Week 7 2021

Attendance in education and early years settings during the coronavirus (COVID-19) pandemic

Data guidance



A summary of attendance in education settings from Monday 23 March to Thursday 19 January and early years settings from Thursday 16 April to Thursday 11 February.

From 12 October, the education settings survey changed and therefore some metrics that used to be presented have been discontinued. The changes were made to give more comprehensive data about how many pupils are isolating from school for different reasons. There are no comparable figures to these from previous weeks.

This publication provides a high-level national summary of estimates from the Department for Education's education settings survey and local authority early years survey. We are working to expand the scope of published data in future releases. 


The data covers England only. Statistics in tables 1a, 1b, 1d, 1e, 2, 3 and 4 are given at national level. Statistics in tables 1c and 5 are given at local authority level. 

File formats and conventions

All files are .csv format. 

Where metrics have been discontinued due to a change in the education settings survey, a “-” symbol is used in that particular cell. 

Data files

All data files associated with this releases are listed below with guidance on their content. To download any of these files, please visit our data catalogue.

Table 1A - Daily attendance in education settings during the COVID-19 outbreak (data for half term dates only - 19th October - 23rd October and 2nd November)

Geographic levels
Time period
2020 Week 43 to 2020 Week 45

This file contains daily attendance data for state-funded education settings for half term dates only  -19th October - 23rd October and 2nd November. 

Schools within Local Authorities which were on half term were removed from calculations. For this reason, data within this file is not comparable to data within table 1b.  

Data is in this file has been scaled to account for non-response so it is nationally representative.

Variable names and descriptions

Variable names and descriptions for this file are provided below:

Variable nameVariable description
Attendance_in_all_state_schools_excluding_schools_on_half_term_or_inset_daysAttendance in all state schools (excluding schools on half term or inset days)
Number_of_children_attending_state_schools_excluding_schools_on_half_term_or_inset_daysNumber of children attending state schools (excluding schools on half term or inset days)
Number_of_open_state_schools_excluding_schools_on_half_term_or_inset_daysNumber of open state schools (excluding schools on half term or inset days)
Number_of_pupils_with_a_SW_attending_in_all_state-funded_schoolsexcluding_schools_on_half_term_or_inset_daysNumber of pupils with a SW attending in all state-funded schools(excluding schools on half term or inset days)
Number_of_pupils_with_an_EHCP_attending_in_all_state-funded_schools_excluding_schools_on_half_term_or_inset_daysNumber of pupils with an EHCP attending in all state-funded schools (excluding schools on half term or inset days)
Number_of_state_schools_responded_excluding_schools_on_half_term_or_inset_daysNumber of state schools responded (excluding schools on half term or inset days)
Number_of_state_schools_with_one_or_more_pupils_self_isolating_due_to_COVID_contact_within_school_excluding_schools_on_half_term_or_inset_daysNumber of state schools with one or more pupils self isolating due to COVID contact within school (excluding schools on half term or inset days)
Proportion_of_open_state_schools_excluding_schools_on_half_term_or_inset_daysProportion of open state schools (excluding schools on half term or inset days)
Proportion_of_pupils_with_a_SW_attending_in_all_state-funded_schools_excluding_schools_on_half_term_or_inset_daysProportion of pupils with a SW attending in all state-funded schools (excluding schools on half term or inset days)
Proportion_of_pupils_with_an_EHCP_attending_in_all_state-funded_schools_excluding_schools_on_half_term_or_inset_daysProportion of pupils with an EHCP attending in all state-funded schools (excluding schools on half term or inset days)
Proportion_of_state_schools_with_one_or_more_pupils_self_isolating_due_to_COVID_contact_within_school_excluding_schools_on_half_term_or_inset_daysProportion of state schools with one or more pupils self isolating due to COVID contact within school (excluding schools on half term or inset days)
Response_rate_from_state_schools_excluding_schools_on_half_term_or_inset_daysResponse rate from state schools (excluding schools on half term or inset days)
  1. All national level figures are adjusted for non-response. Regional and local authority level figures are based on responding schools only. See accompanying document for full methodology.
  2. Pupils with a social worker are considered ‘children in need’. Our analysis after adjusting for non-response suggests that schools may be under-reporting the number of children with a social worker when compared to the most recently published children in need statistics. Therefore these estimates only account for pupils with a social worker that are identified by schools.
  3. The following education settings are included: academies (including free schools and studio schools), local authority maintained schools (excluding local authority nursery schools), non-maintained special schools, alternative provision and university technical colleges.
  4. From 12 October, the education settings survey changed and this new metric was added. The changes were made to give more comprehensive data about how many pupils are self-isolating for different reasons. There are no comparable figures to these from previous weeks.

Table 1B - Daily attendance in education settings during the COVID-19 outbreak (excludes half term dates 19th October - 23rd October and 2nd November)

Geographic levels
Time period
2020 Week 37 to 2021 Week 6

This file contains daily attendance data for state-funded education settings for dates excluding half term dates. Half term includes  19th October - 23rd October, and 2nd November. 

Data is in this file has been scaled to account for non-response so it is nationally representative.

Further details on the column headings can be found in the “Table 1b variable additions and removal log” ancillary file.

Variable names and descriptions

Variable names and descriptions for this file are provided below:

Variable nameVariable description
number_children_attending_fully_open_state_schoolsNumber of children attending fully open state schools
number_children_attending_state_schoolsNumber of children attending state schools
number_children_of_critical_workers_attending_state_funded_schoolsNumber of children of critical workers attending state-funded schools
number_fully_open_state_schoolsNumber of fully open state schools
number_of_state_schools_with_one_or_more_pupils_self_isolating_due_to_COVID_contact_within_schoolNumber of state schools with one or more pupils self isolating due to COVID contact within school
number_open_state_schools_including_schools_on_INSETNumber of open state schools including schools on INSET
number_pupils_with_EHCP_attending_fully_open_state-funded_schoolsNumber of pupils with an EHCP attending in fully open state-funded schools
number_pupils_with_EHCP_attending_state-funded_schoolsNumber of pupils with an EHCP attending in all state-funded schools
number_pupils_with_SW_attending_fully_open_state-funded_schoolsNumber of pupils with a SW attending in fully open state-funded schools
number_pupils_with_SW_attending_state_funded_schoolsNumber of pupils with a SW attending in all state-funded schools
number_state_schools_respondedNumber of state schools responded
proportion_children_attending_fully_open_state_schoolsAttendance in fully open state schools
proportion_children_attending_state_schoolsAttendance in all state schools
proportion_fully_open_state_schoolsProportion of fully open state schools
proportion_of_state_schools_with_one_or_more_pupils_self_isolating_due_to_COVID_contact_within_schoolProportion of state schools with one or more pupils self isolating due to COVID contact within school
proportion_open_state_schools_including_schools_on_INSETProportion of open state schools including schools on INSET
proportion_pupils_with_EHCP_attending_fully_open_state-funded_schoolsProportion of pupils with an EHCP attending in fully open state-funded schools
proportion_pupils_with_EHCP_attending_state-funded_schoolsProportion of pupils with an EHCP attending in all state-funded schools
proportion_pupils_with_SW_attending_in_fully_open_state-funded_schoolsProportion of pupils with a SW attending in fully open state-funded schools
proportion_pupils_with_SW_attending_state_funded_schoolsProportion of pupils with a SW attending in all state-funded schools
response_rate_state_schoolsResponse rate from state schools
  1. Schools are considered fully open if they are able to provide face-to-face teaching for all pupils on roll for the whole school day and they have not asked a group of pupils to self-isolate. School guidance states that where pupils are unable to attend school because they are complying with clinical or public health advice, schools are expected to be able to immediately offer them access to remote education.
  2. All national level figures are adjusted for non-response. Regional and local authority level figures are based on responding schools only. See accompanying document for full methodology.
  3. Pupils with a social worker are considered ‘children in need’. Our analysis after adjusting for non-response suggests that schools may be under-reporting the number of children with a social worker when compared to the most recently published children in need statistics. Therefore these estimates only account for pupils with a social worker that are identified by schools.
  4. Due to poor weather conditions in parts of England, there was an increase in non-COVID related closures on 14, 15, 25 and 26 January, and 2, 8, 9, 10 and 11 February.
  5. Response rates among state-funded schools fell on 17 December by 7 percentage points compared to the previous day. Some schools reported inset days or non-COVID related closures on 17 December (1% of responders). Schools are not required to complete the form if on a planned holiday, such as Christmas break and, previously, decreases in response rates have been associated with an increase in school closures. As a result, it is likely there is a greater proportion of closures among non-responders than responder and we do not know the distribution of these between i) COVID-related closures and ii) schools starting Christmas holidays or having inset days as planned. Therefore, estimates for 17 December are less reliable than previous days and likely overestimate open and attendance rates.
  6. The following education settings are included: academies (including free schools and studio schools), local authority maintained schools (excluding local authority nursery schools), non-maintained special schools, alternative provision and university technical colleges.
  7. From 12 October, schools were asked to exclude nursery children from their submission. A corresponding decrease was observed in submitted number on roll in schools with nurseries.
  8. On Wednesday 7th October, a burst water pipe in East London resulted in a number of schools closing.
  9. On 25 September and 2 October, 1% of state-funded schools reported an inset or training day. Schools or colleges with inset or training days are considered as 'open' but not 'fully open'.
  10. From 12 October, the education settings survey changed and this new metric was added. The changes were made to give more comprehensive data about how many pupils are self-isolating for different reasons. There are no comparable figures to these from previous weeks.
  11. From 12 October, the education settings survey changed and this metric was discontinued. The changes were made to give more comprehensive data about how many pupils are self-isolating for different reasons.

Table 1C - Weekly attendance in state schools during the COVID-19 outbreak at local authority level

Geographic levels
Local authority
Time period
2020 Week 37 to 2020 Week 51

This file contains weekly attendance data at local authority level for state-funded education settings for each Thursday since 10 September until 17 December. It also includes workforce absence statistics since 12 October until 17 December. 

The data is shown for each local authority and is further split by the following school phases:

  • state-funded secondary schools
  • state-funded primary schools
  • state-funded special schools
  • all state-funded schools.

Data is in this file has been not been scaled to account for non-response so it is not nationally representative.

Variable names and descriptions

Variable names and descriptions for this file are provided below:

Variable nameVariable description
Lower_estimate_as_%_of_all_pupilsLower estimate for total pupils unable to attend school because of COVID-19 as % of all pupils
Lower_estimate_for_total_pupils_self_isolatingLower estimate for total pupils self-isolating due to a potential contact with COVID-19
Lower_estimate_for_total_pupils_unable_to_attend_school_because_of_COVID-19Lower estimate for total pupils unable to attend school because of COVID-19
Lower_estimate_self_isolating_as_%_of_all_pupilsLower estimate for total pupils self-isolating due to a potential contact with COVID-19 as % of all pupils
number_children_attendingNumber of children attending schools
number_children_attending_fully_openNumber of children attending fully open schools
number_fully_open_schoolsProportion of fully open schools
number_of_schools_with_one_or_more_pupils_self_isolating_due_to_COVID_contact_within_schoolNumber of schools with one or more pupils self isolating due to COVID contact within school
number_of_teachers_and_school_leaders_absent_for_non_covid_19_reasonsTotal teachers and school leaders absent for non-COVID reasons
number_of_teachers_and_school_leaders_absent_with_a_confirmed_case_of_covid_19Total teachers and school leaders absent from open schools with a confirmed case of COVID-19
number_of_teachers_and_school_leaders_absent_with_a_suspected_case_of_covid_19Total teachers and school leaders absent from open schools with a suspected case of COVID-19
number_of_teachers_and_school_leaders_isolating_due_to_contact_in_schoolTotal teachers and school leaders isolating from open schools due to a potential contact with a case of COVID-19 inside setting
number_of_teachers_and_school_leaders_isolating_due_to_contact_outside_schoolTotal teachers and school leaders isolating from open schools due to a potential contact with a case of COVID-19 outside setting
number_of_teachers_and_school_leaders_on_roll_in_responding_schoolsTotal teachers and school leaders estimated on roll in all responding schools
number_of_teachers_and_school_leaders_on_roll_responding_open_schoolsTotal teachers and school leaders estimated on roll in all open responding schools
number_of_teachers_and_school_leaders_on_roll_responding_schools_closed_due_to_covidTotal teachers and school leaders estimated on roll in all responding schools closed due to COVID-19
number_of_teaching_assistants_and_other_staff_absent_for_non_covid_19_reasonsTotal teaching assistants or other staff members absent for non-COVID reasons
number_of_teaching_assistants_and_other_staff_absent_with_a_confirmed_case_of_covid_19Total teaching assistants or other staff members absent from open schools with a confirmed case of COVID-19
number_of_teaching_assistants_and_other_staff_absent_with_a_suspected_case_of_covid_19Total teaching assistants or other staff members absent from open schools with a suspected case of COVID-19
number_of_teaching_assistants_and_other_staff_isolating_due_to_contact_in_schoolTotal teaching assistants or other staff members isolating from open schools due to a potential contact with a case of COVID-19 inside setting
number_of_teaching_assistants_and_other_staff_isolating_due_to_contact_outside_schoolTotal teaching assistants or other staff members isolating from open schools due to a potential contact with a case of COVID-19 outside setting
number_of_teaching_assistants_and_other_staff_on_roll_in_open_responding_schoolsTotal teaching assistants or other staff members estimated on roll in all open responding schools
number_of_teaching_assistants_and_other_staff_on_roll_in_responding_schoolsTotal teaching assistants or other staff members estimated on roll in all responding schools
number_of_teaching_assistants_and_other_staff_on_roll_responding_schools_closed_due_to_covidTotal teaching assistants or other staff members estimated on roll in all responding schools closed due to COVID-19
number_open_schoolsNumber of open schools
number_pupils_with_EHCP_attendingNumber of pupils with an EHCP attending
number_pupils_with_EHCP_attending_fully_openNumber of pupils with an EHCP attending in fully open schools
number_pupils_with_SW_attendingNumber of pupils with a SW attending
number_pupils_with_SW_attending_fully_openNumber of pupils with a SW attending in fully open schools
number_schools_respondedNumber of schools responded
PhasePhase of education
proportion_children_attendingAttendance in schools (%)
proportion_children_attending_fully_openAttendance in fully open schools (%)
proportion_fully_open_schoolsNumber of fully open schools
proportion_of_schools_with_one_or_more_pupils_self_isolating_due_to_COVID_contact_within_schoolProportion of schools with one or more pupils self isolating due to COVID contact within school
proportion_of_teachers_and_school_leaders_absent_for_non_covid_19_reasonsTeachers and school leaders absent for non-COVID reasons (%)
proportion_of_teachers_and_school_leaders_absent_with_a_confirmed_case_of_covid_19Teachers and school leaders absent from schools with a confirmed case of COVID-19 (%)
proportion_of_teachers_and_school_leaders_absent_with_a_suspected_case_of_covid_19Teachers and school leaders absent from schools with a suspected case of COVID-19 (%)
proportion_of_teachers_and_school_leaders_isolating_due_to_contact_in_schoolTeachers and school leaders isolating from schools due to a potential contact with a case of COVID-19 inside setting (%)
proportion_of_teachers_and_school_leaders_isolating_due_to_contact_outside_schoolTeachers and school leaders isolating from schools due to a potential contact with a case of COVID-19 outside setting (%)
proportion_of_teaching_assistants_and_other_staff_absent_for_non_covid_19_reasonsTeaching assistants or other staff members absent for non-COVID reasons (%)
proportion_of_teaching_assistants_and_other_staff_absent_with_a_confirmed_case_of_covid_19Teaching assistants or other staff members absent from schools with a confirmed case of COVID-19 (%)
proportion_of_teaching_assistants_and_other_staff_absent_with_a_suspected_case_of_covid_19Teaching assistants or other staff members absent from schools with a suspected case of COVID-19 (%)
proportion_of_teaching_assistants_and_other_staff_isolating_due_to_contact_in_schoolTeaching assistants or other staff members isolating from schools due to a potential contact with a case of COVID-19 inside setting (%)
proportion_of_teaching_assistants_and_other_staff_isolating_due_to_contact_outside_schoolTeaching assistants or other staff members isolating from schools due to a potential contact with a case of COVID-19 outside setting (%)
proportion_open_schoolsProportion of open schools
proportion_pupils_absent_with_a_confirmed_case_of_COVID-19Proportion of pupils absent with a confirmed case of COVID-19 (%)
proportion_pupils_absent_with_a_suspected_case_of_COVID-19Proportion of pupils absent with a suspected case of COVID-19 (%)
proportion_pupils_not_attending_because_school_is_closedProportion of pupils not attending because school is closed (%)
proportion_pupils_with_EHCP_attendingProportion of pupils with an EHCP attending (%)
proportion_pupils_with_EHCP_attending_fully_openProportion of pupils with an EHCP attending in fully open schools (%)
proportion_pupils_with_SW_attendingProportion of pupils with a SW attending (%)
proportion_pupils_with_SW_attending_fully_openProportion of pupils with a SW attending in fully open schools (%)
response_rateResponse rate
Total_pupils_absent_from_open_schools_with_a_confirmed_case_of_COVID-19Total pupils absent from open schools with a confirmed case of COVID-19
Total_pupils_absent_from_open_schools_with_a_suspected_case_of_COVID-19Total pupils absent from open schools with a suspected case of COVID-19
Total_pupils_not_attending_because_school_is_closedTotal pupils not attending because school is closed
Upper_estimate_as_%_of_all_pupilsUpper estimate for total pupils unable to attend school because of COVID-19 as % of all pupils
Upper_estimate_for_total_pupils_self_isolatingUpper estimate for total pupils self-isolating due to a potential contact with COVID-19
Upper_estimate_for_total_pupils_unable_to_attend_school_because_of_COVID-19Upper estimate for total pupils unable to attend school because of COVID-19
Upper_estimate_self_isolating_as_%_of_all_pupilsUpper estimate for total pupils self-isolating due to a potential contact with COVID-19 as % of all pupils
  1. Pupils with a social worker are considered ‘children in need’. Our analysis after adjusting for non-response suggests that schools may be under-reporting the number of children with a social worker when compared to the most recently published children in need statistics. Therefore these estimates only account for pupils with a social worker that are identified by schools.
  2. Local authority level data is based on responding schools only. Unlike national level data, no adjustments are made for non-response. Response rates vary by local authority and different schools within a local authority may respond on different days. Care should be taken when comparing local authorities and when interpreting trends over time because differences could be due to response bias or different schools being included in the data.
  3. The following education settings are included: academies (including free schools and studio schools), local authority maintained schools (excluding local authority nursery schools), non-maintained special schools, alternative provision and university technical colleges.
  4. Regional level data is based on responding schools only. Unlike national level data, no adjustments are made for non-response. Response rates vary by local authority and different schools within a region may respond on different days. Care should be taken when comparing regions and when interpreting trends over time because differences could be due to response bias or different schools being included in the data.
  5. Absence rates for teaching assistants and other staff are likely to be less robust as more work part-time. There are likely to be inconsistencies in how schools treat part time staff in their reported data, for example some may update their on roll numbers daily to account for part-time staff ‘expected’ to be on-site and others may not.
  6. Workforce absences are not known in closed schools. This means these figures are likely to be under-estimates of the numbers of workforce with confirmed or suspected cases and self-isolating, particularly when the proportion of schools closed for COVID-19 related reasons is higher.
  7. Data is based on responding schools only. Unlike national level data, no adjustments are made for non-response. Response rates vary by local authority and different schools within a region may respond on different days. Care should be taken when comparing regions and when interpreting trends over time because differences could be due to response bias or different schools being included in the data.

Table 1D - Daily workforce absence in education settings during the COVID-19 outbreak (excludes half term dates 19th October - 23rd October and 2nd November)

Geographic levels
Time period
2020 Week 42 to 2020 Week 51

This file contains workforce absence statistics for education settings from 12 October to 17 December, for dates excluding half term dates. Half term includes  19th October - 23rd October, and 2nd November. 

Data is in this file has been scaled to account for non-response so it is nationally representative.

Variable names and descriptions

Variable names and descriptions for this file are provided below:

Variable nameVariable description
number_of_teachers_and_school_leaders_absent_for_non_covid_19_reasonsNumber of teachers and school leaders absent for non covid-19 reasons
number_of_teachers_and_school_leaders_absent_with_a_confirmed_case_of_covid_19Number of teachers and school leaders absent with a confirmed case of covid-19
number_of_teachers_and_school_leaders_absent_with_a_suspected_case_of_covid_19Number of teachers and school leaders absent with a suspected case of covid-19
number_of_teachers_and_school_leaders_isolating_due_to_contact_in_schoolNumber of teachers and school leaders isolating due to contact in school
number_of_teachers_and_school_leaders_isolating_due_to_contact_outside_schoolNumber of teachers and school leaders isolating due to contact outside school
number_of_teachers_and_school_leaders_on_rollNumber of teachers and school leaders on roll
number_of_teaching_assistants_and_other_staff_absent_for_non_covid_19_reasonsNumber of teaching assistants and other staff absent for non covid-19 reasons
number_of_teaching_assistants_and_other_staff_absent_with_a_confirmed_case_of_covid_19Number of teaching assistants and other staff absent with a confirmed case of covid-19
number_of_teaching_assistants_and_other_staff_absent_with_a_suspected_case_of_covid_19Number of teaching assistants and other staff absent with a suspected case of covid-19
number_of_teaching_assistants_and_other_staff_isolating_due_to_contact_in_schoolNumber of teaching assistants and other staff isolating due to contact in school
number_of_teaching_assistants_and_other_staff_isolating_due_to_contact_outside_schoolNumber of teaching assistants and other staff isolating due to contact outside school
number_of_teaching_assistants_and_other_staff_on_rollNumber of teaching assistants and other staff on roll
phasePhase of education
proportion_of_teachers_and_school_leaders_absent_for_non_covid_19_reasonsProportion of teachers and school leaders absent for non covid-19 reasons
proportion_of_teachers_and_school_leaders_absent_with_a_confirmed_case_of_covid_19Proportion of teachers and school leaders absent with a confirmed case of covid-19
proportion_of_teachers_and_school_leaders_absent_with_a_suspected_case_of_covid_19Proportion of teachers and school leaders absent with a suspected case of covid-19
proportion_of_teachers_and_school_leaders_isolating_due_to_contact_in_schoolProportion of teachers and school leaders isolating due to contact in school
proportion_of_teachers_and_school_leaders_isolating_due_to_contact_outside_schoolProportion of teachers and school leaders isolating due to contact outside school
proportion_of_teaching_assistants_and_other_staff_absent_for_non_covid_19_reasonsProportion of teaching assistants and other staff absent for non covid-19 reasons
proportion_of_teaching_assistants_and_other_staff_absent_with_a_confirmed_case_of_covid_19Proportion of teaching assistants and other staff absent with a confirmed case of covid-19
proportion_of_teaching_assistants_and_other_staff_absent_with_a_suspected_case_of_covid_19Proportion of teaching assistants and other staff absent with a suspected case of covid-19
proportion_of_teaching_assistants_and_other_staff_isolating_due_to_contact_in_schoolProportion of teaching assistants and other staff isolating due to contact in school
proportion_of_teaching_assistants_and_other_staff_isolating_due_to_contact_outside_schoolProportion of teaching assistants and other staff isolating due to contact outside school
  1. Workforce data, including workforce number on roll information which is needed in order to calculate percentages, was collected from 12 October.
  2. All national level figures are adjusted for non-response. Regional and local authority level figures are based on responding schools only. See accompanying document for full methodology.
  3. The following education settings are included: academies (including free schools and studio schools), local authority maintained schools (excluding local authority nursery schools), non-maintained special schools, alternative provision and university technical colleges.
  4. An error was identified that affected national level absence rates for ‘teaching assistants and other staff’ published in underlying data table 1D and included in the narrative of the 19 January publication. This data, including the 19 January narrative, was corrected on 28 January. Absence rates at local authority level in table 1C, equivalent national-level absence rates for ‘teachers and school leaders’ and the number of ‘teaching assistants and other staff’ absent for each reason in table 1D were unaffected.
  5. Absence rates for teaching assistants and other staff are likely to be less robust as more work part-time. There are likely to be inconsistencies in how schools treat part time staff in their reported data, for example some may update their on roll numbers daily to account for part-time staff ‘expected’ to be on-site and others may not.
  6. The purpose of this data collection is primarily to understand attendance and teacher availability. This data is reported directly by schools via DfE's daily education settings survey. It is not the primary source of data on infection, incidence and COVID-19 cases overall. The Office for National Statistics (ONS) published an analysis of the number of school workers who have had COVID-19 within their Coronavirus (COVID-19) Infection Survey publication on 6 November.
  7. Workforce absences are not known in closed schools. This means these figures are likely to be under-estimates of the numbers of workforce with confirmed or suspected cases and self-isolating, particularly when the proportion of schools closed for COVID-19 related reasons is higher.

Table 1E - Daily workforce attendance and absence in education settings during the COVID-19 outbreak (data for 11 Jan 2021 onwards)

Geographic levels
Time period
2021 Week 2 to 2021 Week 6

This file contains workforce absence statistics for education settings from 11 January. Data is not comparable to workforce absence estimates collected in the autumn term.

Data is in this file has been scaled to account for non-response so it is nationally representative.

Variable names and descriptions

Variable names and descriptions for this file are provided below:

Variable nameVariable description
Number_of_teachers_and_school_leaders_attending_on_site_in_open_schoolsNumber of teachers and school leaders attending on site in open schools
Number_of_teachers_and_school_leaders_in_open_schools_self_isolating_and_cannot_teach_remotely_due_to_potential_contact_with_a_case_of_COVID19_inside_the_schoolNumber of teachers and school leaders in open schools self isolating and cannot teach remotely due to potential contact with a case of COVID19 inside the school
Number_of_teachers_and_school_leaders_in_open_schools_self_isolating_and_cannot_teach_remotely_due_to_potential_contact_with_a_case_of_COVID19_outside_the_schoolNumber of teachers and school leaders in open schools self isolating and cannot teach remotely due to potential contact with a case of COVID19 outside the school
Number_of_teachers_and_school_leaders_on_roll_in_closed_schoolsNumber of teachers and school leaders on roll in closed schools
Number_of_teachers_and_school_leaders_on_roll_in_open_schoolsNumber of teachers and school leaders on roll in open schools
Number_of_teachers_and_school_leaders_who_cannot_teach_on_site_or_remotely_in_open_schoolsNumber of teachers and school leaders who cannot teach on site or remotely in open schools
Number_of_teachers_and_school_leaders_who_cannot_teach_on_site_or_remotely_in_open_schools_due_to_a_confirmed_case_of_COVID19Number of teachers and school leaders who cannot teach on site or remotely in open schools due to a confirmed case of COVID19
Number_of_teachers_and_school_leaders_who_cannot_teach_on_site_or_remotely_in_open_schools_due_to_a_suspected_case_of_COVID19Number of teachers and school leaders who cannot teach on site or remotely in open schools due to a suspected case of COVID19
Number_of_teachers_and_school_leaders_who_cannot_teach_on_site_or_remotely_in_open_schools_due_to_non_COVID_reasonsNumber of teachers and school leaders who cannot teach on site or remotely in open schools due to non COVID reasons
Number_of_teaching_assistants_and_other_staff_attending_on_site_in_open_schoolsNumber of teaching assistants and other staff attending on site in open schools
Number_of_teaching_assistants_and_other_staff_in_open_schools_self_isolating_and_cannot_teach_remotely_due_to_potential_contact_with_a_case_of_COVID19_inside_the_schoolNumber of teaching assistants and other staff in open schools self isolating and cannot teach remotely due to potential contact with a case of COVID19 inside the school
Number_of_teaching_assistants_and_other_staff_in_open_schools_self_isolating_and_cannot_teach_remotely_due_to_potential_contact_with_a_case_of_COVID19_outside_the_schoolNumber of teaching assistants and other staff in open schools self isolating and cannot teach remotely due to potential contact with a case of COVID19 outside the school
Number_of_teaching_assistants_and_other_staff_on_roll_in_closed_schoolsNumber of teaching assistants and other staff on roll in closed schools
Number_of_teaching_assistants_and_other_staff_on_roll_in_open_schoolsNumber of teaching assistants and other staff on roll in open schools
Number_of_teaching_assistants_and_other_staff_who_cannot_teach_on_site_or_remotely_in_open_schoolsNumber of teaching assistants and other staff who cannot teach on site or remotely in open schools
Number_of_teaching_assistants_and_other_staff_who_cannot_teach_on_site_or_remotely_in_open_schools_due_to_a_confirmed_case_of_COVID19Number of teaching assistants and other staff who cannot teach on site or remotely in open schools due to a confirmed case of COVID19
Number_of_teaching_assistants_and_other_staff_who_cannot_teach_on_site_or_remotely_in_open_schools_due_to_a_suspected_case_of_COVID19Number of teaching assistants and other staff who cannot teach on site or remotely in open schools due to a suspected case of COVID19
Number_of_teaching_assistants_and_other_staff_who_cannot_teach_on_site_or_remotely_in_open_schools_due_to_non_COVID_reasonsNumber of teaching assistants and other staff who cannot teach on site or remotely in open schools due to non COVID reasons
phasePhase of education
Proportion_of_teachers_and_school_leaders_attending_on_site_in_open_schoolsProportion of teachers and school leaders attending on site in open schools
Proportion_of_teachers_and_school_leaders_in_open_schools_self_isolating_and_cannot_teach_remotely_due_to_potential_contact_with_a_case_of_COVID19_inside_the_schoolProportion of teachers and school leaders in open schools self isolating and cannot teach remotely due to potential contact with a case of COVID19 inside the school
Proportion_of_teachers_and_school_leaders_in_open_schools_self_isolating_and_cannot_teach_remotely_due_to_potential_contact_with_a_case_of_COVID19_outside_the_schoolProportion of teachers and school leaders in open schools self isolating and cannot teach remotely due to potential contact with a case of COVID19 outside the school
Proportion_of_teachers_and_school_leaders_who_cannot_teach_on_site_or_remotely_in_open_schoolsProportion of teachers and school leaders who cannot teach on site or remotely in open schools
Proportion_of_teachers_and_school_leaders_who_cannot_teach_on_site_or_remotely_in_open_schools_due_to_a_confirmed_case_of_COVID19Proportion of teachers and school leaders who cannot teach on site or remotely in open schools due to a confirmed case of COVID19
Proportion_of_teachers_and_school_leaders_who_cannot_teach_on_site_or_remotely_in_open_schools_due_to_a_suspected_case_of_COVID19Proportion of teachers and school leaders who cannot teach on site or remotely in open schools due to a suspected case of COVID19
Proportion_of_teachers_and_school_leaders_who_cannot_teach_on_site_or_remotely_in_open_schools_due_to_non_COVID_reasonsProportion of teachers and school leaders who cannot teach on site or remotely in open schools due to non COVID reasons
Proportion_of_teaching_assistants_and_other_staff_attending_on_site_in_open_schoolsProportion of teaching assistants and other staff attending on site in open schools
Proportion_of_teaching_assistants_and_other_staff_in_open_schools_self_isolating_and_cannot_teach_remotely_due_to_potential_contact_with_a_case_of_COVID19_inside_the_schoolProportion of teaching assistants and other staff in open schools self isolating and cannot teach remotely due to potential contact with a case of COVID19 inside the school
Proportion_of_teaching_assistants_and_other_staff_in_open_schools_self_isolating_and_cannot_teach_remotely_due_to_potential_contact_with_a_case_of_COVID19_outside_the_schoolProportion of teaching assistants and other staff in open schools self isolating and cannot teach remotely due to potential contact with a case of COVID19 outside the school
Proportion_of_teaching_assistants_and_other_staff_who_cannot_teach_on_site_or_remotely_in_open_schoolsProportion of teaching assistants and other staff who cannot teach on site or remotely in open schools
Proportion_of_teaching_assistants_and_other_staff_who_cannot_teach_on_site_or_remotely_in_open_schools_due_to_a_confirmed_case_of_COVID19Proportion of teaching assistants and other staff who cannot teach on site or remotely in open schools due to a confirmed case of COVID19
Proportion_of_teaching_assistants_and_other_staff_who_cannot_teach_on_site_or_remotely_in_open_schools_due_to_a_suspected_case_of_COVID19Proportion of teaching assistants and other staff who cannot teach on site or remotely in open schools due to a suspected case of COVID19
Proportion_of_teaching_assistants_and_other_staff_who_cannot_teach_on_site_or_remotely_in_open_schools_due_to_non_COVID_reasonsProportion of teaching assistants and other staff who cannot teach on site or remotely in open schools due to non COVID reasons
  1. Workforce data, including workforce number on roll information which is needed in order to calculate percentages, was collected from 12 October.
  2. All national level figures are adjusted for non-response. Regional and local authority level figures are based on responding schools only. See accompanying document for full methodology.
  3. Due to poor weather conditions in parts of England, there was an increase in non-COVID related closures on 14, 15, 25 and 26 January, and 2, 8, 9, 10 and 11 February.
  4. It is possible that some schools have continued to report COVID-related absences in the spring term for affected staff who are working remotely in the same way as the autumn term. We therefore advise caution in interpreting these estimates.
  5. Absence rates for teaching assistants and other staff are likely to be less robust as more work part-time. There are likely to be inconsistencies in how schools treat part time staff in their reported data, for example some may update their on roll numbers daily to account for part-time staff ‘expected’ to be on-site and others may not.
  6. Since January, lateral flow devices have been provided to all schools and schools can offer workforce who are on-site access to two rapid results tests every week. Rates of confirmed cases and self-isolation among workforce may be impacted by levels of testing.
  7. The purpose of this data collection is primarily to understand attendance and teacher availability. This data is reported directly by schools via DfE's daily education settings survey. It is not the primary source of data on infection, incidence and COVID-19 cases overall. The Office for National Statistics (ONS) published an analysis of the number of school workers who have had COVID-19 within their Coronavirus (COVID-19) Infection Survey publication on 6 November.
  8. Staff in schools with higher levels of pupil attendance may be less able to work remotely. Teaching assistants and other staff include staff who are essential to the running of schools such as administrative, catering, cleaning and maintenance staff, midday supervisors and technicians. These roles may be more difficult to carry out remotely, which may explain why these staff have both higher rates of on-site attendance and higher rates of staff unable to work on-site or remotely in primary and secondary schools.
  9. From 5 January, schools were asked to provide remote education for the majority of pupils which enabled many staff to work remotely. Therefore data on reasons for workforce absence are collected where staff are unable to teach on-site or remotely from 11 January. This means that staff who have a confirmed or suspected case of coronavirus or who are self-isolating but can work remotely are not included in these figures. In the 2020/21 autumn term, when schools were asked to open for all pupils, data on reasons for workforce absence were collected for all staff unable to work on-site. Therefore, figures from 11 January are not comparable to data on workforce absence collected in the autumn term.

Table 2 - Daily attendance in early years settings during the COVID-19 outbreak

Geographic levels
Time period
2020 Week 16 to 2021 Week 6

The data in this file contains weekly attendance data for early years settings. Data is in this file has been scaled to account for non-response so it is nationally representative.

Variable names and descriptions

Variable names and descriptions for this file are provided below:

Variable nameVariable description
Children_attendingNumber of children attending early years settings
Children_of_critical_workers_attendingChildren of critical workers attending early years settings
Closed_settingsNumber of closed early years settings
Open_settingsNumber of open early years settings
Proportion_of_settings_closedProportion of early years settings closed
Proportion_of_settings_openProportion of early years settings open
Proportion_of_settings_with_unknown_statusProportion of early years settings with unknown status
Settings_with_unknown_statusNumber of settings with unknown status
Vulnerable_children_attendingNumber of vulnerable children attending early years settings
  1. Ordinarily, fewer early years settings are open and fewer children are in attendance during school holidays. This is due to reduced demand for childcare and the closure of school-based settings.
  2. All national level figures are adjusted for non-response. Regional and local authority level figures are based on responding schools only. See accompanying document for full methodology.
  3. The Prime Minister announced on 4 January 2021 that early years settings remain open for all children during the national lockdown.
  4. From 16 April to 18 June, the local authority early years survey was twice-weekly (Mondays and Thursdays). From 25 June, the survey changed to weekly (Thursdays).
  5. From 1 June, the government asked early years settings to begin welcoming back all children in addition to those of critical workers and vulnerable children. The methodology to adjust figures for non-response was also updated to reflect this change.
  6. The summer term had ended in most schools by Friday 17 July. Autumn term had typically begun by Monday 7 September and ended by Friday 18 December. Data collection was paused over Christmas and resumed at the start of Spring term, with the first data collected on Thursday 7 January.

Table 3 - Daily attendance in education settings during the COVID-19 outbreak Pre17 July

Geographic levels
Time period
2020 Week 13 to 2020 Week 29

This file contains daily attendance data for state-funded education settings from 23 March - 17th July inclusive. Data is in this file has been scaled to account for non-response so it is nationally representative.  Please see the methodology document for more information. 

Variable names and descriptions

Variable names and descriptions for this file are provided below:

Variable nameVariable description
attending_nurseryChildren attending nursery
attending_receptionChildren attending reception
attending_year1Children attending year 1
attending_year10Children attending year 10
attending_year12Children attending year 12
attending_year6Children attending year 6
children_attendingChildren attending
children_critical_workers_attendingChildren of critical workers attending
children_with_ehcp_attendingChildren with an EHCP attending
children_with_ehcp_or_social_worker_attendingChildren with an EHCP or social worker attending
children_with_social_worker_attendingChildren with a social worker attending
nonteaching_staff_attending_excluding_teaching_assistantsNon-teaching staff attending (excludes teaching assistants)
nonteaching_staff_attending_including_teaching_assistantsNon-teaching staff attending (includes teaching assistants)
open_settingsOpen settings
open_settings_to_nursery_reception_year1_or_year6Settings open to nursery reception year 1 or year 6
open_settings_to_year10_or_year12Settings open to year 10 or year 12
otherwise_vulnerable_children_attendingOtherwise vulnerable children attending
proportion_attending_nursery_open_settingsProportion of nursery children in open settings attending
proportion_attending_nursery_settingsProportion of nursery children attending
proportion_attending_receptionProportion of reception children attending
proportion_attending_reception_open_settingsProportion of reception children in open settings attending
proportion_attending_year1Proportion of year 1 children attending
proportion_attending_year1_open_settingsProportion of year 1 children in open settings attending
proportion_attending_year10Proportion of year 10 children attending
proportion_attending_year10_open_settingsProportion of year 10 children in open settings attending
proportion_attending_year12Proportion of year 12 children attending
proportion_attending_year12_open_settingsProportion of year 12 children in open settings attending
proportion_attending_year6Proportion of year 6 children attending
proportion_attending_year6_open_settingsProportion of year 6 children in open settings attending
proportion_children_attendingProportion of children attending
proportion_children_with_ehcp_or_social_worker_attendingProportion of children with an EHCP or social worker attending
proportion_of_settings_openProportion of settings open
proportion_of_settings_open_to_nursery_reception_year1_or_year6Proportion of settings usually accepting these year groups open to nursery reception year 1 or year 6
proportion_of_settings_open_to_year10_or_year12Proportion of settings usually accepting these year groups open to year 10 or year 12
response_rateResponse rate
teaching_staff_attending_excluding_teaching_assistantsTeaching staff attending (excludes teaching assistants)
teaching_staff_attending_including_teaching_assistantsTeaching staff attending (includes teaching assistants)
vulnerable_children_attendingVulnerable children attending
  1. The response rates for Wednesday 13 and Friday 15 May were impacted slightly due to technical issues which made it more difficult for some schools to complete the survey. A lower response rate makes the methodology used to account for non-response slightly less reliable.
  2. The response rate between Monday 6 April and Friday 17 April was low because it was the Easter break for most settings in England. Similarly, the response rate between Monday 25 May and Friday 29 May was low because it was half term for most settings in England.
  3. The following education settings are included: academies (including free schools and studio schools), local authority maintained schools (including local authority nursery schools), independent schools, non-maintained special schools and alternative provision.
  4. From 23 March to 2 July the Autumn school census was used to determine year group population size. From 3 July, we switched to using the newly published Spring census. This change has the biggest impact on the proportion of nursery children in attendance. We estimate that this proportion falls by 5 percentage points when compared to using the Autumn census. Other year group attendance rates see a change of around 0.1 percentage points.
  5. The following education settings are included: academies (including free schools and studio schools), local authority maintained schools (excluding local authority nursery schools), non-maintained special schools, alternative provision and university technical colleges.
  6. All figures are adjusted for non-response. This methodology was adjusted from Friday 27 March. See accompanying document for full methodology.
  7. The following education settings are included: academies (including free schools and studio schools), local authority maintained schools (including local authority nursery schools), independent schools, non-maintained special schools, alternative provision, university technical colleges, FE colleges and sixth form colleges, and special post-16 institutions/specialist colleges.
  8. From 1 June, the government asked schools to welcome back children in nursery, reception, year 1 and year 6, alongside children of critical workers and vulnerable children. As a result, changes were made to the survey of education settings to capture information about this wider group of attending pupils. From 15 June, secondary schools, sixth form and further education colleges were asked to begin providing face-to-face support to students in year 10 and 12 to supplement their learning from home, alongside full time provision for students from priority groups.
  9. The response rate for Friday 1 May was only 14% due to technical issues with DfE sign-in, the online system used by educational establishments to submit attendance data. This may have affected the accuracy of the figures. A lower response rate makes the methodology used to account for non-response slightly.
  10. Figures from Friday 27 March relate to data as at 4pm on each day, prior to this figures related to data as at 6pm. Negligible changes to the estimates were seen between 4pm and 6pm. Figures for Monday 1 June relate to data as at 3pm.
  11. Settings are asked to provide a count of the number of children of critical workers and the number of vulnerable children. Some children are classified as both a child of a critical worker and a vulnerable child. Some settings have been counting these pupils as children of critical workers, but not in the count of vulnerable children. Therefore, the number of vulnerable children is an under-estimate. We estimate the true figure is up to 5% higher.

Table 4 - Daily attendance in responding education settings during the COVID-19 outbreak not nationally representative Pre17 July

Geographic levels
Time period
2020 Week 23 to 2020 Week 29

This file contains daily attendance data for state-funded education settings from 23 March - 17th July inclusive. Data is in this file only contains data on responding schools so it is not nationally representative.  Please see the methodology document for more information. 

Variable names and descriptions

Variable names and descriptions for this file are provided below:

Variable nameVariable description
open_responding_settings_not_nationally_representativeOpen responding settings (not nationally representative)
open_responding_settings_to_nursery_reception_year1_or_year6_not_nationally_representativeSettings open to nursery reception year 1 or year 6 (not nationally representative)
open_responding_settings_to_year10_or_year12_not_nationally_representativeSettings open to year 10 or year 12 (not nationally representative)
proportion_of_responding_settings_open_not_nationally_representativeProportion of responding settings open (not nationally representative)
proportion_of_responding_settings_open_to_nursery_reception_year1_or_year6_not_nationally_representativeProportion of settings usually accepting these year groups open to nursery reception year 1 or year 6 (not nationally representative)
proportion_of_responding_settings_open_to_year10_or_year12_not_nationally_representativeProportion of settings usually accepting these year groups open to year 10 or year 12 (not nationally representative)
response_rateResponse rate
  1. These figures are included for methodological completeness and show the corresponding data before it has been adjusted for non-response.
  2. The following education settings are included: academies (including free schools and studio schools), local authority maintained schools (including local authority nursery schools), independent schools, non-maintained special schools, alternative provision, university technical colleges, FE colleges and sixth form colleges, and special post-16 institutions/specialist colleges.
  3. Figures from Friday 27 March relate to data as at 4pm on each day, prior to this figures related to data as at 6pm. Negligible changes to the estimates were seen between 4pm and 6pm. Figures for Monday 1 June relate to data as at 3pm.

Table 5 - Weekly attendance in early years settings during the COVID-19 outbreak at local authority level

Geographic levels
Local authority
Time period
2020 Week 15 to 2020 Week 52

This file contains local authority responses to the early years local authority survey from Monday 4 April 2020 to Monday 28 December 2020. Values of less than 5 for the Total Children in Early Years Settings and  Total Vulnerable Children in Early Years Settings have been suppressed and have been replaced with a “c”. Some responses from local authorities during this time period have been removed where the Department for Education has been notified of a mistaken entry, or where the department believes a mistaken entry has been given based on high level validation checks. Additionally, where a local authority has submitted multiple responses on the same day only the most recent response on that date has been retained. The data covers England only.

Variable names and descriptions

Variable names and descriptions for this file are provided below:

Variable nameVariable description
count_of_closed_early_years_settingsCount of Closed Early Years Settings
count_of_open_early_years_settingsCount of Open Early Years Settings
total_children_in_early_years_settingsTotal Children in Early Years Settings
total_early_years_settings_reported_by_laTotal Early Years Settings Reported by LA
total_vulnerable_children_in_early_years_settingsTotal Vulnerable Children in Early Years Settings
  1. The following education settings are included: academies (including free schools and studio schools), local authority maintained schools (excluding local authority nursery schools), non-maintained special schools, alternative provision and university technical colleges.
  2. All national level figures are adjusted for non-response. Regional and local authority level figures are based on responding schools only. See accompanying document for full methodology.
  3. Local authority responses to the early years local authority survey from Monday 4 April 2020 to Monday 28 December 2020. Values of less than 5 for the Total Children in Early Years Settings and Total Vulnerable Children in Early Years Settings have been suppressed and have been replaced with a “c”. Some responses from local authorities during this time period have been removed where the Department for Education has been notified of a mistaken entry, or where the department believes a mistaken entry has been given based on high level validation checks. The data presented is largely as received from Local Authorities. While there are some basic validation checks on very unusual values, the frequency of data the data collection means it is not possible to validate every value. As such caution should be applied when viewing LA level data. Additionally, where a local authority has submitted multiple responses on the same day only the most recent response on that date has been retained. The data covers England only.