- Filename
- table_1a_daily_attendance_in_state_schools_during_covid19__half_term_data_19oct_to_2nov.csv
- Geographic levels
- National
- Time period
- 2020 Week 43 to 2020 Week 45
- Content
This file contains daily attendance data for state-funded education settings for half term dates only -19th October - 23rd October and 2nd November. Data is in this file has been scaled to account for non-response so it is nationally representative.
Variable names and descriptions
Variable names and descriptions for this file are provided below:
Variable name | Variable description |
Attendance_in_all_state_schools_excluding_schools_on_half_term_or_inset_days | Attendance in all state schools (excluding schools on half term or inset days) |
date | Date |
Number_of_children_attending_state_schools_excluding_schools_on_half_term_or_inset_days | Number of children attending state schools (excluding schools on half term or inset days) |
Number_of_open_state_schools_excluding_schools_on_half_term_or_inset_days | Number of open state schools (excluding schools on half term or inset days) |
Number_of_pupils_with_a_SW_attending_in_all_state-funded_schoolsexcluding_schools_on_half_term_or_inset_days | Number of pupils with a SW attending in all state-funded schools(excluding schools on half term or inset days) |
Number_of_pupils_with_an_EHCP_attending_in_all_state-funded_schools_excluding_schools_on_half_term_or_inset_days | Number of pupils with an EHCP attending in all state-funded schools (excluding schools on half term or inset days) |
Number_of_state_schools_responded_excluding_schools_on_half_term_or_inset_days | Number of state schools responded (excluding schools on half term or inset days) |
Number_of_state_schools_with_one_or_more_pupils_self_isolating_due_to_COVID_contact_within_school_excluding_schools_on_half_term_or_inset_days | Number of state schools with one or more pupils self isolating due to COVID contact within school (excluding schools on half term or inset days) |
Proportion_of_open_state_schools_excluding_schools_on_half_term_or_inset_days | Proportion of open state schools (excluding schools on half term or inset days) |
Proportion_of_pupils_with_a_SW_attending_in_all_state-funded_schools_excluding_schools_on_half_term_or_inset_days | Proportion of pupils with a SW attending in all state-funded schools (excluding schools on half term or inset days) |
Proportion_of_pupils_with_an_EHCP_attending_in_all_state-funded_schools_excluding_schools_on_half_term_or_inset_days | Proportion of pupils with an EHCP attending in all state-funded schools (excluding schools on half term or inset days) |
Proportion_of_state_schools_with_one_or_more_pupils_self_isolating_due_to_COVID_contact_within_school_excluding_schools_on_half_term_or_inset_days | Proportion of state schools with one or more pupils self isolating due to COVID contact within school (excluding schools on half term or inset days) |
Response_rate_from_state_schools_excluding_schools_on_half_term_or_inset_days | Response rate from state schools (excluding schools on half term or inset days) |
- The following education settings are included: academies (including free schools and studio schools), local authority maintained schools (excluding local authority nursery schools), non-maintained special schools, alternative provision and university technical colleges.
- From 12 October, the education settings survey changed and this new metric was added. The changes were made to give more comprehensive data about how many pupils are self-isolating for different reasons. There are no comparable figures to these from previous weeks.
- All figures are adjusted for non-response. See accompanying document for full methodology.
- Pupils with a social worker are considered ‘children in need’. Our analysis after adjusting for non-response suggests that schools may be under-reporting the number of children with a social worker when compared to the most recently published children in need statistics. Therefore these estimates only account for pupils with a social worker that are identified by schools.
- From 12 October, schools were asked to exclude nursery children from their submission. A corresponding decrease was observed in submitted number on roll in schools with nurseries.