Data set from Supply of skills for jobs in science and technology

UK STEM employment by industry

Latest data
Last updated

Employment data for occupation groups, based on ONS SOC (details of group definitions are available in the publication methodology), and industry groups defined by ONS based on SIC (see footnote):

  • Employment volumes presented in millions, to one decimal place. Data from Annual Population Survey July 2022 - June 2023, sourced from ONS NOMIS

Data set details

Further education
Supply of skills for jobs in science and technology
Release type
Geographic levels
  • Employment (millions)
  • Industry
  • Occupation group
Time period

Data set preview

Table showing first 5 rows, from underlying data
2023Calendar yearNationalK02000001United KingdomSTEMSTEM industries4.7
2023Calendar yearNationalK02000001United KingdomSTEMNot STEM (including Medicine and Health industries)4.7
2023Calendar yearNationalK02000001United KingdomSTEMAll industries9.4
2023Calendar yearNationalK02000001United KingdomNot STEM - Medicine and HealthSTEM industries0.1
2023Calendar yearNationalK02000001United KingdomNot STEM - Medicine and HealthNot STEM (including Medicine and Health industries)3.2

Variables in this data set

Table showing all 3 variables
Variable nameVariable description
employmentEmployment (millions)
groupOccupation group - Filter by occupation
industryIndustry - Filter by industry


  1.  STEM industries use the ONS industry classification as indicative figures but is not formally defined in this report (
  2. Not STEM includes Medicine and Health.

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