Academic year 2019/20

A level and other 16 to 18 results

Data guidance


A level and other 16 to 18 results


This document describes the data included in the ‘A level and other 16 to 18 results: 2019/20’. This data is released under the terms of the Open Government License (opens in a new tab) and is intended to meet at least 3 stars for Open Data (opens in a new tab).

The publication methodology, available on the publication report, should be referenced alongside this data. It provides information on the data sources, their coverage and quality as well as explaining methodology used in producing the data. 

It should be noted that the information published for 2019/20 differs from other academic years due to disruption to the awarding process as part of the COVID-19 response.


This statistical release includes results for 16 to 18 year olds in England who reached the end of their 16 to 18 study in 2019/20. 

Where data refers solely to specific exam cohorts, or institution types (such as only covering state-funded students), this is specified.

The information is based on data collected by awarding organisations.

File formats and conventions

This dataset has not had suppression applied.

A marker of ‘not applicable’ (n/a) has been used where appropriate.

Data files

All data files associated with this releases are listed below with guidance on their content. To download any of these files, please visit our data catalogue.

A level entries and results (end of 16-18 study) by STEM subject and student characteristics

Geographic levels
Time period
2017/18 to 2019/20

A level grades achieved by STEM subject and student characteristics.

Includes students triggered for inclusion in performance tables who completed A levels during 16-18 study, after discounting of exams. Includes pending awards.

Variable names and descriptions

Variable names and descriptions for this file are provided below:

Variable nameVariable description
subject_nameA level subject
total_studentsTotal number of students
  1. Figures for the total number of students may not match the sum of females and males, as not all institutions recorded the gender for every student.
  2. Disadvantage status is as reported at the end of key stage 4. Analysis involving disadvantage status includes students at state-funded schools and colleges only.
  3. EHC plans and statements of SEN are legal documents which detail the needs of the individual student, and the assistance they are to receive.
  4. 'Total maths' includes all maths subjects except further maths.
  5. Includes students triggered for inclusion in performance tables who completed A levels during 16-18 study, after discounting of exams. Totals include pending awards.

A level entries and results (end of 16-18 study) by subject and student characteristics

Geographic levels
Time period
2017/18 to 2019/20

A level grades achieved by subject and student characteristics.

Includes students triggered for inclusion in performance tables who completed A levels during 16-18 study, after discounting of exams. Includes pending awards.

Variable names and descriptions

Variable names and descriptions for this file are provided below:

Variable nameVariable description
subject_nameA level subject
total_studentsTotal number of students
  1. 'Total classical studies' includes Greek, Latin, classical civilisation, and other classical studies
  2. Figures for the total number of students may not match the sum of females and males, as not all institutions recorded the gender for every student.
  3. 'Total English' includes English language, English literature, and English language and literature
  4. Disadvantage status is as reported at the end of key stage 4. Analysis involving disadvantage status includes students at state-funded schools and colleges only.
  5. 'Total other modern languages' includes all modern languages except French, German and Spanish.
  6. EHC plans and statements of SEN are legal documents which detail the needs of the individual student, and the assistance they are to receive.
  7. 'Total maths' includes all maths subjects except further maths.
  8. Includes students triggered for inclusion in performance tables who completed A levels during 16-18 study, after discounting of exams. Totals include pending awards.

A level entries and results (single academic year) by institution and gender

Geographic levels
Time period
2017/18 to 2019/20

A level entries by grade achieved, institution type and student gender. 

Includes entries in the current exam year for 16-18 students, after discounting. Includes pending awards.

Variable names and descriptions

Variable names and descriptions for this file are provided below:

Variable nameVariable description
total_studentsExam entries
  1. 'Other' includes ungraded, no award (absent/declined) and pending.
  2. Exam entries are for the current exam year for 16-18 students, after discounting.
  3. Figures for the total number of students may not match the sum of females and males, as not all institutions recorded the gender for every student.
  4. Percentages are rounded to one decimal place and may not sum to the grouped grade totals.

A level entries and results (single academic year) by STEM subject and gender.

Geographic levels
Time period
2018/19 to 2019/20

A level entries by grade achieved, STEM subject and student gender.

Includes entries in the current exam year for 16-18 students, after discounting. Includes pending awards.

Variable names and descriptions

Variable names and descriptions for this file are provided below:

Variable nameVariable description
entriesExam entries
subjectSTEM subject
  1. 'Other' includes ungraded, no award (absent/declined) and pending.
  2. Exam entries are for the current exam year for 16-18 students, after discounting.

A level entries and results (single academic year) by subject and gender

Geographic levels
Time period
2017/18 to 2019/20

A level entries by grade achieved, subject and student gender.

Includes entries in the current exam year for 16-18 students, after discounting. Includes pending awards.

Variable names and descriptions

Variable names and descriptions for this file are provided below:

Variable nameVariable description
totalExam entries
  1. 'Other' includes ungraded, no award (absent/declined) and pending.
  2. 'Other modern languages' refers to modern languages with lower number of entries. It excludes French, German, Spanish, Chinese, Italian, Polish and Russian.
  3. 'Total classical studies' includes Greek, Latin, classical civilisation, and other classical studies
  4. Exam entries are for the current exam year for 16-18 students, after discounting.
  5. Figures for the total number of students may not match the sum of females and males, as not all institutions recorded the gender for every student.
  6. 'Total English' includes English language, English literature, and English language and literature
  7. 'Total other modern languages' includes all modern languages except French, German and Spanish.
  8. Percentages are rounded to one decimal place and may not sum to the grouped grade totals.
  9. 'Total maths' includes all maths subjects except further maths.

A level grade combinations by student characteristics

Geographic levels
Time period
2017/18 to 2019/20

A level grade combinations achieved, by student characteristics.

Variable names and descriptions

Variable names and descriptions for this file are provided below:

Variable nameVariable description
AAAA/A/A or better
AABA/A/B or better
AACA/A/C or better
ABBA/B/B or better
ABCA/B/C or better
BBBB/B/B or better
BBCB/B/C or better
CCCC/C/C or better
DDDD/D/D or better
EEEE/E/E or better
star1AA*/A/A or better
star2AA*/A*/A or better
star3A*/A*/ A* or better
starABA*/A/B or better
totalTotal number of students entered
  1. Figures for the total number of students may not match the sum of females and males, as not all institutions recorded the gender for every student.
  2. Includes students triggered for inclusion in performance tables who completed A levels during 16-18 study (excluding general studies and critical thinking), after discounting of exams. Includes pending awards.
  3. Disadvantage status is as reported at the end of key stage 4. Analysis involving disadvantage status includes students at state-funded schools and colleges only.
  4. EHC plans and statements of SEN are legal documents which detail the needs of the individual student, and the assistance they are to receive.

AS level entries and results (single academic year) by subject and gender

Geographic levels
Time period
2017/18 to 2019/20

AS level entries by grade achieved, subject and student gender.

Includes entries in the current exam year for 16-18 students, after discounting. Includes pending awards.

Variable names and descriptions

Variable names and descriptions for this file are provided below:

Variable nameVariable description
totalExam entries
  1. 'Other' includes ungraded, no award (absent/declined) and pending.
  2. 'Other modern languages' refers to modern languages with lower number of entries. It excludes French, German, Spanish, Chinese, Italian, Polish and Russian.
  3. 'Total classical studies' includes Greek, Latin, classical civilisation, and other classical studies
  4. Exam entries are for the current exam year for 16-18 students, after discounting.
  5. Figures for the total number of students may not match the sum of females and males, as not all institutions recorded the gender for every student.
  6. 'Total English' includes English language, English literature, and English language and literature
  7. 'Total other modern languages' includes all modern languages except French, German and Spanish.
  8. Percentages are rounded to one decimal place and may not sum to the grouped grade totals.
  9. 'Total maths' includes all maths subjects except further maths.

Attainment and other performance tables measures by institution type and gender

Geographic levels
Time period
2017/18 to 2019/20

Attainment metrics for all qualification cohorts, by institution type and student gender.

Variable names and descriptions

Variable names and descriptions for this file are provided below:

Variable nameVariable description
aps_per_entry_acadAPS per academic entry
aps_per_entry_agenAPS per applied general entry
aps_per_entry_alevAPS per A level entry
aps_per_entry_best3APS per 'Best 3' entries
aps_per_entry_lev3APS per level 3 entry
aps_per_entry_technicalcertificateAPS per technical certificate entry
aps_per_entry_tlevAPS per tech level entry
entered_any_level3_vocational_excluding_applied_generalsNumber of students entered for any level 3 vocational (excluding Applied generals)
entered_any_level3_vocational_excluding_tech_levelsNumber of students entered for any level 3 vocational (excluding Tech levels)
entered_for_one_or_more_alevStudents entered for ≥ 1 A level
entered_for_one_or_more_alev_or_appliedStudents entered for ≥ 1 A level or applied A level
number_of_students_acadNumber of academic students
number_of_students_agenNumber of applied general students
number_of_students_alevNumber of A level students
number_of_students_highest_attainment_was_l2Number of students with level 2 as highest attainment
number_of_students_level3Number of level 3 students
number_of_students_technicalcertificateNumber of technical certificate students
number_of_students_tlevNumber of tech level students
pc_achieving_3_astar_to_a_alev% achieving 3 A* to A
pc_achieving_aab_or_better_alev% achieving ≥ AAB
pc_achieving_aab_or_better_atleast_two_facilitating_alev% achieving ≥ AAB for a minimum of 2 facilitating A levels
pc_achieving_atleast_two_alev% achieving ≥ 2 A levels
pc_achieving_atleast_two_substantial_lev3% achieving ≥ 2 substantial level 3 results
pc_achieving_atleast_two_substantial_lev3_acad% achieving ≥ 2 academic results
pc_level2_vocational_students_entered_technicalcertificate% level 2 students entered for technical certificate
pc_level3_vocational_students_entered_applied_generals% of Level 3 vocational students entered for applied general
pc_level3_vocational_students_entered_tech_levels% Level 3 vocational students entered for tech levels
students_achieving_tech_baccNumber of students achieving tech baccalaureate
  1. The total number of students may be higher than the sum of separate institution types as students who attend multiple institutions during 16 to 18 can be included more than once in institution breakdowns. More information can be found in the Quality and Methodology section.
  2. 'All state funded schools' includes city technology colleges (CTCs) and state-funded special schools. Figures for these institution types are not shown separately in the table. Excludes pupil referral units (PRUs), alternative provision (AP), hospital schools, non-maintained special schools, independent schools, independent special schools and independent schools approved to take pupils with special educational needs (SEN). These institution types are included in 'All schools'.
  3. The denominator for this percentage is Students entered for ≥ 1 A level.
  4. The denominator for this percentage is Number of A level students.
  5. Figures for the total number of students may not match the sum of females and males, as not all institutions recorded the gender for every student.
  6. Students triggered for inclusion in performance tables who completed A levels, applied A levels or AS levels.
  7. The denominator for this percentage is Students entered for ≥ 1 A level or applied A level.

Attainment and other performance tables measures by local authority and gender

Geographic levels
Local authority; Regional
Time period
2017/18 to 2019/20

Attainment metrics for all qualification cohorts, by region or local authority and student gender.

Variable names and descriptions

Variable names and descriptions for this file are provided below:

Variable nameVariable description
aps_per_entry_acadAPS per academic entry
aps_per_entry_agenAPS per applied general entry
aps_per_entry_alevAPS per A level entry
aps_per_entry_best3APS per 'Best 3' entries
aps_per_entry_lev3APS per level 3 entry
aps_per_entry_technicalcertificateAPS per entry technical certificate student
aps_per_entry_tlevAPS per tech level entry
entered_any_level3_vocational_excluding_applied_generalsNumber of students entered for any level 3 vocational (excluding Applied generals)
entered_any_level3_vocational_excluding_tech_levelsNumber of students entered for any level 3 vocational (excluding Tech levels)
entered_for_one_or_more_alevStudents entered for ≥ 1 A level
entered_for_one_or_more_alev_or_appliedStudents entered for ≥ 1 A level or applied A level
number_of_students_acadNumber of academic students
number_of_students_agenNumber of applied general students
number_of_students_alevNumber of A level students
number_of_students_highest_attainment_was_l2Number of students with level 2 as highest attainment
number_of_students_level3Number of level 3 students
number_of_students_technicalcertificateNumber of technical certificate students
number_of_students_tlevNumber of tech level students
pc_achieving_3_astar_to_a_alev% achieving 3 A* to A
pc_achieving_aab_or_better_alev% achieving ≥ AAB
pc_achieving_aab_or_better_atleast_two_facilitating_alev% achieving ≥ AAB for a minimum of 2 facilitating A levels
pc_achieving_atleast_two_alev% achieving ≥ 2 A levels
pc_achieving_atleast_two_substantial_lev3% achieving ≥ 2 substantial level 3 results
pc_achieving_atleast_two_substantial_lev3_acad% achieving ≥ 2 academic results
pc_level2_vocational_students_entered_technicalcertificate% level 2 students entered for technical certificate
pc_level3_vocational_students_entered_applied_generals% of Level 3 vocational students entered for applied general
pc_level3_vocational_students_entered_tech_levels% Level 3 vocational students entered for tech levels
school_typeInstitution type
students_achieving_tech_baccNumber of students achieving tech baccalaureate
  1. The denominator for this percentage is Students entered for ≥ 1 A level.
  2. The denominator for this percentage is Number of A level students.
  3. Figures for the total number of students may not match the sum of females and males, as not all institutions recorded the gender for every student.
  4. Students triggered for inclusion in performance tables who completed A levels, applied A levels or AS levels.
  5. The denominator for this percentage is Students entered for ≥ 1 A level or applied A level.

Attainment and other performance tables measures by rurality

Geographic levels
Time period
2017/18 to 2019/20

Attainment metrics for all qualification cohorts, by region and rural setting.

Variable names and descriptions

Variable names and descriptions for this file are provided below:

Variable nameVariable description
aps_per_entry_acadAPS per academic entry
aps_per_entry_agenAPS per applied general entry
aps_per_entry_alevAPS per A level entry
aps_per_entry_best3APS per 'Best 3' entries
aps_per_entry_lev3APS per level 3 entry
aps_per_entry_technicalcertificateAPS per technical certificate student
aps_per_entry_tlevAPS per tech level entry
entered_any_level3_vocational_excluding_applied_generalsNumber of students entered for any level 3 vocational (excluding Applied generals)
entered_any_level3_vocational_excluding_tech_levelsNumber of students entered for any level 3 vocational (excluding Tech levels)
entered_for_one_or_more_alevStudents entered for ≥ 1 A level
entered_for_one_or_more_alev_or_appliedStudents entered for ≥ 1 A level or applied A level
number_of_students_acadNumber of academic students
number_of_students_agenNumber of applied general students
number_of_students_alevNumber of A level students
number_of_students_highest_attainment_was_l2Number of students with level 2 as highest attainment
number_of_students_level3Number of level 3 students
number_of_students_technicalcertificateNumber of technical certificate students
number_of_students_tlevNumber of tech level students
pc_achieving_3_astar_to_a_alev% achieving 3 A* to A
pc_achieving_aab_or_better_alev% achieving ≥ AAB
pc_achieving_aab_or_better_atleast_two_facilitating_alev% achieving ≥ AAB for a minimum of 2 facilitating A levels
pc_achieving_atleast_two_alev% achieving ≥ 2 A levels
pc_achieving_atleast_two_substantial_lev3% achieving ≥ 2 substantial level 3 results
pc_achieving_atleast_two_substantial_lev3_acad% achieving ≥ 2 academic results
pc_level2_vocational_students_entered_technicalcertificate% level 2 students entered for technical certificate
pc_level3_vocational_students_entered_applied_generals% of Level 3 vocational students entered for applied general
pc_level3_vocational_students_entered_tech_levels% Level 3 vocational students entered for tech levels
students_achieving_tech_baccNumber of students achieving tech baccalaureate
  1. The denominator for this percentage is Students entered for ≥ 1 A level.
  2. The denominator for this percentage is Number of A level students.
  3. Students triggered for inclusion in performance tables who completed A levels, applied A levels or AS levels.
  4. The denominator for this percentage is Students entered for ≥ 1 A level or applied A level.

Attainment and other performance tables measures by student characteristics

Geographic levels
Time period
2017/18 to 2019/20

Attainment metrics for all qualification cohorts, by student gender and other student characteristics.

Variable names and descriptions

Variable names and descriptions for this file are provided below:

Variable nameVariable description
aps_per_entry_acadAPS per academic entry
aps_per_entry_agenAPS per applied general entry
aps_per_entry_alevAPS per A level entry
aps_per_entry_best3APS per 'Best 3' entries
aps_per_entry_lev3APS per level 3 entry
aps_per_entry_technicalcertificateAPS per entry technical certificate students
aps_per_entry_tlevAPS per tech level entry
entered_any_level3_vocational_excluding_applied_generalsNumber of students entered for any level 3 vocational (excluding Applied generals)
entered_any_level3_vocational_excluding_tech_levelsNumber of students entered for any level 3 vocational (excluding Tech levels)
entered_for_one_or_more_alevStudents entered for ≥ 1 A level
entered_for_one_or_more_alev_or_appliedStudents entered for ≥ 1 A level or applied A level
number_of_students_acadNumber of academic students
number_of_students_agenNumber of applied general students
number_of_students_alevNumber of A level students
number_of_students_highest_attainment_was_l2Number of students with level 2 as highest attainment
number_of_students_level3Number of level 3 students
number_of_students_technicalcertificateNumber of technical certificate students
number_of_students_tlevNumber of tech level students
pc_achieving_3_astar_to_a_alev% achieving 3 A* to A
pc_achieving_aab_or_better_alev% achieving ≥ AAB
pc_achieving_aab_or_better_atleast_two_facilitating_alev% achieving ≥ AAB for a minimum of 2 facilitating A levels
pc_achieving_atleast_two_alev% achieving ≥ 2 A levels
pc_achieving_atleast_two_substantial_lev3% achieving ≥ 2 substantial level 3 results
pc_achieving_atleast_two_substantial_lev3_acad% achieving ≥ 2 academic results
pc_level2_vocational_students_entered_technicalcertificate% level 2 students entered for technical certificate
pc_level3_vocational_students_entered_applied_generals% of Level 3 vocational students entered for applied general
pc_level3_vocational_students_entered_tech_levels% Level 3 vocational students entered for tech levels
students_achieving_tech_baccNumber of students achieving tech baccalaureate
  1. The denominator for this percentage is Students entered for ≥ 1 A level.
  2. The denominator for this percentage is Number of A level students.
  3. Figures for the total number of students may not match the sum of females and males, as not all institutions recorded the gender for every student.
  4. Disadvantage status is as reported at the end of key stage 4. Analysis involving disadvantage status includes students at state-funded schools and colleges only.
  5. Students triggered for inclusion in performance tables who completed A levels, applied A levels or AS levels.
  6. EHC plans and statements of SEN are legal documents which detail the needs of the individual student, and the assistance they are to receive.
  7. The denominator for this percentage is Students entered for ≥ 1 A level or applied A level.

English and maths progress - summary time series

Geographic levels
Time period
2017/18 to 2019/20

Key measures of English and maths progress over the last three years.

Variable names and descriptions

Variable names and descriptions for this file are provided below:

Variable nameVariable description
Nat_avAverage progress (change in point score)
num_inscopeNumber of students in scope
percent_approvedPercentage entering an approved qualification
percent_grade4Percentage achieving grade 4 (or equivalent) or above
percent_positivePercentage making positive progress
  1. Students are potentially in scope for either the English or maths progress measures if they did not achieve a GCSE grade A*-C or 9-4 by the end of KS4 in that subject.
  2. Positive progress is an improved point score in the subject by the end of 16-18 studies, compared to prior attainment in key stage 4.

English and maths progress by institution type and gender

Geographic levels
Time period
2017/18 to 2019/20

English and maths progress, by institution type and gender. 

Variable names and descriptions

Variable names and descriptions for this file are provided below:

Variable nameVariable description
count_no_entriesNumber of students
Nat_averageAverage progress
percent_enteredPercent entering an approved qualification
school_typeInstitution type
  1. The total number of students may be higher than the sum of separate institution types as students who attend multiple institutions during 16 to 18 can be included more than once in institution breakdowns. More information can be found in the Quality and Methodology section.
  2. 'All state funded schools' includes city technology colleges (CTCs) and state-funded special schools. Figures for these institution types are not shown separately in the table. Excludes pupil referral units (PRUs), alternative provision (AP), hospital schools, non-maintained special schools, independent schools, independent special schools and independent schools approved to take pupils with special educational needs (SEN). These institution types are included in 'All schools'.
  3. Figures for the total number of students may not match the sum of females and males, as not all institutions recorded the gender for every student.
  4. Students are potentially in scope for either the English or maths progress measures if they did not achieve a GCSE grade A*-C or 9-4 by the end of KS4 in that subject.

English and maths progress by prior attainment (English historical data)

Geographic levels
Time period
2017/18 to 2018/19

English progress(2017/18, 2018/19), by prior attainment points and points at end of 16-18 study.

Variable names and descriptions

Variable names and descriptions for this file are provided below:

Variable nameVariable description
entry_pointsPrior attainment points
exit_pointsPoints at end of 16-18 study
Nat_average_progAverage progress (change in point score)
percent_improvedPercent improving their point score
percent_lowerPercent lowering their point score
percent_samePercent with unchanged point score
student_countNumber of students
  1. Students are potentially in scope for either the English or maths progress measures if they did not achieve a GCSE grade A*-C or 9-4 by the end of KS4 in that subject.

English and maths progress by prior attainment (English)

Geographic levels
Time period

English progress (2019/20), by prior attainment points and points at end of 16-18 study. 

Variable names and descriptions

Variable names and descriptions for this file are provided below:

Variable nameVariable description
entry_pointsPrior attainment points
exit_pointsPoints at end of 16-18 study
Nat_average_progAverage progress (change in point score)
percent_improvedPercent improving their point score
percent_lowerPercent lowering their point score
percent_samePercent with unchanged point score
student_countNumber of students
  1. Students are potentially in scope for either the English or maths progress measures if they did not achieve a GCSE grade A*-C or 9-4 by the end of KS4 in that subject.

English and maths progress by prior attainment (maths historical data)

Geographic levels
Time period
2017/18 to 2018/19

Maths progress (2017/18, 2018/19), by prior attainment points and points at end of 16-18 study. 

Variable names and descriptions

Variable names and descriptions for this file are provided below:

Variable nameVariable description
entry_pointsPrior attainment points
exit_pointsPoints at end of 16-18 study
Nat_average_progAverage progress (change in point score)
percent_improvedPercent improving their point score
percent_lowerPercent lowering their point score
percent_samePercent with unchanged point score
student_countNumber of students
  1. Students are potentially in scope for either the English or maths progress measures if they did not achieve a GCSE grade A*-C or 9-4 by the end of KS4 in that subject.

English and maths progress by prior attainment (maths)

Geographic levels
Time period

Maths progress (2019/20), by prior attainment points and points at end of 16-18 study. 

Variable names and descriptions

Variable names and descriptions for this file are provided below:

Variable nameVariable description
entry_pointsPrior attainment points
exit_pointsPoints at end of 16-18 study
Nat_average_progAverage progress (change in point score)
percent_improvedPercent improving their point score
percent_lowerPercent lowering their point score
percent_samePercent with unchanged point score
student_countNumber of students
  1. Students are potentially in scope for either the English or maths progress measures if they did not achieve a GCSE grade A*-C or 9-4 by the end of KS4 in that subject.

English and maths progress by student characteristics

Geographic levels
Time period
2017/18 to 2019/20

English and maths progress, by student characteristics.

Variable names and descriptions

Variable names and descriptions for this file are provided below:

Variable nameVariable description
count_no_entriesNumber of students
nat_averageAverage progress
  1. Figures for the total number of students may not match the sum of females and males, as not all institutions recorded the gender for every student.
  2. Disadvantage status is as reported at the end of key stage 4. Analysis involving disadvantage status includes students at state-funded schools and colleges only.
  3. EHC plans and statements of SEN are legal documents which detail the needs of the individual student, and the assistance they are to receive.
  4. Students are potentially in scope for either the English or maths progress measures if they did not achieve a GCSE grade A*-C or 9-4 by the end of KS4 in that subject.

English and maths progress by years of study

Geographic levels
Time period
2017/18 to 2019/20

English and maths progress, by number of years allocated in 16-18 study. 

Variable names and descriptions

Variable names and descriptions for this file are provided below:

Variable nameVariable description
Nat_average_progAverage progress (change in point score)
student_countNumber of students
years_allocatedDuration of 16-18 study
  1. Students are potentially in scope for either the English or maths progress measures if they did not achieve a GCSE grade A*-C or 9-4 by the end of KS4 in that subject.

Entries to applied general qualifications

Geographic levels
Time period
2017/18 to 2019/20

Applied general entries by Ofqual subject areas and student gender.

Includes entries in the current exam year for 16-18 students, after discounting. Includes pending awards.

Variable names and descriptions

Variable names and descriptions for this file are provided below:

Variable nameVariable description
ofqual_tier_2Ofqual subject area
  1. Exam entries are for the current exam year for 16-18 students, after discounting.
  2. Figures for the total number of students may not match the sum of females and males, as not all institutions recorded the gender for every student.

Entries to below L3 English

Geographic levels
Time period
2017/18 to 2019/20

Entries and passes for below level 3 English, by qualification type and student gender.

Includes entries in the current exam year for 16-18 students, after discounting. Includes pending awards.

Variable names and descriptions

Variable names and descriptions for this file are provided below:

Variable nameVariable description
  1. Exam entries are for the current exam year for 16-18 students, after discounting.
  2. Figures for the total number of students may not match the sum of females and males, as not all institutions recorded the gender for every student.

Entries to below L3 Maths

Geographic levels
Time period
2017/18 to 2019/20

Entries and passes for below level 3 maths, by qualification type and student gender.

Includes entries in the current exam year for 16-18 students, after discounting. Includes pending awards.

Variable names and descriptions

Variable names and descriptions for this file are provided below:

Variable nameVariable description
  1. Exam entries are for the current exam year for 16-18 students, after discounting.
  2. Figures for the total number of students may not match the sum of females and males, as not all institutions recorded the gender for every student.

Entries to tech level qualifications

Geographic levels
Time period
2017/18 to 2019/20

Tech level entries by Ofqual subject areas and student gender.

Includes entries in the current exam year for 16-18 students, after discounting. Includes pending awards.

Variable names and descriptions

Variable names and descriptions for this file are provided below:

Variable nameVariable description
ofqual_tier_2Ofqual subject area
  1. Exam entries are for the current exam year for 16-18 students, after discounting.
  2. Figures for the total number of students may not match the sum of females and males, as not all institutions recorded the gender for every student.

Entries to technical certificate qualifications

Geographic levels
Time period
2017/18 to 2019/20

Technical certificate entries by Ofqual subject areas and student gender.

Includes entries in the current exam year for 16-18 students, after discounting. Includes pending awards.

Variable names and descriptions

Variable names and descriptions for this file are provided below:

Variable nameVariable description
ofqual_tier_2Ofqual subject area
  1. Exam entries are for the current exam year for 16-18 students, after discounting.
  2. Figures for the total number of students may not match the sum of females and males, as not all institutions recorded the gender for every student.


Geographic levels
Time period

Data points for publication headlines

Variable names and descriptions

Variable names and descriptions for this file are provided below:

Variable nameVariable description
%_retainedA level headline retention rate
e_avg_progEnglish average progress
female_a_level_graded_star_to_aEntries at A level awarded A*-A - Female students
m_avg_progMaths average progress

Level 3 maths attainment by institution type and gender

Geographic levels
Time period
2017/18 to 2019/20

Level 3 maths attainment, by institution type and gender.

Variable names and descriptions

Variable names and descriptions for this file are provided below:

Variable nameVariable description
count_pupNumber of in-scope students
L3M_PERPercent of students achieving a Level 3 maths qualification
school_typeInstitution type
  1. The total number of students may be higher than the sum of separate institution types as students who attend multiple institutions during 16 to 18 can be included more than once in institution breakdowns. More information can be found in the Quality and Methodology section.
  2. 'All state funded schools' includes city technology colleges (CTCs) and state-funded special schools. Figures for these institution types are not shown separately in the table. Excludes pupil referral units (PRUs), alternative provision (AP), hospital schools, non-maintained special schools, independent schools, independent special schools and independent schools approved to take pupils with special educational needs (SEN). These institution types are included in 'All schools'.
  3. Figures for the total number of students may not match the sum of females and males, as not all institutions recorded the gender for every student.

Maths and science entries by subject combinations

Geographic levels
Time period
2017/18 to 2019/20

Number of students entered for combinations of STEM A levels during 16-18 study, by student gender. 

Variable names and descriptions

Variable names and descriptions for this file are provided below:

Variable nameVariable description
Num_StudentsNumber of students
sub_name_combCombination of STEM subject A levels entered
  1. Includes students triggered for inclusion in performance tables who completed A levels during 16-18 study, after discounting of exams. Totals include pending awards.

Maths and science percent entered by region and local authority

Geographic levels
Local authority; Regional
Time period
2017/18 to 2019/20

Percent of A level students entered for STEM subjects, by region or local authority and student gender.

Variable names and descriptions

Variable names and descriptions for this file are provided below:

Variable nameVariable description
number_alev_studentsNumber of A level students
pc_entered_BiologyPercent entered for biology
pc_entered_ChemistryPercent entered for chemistry
pc_entered_ComputingPercent entered for computing
pc_entered_FurtherMathsPercent entered for further maths
pc_entered_MathsPercent entered for maths
pc_entered_PhysicsPercent entered for physics
  1. Includes students triggered for inclusion in performance tables who completed A levels during 16-18 study, after discounting of exams. Totals include pending awards.

Maths and science time series of entries

Geographic levels
Time period
2009/10 to 2019/20

Time line of STEM subject entries, by student gender.

Variable names and descriptions

Variable names and descriptions for this file are provided below:

Variable nameVariable description
number_alev_studentsNumber of A level students
pc_entered_1plus_MatScisPercent entered for 1 or more STEM subjects
pc_entered_2plus_MatScisPercent entered for 2 or more STEM subjects
pc_entered_3plus_MatScisPercent entered for 3 or more STEM subjects
pc_entered_4plus_MatScisPercent entered for 4 or more STEM subjects
pc_entered_5plus_MatScisPercent entered for 5 or more STEM subjects
pc_entered_BiologyPercent entered for biology
pc_entered_ChemistryPercent entered for chemistry
pc_entered_ComputingPercent entered for computing
pc_entered_FurtherMathsPercent entered for further maths
pc_entered_MathsPercent entered for maths
pc_entered_no_MatSciPercent not entered for a STEM subject
pc_entered_PhysicsPercent entered for physics
  1. Figures for the total number of students may not match the sum of females and males, as not all institutions recorded the gender for every student.
  2. Includes students triggered for inclusion in performance tables who completed A levels during 16-18 study, after discounting of exams. Totals include pending awards.

Regional and local authority A level entries and results (end of 16-18 study) by STEM subject and gender

Geographic levels
Local authority; Regional
Time period
2017/18 to 2019/20

A level grades achieved by region or local authority, STEM subject and student gender.

Includes students triggered for inclusion in performance tables who completed A levels during 16-18 study, after discounting of exams. Includes pending awards.

Variable names and descriptions

Variable names and descriptions for this file are provided below:

Variable nameVariable description
subject_nameA level subject
total_studentsTotal number of students
  1. Figures for the total number of students may not match the sum of females and males, as not all institutions recorded the gender for every student.
  2. 'Total maths' includes all maths subjects except further maths.
  3. Includes students triggered for inclusion in performance tables who completed A levels during 16-18 study, after discounting of exams. Totals include pending awards.

Regional and local authority A level entries and results (end of 16-18 study) by subject and gender

Geographic levels
Local authority; Regional
Time period
2017/18 to 2019/20

A level grades achieved by region or local authority, subject and student gender.

Includes students triggered for inclusion in performance tables who completed A levels during 16-18 study, after discounting of exams. Includes pending awards.

Variable names and descriptions

Variable names and descriptions for this file are provided below:

Variable nameVariable description
subject_nameA level subject
total_studentsTotal number of students
  1. 'Total classical studies' includes Greek, Latin, classical civilisation, and other classical studies
  2. Figures for the total number of students may not match the sum of females and males, as not all institutions recorded the gender for every student.
  3. 'Total English' includes English language, English literature, and English language and literature
  4. 'Total other modern languages' includes all modern languages except French, German and Spanish.
  5. 'Total maths' includes all maths subjects except further maths.
  6. Includes students triggered for inclusion in performance tables who completed A levels during 16-18 study, after discounting of exams. Totals include pending awards.

Retention by institution type

Geographic levels
Time period
2017/18 to 2019/20

Retention metrics by institution type.

Variable names and descriptions

Variable names and descriptions for this file are provided below:

Variable nameVariable description
2yr_retained% returned and retained for a second year
2yr_retention_in_scopeNumber of students in two-year programme
retained% retained
retained_and_assessed% retained and assessed
retention_in_scopeNumber of students
school_typeInstitution type
  1. The total number of students may be higher than the sum of separate institution types as students who attend multiple institutions during 16 to 18 can be included more than once in institution breakdowns. More information can be found in the Quality and Methodology section.
  2. Percentages in tables are presented to 1dp. Percentage differences presented in the text are calculated using underlying data at 3dp.
  3. 'z' denotes that there are no applicable observations of the indicator.
  4. 'z' denotes that there are no applicable observations of the indicator.

Retention by prior attainment and disadvantage

Geographic levels
Time period
2017/18 to 2019/20

Retention metrics by prior attainment and disadvantaged status.

Variable names and descriptions

Variable names and descriptions for this file are provided below:

Variable nameVariable description
2yr_retained% returned and retained for a second year
2yr_retention_in_scopeNumber of students in two-year programme
prior_attainmentPrior attainment
retained% retained
retained_and_assessed% retained and assessed
retention_in_scopeNumber of students
  1. Percentages in tables are presented to 1dp. Percentage differences presented in the text are calculated using underlying data at 3dp.
  2. 'z' denotes that there are no applicable observations of the indicator.
  3. Disadvantage status is as reported at the end of key stage 4. Analysis involving disadvantage status includes students at state-funded schools and colleges only.

Retention by student characteristics

Geographic levels
Time period
2017/18 to 2019/20

Retention metrics by student characteristics.

Variable names and descriptions

Variable names and descriptions for this file are provided below:

Variable nameVariable description
2yr_retained% returned and retained for a second year
2yr_retention_in_scopeNumber of students in two-year programme
retained% retained
retained_and_assessed% retained and assessed
retention_in_scopeNumber of students
  1. Percentages in tables are presented to 1dp. Percentage differences presented in the text are calculated using underlying data at 3dp.
  2. Figures for the total number of students may not match the sum of females and males, as not all institutions recorded the gender for every student.
  3. Disadvantage status is as reported at the end of key stage 4. Analysis involving disadvantage status includes students at state-funded schools and colleges only.
  4. EHC plans and statements of SEN are legal documents which detail the needs of the individual student, and the assistance they are to receive.
  5. 'z' denotes that there are no applicable observations of the indicator.

Retention: historic data

Geographic levels
Time period
2015/16 to 2019/20

Time line of the retention measure (2015/16 to 2019/20) by exam cohort and student gender.

Variable names and descriptions

Variable names and descriptions for this file are provided below:

Variable nameVariable description
retained% retained
retention_in_scopeNumber of students
  1. Percentages in tables are presented to 1dp. Percentage differences presented in the text are calculated using underlying data at 3dp.
  2. Figures for the total number of students may not match the sum of females and males, as not all institutions recorded the gender for every student.

Retention: prior attainment as a percentage of cohort

Geographic levels
Time period
2017/18 to 2019/20

Retention by prior attainment as a percentage of each exam cohort.

Variable names and descriptions

Variable names and descriptions for this file are provided below:

Variable nameVariable description
percentagePercentage of students
prior_attainmentPrior attainment
retention_in_scopeNumber of students
  1. Percentages in tables are presented to 1dp. Percentage differences presented in the text are calculated using underlying data at 3dp.

Student counts by exam cohort

Geographic levels
Time period
2017/18 to 2019/20

Number of students in each qualification type cohort.

Variable names and descriptions

Variable names and descriptions for this file are provided below:

Variable nameVariable description
student_numbersStudent numbers

Student counts by subject - applied general

Geographic levels
Time period
2017/18 to 2019/20

Applied general student counts by Ofqual subject.  Includes qualification participation by gender

Variable names and descriptions

Variable names and descriptions for this file are provided below:

Variable nameVariable description
ofqual_tier_2Ofqual tier
qualification_participationNumber of qualification types participated in
studentsNumber of students
  1. Figures for the total number of students may not match the sum of females and males, as not all institutions recorded the gender for every student.
  2. Includes students triggered for inclusion in performance tables who completed an applied general qualification during 16-18 study. Includes pending awards.

Student counts by subject - tech level

Geographic levels
Time period
2017/18 to 2019/20

Tech level student counts by Ofqual subject.  Includes qualification participation by gender

Variable names and descriptions

Variable names and descriptions for this file are provided below:

Variable nameVariable description
ofqual_tier_2Ofqual tier
qualification_participationNumber of qualification types participated in
studentsNumber of students
  1. Figures for the total number of students may not match the sum of females and males, as not all institutions recorded the gender for every student.
  2. Includes students triggered for inclusion in performance tables who completed a tech level qualification during 16-18 study. Includes pending awards.

Student counts by subject - technical certificate

Geographic levels
Time period
2017/18 to 2019/20

Technical certificate student counts by Ofqual subject.  Includes qualification participation by gender

Variable names and descriptions

Variable names and descriptions for this file are provided below:

Variable nameVariable description
ofqual_tier_2Ofqual tier
qualification_participationNumber of qualification types participated in
studentsNumber of students
  1. Figures for the total number of students may not match the sum of females and males, as not all institutions recorded the gender for every student.
  2. Includes students triggered for inclusion in performance tables who completed a technical certificate qualification during 16-18 study. Includes pending awards.

Vocational and technical qualifications

Geographic levels
Time period
2017/18 to 2019/20

Attainment metrics for vocational and technical qualifications.

Variable names and descriptions

Variable names and descriptions for this file are provided below:

Variable nameVariable description
entered_any_level3_vocational_excluding_applied_generalsNumber of students entered for any level 3 vocational (excluding Applied generals)
entered_any_level3_vocational_excluding_tech_levelsNumber of students entered for any level 3 vocational (excluding Tech levels)
number_of_students_highest_attainment_was_l2Number of students with level 2 as highest attainment
pc_level2_vocational_students_entered_technicalcertificate% entering tech certificates
pc_level3_vocational_students_entered_applied_generals% entering applied generals
pc_level3_vocational_students_entered_tech_levels% entering tech levels