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'Early Years Foundation Stage Profile by Ethnicity and Free School Meal status (2018 - 2019)' from 'Early years foundation stage profile results'

WarningWARNING - The data used in this table may now be out-of-date as a new release has been published since its creation.
Average point score: total point score divided by number of children for 'Early Years Foundation Stage Profile by Ethnicity and Free School Meal status (2018 - 2019)' for All Major Ethnicities, All other pupils and FSM in England between 2017/18 and 2018/19
All other pupils35.035.1


  1. Average total point score across all the early learning goals (ELGs). This is a supporting measure taking into account performance across all 17 ELGs, 1 point for emerging, 2 for expected and 3 for exceeding. The sum is then taken for all pupils with that characteristic and the mean given.
  2. Major and minor ethnicity breakdowns detailed at

Source: Early years foundation stage profile results, Early Years Foundation Stage Profile by Ethnicity and Free School Meal status (2018 - 2019)

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