This section describes the number of childcare places that providers have registered; the number of children registered with them; the number of booked places that they have; and the number of spare childcare places that they have. The definitions are as follows:
Registered places: The maximum number of children that the provider is allowed to look after at any one time.
Registered children: The number of children “on the provider's books”.
Booked places: The number of children booked to attend the provider on an average weekday.
Spare places: A childcare provider has spare places if it is willing and able to take an additional child or children, over and above those children that are already booked.
Number of registered childcare places
The estimated number of registered childcare places in England increased by 44,400 (or 3 per cent) between 2023 and 2024, to 1,602,500.
The estimated number of registered places increased by 5 per cent (or 56,500) at group-based providers and by 3 per cent (or 9,500) at school-based providers. These increases offset a 13 per cent (or 21,600) fall in registered places at childminders.
Number of registered places per provider
School-based providers have a mean of 39 registered places. This number is much higher for maintained nursery schools (103 places) than it is for nursery class childcare settings (37 places). Maintained nursery schools, however, only make up a small proportion of the overall number of school-based childcare providers.
Group-based providers have a mean of 53 registered places. This number is higher for private group-based providers (60 places) than it is for voluntary group-based providers (37 places).
Childminders have the fewest registered places, with a mean of 7 registered places each.
Registered places by region
Group-based providers make up the majority of registered places. Their share ranges from just over half (55 per cent) in the North East to around three quarters in the South East (75 per cent) and South West (74 per cent).
In contrast the proportion of registered places that are in school-based providers ranges from 15 per cent in the South East to 37 per cent in the North East.
Although childminders make up the biggest number of providers in all regions (except the West Midlands) in 2024, because they have, on average, fewer registered places than group-based providers and school-based providers they only make up a small proportion of total registered places, ranging from 7 per cent in the North West and West Midlands to 11 per cent in the East of England.
Registered children by age
School-based providers tend to look after older children than other types of childcare providers. The vast majority (88 per cent) of children registered with school-based providers are aged 3 and 4, with only 1 per cent aged under 2.
A higher proportion of children registered with group-based providers (20 per cent) are aged under 2. However, children aged 3 and 4 still make up over half (52 per cent) of registered children at group-based providers.
There is a more even age split of children at childminders - 29 per cent are aged under 2, 34 per cent are aged 2 and 38 per cent are aged 3 and 4.
Booked places
On an average weekday in 2024:
Group-based providers had an estimated 618,200 children booked on full-day places, an increase of 20,300 (3 per cent) from 597,900 in 2023.
School-based providers had an estimated 160,800 children booked on full-day places, an increase of 4,600 (3 per cent) from 156,300 in 2022 (figure for 2023 unavailable).
Childminders had an estimated 78,100 children booked on full-day places, a decrease of 8,300 (10 per cent) from 86,400 in 2023.
Spare places
Providers were asked about the number of additional children that they would have been willing and able to take on the day they completed the survey, over and above those children who were booked - that is, the number of spare places that they had.
Around 50 per cent to 60 per cent of providers report that they have one or more spare full-day place. This proportion is higher for group-based providers (62 per cent) than it is for school-based providers (53 per cent) and childminders (51 per cent).
Although a higher proportion of group-based providers than school-based providers and childminders report having a spare place, the proportion of full-day nursery places that are spare is lower in group-based providers (15 per cent) than in school-based providers (19 per cent) and childminders (21 per cent).
Group-based providers report a total of 110,000 spare places per day. School-based providers report 37,000 spare places and childminder 20,000 spare places.
Group-based providers have an average of around 6 spare places and school-based providers an average of around 5 spare places per day. Childminders have an average of one spare place.
Further information
This section shows several measures:
Firstly, the number of places that providers have registered. This is the number of children that the provider is allowed to have in attendance at any one time.
Secondly, the number of children (as opposed to places) that the provider has registered. This is the number of children “on the provider's books” i.e. attending at any time. The number of registered children may be higher than the number of registered places, for instance if different children attend on different days, or it may be lower than the number of registered places, for instance if the provider has spare places.
Thirdly, the number of booked places at the provider. This is the number of children booked to attend the provider on an “average” weekday (providers are asked on the Survey for the number of children booked on a random day of the previous week).
Finally, the number of spare places that the provider has. This is the number of additional children that the provider is willing and able to take, over and above those children that are already booked with them.
The number of spare places varies between different days of the week. In these tables, the average number across all days is shown. Additional tables, available in the “supporting files” section of this release, show a breakdown by day of the week. They provide further additional information, such as sample sizes, and further tables to those shown in this section, such as the proportion of childcare places that are spare in different regions