Academic year 2018/19

Detailed destinations of 16 to 18 year olds in Further Education

Data guidance



The Detailed destinations of 16 to 18 year olds in Further Education provides qualification level statistics on the destinations of 16-18 year olds in Further Education settings including:

  • The number of learners completing 16-18 study and whose full education history is available
  • The proportion of learners progressing into positive outcomes in employment or further learning 
  • Detailed destination information by industry sector of employment and sector subject area of further learning


Learner who completed 16 to 18 study in further education institutions in England and achieved a qualification in 2018/19.   

File formats and conventions

The underlying data files are provided in comma separated value (csv) format.

Whole numbers are rounded to the nearest 10, percentages are provided to the nearest whole number. Figures have been suppressed with the value ‘c’ for numbers lower than 6, and percentages where the numerator is less than 3 or the denominator is less than 6.

Data files

All data files associated with this releases are listed below with guidance on their content. To download any of these files, please visit our data catalogue.

Destinations by qualification Title, Sector Subject area, prior attainment and free school meal eligibility

Geographic levels
Time period

Overall destination measures for each qualification, including sustained positive destination rate, sustained employment rate and sustained learning rate.

Variable names and descriptions

Variable names and descriptions for this file are provided below:

Variable nameVariable description
emp_and_learn_percentSustained employment and learning rate
emp_only_percentSustained employment only rate
emp_percentSustained employment rate
fe_percentSustained further education rate
fsmFree school meal entitlement at age 15
gcsePrior GCSE attainment at age 15 group
he_percentSustained higher education rate
learn_only_percentSustained learning only rate
learn_percentSustained learning rate
learnersNumber of learners
qualification_numberQualification reference
qualification_titleQualification title
qualification_typeBroad qualification type
spd_percentSustained positive destination rate
ssatier1Sector subject area tier 1 - Sector subject area tier 1
ssatier2Sector subject area tier 2 - Sector subject area tier 2
  1. Some information on self-assessment for 2019/20 is missing, resulting in lower sustained employment rates and sustained positive destination rates for qualifications and subject areas where there are higher numbers of self-employed.
  2. Learners are counted once for each qualification achieved. Where a learner achieved more than one qualification they are counted more than once in the overall total numbers.
  3. The sustained employment only rate; sustained employment and learning rate; and sustained learning only rate may not add to the total sustained positive destination rate due to rounding.

Industry sector of employment by qualification

Geographic levels
Time period

For each qualification, details of the industry sector of those in sustained employment.

Variable names and descriptions

Variable names and descriptions for this file are provided below:

Variable nameVariable description
health_and_social_care_percentHealth and social care
information_and_communication_percentInformation and communication technology
learnersNumber of learners
other_activities_percentOther activities
professional_scientific_technical_percentProfessional, scientific and technical
public_administration_percentPublic Administration
qualification_numberQualification reference
qualification_titleQualification title
qualification_typeBroad qualification type
real_estate_percentReal estate
sector_information_not_available_percentIndustry sector information not available
ssatier1Sector subject area tier 1
ssatier2Sector subject area tier 2
  1. Some information on self-assessment for 2019/20 is missing, resulting in lower sustained employment rates and sustained positive destination rates for qualifications and subject areas where there are higher numbers of self-employed.
  2. Learners are counted once for each qualification achieved. Where a learner achieved more than one qualification they are counted more than once in the overall total numbers.
  3. 'Other activities' includes sectors such as 'other service activities', water supply and waste management, electricity and gas supply, and 'activities of households as employers'.
  4. Proportions may not sum up to 100 due to rounding

Subject area of learning destination by qualification

Geographic levels
Time period

For each qualification, details of the subject area of learning of those in a sustained learning destination.

Variable names and descriptions

Variable names and descriptions for this file are provided below:

Variable nameVariable description
agric_hort_animalcare_percentAgriculture, Horticulture and Animal Care
arts_media_pub_percentArts, Media and Publishing
business_admin_law_percentBusiness, Administration and Law
construction_percentConstruction, Planning and the Built Environment
education_percentEducation and Training
eng_manufacturing_percentEngineering and Manufacturing Technologies
health_services_care_percentHealth, Public Services and Care
history_philosophy_theology_percentHistory, Philosophy and Theology
ict_percentInformation and Communication Technology
lang_lit_culture_percentLanguages, Literature and Culture
learnersNumber of learners
leisure_travel_tourism_percentLeisure, Travel and Tourism
life_skills_percentPreparation for Life and Work
qualification_numberQualification reference
qualification_titleQualification title
qualification_typeBroad qualification type
retail_commercial_percentRetail and Commercial Enterprise
science_mathematics_percentScience and Mathematics
social_sciences_percentSocial Sciences
ssatier1Sector subject area tier 1
ssatier2Sector subject area tier 2
subject_information_not_available_percentSubject information not available
sustained_learning_destinationhigher or further education destination
  1. Learners are counted once for each qualification achieved. Where a learner achieved more than one qualification they are counted more than once in the overall total numbers.
  2. Proportions may not sum up to 100 due to rounding