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Academic year 2022/23
A level and other 16 to 18 results
Data guidance
This document describes the data included in the ‘A level and other 16 to 18 results: 2022/23’ National Statistics release's underlying data files. The statistical publication complements the 16-18 school and college performance tables. This data is released under the terms of the Open Government License (opens in a new tab) and is intended to meet at least 3 stars for Open Data (opens in a new tab).
The publication methodology, available on the publication report, should be referenced alongside this data. It provides information on the data sources, their coverage and quality as well as explaining methodology used in producing the data.
This release provides information on A level and other 16-18 results in:
Students who have completed their 16-18 phase of education
Students who have entered an approved qualification in the reporting year
The information is based on data collected via awarding organisations, the school census, and the Individualised Learner Record.
File formats and conventions
This dataset has not had rounding applied.
Suppression is applied to protect the disclosure of personal information or characteristics.
The following convention is used throughout the underlying data.
‘z’ Not applicable.
Data files
All data files associated with this releases are listed below with guidance on their content. To download any of these files, please visit our data catalogue.
Attainment and other performance measures - student characteristics
Attainment metrics for all qualification cohorts, by student characteristics.
Student characteristics include gender, ethnicity, disadvantage status, free school meal provision, first language, special educational needs (SEN) provision, and KS4 prior attainment.
Variable names and descriptions
Variable names and descriptions for this file are provided below:
% level 3 vocational students (excluding tech levels) who entered applied general
% level 3 vocational students (excluding applied generals) who entered tech levels
Figures for the total number of students may not match the sum of females and males, as not all institutions recorded the gender for every student.
Disadvantage status is as reported at the end of key stage 4. Analysis involving disadvantage status includes students at state-funded schools and colleges only.
EHC plans and statements of SEN are legal documents which detail the needs of the individual student, and the assistance they are to receive.
Covers students at the end of advanced level study who were entered for at least one A level, applied single A level, applied double A level or combined A/AS level during 16-18 study, excluding critical thinking and general studies. This measure only includes A level students who have entered less than a total of size 1 in other academic, applied general and tech level qualifications.
Covers students at the end of advanced level study who were entered for at least one A level, excluding critical thinking and general studies. Excludes those students who have entered only applied A levels or applied AS levels. This measure only includes A level students who have entered less than a total of size 1 in other academic, applied general and tech level qualifications. A level facilitating subjects are: biology, chemistry, physics, maths, further maths, geography, history, English literature, modern and classical languages.
A level facilitating subjects are: biology, chemistry, physics, maths, further maths, geography, history, English literature, modern and classical languages.
A change to the trigger rules was introduced in 2020/21 such that students were no longer automatically reported after two years in 16-18 study. The introduction caused a fall in cohort size, particular within the vocational and technical cohorts. A full impact analysis can be found in the methodology document.
% level 3 vocational students (excluding tech levels) who entered applied general
% level 3 vocational students (excluding applied generals) who entered tech levels
Figures for the total number of students may not match the sum of females and males, as not all institutions recorded the gender for every student.
Covers students at the end of advanced level study who were entered for at least one A level, applied single A level, applied double A level or combined A/AS level during 16-18 study, excluding critical thinking and general studies. This measure only includes A level students who have entered less than a total of size 1 in other academic, applied general and tech level qualifications.
Covers students at the end of advanced level study who were entered for at least one A level, excluding critical thinking and general studies. Excludes those students who have entered only applied A levels or applied AS levels. This measure only includes A level students who have entered less than a total of size 1 in other academic, applied general and tech level qualifications. A level facilitating subjects are: biology, chemistry, physics, maths, further maths, geography, history, English literature, modern and classical languages.
A level facilitating subjects are: biology, chemistry, physics, maths, further maths, geography, history, English literature, modern and classical languages.
Totals may be less than the sum of separate institution types as students who attend multiple institutions during 16 to 18 study are only included once in aggregations of those institutions.
'All state-funded schools' includes city technology colleges (CTCs) and state-funded special schools. Figures for these institution types are not shown separately in the table. Excludes pupil referral units (PRUs), alternative provision (AP), hospital schools, non-maintained special schools, independent schools, independent special schools and independent schools approved to take pupils with special educational needs (SEN). These institution types are included in 'All schools'.
A change to the trigger rules was introduced in 2020/21 such that students were no longer automatically reported after two years in 16-18 study. The introduction caused a fall in cohort size, particular within the vocational and technical cohorts. A full impact analysis can be found in the methodology document.
Attainment metrics for all qualification cohorts, by region or local authority and student characteristics.
Student characteristics include gender, ethnicity, disadvantage status, free school meal provision, first language, special educational needs (SEN) provision, and KS4 prior attainment.
Variable names and descriptions
Variable names and descriptions for this file are provided below:
% level 3 vocational students (excluding tech levels) who entered applied general
% level 3 vocational students (excluding applied generals) who entered tech levels
Figures for the total number of students may not match the sum of females and males, as not all institutions recorded the gender for every student.
Disadvantage status is as reported at the end of key stage 4. Analysis involving disadvantage status includes students at state-funded schools and colleges only.
EHC plans and statements of SEN are legal documents which detail the needs of the individual student, and the assistance they are to receive.
Covers students at the end of advanced level study who were entered for at least one A level, applied single A level, applied double A level or combined A/AS level during 16-18 study, excluding critical thinking and general studies. This measure only includes A level students who have entered less than a total of size 1 in other academic, applied general and tech level qualifications.
Covers students at the end of advanced level study who were entered for at least one A level, excluding critical thinking and general studies. Excludes those students who have entered only applied A levels or applied AS levels. This measure only includes A level students who have entered less than a total of size 1 in other academic, applied general and tech level qualifications. A level facilitating subjects are: biology, chemistry, physics, maths, further maths, geography, history, English literature, modern and classical languages.
A level facilitating subjects are: biology, chemistry, physics, maths, further maths, geography, history, English literature, modern and classical languages.
A change to the trigger rules was introduced in 2020/21 such that students were no longer automatically reported after two years in 16-18 study. The introduction caused a fall in cohort size, particular within the vocational and technical cohorts. A full impact analysis can be found in the methodology document.
% level 3 vocational students (excluding tech levels) who entered applied general
% level 3 vocational students (excluding applied generals) who entered tech levels
Figures for the total number of students may not match the sum of females and males, as not all institutions recorded the gender for every student.
Disadvantage status is as reported at the end of key stage 4. Analysis involving disadvantage status includes students at state-funded schools and colleges only.
EHC plans and statements of SEN are legal documents which detail the needs of the individual student, and the assistance they are to receive.
Covers students at the end of advanced level study who were entered for at least one A level, applied single A level, applied double A level or combined A/AS level during 16-18 study, excluding critical thinking and general studies. This measure only includes A level students who have entered less than a total of size 1 in other academic, applied general and tech level qualifications.
Covers students at the end of advanced level study who were entered for at least one A level, excluding critical thinking and general studies. Excludes those students who have entered only applied A levels or applied AS levels. This measure only includes A level students who have entered less than a total of size 1 in other academic, applied general and tech level qualifications. A level facilitating subjects are: biology, chemistry, physics, maths, further maths, geography, history, English literature, modern and classical languages.
A level facilitating subjects are: biology, chemistry, physics, maths, further maths, geography, history, English literature, modern and classical languages.
A change to the trigger rules was introduced in 2020/21 such that students were no longer automatically reported after two years in 16-18 study. The introduction caused a fall in cohort size, particular within the vocational and technical cohorts. A full impact analysis can be found in the methodology document.
% level 3 vocational students (excluding tech levels) who entered applied general
% level 3 vocational students (excluding applied generals) who entered tech levels
Covers students at the end of advanced level study who were entered for at least one A level, applied single A level, applied double A level or combined A/AS level during 16-18 study, excluding critical thinking and general studies. This measure only includes A level students who have entered less than a total of size 1 in other academic, applied general and tech level qualifications.
Covers students at the end of advanced level study who were entered for at least one A level, excluding critical thinking and general studies. Excludes those students who have entered only applied A levels or applied AS levels. This measure only includes A level students who have entered less than a total of size 1 in other academic, applied general and tech level qualifications. A level facilitating subjects are: biology, chemistry, physics, maths, further maths, geography, history, English literature, modern and classical languages.
A level facilitating subjects are: biology, chemistry, physics, maths, further maths, geography, history, English literature, modern and classical languages.
A change to the trigger rules was introduced in 2020/21 such that students were no longer automatically reported after two years in 16-18 study. The introduction caused a fall in cohort size, particular within the vocational and technical cohorts. A full impact analysis can be found in the methodology document.
Attainment and other performance measures - disadvantage status as a percentage of cohort
Geographic levels
Time period
2018/19 to 2022/23
Disadvantage status as a percentage of each exam cohort.
Variable names and descriptions
Variable names and descriptions for this file are provided below:
Variable name
Variable description
Disadvantage status
Number of students
Proportion of students
Disadvantage status is as reported at the end of key stage 4. Analysis involving disadvantage status includes students at state-funded schools and colleges only.
A change to the trigger rules was introduced in 2020/21 such that students were no longer automatically reported after two years in 16-18 study. The introduction caused a fall in cohort size, particular within the vocational and technical cohorts. A full impact analysis can be found in the methodology document.
Attainment and other performance measures - prior attainment as a percentage of cohort
Geographic levels
Time period
2018/19 to 2022/23
Prior attainment at Key Stage 4 as a percentage of each exam cohort.
Variable names and descriptions
Variable names and descriptions for this file are provided below:
Variable name
Variable description
Prior attainment
Number of students
Proportion of students
A change to the trigger rules was introduced in 2020/21 such that students were no longer automatically reported after two years in 16-18 study. The introduction caused a fall in cohort size, particular within the vocational and technical cohorts. A full impact analysis can be found in the methodology document.
Entries and passes for below level 3 English and maths, by qualification type and student characteristics.
Student characteristics include gender, ethnicity, disadvantage status, free school meal provision, first language, special educational needs (SEN) provision, and KS4 prior attainment.
Includes entries in the current exam year for 16-18 students, after discounting. Includes pending awards.
Variable names and descriptions
Variable names and descriptions for this file are provided below:
Variable name
Variable description
Number of entries
Number of passes
Proportion of cohort achieving a pass at level
Figures for the total number of students may not match the sum of females and males, as not all institutions recorded the gender for every student.
Disadvantage status is as reported at the end of key stage 4. Analysis involving disadvantage status includes students at state-funded schools and colleges only.
EHC plans and statements of SEN are legal documents which detail the needs of the individual student, and the assistance they are to receive.
Exam entries are for the current academic year. Includes pending awards. Covers students aged 16, 17 or 18 at the start of the academic year.
A change to the trigger rules was introduced in 2020/21 such that students were no longer automatically reported after two years in 16-18 study. The introduction caused a fall in cohort size, particular within the vocational and technical cohorts. A full impact analysis can be found in the methodology document.
Entries and passes for below level 3 English and maths, by qualification type, institution type and student gender.
Includes entries in the current exam year for 16-18 students, after discounting. Includes pending awards.
Variable names and descriptions
Variable names and descriptions for this file are provided below:
Variable name
Variable description
Number of entries
Number of passes
Proportion of cohort achieving a pass at level
'All state-funded schools' includes city technology colleges (CTCs) and state-funded special schools. Figures for these institution types are not shown separately in the table. Excludes pupil referral units (PRUs), alternative provision (AP), hospital schools, non-maintained special schools, independent schools, independent special schools and independent schools approved to take pupils with special educational needs (SEN). These institution types are included in 'All schools'.
Exam entries are for the current academic year. Includes pending awards. Covers students aged 16, 17 or 18 at the start of the academic year.
A change to the trigger rules was introduced in 2020/21 such that students were no longer automatically reported after two years in 16-18 study. The introduction caused a fall in cohort size, particular within the vocational and technical cohorts. A full impact analysis can be found in the methodology document.
A level student counts by grade achieved, subject and student characteristics.
Student characteristics include gender, ethnicity, disadvantage status, free school meal provision, first language, special educational needs (SEN) provision, and KS4 prior attainment.
Includes students triggered for inclusion in performance tables who completed A levels during 16-18 study, after discounting of exams.
Variable names and descriptions
Variable names and descriptions for this file are provided below:
Variable name
Variable description
Number at grade A.
Number at grade A*.
Number at grade B.
Number at grade C.
Number at grade D.
Number at grade E.
Percent achieving grade A* - A
Percent achieving grade A* - B
Percent achieving grade A* - C
Percent achieving grade A* - D
Percent achieving grade A* - E
Percent achieving grade A*
Percent of students
Total number of students
Number at grade U.
Figures for the total number of students may not match the sum of females and males, as not all institutions recorded the gender for every student.
Disadvantage status is as reported at the end of key stage 4. Analysis involving disadvantage status includes students at state-funded schools and colleges only.
EHC plans and statements of SEN are legal documents which detail the needs of the individual student, and the assistance they are to receive.
Includes students triggered for inclusion in performance tables who completed A levels during 16-18 study, after discounting of exams. Includes pending awards.
A change to the trigger rules was introduced in 2020/21 such that students were no longer automatically reported after two years in 16-18 study. The introduction caused a fall in cohort size, particular within the vocational and technical cohorts. A full impact analysis can be found in the methodology document.
A level student counts by grade achieved, institution type and student gender.
Includes students triggered for inclusion in performance tables who completed A levels during 16-18 study, after discounting of exams.
Variable names and descriptions
Variable names and descriptions for this file are provided below:
Variable name
Variable description
Number at grade A.
Number at grade A*.
Number at grade B.
Number at grade C.
Number at grade D.
Number at grade E.
Percent achieving grade A* - A
Percent achieving grade A* - B
Percent achieving grade A* - C
Percent achieving grade A* - D
Percent achieving grade A* - E
Percent achieving grade A*
Total number of students
Number at grade U.
Figures for the total number of students may not match the sum of females and males, as not all institutions recorded the gender for every student.
Totals may be less than the sum of separate institution types as students who attend multiple institutions during 16 to 18 study are only included once in aggregations of those institutions.
'All state-funded schools' includes city technology colleges (CTCs) and state-funded special schools. Figures for these institution types are not shown separately in the table. Excludes pupil referral units (PRUs), alternative provision (AP), hospital schools, non-maintained special schools, independent schools, independent special schools and independent schools approved to take pupils with special educational needs (SEN). These institution types are included in 'All schools'.
Includes students triggered for inclusion in performance tables who completed A levels during 16-18 study, after discounting of exams. Includes pending awards.
A change to the trigger rules was introduced in 2020/21 such that students were no longer automatically reported after two years in 16-18 study. The introduction caused a fall in cohort size, particular within the vocational and technical cohorts. A full impact analysis can be found in the methodology document.
A level student counts by grade achieved, subject and region or local authority.
Includes students triggered for inclusion in performance tables who completed A levels during 16-18 study, after discounting of exams.
Variable names and descriptions
Variable names and descriptions for this file are provided below:
Variable name
Variable description
Number at grade A.
Number at grade A*.
Number at grade B.
Number at grade C.
Number at grade D.
Number at grade E.
Percent achieving grade A* - A
Percent achieving grade A* - B
Percent achieving grade A* - C
Percent achieving grade A* - D
Percent achieving grade A* - E
Percent achieving grade A*
Percent of students
Total number of students
Number at grade U.
Includes students triggered for inclusion in performance tables who completed A levels during 16-18 study, after discounting of exams. Includes pending awards.
A change to the trigger rules was introduced in 2020/21 such that students were no longer automatically reported after two years in 16-18 study. The introduction caused a fall in cohort size, particular within the vocational and technical cohorts. A full impact analysis can be found in the methodology document.
Vocational qualification student counts, by Ofqual subject area and student characteristics.
Student characteristics include gender, ethnicity, disadvantage status, free school meal provision, first language, special educational needs (SEN) provision, and KS4 prior attainment.
Includes students triggered for inclusion in performance tables who completed A levels during 16-18 study, after discounting of exams.
Variable names and descriptions
Variable names and descriptions for this file are provided below:
Variable name
Variable description
Exam cohort
Ofqual subject area
Percent of students achieving a pass
Number of students
Number of students achieving a pass
Figures for the total number of students may not match the sum of females and males, as not all institutions recorded the gender for every student.
Disadvantage status is as reported at the end of key stage 4. Analysis involving disadvantage status includes students at state-funded schools and colleges only.
EHC plans and statements of SEN are legal documents which detail the needs of the individual student, and the assistance they are to receive.
Includes students triggered for inclusion in performance tables who completed a vocational qualification during 16-18 study, after discounting of exams.
A change to the trigger rules was introduced in 2020/21 such that students were no longer automatically reported after two years in 16-18 study. The introduction caused a fall in cohort size, particular within the vocational and technical cohorts. A full impact analysis can be found in the methodology document.
A level grade combinations achieved, by student characteristics. Coverage is all students that entered at least 1 A level. Grade outcomes are converted into UCAS points by adding up a student's best 3 A level results (A*=56, A = 48, B = 40, C= 32, D=24, E=16).
Student characteristics include gender, ethnicity, disadvantage status, free school meal provision, first language, special educational needs (SEN) provision, and KS4 prior attainment.
Variable names and descriptions
Variable names and descriptions for this file are provided below:
Variable name
Variable description
168+ UCAS Tariff Points (A*A*A* or equivalent/higher)
160+ UCAS Tariff Points (A*A*A or equivalent/higher)
152+ UCAS Tariff Points (A*AA or equivalent/higher)
144+ UCAS Tariff Points (AAA or equivalent/higher)
136+ UCAS Tariff Points (AAB or equivalent/higher)
128+ UCAS Tariff Points (ABB or equivalent/higher)
120+ UCAS Tariff Points (BBB or equivalent/higher)
112+ UCAS Tariff Points (BBC or equivalent/higher)
104+ UCAS Tariff Points (BCC or equivalent/higher)
96+ UCAS Tariff Points (CCC or equivalent/higher)
88+ UCAS Tariff Points (CCD or equivalent/higher)
80+ UCAS Tariff Points (CDD or equivalent/higher)
72+ UCAS Tariff Points (DDD or equivalent/higher)
64+ UCAS Tariff Points (DDE or equivalent/higher)
56+ UCAS Tariff Points (DEE or equivalent/higher)
48+ UCAS Tariff Points (EEE or equivalent/higher)
Total number of students
Figures for the total number of students may not match the sum of females and males, as not all institutions recorded the gender for every student.
Disadvantage status is as reported at the end of key stage 4. Analysis involving disadvantage status includes students at state-funded schools and colleges only.
EHC plans and statements of SEN are legal documents which detail the needs of the individual student, and the assistance they are to receive.
Includes students triggered for inclusion in performance tables who completed A levels during 16-18 study (excluding general studies and critical thinking), after discounting of exams. Includes pending awards.
A change to the trigger rules was introduced in 2020/21 such that students were no longer automatically reported after two years in 16-18 study. The introduction caused a fall in cohort size, particular within the vocational and technical cohorts. A full impact analysis can be found in the methodology document.
A level and AS level entries by grade achieved, subject and student characteristics.
Student characteristics include gender, ethnicity, disadvantage status, free school meal provision, first language, special educational needs (SEN) provision, and KS4 prior attainment.
Includes entries in the current exam year for 16-18 students, after discounting. Includes pending awards.
Variable names and descriptions
Variable names and descriptions for this file are provided below:
Variable name
Variable description
Number at grade A.
Number at grade A*.
Number at grade B.
Number at grade C.
Number at grade D.
Number at grade E.
Exam entries
Percent achieving grade A* - A
Percent achieving grade A* - B
Percent achieving grade A* - C
Percent achieving grade A* - D
Percent achieving grade A* - E
Percent achieving grade A*
Number at grade U.
Figures for the total number of students may not match the sum of females and males, as not all institutions recorded the gender for every student.
Disadvantage status is as reported at the end of key stage 4. Analysis involving disadvantage status includes students at state-funded schools and colleges only.
EHC plans and statements of SEN are legal documents which detail the needs of the individual student, and the assistance they are to receive.
Exam entries are for the current academic year, after discounting of exams. Includes pending awards. Covers students aged 16, 17 or 18 at the start of the academic year.
A change to the trigger rules was introduced in 2020/21 such that students were no longer automatically reported after two years in 16-18 study. The introduction caused a fall in cohort size, particular within the vocational and technical cohorts. A full impact analysis can be found in the methodology document.
A level and AS level entries by grade achieved, institution type and student gender.
Includes entries in the current exam year for 16-18 students, after discounting. Includes pending awards.
Variable names and descriptions
Variable names and descriptions for this file are provided below:
Variable name
Variable description
Number at grade A.
Number at grade A*.
Number at grade B.
Number at grade C.
Number at grade D.
Number at grade E.
Exam entries
Number of institutions
Percent achieving grade A* - A
Percent achieving grade A* - B
Percent achieving grade A* - C
Percent achieving grade A* - D
Percent achieving grade A* - E
Percent achieving grade A*
Number at grade U.
Figures for the total number of students may not match the sum of females and males, as not all institutions recorded the gender for every student.
'All state-funded schools' includes city technology colleges (CTCs) and state-funded special schools. Figures for these institution types are not shown separately in the table. Excludes pupil referral units (PRUs), alternative provision (AP), hospital schools, non-maintained special schools, independent schools, independent special schools and independent schools approved to take pupils with special educational needs (SEN). These institution types are included in 'All schools'.
Exam entries are for the current academic year, after discounting of exams. Includes pending awards. Covers students aged 16, 17 or 18 at the start of the academic year.
A change to the trigger rules was introduced in 2020/21 such that students were no longer automatically reported after two years in 16-18 study. The introduction caused a fall in cohort size, particular within the vocational and technical cohorts. A full impact analysis can be found in the methodology document.
A level and AS level entries by grade achieved, subject and region or local authority
Includes entries in the current exam year for 16-18 students, after discounting. Includes pending awards.
Variable names and descriptions
Variable names and descriptions for this file are provided below:
Variable name
Variable description
Number at grade A.
Number at grade A*.
Number at grade B.
Number at grade C.
Number at grade D.
Number at grade E.
Exam entries
Percent achieving grade A* - A
Percent achieving grade A* - B
Percent achieving grade A* - C
Percent achieving grade A* - D
Percent achieving grade A* - E
Percent achieving grade A*
Number at grade U.
Exam entries are for the current academic year, after discounting of exams. Includes pending awards. Covers students aged 16, 17 or 18 at the start of the academic year.
A change to the trigger rules was introduced in 2020/21 such that students were no longer automatically reported after two years in 16-18 study. The introduction caused a fall in cohort size, particular within the vocational and technical cohorts. A full impact analysis can be found in the methodology document.
Vocational qualification entries, by Ofqual subject area and student characteristics.
Student characteristics include gender, ethnicity, disadvantage status, free school meal provision, first language, special educational needs (SEN) provision, and KS4 prior attainment.
Includes entries in the current exam year for 16-18 students, after discounting. Includes pending awards.
Variable names and descriptions
Variable names and descriptions for this file are provided below:
Variable name
Variable description
Exam entries
Exam passes
Exam cohort
Ofqual subject area
Percent of exam passes
Figures for the total number of students may not match the sum of females and males, as not all institutions recorded the gender for every student.
Disadvantage status is as reported at the end of key stage 4. Analysis involving disadvantage status includes students at state-funded schools and colleges only.
EHC plans and statements of SEN are legal documents which detail the needs of the individual student, and the assistance they are to receive.
Exam entries are for the current academic year, after discounting of exams. Includes pending awards. Covers students aged 16, 17 or 18 at the start of the academic year.
A change to the trigger rules was introduced in 2020/21 such that students were no longer automatically reported after two years in 16-18 study. The introduction caused a fall in cohort size, particular within the vocational and technical cohorts. A full impact analysis can be found in the methodology document.
Number of students entered for combinations of maths and science A levels during 16-18 study, by student characteristics.
Student characteristics include gender, ethnicity, disadvantage status, free school meal provision, first language, special educational needs (SEN) provision, and KS4 prior attainment.
Variable names and descriptions
Variable names and descriptions for this file are provided below:
Variable name
Variable description
that entered exact subject combination and no other Maths/Science subjects
that entered selected subject combination
that entered exact subject combination and no other Maths/Science subjects (%)
that entered selected subject combination (%)
Combination of Maths/Science subject A levels entered
Figures for the total number of students may not match the sum of females and males, as not all institutions recorded the gender for every student.
Disadvantage status is as reported at the end of key stage 4. Analysis involving disadvantage status includes students at state-funded schools and colleges only.
EHC plans and statements of SEN are legal documents which detail the needs of the individual student, and the assistance they are to receive.
Includes students triggered for inclusion in performance tables who completed A levels during 16-18 study, after discounting of exams. Includes pending awards.
A change to the trigger rules was introduced in 2020/21 such that students were no longer automatically reported after two years in 16-18 study. The introduction caused a fall in cohort size, particular within the vocational and technical cohorts. A full impact analysis can be found in the methodology document.
Number of students entered for combinations of maths and science A levels during 16-18 study, by region or local authority and gender.
Variable names and descriptions
Variable names and descriptions for this file are provided below:
Variable name
Variable description
that entered exact subject combination and no other Maths/Science subjects
that entered selected subject combination
that entered exact subject combination and no other Maths/Science subjects (%)
that entered selected subject combination (%)
Combination of Maths/Science subject A levels entered
Figures for the total number of students may not match the sum of females and males, as not all institutions recorded the gender for every student.
Includes students triggered for inclusion in performance tables who completed A levels during 16-18 study, after discounting of exams. Includes pending awards.
A change to the trigger rules was introduced in 2020/21 such that students were no longer automatically reported after two years in 16-18 study. The introduction caused a fall in cohort size, particular within the vocational and technical cohorts. A full impact analysis can be found in the methodology document.
Time-series - A level subject entries and grade by gender
Geographic levels
Time period
1995/96 to 2022/23
This data is available through the ‘Explore data and files’ section in the file called ‘Time series - A level subject entries and grade by gender’.
In addition it is accessible through the dashboard linked below. The dashboard combines data from this statistical release (covering the latest 2022/23 provisional data ) with selected older data compiled from previous versions of the ‘A level and other 16 to 18 results’ statistical release:
On the left-hand side, clicking on the link ‘A level entries and grade distribution' brings up the dashboard with A level entries and A level grades - comparison by subject and gender.
These data cover A level entries by students aged 16 to 18 within each academic year from 1995/96.
Variable names and descriptions
Variable names and descriptions for this file are provided below:
Variable name
Variable description
Exam entries
Percent achieving grade A* - A
Percent achieving grade A* - B
Percent achieving grade A* - C
Percent achieving grade A* - D
Percent achieving grade A* - E
Percent achieving grade A*
Figures for the total number of students may not match the sum of females and males, as not all institutions recorded the gender for every student.
A change to the trigger rules was introduced in 2020/21 such that students were no longer automatically reported after two years in 16-18 study. The introduction caused a fall in cohort size, particular within the vocational and technical cohorts. A full impact analysis can be found in the methodology document.
This data is available through the ‘Explore data and files’ section in the file called ‘Time series - APS per entry by institution type’.
In addition it is accessible through the dashboard linked below. The dashboard combines data from this statistical release (covering the latest 2022/23 provisional data ) with selected older data compiled from previous versions of the ‘A level and other 16 to 18 results’ statistical release:
On the left-hand side, clicking on the link ‘Attainment: APS per entry and average result’ brings up the dashboard with attainment data in terms of APS per entry.
Data including the applied general and tech level cohorts starts in 2015/16 (when these cohorts were first defined in this statistical release, and school and college data). Data for the A level cohort starts in 2012/13.
Variable names and descriptions
Variable names and descriptions for this file are provided below:
Variable name
Variable description
APS per entry
Average result
Number of students
A change to the trigger rules was introduced in 2020/21 such that students were no longer automatically reported after two years in 16-18 study. The introduction caused a fall in cohort size, particular within the vocational and technical cohorts. A full impact analysis can be found in the methodology document.
Attainment metrics for academic and applied general qualification cohorts, for academies that are in multi-academy trusts, by performance table eligibility, academy type, and student characteristics.
Student characteristics include gender, ethnicity, disadvantage status, and KS4 prior attainment.
Variable names and descriptions
Variable names and descriptions for this file are provided below:
Variable name
Variable description
Academy type
APS per academic entry
APS per applied general entry
Number of institutions with students in the academic cohort
Number of institutions with students in the applied general cohort
Number of academic students
Number of applied general students
MAT performance tables eligibility
Figures for the total number of students may not match the sum of females and males, as not all institutions recorded the gender for every student.
Disadvantage status is as reported at the end of key stage 4. Analysis involving disadvantage status includes students at state-funded schools and colleges only.
Includes state-funded mainstream academies within multi-academy trusts only. Special schools, pupil referral units, alternative provision academies and alternative provision free schools are not included.
Academies have been associated with the multi-academy trust that they were part of on 14 September at the start of the academic year. Institutions that joined a multi-academy trust during the academic year are not included
All multi-academy trust institutions include converter academies, sponsored academies, free schools, studio schools, and university technical colleges (UTCs)
Eligible academies include academies in a multi-academy trust that met the inclusion criteria, i.e., a multi-academy trust that contained at least three academies with results at that phase of education/cohort and where those academies have been in the multi-academy trust for at least three academic years. Ineligible academies were either in a multi-academy trust that did not meet the inclusion criteria or were in a multi-academy trust that met the inclusion criteria, but the academy had not been in the multi-academy trust for at least three academic years.
A change to the trigger rules was introduced in 2020/21 such that students were no longer automatically reported after two years in 16-18 study. The introduction caused a fall in cohort size, particular within the vocational and technical cohorts. A full impact analysis can be found in the methodology document.
Attainment metrics for academic and applied general qualification cohorts, for academies that are in multi-academy trusts, by performance table eligibility, academy type, and MAT info.
MAT info includes years in trust, and MAT size
Variable names and descriptions
Variable names and descriptions for this file are provided below:
Variable name
Variable description
Academy type
APS per academic entry
APS per applied general entry
MAT Info
Number of institutions with students in the academic cohort
Number of institutions with students in the applied general cohort
Number of academic students
Number of applied general students
MAT performance tables eligibility
Includes state-funded mainstream academies within multi-academy trusts only. Special schools, pupil referral units, alternative provision academies and alternative provision free schools are not included.
Academies have been associated with the multi-academy trust that they were part of on 14 September at the start of the academic year. Institutions that joined a multi-academy trust during the academic year are not included
All multi-academy trust institutions include converter academies, sponsored academies, free schools, studio schools, and university technical colleges (UTCs)
Eligible academies include academies in a multi-academy trust that met the inclusion criteria, i.e., a multi-academy trust that contained at least three academies with results at that phase of education/cohort and where those academies have been in the multi-academy trust for at least three academic years. Ineligible academies were either in a multi-academy trust that did not meet the inclusion criteria or were in a multi-academy trust that met the inclusion criteria, but the academy had not been in the multi-academy trust for at least three academic years.
A change to the trigger rules was introduced in 2020/21 such that students were no longer automatically reported after two years in 16-18 study. The introduction caused a fall in cohort size, particular within the vocational and technical cohorts. A full impact analysis can be found in the methodology document.
Retention metrics for all qualification cohorts, by student characteristics.
Student characteristics include gender, ethnicity, disadvantage status, free school meal provision, first language, special educational needs (SEN) provision, and KS4 prior attainment.
Variable names and descriptions
Variable names and descriptions for this file are provided below:
Variable name
Variable description
% retained
% retained and assessed
% returned and retained for a second year
Number of students
Number of students in two-year programme
Figures for the total number of students may not match the sum of females and males, as not all institutions recorded the gender for every student.
Disadvantage status is as reported at the end of key stage 4. Analysis involving disadvantage status includes students at state-funded schools and colleges only.
EHC plans and statements of SEN are legal documents which detail the needs of the individual student, and the assistance they are to receive.
A change to the trigger rules was introduced in 2020/21 such that students were no longer automatically reported after two years in 16-18 study. The introduction caused a fall in cohort size, particular within the vocational and technical cohorts. A full impact analysis can be found in the methodology document.
Retention metrics for all qualification cohorts, by institution type and student gender.
Variable names and descriptions
Variable names and descriptions for this file are provided below:
Variable name
Variable description
% retained
% retained and assessed
% returned and retained for a second year
Institution type
Number of students
Number of students in two-year programme
Figures for the total number of students may not match the sum of females and males, as not all institutions recorded the gender for every student.
Totals may be less than the sum of separate institution types as students who attend multiple institutions during 16 to 18 study are only included once in aggregations of those institutions.
'All state-funded mainstream schools' includes city technology colleges (CTCs) and state-funded special schools. Figures for these institution types are not shown separately in the table. Excludes pupil referral units (PRUs), alternative provision (AP), hospital schools, non-maintained special schools, independent schools, independent special schools and independent schools approved to take pupils with special educational needs (SEN).
A change to the trigger rules was introduced in 2020/21 such that students were no longer automatically reported after two years in 16-18 study. The introduction caused a fall in cohort size, particular within the vocational and technical cohorts. A full impact analysis can be found in the methodology document.
Retention metrics for all qualification cohorts, by region or local authority.
Variable names and descriptions
Variable names and descriptions for this file are provided below:
Variable name
Variable description
% retained
% retained and assessed
% returned and retained for a second year
Number of students
Number of students in two-year programme
A change to the trigger rules was introduced in 2020/21 such that students were no longer automatically reported after two years in 16-18 study. The introduction caused a fall in cohort size, particular within the vocational and technical cohorts. A full impact analysis can be found in the methodology document.
Retention by prior attainment proportion for each exam cohort.
Variable names and descriptions
Variable names and descriptions for this file are provided below:
Variable name
Variable description
Percentage of students
Prior attainment
Number of students
A change to the trigger rules was introduced in 2020/21 such that students were no longer automatically reported after two years in 16-18 study. The introduction caused a fall in cohort size, particular within the vocational and technical cohorts. A full impact analysis can be found in the methodology document.
Time series retention metrics for all qualification cohorts.
Variable names and descriptions
Variable names and descriptions for this file are provided below:
Variable name
Variable description
% retained
% retained and assessed
% returned and retained for a second year
Number of students
Number of students in two-year programme
A change to the trigger rules was introduced in 2020/21 such that students were no longer automatically reported after two years in 16-18 study. The introduction caused a fall in cohort size, particular within the vocational and technical cohorts. A full impact analysis can be found in the methodology document.
Retention - student characteristics and disadvantage status
Geographic levels
Time period
2018/19 to 2022/23
Retention metrics for all qualification cohorts, by a combination of disadvantage status and other student characteristics.
Other student characteristics include gender, ethnicity, first language, special educational needs (SEN) provision, and KS4 prior attainment.
Variable names and descriptions
Variable names and descriptions for this file are provided below:
Variable name
Variable description
Characteristic disadvantage
% retained
% retained and assessed
% returned and retained for a second year
Number of students
Number of students in two-year programme
Figures for the total number of students may not match the sum of females and males, as not all institutions recorded the gender for every student.
Disadvantage status is as reported at the end of key stage 4. Analysis involving disadvantage status includes students at state-funded schools and colleges only.
EHC plans and statements of SEN are legal documents which detail the needs of the individual student, and the assistance they are to receive.
A change to the trigger rules was introduced in 2020/21 such that students were no longer automatically reported after two years in 16-18 study. The introduction caused a fall in cohort size, particular within the vocational and technical cohorts. A full impact analysis can be found in the methodology document.