The release provides Management Information (MI) on the number of practitioners and settings that have registered to take part in, and completed strands of, the early years education recovery (EYER) programme in England. Breakdowns are available by setting type and by local authority.
The publication methodology, available on the publication report, should be referenced alongside this data. It provides information on the data sources, their coverage and quality as well as explaining the methodology used in producing the data.
The coverage of the data varies between the strands of the early years education recovery programme. Details on when delivery of each strand began and when data has been collected until, can be found in the methodology.
The data covers childminders, group-based settings, school-based settings and schools. Not all settings are eligible to take part in all strands. More information about each of these settings and which setting types are eligible for each strand is available in the methodology.
File formats and conventions
No suppression has been applied to these files. The files are in .csv format.
The following convention is used throughout the underlying data.
‘z’ Not applicable.
‘x’ Not available.
Data files
All data files associated with this releases are listed below with guidance on their content. To download any of these files, please visit our data catalogue.
Number of practitioners registered and number of modules completed by setting type from June 2022 to June 2024.
Variable names and descriptions
Variable names and descriptions for this file are provided below:
Variable name
Variable description
Number of practitioners completed 1 or more modules
Number of practitioners completed 2 or more modules
Number of practitioners completed 3 or more modules
Number of practitioners completed 4 or more modules
Number of practitioners completed 5 or more modules
Number of practitioners completed 6 or more modules
Number of practitioners completed 7 or more modules
Number of practitioners registered
Setting Type
Training places were limited between June 2022 and October 2022, available only to practitioners invited by the department. In November 2022 training became available to all practitioners working with children aged 0-4 in early years settings.
'Other' includes central government, the Department for Education, local authority and training providers.
'x' indicates that data is not available.
'z' indicates data is not applicable.
The number of practitioners who have completed 3 or more modules is a subset of practitioners who have completed 1 or more module.
Early years child development training by local authority
Geographic levels
Local authority
Time period
2024 June
Number of practitioners registered and number of modules completed by local authority from June 2022 to June 2024.
Variable names and descriptions
Variable names and descriptions for this file are provided below:
Variable name
Variable description
Number of practitioners completed 1 or more modules
Number of practitioners completed 2 or more modules
Number of practitioners completed 3 or more modules
Number of practitioners completed 4 or more modules
Number of practitioners completed 5 or more modules
Number of practitioners completed 6 or more modules
Number of practitioners completed 7 or more modules
Number of practitioners registered
Training places were limited between June 2022 and October 2022, available only to practitioners invited by the department. In November 2022 training became available to all practitioners working with children aged 0-4 in early years settings.
Initially location data was not collected as part of the registration process. The local authority breakdown is therefore incomplete.
Local authorities may have had more registrations and completions, however due to the way the data was initially collected there are a large number of practitioners who are not allocated to a local authority. As a result, this data should not be used to compare local authorities.
Practitioners who selected 'Cumbria' as their local authority are in 'Cumberland / Westmorland and Furness'. It is not possible to separate them into the new local authorities.
The number of practitioners who have completed 3 or more modules is a subset of practitioners who have completed 1 or more module.
Number of practitioners registered and completed by setting type. Phase 2 took place between September 2021 and June 2022. Phase 3 data is from November 2022 and June 2024.
Variable names and descriptions
Variable names and descriptions for this file are provided below:
Variable name
Variable description
Number of practitioners completed
Number of practitioners registered
Setting Type
'x' indicates that data is not available.
'Unknown setting type' is composed of childminders, group and school-based settings that have not been categorised.
Professional Development Programme by local authority
Geographic levels
Local authority
Time period
2022 June to 2024 June
Number of practitioners registered and completed by local authority. Phase 2 took place between September 2021 and June 2022. Phase 3 data is from November 2022 and June 2024.
Variable names and descriptions
Variable names and descriptions for this file are provided below:
Variable name
Variable description
Number of practitioners completed
Number of practitioners registered
Total number of settings in local authority
PDP2 was only open to a select few local authorities. 'z' has been used to indicate those local authorities that were not eligible and therefore this is not applicable. For local authorities that that were eligible, only completion data is available. An 'x' has been used to denote registrations for local authorities that were eligible but the data is unavailable.
The total number of settings in each LA is the sum of childminders, group based settings, state-funded school-based settings and independent school settings.
Number of settings registered and supported by setting type. A pilot took place between April 2022 and July 2022. For Group and school based providers, data is from April 2022 until 10th July 2024. For Childminders, the data is from April 2023 until 10th July 2024.
Variable names and descriptions
Variable names and descriptions for this file are provided below:
Variable name
Variable description
Number of settings registered
Number of settings supported
Setting type
A pilot ran from April 2022 to July 2022 with full roll out commencing in September 2022. In April 2023 the offer was expanded to include mentoring support for childminders.
Registration closed in May 2024.
We refer to childminders as settings, however the numbers reflect individual practitioners receiving support.
To improve the consistency of data and meet the needs of the programme recipients, we redefined the definition of a registration in April 2024. Consequently, with the exception of childminder data, the latest data is not comparable with data from January 2024.
Number of settings registered and supported by local authority from April 2022 until 10th July 2024.
Variable names and descriptions
Variable names and descriptions for this file are provided below:
Variable name
Variable description
Number of settings registered
Number of settings supported
Total number of settings in local authority
The total number of settings in each LA is the sum of childminders, group based settings, state-funded school-based settings and independent school settings.
A pilot ran from April 2022 to July 2022 with full roll out commencing in September 2022. In April 2023 the offer was expanded to include mentoring support for childminders.
Number of settings with network membership, number of settings recruited to programmes plus a range of supporting measures by setting type from November 2022 to June 2024.
Variable names and descriptions
Variable names and descriptions for this file are provided below:
Variable name
Variable description
Number of blogs posted
Number of newsletters sent
Number of settings recruited to programmes
Number of webinars held
Number of settings with network membership
Number of queries received
Setting type
'x' indicates that data is not available.
In April 2024, the delivery partner for the stronger practice hubs programme redefined what constitutes as network membership to improve data consistency and reduce ambiguity. As a result, the data from January 2024 is not comparable with the latest data.
Settings recruited to professional development programmes are funded by the hubs in collaboration with EEF.
'z' indicates data is not applicable.
'Other' refers to individuals and organisations with network membership.
'Unknown' refers to uncategorised network membership and may include settings with unknown provider type.
Additional data has been included to capture 'other' and 'unknown' categories for the network membership. This is not included in the headline figures as the purpose of the data is to demonstrate programme reach through the number of settings registered as part of a network.
Number of settings with network membership by local authority from November 2022 to June 2024.
Variable names and descriptions
Variable names and descriptions for this file are provided below:
Variable name
Variable description
Number of settings with network membership
Some settings have network membership with a hub outside of their home area. These settings do not have a local authority recorded and so appear as 'Unknown'.
As many settings have an 'unknown' local authority, this data should not be used to compare local authorities.
'Number of settings with network membership' may also include a small number of individuals and organisations.