Table Tool

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  1. Step 1 Choose a publication

    Apprenticeships and traineeships
    WarningThis publication has been superseded by Apprenticeships
  2. Step 2 Select a data set

    Data set
    Subjects and levels - learner demographics
  3. Step 3 Choose locations

    • England
  4. Step 4 Choose time period

    Time period
    2016/17 to 2021/22
  5. Step 5 Choose your filters

    • Starts
    Age group (detailed)
    • Total
    Detailed apprenticeship level
    • Total
    • Total
    • Total
    • Total
    • STEM - no
    • STEM - yes
    Sector Subject Area (tier 1)
    • Total
    • Agriculture, Horticulture and Animal Care
    • Arts, Media and Publishing
    • Business, Administration and Law
    • Construction, Planning and the Built Environment
    • Total
    • Female
    • Male
  6. Step 6 Explore data

    This data is not from the latest release
    View latest data: Academic year 2022/23
    Starts for 'Subjects and levels - learner demographics' for Agriculture, Horticulture and Animal Care, Arts, Media and Publishing, Business, Administration and Law, Construction, Planning and the Built Environment, Education and Training and 14 other filters in England between 2016/17 and 2021/22
    FemaleSTEM - yesConstruction, Planning and the Built Environment6301,0601,4501,7301,4901,930
    Engineering and Manufacturing Technologies5,9704,4704,7404,5804,1704,660
    Information and Communication Technology2,4503,4004,1904,1505,6607,330
    Science and Mathematics13010080100120200
    STEM - noAgriculture, Horticulture and Animal Care3,0602,8903,0402,8802,7303,270
    Arts, Media and Publishing4104805606501,0601,080
    Business, Administration and Law84,87064,77068,46054,72055,87053,460
    Education and Training7,2804,5705,5306,0306,3106,390
    Health, Public Services and Care113,10070,86077,39062,01075,58077,050
    History, Philosophy and Theologyno datano datano datano datalow10
    Leisure, Travel and Tourism5,1503,4102,9301,9708301,390
    Preparation for Life and Work00no datano datano datano data
    Retail and Commercial Enterprise41,32028,25028,73018,51017,90020,450
    Social Sciencesno datano datano data408090
    Unknown00no datano datano datano data
    MaleSTEM - yesConstruction, Planning and the Built Environment20,58021,61021,08020,19018,47024,140
    Engineering and Manufacturing Technologies69,06056,93055,23047,42035,34044,400
    Information and Communication Technology13,02015,08016,92014,08012,73015,490
    Science and Mathematics1701005080120170
    STEM - noAgriculture, Horticulture and Animal Care4,3303,7503,6103,0102,8003,380
    Arts, Media and Publishing470470440590930930
    Business, Administration and Law53,61046,33050,19039,72040,02040,430
    Education and Training1,6401,0401,5801,8602,1801,910
    Health, Public Services and Care25,75017,46020,33020,18021,89022,740
    History, Philosophy and Theologyno datano datano datano data1010
    Leisure, Travel and Tourism8,6405,3504,2803,1702,1102,700
    Retail and Commercial Enterprise33,27023,40022,57014,81012,93015,440
    Social Sciencesno datano datano data50120150
    Unknown00no datano datano datano data
    TotalSTEM - yesConstruction, Planning and the Built Environment21,21022,66022,53021,92019,96026,060
    Engineering and Manufacturing Technologies75,02061,40059,97052,00039,51049,060
    Information and Communication Technology15,47018,48021,11018,23018,40022,820
    Science and Mathematics290190130180230370
    STEM - noAgriculture, Horticulture and Animal Care7,3906,6406,6505,8905,5306,660
    Arts, Media and Publishing8709501,0001,2401,9902,010
    Business, Administration and Law138,480111,100118,65094,43095,89093,890
    Education and Training8,9205,6107,1107,8908,4908,310
    Health, Public Services and Care138,85088,32097,72082,19097,47099,790
    History, Philosophy and Theologyno datano datano datano data1010
    Leisure, Travel and Tourism13,7908,7507,2205,1402,9404,090
    Preparation for Life and Work00no datano datano datano data
    Retail and Commercial Enterprise74,59051,65051,30033,32030,83035,890
    Social Sciencesno datano datano data90200240
    Unknown00no datano datano datano data


    1. Volumes are rounded to the nearest 10 and 'low' indicates a base value of fewer than 5. Where data shows 'x' this indicates data is unavailable, 'z' indicates data is not applicable, and 'c' indicates data is suppressed.
    2. Age, sex, learners with learning difficulties and/or disabilities and ethnicity are based upon self-declaration by the learner.

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