Assnodecision | Still being assessed or where assessment has been completed but no decision taken for a statement of SEN at the calendar year end |
AssnodecisionEHC | Still being assessed or where assessment has been completed but no decision taken for an EHC plan at the calendar year end |
Assnone | Assessments where it was decided not to issue a statement of SEN |
AssnoneEHC | Assessments where it was decided not to issue an EHC plan |
AssnoneEHC_pc | Percentage of assessments during the calendar year where it was decided not to issue an EHC plan |
AssRefused | Initial requests for assessment for a statement of SEN that were refused |
AssRefusedEHC | Initial requests for assessment for an EHC plan that were refused |
AssRefusedEHC_pc | Percentage of initial requests for assessment for an EHC plan that were refused during the calendar year |
DirectPayEducation | Personal budgets in place that have direct payment for education |
DirectPayHealth | Personal budgets in place that have direct payment for health |
DirectPayIntegrated | Personal budgets in place that have direct payment for an integrated payment |
DirectPaySocialCare | Personal budgets in place that have direct payment for social care |
Dislea | Statement of SEN discontinued as transferred to another LA |
DisleaEHC | EHC plan discontinued as transferred to another LA |
Disleft | Statement of SEN discontinued because pupils have left school at the end of compulsory schooling or after |
DisleftEHC | EHC plan discontinued because pupils have left school at the end of compulsory schooling or after |
Dismet | Statement of SEN discontinued as special needs being met without an EHC plan |
DismetEHC | EHC plan discontinued as special needs being met without an EHC plan |
Disoth | Statement of SEN discontinued for other reasons |
DisothEHC | EHC plan discontinued for other reasons |
IncExc20weekEHC | EHC plans including exceptions issued within 20 weeks |
IncExc20weekRate | Rate of EHC plans including exceptions issued within 20 weeks |
IncExc26week | Statements including exceptions issued within 26 weeks |
InreqEHC | Initial requests for an EHC plan |
InreqryaEHC | Initial requests for an EHC plan when detained in youth accomodation |
MtoPar | Children and young people with a statement of SEN who were taken out of school by their parents to be home educated from mainstream settings |
MtoParEHC | Children and young people with an EHC plan who were taken out of school by their parents to be home educated from mainstream settings |
Mtosi | Children and young people with a statement of SEN who transferred from mainstream to special settings |
MtosiEHC | Children and young people with an EHC plan who transferred from mainstream to special settings |
NewallEHC | Children and young people assessed for whom an EHC plan was issued |
NewallEHC_AssnoneEHC_sum | Children and young people assessed for whom a plan was issued and those for whom one not issued |
NewallEHC_pc | Percentage of children and young people assessed for whom EHC plans were made for the first time during the calendar year |
NewEHCMediation | Mediation cases that have been held |
NewEHCTribunal | Mediation cases that have been held which were followed by appeals to the Tribunal |
NewEHCTribunal_pc | Percentage of mediation cases held which were followed by appeals to tribunal |
NoExc20weekEHC | EHC plans excluding exceptions issued within 20 weeks |
NoExc20weekRate | Rate of EHC plans excluding exceptions issued within 20 weeks |
NoExc26week | Statements excluding exceptions issued within 26 weeks |
OrgArrangements | Personal budgets in place that have organised arrangements |
PersonalBudgets | Personal budgets in place for all EHC plans |
Sitom | Children and young people with a statement of SEN who transferred from special to mainstream settings |
SitomEHC | Children and young people with an EHC plan who transferred from special to mainstream settings |
SitoPar | Children and young people with a statement of SEN who were taken out of school by their parents to be home educated from special settings |
SitoParEHC | Children and young people with an EHC plan who were taken out of school by their parents to be home educated from special settings |
StatementstoEHC | Children and young people with statements who were issued with an EHC plan |
StatementstoNoEHC | Children and young people with statements who were assessed for an EHC plan and a decision not to issue an EHC plan made |
TotIncExc | Statements including exceptions |
TotIncExcEHC | EHC plans including exceptions |
TotNoExc | Statements excluding exceptions |
TotNoExcEHC | EHC plans excluding exceptions |