- Filename
- aggregated_attainment_by_characteristic_202024.csv
- Geographic levels
- National
- Time period
- 2019/20 to 2023/24
- Content
- Attainment by student characteristics. Student characteristics include sex, ethnicity, disadvantage status, free school meal provision, first language, special educational needs (SEN) provision, and KS4 prior attainment.
Variable names and descriptions
Variable names and descriptions for this file are provided below:
Variable name | Variable description |
aps_per_entry_acad | APS per academic entry |
aps_per_entry_agen | APS per applied general entry |
aps_per_entry_alev | APS per A level entry |
aps_per_entry_best3 | APS per 'Best 3' entries |
aps_per_entry_grade_acad | Average academic result |
aps_per_entry_grade_agen | Average applied general result |
aps_per_entry_grade_alev | Average A level result |
aps_per_entry_grade_best3 | APS per 'Best 3' entries (grade) |
aps_per_entry_grade_technicalcertificate | Average technical certificate result |
aps_per_entry_grade_tlev | Average tech level result |
aps_per_entry_technicalcertificate | APS per technical certificate entry |
aps_per_entry_tlev | APS per tech level entry |
characteristic_value | Characteristic |
entered_any_level3_vocational_excluding_applied_generals | Number of students entered for any level 3 vocational (excluding applied generals) |
entered_any_level3_vocational_excluding_tech_levels | Number of students entered for any level 3 vocational (excluding tech levels) |
entered_for_one_or_more_alev | Number of students entered for ≥ 1 A level |
entered_for_one_or_more_alev_or_applied | Number of students entered for ≥ 1 A level or applied A level |
number_of_students_acad | Number of academic students |
number_of_students_agen | Number of applied general students |
number_of_students_alev | Number of A level students |
number_of_students_highest_entry_was_l2 | Number of level 2 vocational students (without approved level 3 entry) |
number_of_students_level3 | Number of level 3 students |
number_of_students_potential | Number of students at end of 16-18 study |
number_of_students_technicalcertificate | Number of technical certificate students |
number_of_students_tlev | Number of tech level students |
pc_achieving_3_astar_to_a_alev | % achieving 3 A* to A |
pc_achieving_aab_or_better_alev | % achieving ≥ AAB |
pc_achieving_aab_or_better_atleast_two_facilitating_alev | % achieving ≥ AAB for a minimum of 2 facilitating A levels |
pc_achieving_atleast_two_alev | % achieving ≥ 2 A levels |
pc_achieving_atleast_two_substantial_lev3 | % achieving ≥ 2 substantial level 3 results |
pc_achieving_atleast_two_substantial_lev3_acad | % achieving ≥ 2 academic results |
pc_level2_vocational_students_entered_technicalcertificate | % level 2 students vocational students entered for technical certificate |
pc_level3_vocational_students_entered_applied_generals | % level 3 vocational students (excluding tech levels) who entered applied general |
pc_level3_vocational_students_entered_tech_levels | % level 3 vocational students (excluding applied generals) who entered tech levels |
- Figures for the total number of students may not match the sum of females and males, as not all institutions recorded the sex for every student.
- Disadvantage status is as reported at the end of key stage 4. Analysis involving disadvantage status includes students at state-funded schools and colleges only.
- EHC plans and statements of SEN are legal documents which detail the needs of the individual student, and the assistance they are to receive.
- Covers students at the end of advanced level study who were entered for at least one A level, applied single A level, applied double A level or combined A/AS level during 16-18 study, excluding critical thinking and general studies. This measure only includes A level students who have entered less than a total of size 1 in other academic, applied general and tech level qualifications.
- Covers students at the end of advanced level study who were entered for at least one A level, excluding critical thinking and general studies. Excludes those students who have entered only applied A levels or applied AS levels. This measure only includes A level students who have entered less than a total of size 1 in other academic, applied general and tech level qualifications.
- A level facilitating subjects are: biology, chemistry, physics, maths, further maths, geography, history, English literature, modern and classical languages.
- A maximum of 60 points are available for A level, 50 points for applied general and tech level and 8 points for technical certificates. More information on points, APS bands and grade boundaries can be found in the technical guide for 16 to 18 accountability measures (opens in a new tab).
- A change to the trigger rules was introduced in 2020/21 such that students were no longer automatically reported after two years in 16-18 study. The introduction caused a fall in cohort size, particularly within the vocational and technical cohorts. A full impact analysis can be found in the methodology document.