Data set from Local authority school places scorecards

Local Authority Pupil Forecast Accuracy

Latest data
Last updated
Pupil forecast accuracy for academic year 2023/24

Data set details

Pupils and schools
Local authority school places scorecards
Release type
Geographic levels
Local authority, National
  • Actual primary pupil numbers 2023/24
  • Actual secondary pupil numbers 2023/24
  • One year ahead primary forecast accuracy percentage
Time period

Data set preview

Table showing first 5 rows, from underlying data
2023Reporting yearNationalE92000001England442797344321110.0009345134407513-0.004620624316069031877280.00855446131968590.011443387
2023Reporting yearLocal authorityE92000001EnglandE13000001Inner London201E09000001City of London205210LOW210LOWzzzzz
2023Reporting yearLocal authorityE92000001EnglandE13000001Inner London202E09000007Camden935795510.02073314194700.01207652760677300.01630291976200.001840652
2023Reporting yearLocal authorityE92000001EnglandE13000002Outer London203E09000011Greenwich2382423784-0.001678979241390.0132219611548515303-0.0117533115375-0.007103649
2023Reporting yearLocal authorityE92000001EnglandE13000001Inner London204E09000012Hackney16286164330.009026157171950.0558148112238122570.001552541124430.016751103

Variables in this data set

Table showing first 5 of 10 variables
Variable nameVariable description
actual_primary_pupil_numbers_202324Actual primary pupil numbers 2023/24
actual_secondary_pupil_numbers_202324Actual secondary pupil numbers 2023/24
one_year_ahead_primary_forecast_accuracy_percentageOne year ahead primary forecast accuracy percentage
one_year_ahead_secondary_forecast_accuracy_percentageOne year ahead secondary forecast accuracy percentage
scap21_forecast_primary_pupil_numbers_on_roll_202324SCAP21 forecast primary pupil numbers on roll 2023/24


  1. z indicates data is not applicable
  2. x indicates data is not available
  3. LOW indicates sample size is too low to calculate forecast accuracy

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