Week 40 2020

Attendance in education and early years settings during the coronavirus (COVID-19) pandemic

Data guidance


Data files

All data files associated with this releases are listed below with guidance on their content. To download any of these files, please visit our data catalogue.

Table 1 - Daily attendance in education settings during the COVID19 outbreak

Geographic levels
Time period
2020 Week 37 to 2020 Week 40
Variable names and descriptions

Variable names and descriptions for this file are provided below:

Variable nameVariable description
%_pupils_with_EHCP_attending_fully_open_state-funded_schools% of pupils with an EHCP attending in fully open state-funded schools
%_pupils_with_EHCP_attending_state-funded_schools% of pupils with an EHCP attending in all state-funded schools
%_pupils_with_SW_attending_in_fully_open_state-funded_schools% of pupils with a SW attending in fully open state-funded schools
%_pupils_with_SW_attending_state_funded_schools% of pupils with a SW attending in all state-funded schools
number_children_attending_fully_open_state_schoolsNumber of children attending fully open state schools
number_children_attending_state_schoolsNumber of children attending state schools
number_fully_open_state_schoolsNumber of fully open state schools
number_open_state_schoolsNumber of open state schools
Number_pupils_with_EHCP_attending_fully_open_state-funded_schoolsNumber of pupils with an EHCP attending in fully open state-funded schools
Number_pupils_with_EHCP_attending_state-funded_schoolsNumber of pupils with an EHCP attending in all state-funded schools
Number_pupils_with_SW_attending_fully_open_state-funded_schoolsNumber of pupils with a SW attending in fully open state-funded schools
Number_pupils_with_SW_attending_state_funded_schoolsNumber of pupils with a SW attending in all state-funded schools
number_state_schools_respondedNumber of state schools responded
proportion_children_attending_fully_open_state_schoolsProportion of children attending fully open state schools
proportion_children_attending_state_schoolsProportion of children attending state schools
proportion_fully_open_state_schoolsProportion of fully open state schools
proportion_open_state_schoolsProportion of open state schools
response_rate_state_schoolsResponse rate from state schools
  1. Schools are considered fully open if they are able to provide face-to-face teaching for all pupils on roll for the whole school day and they have not asked a group of pupils to self-isolate. School guidance states that where pupils are unable to attend school because they are complying with clinical or public health advice, schools are expected to be able to immediately offer them access to remote education.
  2. Pupils with a social worker are considered ‘children in need’. Our analysis after adjusting for non-response suggests that schools may be under-reporting the number of children with a social worker when compared to the most recently published children in need statistics. Therefore these estimates only account for pupils with a social worker that are identified by schools.
  3. The following education settings are included: academies (including free schools and studio schools), local authority maintained schools (excluding local authority nursery schools), non-maintained special schools, alternative provision and university technical colleges.
  4. On 25 September, 1% of state-funded schools reported an inset or training. Schools or colleges with inset or training days are considered as 'open' but not 'fully open'.
  5. All figures are adjusted for non-response. See accompanying document for full methodology.

Table 2 Daily attendance in early years settings during the COVID-19 outbreak

Geographic levels
Time period
2020 Week 16 to 2020 Week 40
Variable names and descriptions

Variable names and descriptions for this file are provided below:

Variable nameVariable description
Children_attendingNumber of children attending
Children_of_critical_workers_attendingChildren of critical workers attending
Closed_settingsNumber of closed settings
Open_settingsNumber of open settings
Proportion_of_settings_closedProportion of settings closed
Proportion_of_settings_openProportion of settings open
Proportion_of_settings_with_unknown_statusProportion of settings with unknown status
Settings_with_unknown_statusNumber of settings with unknown status
Vulnerable_children_attendingNumber of vulnerable children attending
  1. From 16 April to 18 June, the local authority early years survey was twice-weekly (Mondays and Thursdays). From 25 June, the survey changed to weekly (Thursdays).
  2. From 1 June, the government asked early years settings to begin welcoming back all children in addition to those of critical workers and vulnerable children. The methodology to adjust figures for non-response was also updated to reflect this change.
  3. The summer term had ended in most schools by Friday 17 July. Ordinarily, fewer early years settings are open and fewer children are in attendance during school summer holidays. This is due to reduced demand for childcare and the closure of school-based settings.
  4. All figures are adjusted for non-response. See accompanying document for full methodology.
  5. Settings are asked to provide a count of the number of children of critical workers and the number of vulnerable children. For the total, it is assumed that in the early years data there is no overlap between the number of children of critical workers and the number of vulnerable children.
  6. The following early years settings are included: group-based providers (Ofsted-registered nurseries and pre-schools), school-based providers (any pre-school provision run by school governing bodies, nursery classes in schools and maintained nursery school provision) and Ofsted-registered childminders.
  7. Thursday 28 May would usually have been half term, and some settings, particularly those that are school-based, will have been closed. This may also have reduced demand for childcare.

Table 3 Daily attendance in education settings during COVID-19 outbreak Pre 17 July

Geographic levels
Time period
2020 Week 13 to 2020 Week 29
Variable names and descriptions

Variable names and descriptions for this file are provided below:

Variable nameVariable description
attending_nurseryChildren attending nursery
attending_receptionChildren attending reception
attending_year1Children attending year 1
attending_year10Children attending year 10
attending_year12Children attending year 12
attending_year6Children attending year 6
children_attendingChildren attending
children_critical_workers_attendingChildren of critical workers attending
children_with_ehcp_attendingChildren with an EHCP attending
children_with_ehcp_or_social_worker_attendingChildren with an EHCP or social worker attending
children_with_social_worker_attendingChildren with a social worker attending
nonteaching_staff_attending_excluding_teaching_assistantsNon-teaching staff attending (excludes teaching assistants)
nonteaching_staff_attending_including_teaching_assistantsNon-teaching staff attending (includes teaching assistants)
open_settingsOpen settings
open_settings_to_nursery_reception_year1_or_year6Settings open to nursery reception year 1 or year 6
open_settings_to_year10_or_year12Settings open to year 10 or year 12
otherwise_vulnerable_children_attendingOtherwise vulnerable children attending
proportion_attending_nursery_open_settingsProportion of nursery children in open settings attending
proportion_attending_nursery_settingsProportion of nursery children attending
proportion_attending_receptionProportion of reception children attending
proportion_attending_reception_open_settingsProportion of reception children in open settings attending
proportion_attending_year1Proportion of year 1 children attending
proportion_attending_year1_open_settingsProportion of year 1 children in open settings attending
proportion_attending_year10Proportion of year 10 children attending
proportion_attending_year10_open_settingsProportion of year 10 children in open settings attending
proportion_attending_year12Proportion of year 12 children attending
proportion_attending_year12_open_settingsProportion of year 12 children in open settings attending
proportion_attending_year6Proportion of year 6 children attending
proportion_attending_year6_open_settingsProportion of year 6 children in open settings attending
proportion_children_attendingProportion of children attending
proportion_children_with_ehcp_or_social_worker_attendingProportion of children with an EHCP or social worker attending
proportion_of_settings_openProportion of settings open
proportion_of_settings_open_to_nursery_reception_year1_or_year6Proportion of settings usually accepting these year groups open to nursery reception year 1 or year 6
proportion_of_settings_open_to_year10_or_year12Proportion of settings usually accepting these year groups open to year 10 or year 12
response_rateResponse rate
teaching_staff_attending_excluding_teaching_assistantsTeaching staff attending (excludes teaching assistants)
teaching_staff_attending_including_teaching_assistantsTeaching staff attending (includes teaching assistants)
vulnerable_children_attendingVulnerable children attending
  1. Figures from Friday 27 March relate to data as at 4pm on each day, prior to this figures related to data as at 6pm. Negligible changes to the estimates were seen between 4pm and 6pm.
  2. Settings are asked to provide a count of the number of children of critical workers and the number of vulnerable children. Some children are classified as both a child of a critical worker and a vulnerable child. Some settings have been counting these pupils as children of critical workers, but not in the count of vulnerable children. Therefore, the number of vulnerable children is an under-estimate. We estimate the true figure is up to 5% higher.
  3. Figures from Friday 27 March relate to data as at 4pm on each day, prior to this figures related to data as at 6pm. Negligible changes to the estimates were seen between 4pm and 6pm. Figures for Monday 1 June relate to data as at 3pm.
  4. From 23 March to 2 July the Autumn school census was used to determine year group population size. From 3 July, we switched to using the newly published Spring census. This change has the biggest impact on the proportion of nursery children in attendance. We estimate that this proportion falls by 5 percentage points when compared to using the Autumn census. Other year group attendance rates see a change of around 0.1 percentage points.
  5. The response rates for Wednesday 13 and Friday 15 May were impacted slightly due to technical issues which made it more difficult for some schools to complete the survey. A lower response rate makes the methodology used to account for non-response slightly less reliable.
  6. The following education settings are included: academies (including free schools and studio schools), local authority maintained schools (including local authority nursery schools), independent schools, non-maintained special schools and alternative provision.
  7. The following education settings are included: academies (including free schools and studio schools), local authority maintained schools (including local authority nursery schools), independent schools, non-maintained special schools, alternative provision, university technical colleges, FE colleges and sixth form colleges, and special post-16 institutions/specialist colleges.
  8. The response rate for Friday 1 May was only 14% due to technical issues with DfE sign-in, the online system used by educational establishments to submit attendance data. This may have affected the accuracy of the figures. A lower response rate makes the methodology used to account for non-response slightly less reliable.
  9. The response rate between Monday 6 April and Friday 17 April was low because it was the Easter break for most settings in England. Similarly, the response rate between Monday 25 May and Friday 29 May was low because it was half term for most settings in England.
  10. All figures are adjusted for non-response. This methodology was adjusted from Friday 27 March. See accompanying document for full methodology
  11. From 1 June, the government asked schools to welcome back children in nursery, reception, year 1 and year 6, alongside children of critical workers and vulnerable children. As a result, changes were made to the survey of education settings to capture information about this wider group of attending pupils. From 15 June, secondary schools, sixth form and further education colleges were asked to begin providing face-to-face support to students in year 10 and 12 to supplement their learning from home, alongside full time provision for students from priority groups.

Table 4 Daily attendance in responding education settings during the COVID-19 outbreak not nationally representative Pre 17 July

Geographic levels
Time period
2020 Week 23 to 2021 Week 20
Variable names and descriptions

Variable names and descriptions for this file are provided below:

Variable nameVariable description
open_responding_settings_not_nationally_representativeOpen responding settings (not nationally representative)
open_responding_settings_to_nursery_reception_year1_or_year6_not_nationally_representativeSettings open to nursery reception year 1 or year 6 (not nationally representative)
open_responding_settings_to_year10_or_year12_not_nationally_representativeSettings open to year 10 or year 12 (not nationally representative)
proportion_of_responding_settings_open_not_nationally_representativeProportion of responding settings open (not nationally representative)
proportion_of_responding_settings_open_to_nursery_reception_year1_or_year6_not_nationally_representativeProportion of settings usually accepting these year groups open to nursery reception year 1 or year 6 (not nationally representative)
proportion_of_responding_settings_open_to_year10_or_year12_not_nationally_representativeProportion of settings usually accepting these year groups open to year 10 or year 12 (not nationally representative)
response_rateResponse rate
  1. Figures from Friday 27 March relate to data as at 4pm on each day, prior to this figures related to data as at 6pm. Negligible changes to the estimates were seen between 4pm and 6pm.
  2. Figures from Friday 27 March relate to data as at 4pm on each day, prior to this figures related to data as at 6pm. Negligible changes to the estimates were seen between 4pm and 6pm. Figures for Monday 1 June relate to data as at 3pm.
  3. These figures are included for methodological completeness and show the corresponding data before it has been adjusted for non-response.
  4. The following education settings are included: academies (including free schools and studio schools), local authority maintained schools (including local authority nursery schools), independent schools, non-maintained special schools, alternative provision, university technical colleges, FE colleges and sixth form colleges, and special post-16 institutions/specialist colleges.