Academic year 2021/22

Early years foundation stage profile results

Data guidance



This page describes the data included in the underlying data files of the National Statistics release ‘Early years foundation stage profile results’. 

This data is released under the terms of the Open Government Licence (opens in a new tab) and is intended to meet at least 3 stars for Open Data (opens in a new tab)

The methodology page should be referenced alongside this data. It provides information on the data sources, their coverage and quality as well as explaining the methodology used in producing the data.


These statistics report on teacher assessments of children’s development at the end of the early years foundation stage (EYFS), specifically the end of the academic year in which a child turns 5. This is typically the summer term of reception year.  

Data is collected from local authorities covering state-funded schools and private, voluntary and independent (PVI) providers (including childminders) as part of the EYFS profile return (opens in a new tab). This data is then matched to other data sources, including the school and early years censuses, to obtain information on pupil characteristics.

The underlying data files include national, regional, local authority-level, and local authority district-level information for England.

File formats and conventions

Rounding and suppression

Rounding and suppression have not been applied in these underlying data files. 


The following symbols have been applied in the underlying data files: 

     z      data not applicable      

     b      break in time series 

Where any number is shown as zero, the original figure submitted was zero.  

Data files

All data files associated with this releases are listed below with guidance on their content. To download any of these files, please visit our data catalogue.

1 Headline measures by characteristics

Geographic levels
Local authority; Local authority district; National; Regional
Time period

Headline measures by child characteristics (gender, major and minor ethnic group, first language, free school meal eligibility, term of birth, special educational needs (SEN) provision and SEN primary need).

Breakdowns by local authority district are based on the location of the child’s school or provider.

Variable names and descriptions

Variable names and descriptions for this file are provided below:

Variable nameVariable description
average_elgsAverage number of early learning goals at expected level per child
characteristic_typeChild characteristics
children_numberNumber of children
comm_lang_lit_numberNumber of children at expected level in communication and language and literacy areas of learning
comm_lang_lit_percentagePercentage of children at expected level in communication and language and literacy areas of learning
elg_numberNumber of children at expected level across all early learning goals
elg_percentagePercentage of children at expected level across all early learning goals
gld_numberNumber of children with a good level of development
gld_percentagePercentage of children with a good level of development
  1. Autumn-born = September, October, November, December. Spring-born = January, February, March, April. Summer-born = May, June, July, August.
  2. The 'Unclassified' first language category describes cases where a child's first language could not be determined. These children are included in the 'Total' numbers.
  3. The 'Unclassified' SEN provision category describes cases where SEN provision could not be determined. These children are included in the 'Total' numbers.
  4. The 'Unclassified' ethnic group category describes cases where a child's ethnicity was refused or not obtained. These children are included in the 'Total' numbers.
  5. A small number of children in the City of London, Isles of Scilly, and Sutton local authorities in 2021/22 were not recorded due to issues arising during the data collection process. See the methodology page for more information.
  6. Previously, Chinese children were included in the 'Other' category. Based on new guidance, Chinese children are now included in the 'Asian' category in the 2021/22 data.

2 Early learning goals and areas of learning by characteristics

Geographic levels
Local authority; Local authority district; National; Regional
Time period

Early learning goals and areas of learning by child characteristics (gender, major ethnic group, first language, free school meal eligibility, term of birth and special educational needs (SEN) provision).

Breakdowns by local authority district are based on the location of the child’s school or provider.

Variable names and descriptions

Variable names and descriptions for this file are provided below:

Variable nameVariable description
characteristic_typeChild characteristics
children_numberNumber of children
early_learning_goalEarly learning goal
emerging_numberNumber of children at emerging level
emerging_percentagePercentage of children at emerging level
expected_numberNumber of children at expected level
expected_percentagePercentage of children at expected level
  1. Autumn-born = September, October, November, December. Spring-born = January, February, March, April. Summer-born = May, June, July, August.
  2. The 'Unclassified' first language category describes cases where a child's first language could not be determined. These children are included in the 'Total' numbers.
  3. The 'Unclassified' SEN provision category describes cases where SEN provision could not be determined. These children are included in the 'Total' numbers.
  4. The early years foundation stage profile was significantly revised in September 2021. This included changes to the 17 early learning goals and 7 areas of learning. See the methodology page for more information.
  5. The 'Unclassified' ethnic group category describes cases where a child's ethnicity was refused or not obtained. These children are included in the 'Total' numbers.
  6. A small number of children in the City of London, Isles of Scilly, and Sutton local authorities in 2021/22 were not recorded due to issues arising during the data collection process. See the methodology page for more information.
  7. Percentages may not sum to 100 due to rounding.
  8. Previously, Chinese children were included in the 'Other' category. Based on new guidance, Chinese children are now included in the 'Asian' category in the 2021/22 data.

3 Headline measures by multiple characteristics

Geographic levels
Time period

Headline measures by multiple characteristics (gender, major ethnic group, special educational needs (SEN) provision and free school meal eligibility).

Breakdowns by local authority district are based on the location of the child’s school or provider.

Variable names and descriptions

Variable names and descriptions for this file are provided below:

Variable nameVariable description
average_elgsAverage number of early learning goals at expected level per child
children_numberNumber of children
comm_lang_lit_numberNumber of children at expected level in communication and language and literacy areas of learning
comm_lang_lit_percentagePercentage of children at expected level in communication and language and literacy areas of learning
elg_numberNumber of children at expected level across all early learning goals
elg_percentagePercentage of children at expected level across all early learning goals
ethnicityEthnic group: major
fsmFree school meal eligibility
gld_numberNumber of children with a good level of development
gld_percentagePercentage of children with a good level of development
sen_provisionSEN provision
  1. The 'Unclassified' SEN provision category describes cases where SEN provision could not be determined. These children are included in the 'Total' numbers.
  2. The 'Unclassified' ethnic group category describes cases where a child's ethnicity was refused or not obtained. These children are included in the 'Total' numbers.
  3. Previously, Chinese children were included in the 'Other' category. Based on new guidance, Chinese children are now included in the 'Asian' category in the 2021/22 data.

4 Headline measures by deprivation

Geographic levels
Local authority district; National; Regional
Time period

Headline measures by income deprivation affecting children index (IDACI) decile and gender.

Breakdowns by local authority district are based on the location of the child’s residence.

Variable names and descriptions

Variable names and descriptions for this file are provided below:

Variable nameVariable description
average_elgsAverage number of early learning goals at expected level per child
children_numberNumber of children
comm_lang_lit_numberNumber of children at expected level in communication and language and literacy areas of learning
comm_lang_lit_percentagePercentage of children at expected level in communication and language and literacy areas of learning
elg_numberNumber of children at expected level across all early learning goals
elg_percentagePercentage of children at expected level across all early learning goals
gld_numberNumber of children with a good level of development
gld_percentagePercentage of children with a good level of development
idaci_decileIncome deprivation affecting children index (IDACI) decile - IDACI deciles: 1 = 10% most deprived, 10 = 10% least deprived
  1. Figures based on location of the child’s residence.
  2. IDACI deciles are calculated based on the percentage of children living in income-deprived households within a certain neighbourhood. 1 = 10% of neighbourhoods with highest percentage of children living in income-deprived households nationally, 10 = 10% of neighbourhoods with lowest percentage of children living in income-deprived households nationally. See the methodology page for more information.

Commentary - F1 Headline measures over time

Geographic levels
Time period
2012/13 to 2021/22

Underlying data for Figure 1.

Variable names and descriptions

Variable names and descriptions for this file are provided below:

Variable nameVariable description
average_elgsAverage number of early learning goals at expected level per child
children_numberNumber of children
comm_lang_lit_percentagePercentage of children at expected level in communication and language and literacy areas of learning
elg_percentagePercentage of children at expected level across all early learning goals
gld_percentagePercentage of children with a good level of development
  1. The 2019/20 and 2020/21 data collections were cancelled due to coronavirus (COVID-19).
  2. The early years foundation stage profile was significantly revised in September 2021. It is therefore not possible to directly compare 2021/22 assessment outcomes with earlier years. See the methodology page for more information.
  3. In 2018/19, 23 schools piloted the revised set of early learning goals and the revised approach to assessment and moderation. These schools are excluded from the results for 2019. In 2018, the pupils in these 23 schools represented 0.2% of the national cohort of children.
  4. Figures for 2012/13 to 2018/19 have been calculated using the National Pupil Database, which excludes service children living abroad, shielded pupils, and duplicate records. Therefore these figures may not exactly match previously published figures that were calculated using raw data.

Commentary - F2 Percentage of children at expected level by area of learning

Geographic levels
Time period

Underlying data for Figure 2.

Variable names and descriptions

Variable names and descriptions for this file are provided below:

Variable nameVariable description
area_of_learningArea of learning
children_numberNumber of children
emerging_numberNumber of children at emerging level
emerging_percentagePercentage of children at emerging level
expected_numberNumber of children at expected level
expected_percentagePercentage of children at expected level
  1. The early years foundation stage profile was significantly revised in September 2021. This included changes to the 17 early learning goals and 7 areas of learning. See the methodology page for more information.
  2. Percentages may not sum to 100 due to rounding.