Week 42 2020

Attendance in education and early years settings during the coronavirus (COVID-19) pandemic

Data guidance


Data files

All data files associated with this releases are listed below with guidance on their content. To download any of these files, please visit our data catalogue.

Table 1- Daily attendance in education settings during the COVID-19 outbreak

Geographic levels
Time period
2020 Week 37 to 2020 Week 42
Variable names and descriptions

Variable names and descriptions for this file are provided below:

Variable nameVariable description
number_children_attending_fully_open_state_schoolsNumber of children attending fully open state schools
number_children_attending_state_schoolsNumber of children attending state schools
number_fully_open_state_schoolsNumber of fully open state schools
number_of_state_schools_with_one_or_more_pupils_self_isolating_due_to_COVID_contact_within_schoolNumber of state schools with one or more pupils self isolating due to COVID contact within school
number_open_state_schoolsNumber of open state schools
number_pupils_with_EHCP_attending_fully_open_state-funded_schoolsNumber of pupils with an EHCP attending in fully open state-funded schools
number_pupils_with_EHCP_attending_state-funded_schoolsNumber of pupils with an EHCP attending in all state-funded schools
number_pupils_with_SW_attending_fully_open_state-funded_schoolsNumber of pupils with a SW attending in fully open state-funded schools
number_pupils_with_SW_attending_state_funded_schoolsNumber of pupils with a SW attending in all state-funded schools
number_state_schools_respondedNumber of state schools responded
proportion_children_attending_fully_open_state_schoolsAttendance in fully open state schools
proportion_children_attending_state_schoolsAttendance in all state schools
proportion_fully_open_state_schoolsProportion of fully open state schools
proportion_of_state_schools_with_one_or_more_pupils_self_isolating_due_to_COVID_contact_within_schoolProportion of state schools with one or more pupils self isolating due to COVID contact within school
proportion_open_state_schoolsProportion of open state schools
proportion_pupils_with_EHCP_attending_fully_open_state-funded_schoolsProportion of pupils with an EHCP attending in fully open state-funded schools
proportion_pupils_with_EHCP_attending_state-funded_schoolsProportion of pupils with an EHCP attending in all state-funded schools
proportion_pupils_with_SW_attending_in_fully_open_state-funded_schoolsProportion of pupils with a SW attending in fully open state-funded schools
proportion_pupils_with_SW_attending_state_funded_schoolsProportion of pupils with a SW attending in all state-funded schools
response_rate_state_schoolsResponse rate from state schools

Table 2- Daily attendance in early years settings during COVID-19 outbreak

Geographic levels
Time period
2020 Week 16 to 2020 Week 42
Variable names and descriptions

Variable names and descriptions for this file are provided below:

Variable nameVariable description
Children_attendingNumber of children attending early years settings
Children_of_critical_workers_attendingChildren of critical workers attending
Closed_settingsNumber of closed settings
Open_settingsNumber of open settings
Proportion_of_settings_closedProportion of settings closed
Proportion_of_settings_openProportion of settings open
Proportion_of_settings_with_unknown_statusProportion of settings with unknown status
Settings_with_unknown_statusNumber of settings with unknown status
Vulnerable_children_attendingNumber of vulnerable children attending early years settings

Table 3- Daily attendance in education settings during COVID-19 outbreak Pre 17 July

Geographic levels
Time period
2020 Week 13 to 2020 Week 29
Variable names and descriptions

Variable names and descriptions for this file are provided below:

Variable nameVariable description
attending_nurseryChildren attending nursery
attending_receptionChildren attending reception
attending_year1Children attending year 1
attending_year10Children attending year 10
attending_year12Children attending year 12
attending_year6Children attending year 6
children_attendingChildren attending
children_critical_workers_attendingChildren of critical workers attending
children_with_ehcp_attendingChildren with an EHCP attending
children_with_ehcp_or_social_worker_attendingChildren with an EHCP or social worker attending
children_with_social_worker_attendingChildren with a social worker attending
nonteaching_staff_attending_excluding_teaching_assistantsNon-teaching staff attending (excludes teaching assistants)
nonteaching_staff_attending_including_teaching_assistantsNon-teaching staff attending (includes teaching assistants)
open_settingsOpen settings
open_settings_to_nursery_reception_year1_or_year6Settings open to nursery reception year 1 or year 6
open_settings_to_year10_or_year12Settings open to year 10 or year 12
otherwise_vulnerable_children_attendingOtherwise vulnerable children attending
proportion_attending_nursery_open_settingsProportion of nursery children in open settings attending
proportion_attending_nursery_settingsProportion of nursery children attending
proportion_attending_receptionProportion of reception children attending
proportion_attending_reception_open_settingsProportion of reception children in open settings attending
proportion_attending_year1Proportion of year 1 children attending
proportion_attending_year1_open_settingsProportion of year 1 children in open settings attending
proportion_attending_year10Proportion of year 10 children attending
proportion_attending_year10_open_settingsProportion of year 10 children in open settings attending
proportion_attending_year12Proportion of year 12 children attending
proportion_attending_year12_open_settingsProportion of year 12 children in open settings attending
proportion_attending_year6Proportion of year 6 children attending
proportion_attending_year6_open_settingsProportion of year 6 children in open settings attending
proportion_children_attendingProportion of children attending
proportion_children_with_ehcp_or_social_worker_attendingProportion of children with an EHCP or social worker attending
proportion_of_settings_openProportion of settings open
proportion_of_settings_open_to_nursery_reception_year1_or_year6Proportion of settings usually accepting these year groups open to nursery reception year 1 or year 6
proportion_of_settings_open_to_year10_or_year12Proportion of settings usually accepting these year groups open to year 10 or year 12
response_rateResponse rate
teaching_staff_attending_excluding_teaching_assistantsTeaching staff attending (excludes teaching assistants)
teaching_staff_attending_including_teaching_assistantsTeaching staff attending (includes teaching assistants)
vulnerable_children_attendingVulnerable children attending

Table 4- Daily attendance in responding education settings during the COVID-19 outbreak not nationally representative Pre 17 July

Geographic levels
Time period
2020 Week 23 to 2021 Week 20
Variable names and descriptions

Variable names and descriptions for this file are provided below:

Variable nameVariable description
open_responding_settings_not_nationally_representativeOpen responding settings (not nationally representative)
open_responding_settings_to_nursery_reception_year1_or_year6_not_nationally_representativeSettings open to nursery reception year 1 or year 6 (not nationally representative)
open_responding_settings_to_year10_or_year12_not_nationally_representativeSettings open to year 10 or year 12 (not nationally representative)
proportion_of_responding_settings_open_not_nationally_representativeProportion of responding settings open (not nationally representative)
proportion_of_responding_settings_open_to_nursery_reception_year1_or_year6_not_nationally_representativeProportion of settings usually accepting these year groups open to nursery reception year 1 or year 6 (not nationally representative)
proportion_of_responding_settings_open_to_year10_or_year12_not_nationally_representativeProportion of settings usually accepting these year groups open to year 10 or year 12 (not nationally representative)
response_rateResponse rate