Caseload - Establishment type
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The number of children and young people with an EHC plan as at January, broken down by type of establishment attended.
On this page
Data set details
- Theme
- Pupils and schools
- Publication
- Education, health and care plans
- Release
- Reporting year 2024
- Release type
- Geographic levels
- Local authority, National, Regional
- Indicators
- Number of cases
- Percentage of cases
- Filters
- EHCP or statement
- Establishment type
- Time period
- 2010 to 2024
Data set preview
time_period | time_identifier | geographic_level | country_code | country_name | region_code | region_name | new_la_code | old_la_code | la_name | establishment_group | establishment_type | ehcp_or_statement | num_caseload | pc_caseload |
2010 | Calendar year | Local authority | E92000001 | England | E12000007 | London | E09000001 | 201 | City of London | Alternative provision/Pupil referral unit | AP/PRU - Academy | EHCP | z | z |
2010 | Calendar year | Local authority | E92000001 | England | E12000007 | London | E09000001 | 201 | City of London | Alternative provision/Pupil referral unit | AP/PRU - Academy | Statement | z | z |
2010 | Calendar year | Local authority | E92000001 | England | E12000007 | London | E09000001 | 201 | City of London | Alternative provision/Pupil referral unit | AP/PRU - Academy | Total | z | z |
2010 | Calendar year | Local authority | E92000001 | England | E12000007 | London | E09000001 | 201 | City of London | Alternative provision/Pupil referral unit | AP/PRU - Free school | EHCP | z | z |
2010 | Calendar year | Local authority | E92000001 | England | E12000007 | London | E09000001 | 201 | City of London | Alternative provision/Pupil referral unit | AP/PRU - Free school | Statement | z | z |
Variables in this data set
Variable name | Variable description |
ehcp_or_statement | EHCP or statement |
establishment_type | Establishment type - Filter by type of establishment |
num_caseload | Number of cases |
pc_caseload | Percentage of cases |
- From 2023, the data collection changed from aggregated figures at local authority level, to a person level collection. This has been a major change in approach and as such care should be taken with comparisons across this period. Further detail on the change is provided in the publication and supporting methodology.
- Some detailed information such as establishment type and characteristics are not available for some LAs, denoted by 'x' in the data. These breakdowns will therefore not sum to the total number of plans.
- The method for collecting data on establishments has changed from previous years. Previously, local authorities provided data on the number of EHC plans where the child or young person was attending through a set list of establishment types. From 2023, information on the specific establishment has been recorded, with the Unique Reference Number (URN), UK Provider Reference Number or where neither are applicable, a specific category recorded. As a result of this change, caution should be taken when comparing across years by establishment types.
- Following further data checks, it is believed that the data for SEN units and resourced provision is likely to be under reported for 2023, due to issues including data collection and availability.
- This data item has been marginally impacted by reporting issues in some local authorities – please see the methodology for further information.
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