)
app_intermediate_percentIntermediate apprenticeship (Level 2)
app_percentSustained apprenticeship rate
below_l2_ex_essential_percentBelow Level 2 (excluding Essential skills)
benefit_percentIn receipt of benefits only
community_learning_percentCommunity learning
emp_and_learn_percentSustained employment and learning
emp_only_percentSustained employment only rate
emp_percentSustained employment rate
eng_math_esol_percentEnglish, Maths & ESOL
essential_skills_percentEssential Skills
fe_percentSustained further education rate
full_level_2_percentFull Level 2
full_level_3_percentFull Level 3
he_percentSustained higher education rate (Level 6+)
learn_only_percentSustained learning only rate
learn_percentSustained learning rate
learners_with_earningsNumber of learners with earnings
learning_difficultiesLearning difficulties - Filter by learning difficulties
level_2_percentLevel 2
level_3_percentLevel 3
level_4_plus_percentLevel 4/5
level_of_learningLevel of learning - Filter by level of learning
medianMedian annualised earnings
no_dest_percentNo activity captured in data
not_assigned_percentLevel not assigned
not_sustained_benefit_percentDestination not sustained and in receipt of benefits
not_sustained_nb_percentDestination not sustained and not on benefits
not_sustained_percentDestination not sustained
number_of_matched_learnersNumber of learners matched to LEO data
progression_sustained_prior_percentSustained progression from achieved aim
provisionProvision - Filter by provision type (Education & Training, Apprenticeships or Traineeships)
self_emp_percentSelf-employed rate
sexSex - Filter by sex
spd_percentSustained positive destination rate
t_level_aimT Level aim - Filter by whether aim is a T Level or T Level Foundation Year qualification
t_level_foundation_year_percentT Level foundation year
t_level_percentT Level
  1. Region is based on learner postcode
  2. Local Education Authority is based on learner postcode

Local Education Authority destinations by sector subject area (LEA02)

Geographic levels
Local authority; National; Regional
Time period
2017/18 to 2021/22
Reports on the employment and learning destinations of all age 16+ FE learners that achieved their aim and were recorded in the ILR. Broken down by local education authority, provision, level of learning and sector subject area (tiers 1 & 2).
Variable names and descriptions

Variable names and descriptions for this file are provided below:

Variable nameVariable description
25th_percentileLower quartile annualised earnings
75th_percentileUpper quartile annualised earnings
any_learn_percentAny learning rate
app_advanced_plus_percentAdvanced apprenticeship (Level 3 or above)
app_intermediate_percentIntermediate apprenticeship (Level 2)
app_percentSustained apprenticeship rate
below_l2_ex_essential_percentBelow Level 2 (excluding Essential skills)
benefit_percentIn receipt of benefits only
community_learning_percentCommunity learning
emp_and_learn_percentSustained employment and learning
emp_only_percentSustained employment only rate
emp_percentSustained employment rate
eng_math_esol_percentEnglish, Maths & ESOL
essential_skills_percentEssential Skills
fe_percentSustained further education rate
full_level_2_percentFull Level 2
full_level_3_percentFull Level 3
he_percentSustained higher education rate (Level 6+)
learn_only_percentSustained learning only rate
learn_percentSustained learning rate
learners_with_earningsNumber of learners with earnings
level_2_percentLevel 2
level_3_percentLevel 3
level_4_plus_percentLevel 4/5
level_of_learningLevel of learning - Filter by level of learning
medianMedian annualised earnings
no_dest_percentNo activity captured in data
not_assigned_percentLevel not assigned
not_sustained_benefit_percentDestination not sustained and in receipt of benefits
not_sustained_nb_percentDestination not sustained and not on benefits
not_sustained_percentDestination not sustained
number_of_matched_learnersNumber of learners matched to LEO data
progression_sustained_prior_percentSustained progression from achieved aim
provisionProvision - Filter by provision type (Education & Training, Apprenticeships or Traineeships)
self_emp_percentSelf-employed rate
spd_percentSustained positive destination rate
ssa_tier_2Sector subject area tier 2 - Filter by sector subject area
t_level_aimT Level aim - Filter by whether aim is a T Level or T Level Foundation Year qualification
t_level_foundation_year_percentT Level foundation year
t_level_percentT Level
  1. Region is based on learner postcode
  2. Local Education Authority is based on learner postcode

Local Enterprise Partnership level destinations (LEP01)

Geographic levels
Local enterprise partnership; National
Time period
2017/18 to 2021/22
Reports on the employment and learning destinations of all age 16+ FE learners that achieved their aim and were recorded in the ILR. Broken down by Local Enterprise Partnership, provision, level of learning and sector subject area (tiers 1 & 2).
Variable names and descriptions

Variable names and descriptions for this file are provided below:

Variable nameVariable description
25th_percentileLower quartile annualised earnings
75th_percentileUpper quartile annualised earnings
any_learn_percentAny learning rate
app_advanced_plus_percentAdvanced apprenticeship (Level 3 or above)
app_intermediate_percentIntermediate apprenticeship (Level 2)
app_percentSustained apprenticeship rate
below_l2_ex_essential_percentBelow Level 2 (excluding Essential skills)
benefit_percentIn receipt of benefits only
community_learning_percentCommunity learning
emp_and_learn_percentSustained employment and learning
emp_only_percentSustained employment only rate
emp_percentSustained employment rate
eng_math_esol_percentEnglish, Maths & ESOL
essential_skills_percentEssential Skills
fe_percentSustained further education rate
full_level_2_percentFull Level 2
full_level_3_percentFull Level 3
he_percentSustained higher education rate (Level 6+)
learn_only_percentSustained learning only rate
learn_percentSustained learning rate
learners_with_earningsNumber of learners with earnings
level_2_percentLevel 2
level_3_percentLevel 3
level_4_plus_percentLevel 4/5
level_of_learningLevel of learning - Filter by level of learning
medianMedian annualised earnings
no_dest_percentNo activity captured in data
not_assigned_percentLevel not assigned
not_sustained_benefit_percentDestination not sustained and in receipt of benefits
not_sustained_nb_percentDestination not sustained and not on benefits
not_sustained_percentDestination not sustained
number_of_matched_learnersNumber of learners matched to LEO data
progression_sustained_prior_percentSustained progression from achieved aim
provisionProvision - Filter by provision type (Education & Training, Apprenticeships or Traineeships)
self_emp_percentSelf-employed rate
spd_percentSustained positive destination rate
ssa_tier_2Sector subject area tier 2 - Filter by sector subject area tier 2
t_level_aimT Level aim - Filter by whether aim is a T Level or T Level Foundation Year qualification
t_level_foundation_year_percentT Level foundation year
t_level_percentT Level
  1. Region is based on learner postcode
  2. Local Enterprise Partnership is based on learner postcode

Provider level destinations by benefit status (PRV01)

Geographic levels
Time period
2017/18 to 2021/22
Reports on the employment and learning destinations of all age 16+ FE learners that achieved their aim and were recorded in the ILR. Broken down by provider, provider type, provision and benefit status.
Variable names and descriptions

Variable names and descriptions for this file are provided below:

Variable nameVariable description
any_learn_percentAny learning rate
app_advanced_plus_percentAdvanced apprenticeship (Level 3 or above)
app_intermediate_percentIntermediate apprenticeship (Level 2)
app_percentSustained apprenticeship rate
below_l2_ex_essential_percentBelow Level 2 (excluding Essential skills)
benefit_learnerBenefit learner - Filter by whether learner was receiving benefits at start of learning aim
benefit_percentIn receipt of benefits only
cohort_selectionCohort Selection - Select either original cohort only (19+ Education & Training learners, all age apprenticeship and traineeship learners), additional 16-18 learners only (16-18 Education & Training learners) or Total (all 16+ FE learners)
community_learning_percentCommunity learning
emp_and_learn_percentSustained employment and learning
emp_only_percentSustained employment only rate
emp_percentSustained employment rate
eng_math_esol_percentEnglish, Maths & ESOL
essential_skills_percentEssential Skills
fe_percentSustained further education rate
full_level_2_percentFull Level 2
full_level_3_percentFull Level 3
he_percentSustained higher education rate (Level 6+)
learn_only_percentSustained learning only rate
learn_percentSustained learning rate
level_2_percentLevel 2
level_3_percentLevel 3
level_4_plus_percentLevel 4/5
no_dest_percentNo activity captured in data
not_assigned_percentLevel not assigned
not_sustained_benefit_percentDestination not sustained and in receipt of benefits
not_sustained_nb_percentDestination not sustained and not on benefits
not_sustained_percentDestination not sustained
number_of_matched_learnersNumber of learners matched to LEO data
progression_sustained_prior_percentSustained progression from achieved aim
provider_typeProvider Type - Filter by provider type
provisionProvision - Filter by provision type (Education & Training, Apprenticeships or Traineeships)
self_emp_percentSelf-employed rate
spd_percentSustained positive destination rate
t_level_foundation_year_percentT Level foundation year
t_level_percentT Level

Provider level destinations by demographics (PRV02)

Geographic levels
Time period
2017/18 to 2021/22
Reports on the employment and learning destinations of all age 16+ FE learners that achieved their aim and were recorded in the ILR. Broken down by provider, provider type, provision, level of learning and learner demographics.
Variable names and descriptions

Variable names and descriptions for this file are provided below:

Variable nameVariable description
age_groupAge Group - Filter by age group
any_learn_percentAny learning rate
app_advanced_plus_percentAdvanced apprenticeship (Level 3 or above)
app_intermediate_percentIntermediate apprenticeship (Level 2)
app_percentSustained apprenticeship rate
below_l2_ex_essential_percentBelow Level 2 (excluding Essential skills)
benefit_percentIn receipt of benefits only
community_learning_percentCommunity learning
emp_and_learn_percentSustained employment and learning
emp_only_percentSustained employment only rate
emp_percentSustained employment rate
eng_math_esol_percentEnglish, Maths & ESOL
essential_skills_percentEssential Skills
fe_percentSustained further education rate
full_level_2_percentFull Level 2
full_level_3_percentFull Level 3
he_percentSustained higher education rate (Level 6+)
learn_only_percentSustained learning only rate
learn_percentSustained learning rate
learning_difficultiesLearning difficulties - Filter by learning difficulties
level_2_percentLevel 2
level_3_percentLevel 3
level_4_plus_percentLevel 4/5
level_of_learningLevel of learning - Filter by level of learning
no_dest_percentNo activity captured in data
not_assigned_percentLevel not assigned
not_sustained_benefit_percentDestination not sustained and in receipt of benefits
not_sustained_nb_percentDestination not sustained and not on benefits
not_sustained_percentDestination not sustained
number_of_matched_learnersNumber of learners matched to LEO data
progression_sustained_prior_percentSustained progression from achieved aim
provider_typeProvider Type - Filter by provider type
provisionProvision - Filter by provision type (Education & Training, Apprenticeships or Traineeships)
self_emp_percentSelf-employed rate
sexSex - Filter by sex
spd_percentSustained positive destination rate
t_level_foundation_year_percentT Level foundation year
t_level_percentT Level

Provider level destinations of community learners (PRV03)

Geographic levels
Time period
2017/18 to 2021/22
Reports on the employment and learning destinations of community learners that achieved their learning aim. Broken down by provider, learner age, benefit status and provision of community learning.
Variable names and descriptions

Variable names and descriptions for this file are provided below:

Variable nameVariable description
age_groupAge Group - Filter by age group
any_learn_percentAny learning rate
app_advanced_plus_percentAdvanced apprenticeship (Level 3 or above)
app_intermediate_percentIntermediate apprenticeship (Level 2)
app_percentSustained apprenticeship rate
below_l2_ex_essential_percentBelow Level 2 (excluding Essential skills)
benefit_learnerBenefit learner - Filter by whether learner was receiving benefits at start of learning aim
benefit_percentIn receipt of benefits only
community_learning_percentCommunity learning
emp_and_learn_percentSustained employment and learning
emp_only_percentSustained employment only rate
emp_percentSustained employment rate
eng_math_esol_percentEnglish, Maths & ESOL
essential_skills_percentEssential Skills
fe_percentSustained further education rate
full_level_2_percentFull Level 2
full_level_3_percentFull Level 3
he_percentSustained higher education rate (Level 6+)
learn_only_percentSustained learning only rate
learn_percentSustained learning rate
level_2_percentLevel 2
level_3_percentLevel 3
level_4_plus_percentLevel 4/5
no_dest_percentNo activity captured in data
not_assigned_percentLevel not assigned
not_sustained_benefit_percentDestination not sustained and in receipt of benefits
not_sustained_nb_percentDestination not sustained and not on benefits
not_sustained_percentDestination not sustained
number_of_matched_learnersNumber of learners matched to LEO data
provisionProvision - Filter by provision type (Education & Training, Apprenticeships or Traineeships)
self_emp_percentSelf-employed rate
spd_percentSustained positive destination rate
t_level_foundation_year_percentT Level foundation year
t_level_percentT Level

Provider level destinations by sector subject area (PRV04)

Geographic levels
Time period
2017/18 to 2021/22
Reports on the employment and learning destinations of all age 16+ FE learners that achieved their aim and were recorded in the ILR. Broken down by provider, provision, provider type, level of learning and sector subject area (tiers 1 & 2)
Variable names and descriptions

Variable names and descriptions for this file are provided below:

Variable nameVariable description
any_learn_percentAny learning rate
app_advanced_plus_percentAdvanced apprenticeship (Level 3 or above)
app_intermediate_percentIntermediate apprenticeship (Level 2)
app_percentSustained apprenticeship rate
below_l2_ex_essential_percentBelow Level 2 (excluding Essential skills)
benefit_percentIn receipt of benefits only
community_learning_percentCommunity learning
emp_and_learn_percentSustained employment and learning
emp_only_percentSustained employment only rate
emp_percentSustained employment rate
eng_math_esol_percentEnglish, Maths & ESOL
essential_skills_percentEssential Skills
fe_percentSustained further education rate
full_level_2_percentFull Level 2
full_level_3_percentFull Level 3
he_percentSustained higher education rate (Level 6+)
learn_only_percentSustained learning only rate
learn_percentSustained learning rate
level_2_percentLevel 2
level_3_percentLevel 3
level_4_plus_percentLevel 4/5
level_of_learningLevel of learning - Filter by level of learning
no_dest_percentNo activity captured in data
not_assigned_percentLevel not assigned
not_sustained_benefit_percentDestination not sustained and in receipt of benefits
not_sustained_nb_percentDestination not sustained and not on benefits
not_sustained_percentDestination not sustained
number_of_matched_learnersNumber of learners matched to LEO data
progression_sustained_prior_percentSustained progression from achieved aim
provider_typeProvider Type - Filter by provider type
provisionProvision - Filter by provision type (Education & Training, Apprenticeships or Traineeships)
self_emp_percentSelf-employed rate
spd_percentSustained positive destination rate
ssa_tier_2Sector subject area tier 2 - Filter by sector subject area
t_level_foundation_year_percentT Level foundation year
t_level_percentT Level

Provider level progression of younger learners (PRV05)

Geographic levels
Time period
2017/18 to 2021/22
Reports on the learning destinations and progression of younger learners that achieved an FE aim. Broken down by provider, provision, learner demographics and level of learning.
Variable names and descriptions

Variable names and descriptions for this file are provided below:

Variable nameVariable description
age_groupAge Group - Filter by age group
app_advanced_percent_paAdvanced apprenticeship (Level 3)
app_higher_percent_paHigher apprenticeship (Level 4/5)
app_intermediate_percent_paIntermediate apprenticeship (Level 2)
below_l2_ex_essential_percent_paBelow Level 2 (excluding Essential Skills)
benefit_learnerBenefit learner - Filter by whether learner was receiving benefits at start of learning aim
eng_math_esol_percent_paEnglish, Maths & ESOL
essential_skills_percent_paEssential Skills
fe_percent_paSustained further education rate
first_time_at_levelNumber of matched learners achieving at this level for the first time
first_time_at_level_percentPercent of matched learners achieving at this level for the first time
full_level_2_percent_paFull Level 2
full_level_3_percent_paFull Level 3
he_percent_paSustained higher education rate (Level 6+)
learn_percent_paSustained learning rate
learning_difficultiesLearning difficulties - Filter by learning difficulties
level_2_percent_paLevel 2
level_3_percent_paLevel 3
level_4_plus_percent_paLevel 4/5
level_of_learningLevel of learning - Filter by level of learning
mca_fundedMCA funded - Filter by whether aim is funded by Mayoral Combined Authority (or the Greater London Authority)
not_assigned_percentLevel not assigned
progression_sustained_overall_percentProgression for learner overall
progression_sustained_prior_percent_paSustained progression from achieved aim
provider_typeProvider Type - Filter by provider type
provisionProvision - Filter by provision type (Education & Training, Apprenticeships or Traineeships)
t_level_foundation_year_percentT Level foundation year
t_level_percentT Level

Earnings 1-5 years after learning by provision, demographics, sector subject area and qualification title (EAR01)

Geographic levels
Time period
2013/14 to 2021/22
Reports on the earnings one to five years after learning. Broken down by provision, level of learning, gender, ethnicity, sector subject areas (tier 1 & 2) and qualification title.
Variable names and descriptions

Variable names and descriptions for this file are provided below:

Variable nameVariable description
25th_percentileLower quartile annualised earnings
75th_percentileUpper quartile annualised earnings
ethnicity_majorEthnicity - Filter by high level ethnicity categories
level_of_learningLevel of learning - Filter by level of learning
medianMedian annualised earnings
num_learnersNumber of learners with earnings
provisionProvision - Filter by provision type (Education & Training, Apprenticeships or Traineeships)
qualification_titleQualification title - Filter by qualification title
sexSex - Filter by sex
ssa_tier_1Sector subject area tier 1 - Filter by sector subject area tier 1
ssa_tier_2Sector subject area tier 2 - Filter by sector subject area tier 2
years_after_learningYears after learning