Teacher pay
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Full and part-time teachers in state funded schools by grade of teacher, salary bands, average salary, sector, gender and age
On this page
Data set details
- Theme
- Teachers and school workforce
- Publication
- School workforce in England
- Release
- Reporting year 2023
- Release type
- Geographic levels
- Local authority, National, Regional
- Indicators
- Headcount of teachers
- Headcount of teachers earning £100-110K
- Headcount of teachers earning £110K and over
- Filters
- Age of teachers
- Gender of teacher
- Grade of teacher
- Time period
- 2010/11 to 2023/24
Data set preview
time_period | time_identifier | geographic_level | country_code | country_name | region_code | region_name | old_la_code | new_la_code | la_name | school_type | grade | gender | age_category | headcount_all | average_mean | average_median | teachers_on_leadership_pay_range_percent | headcount_under_25k | headcount_25_to_30k | headcount_30_to_35k | headcount_35_to_40k | headcount_40_to_45k | headcount_45_to_50k | headcount_50_to_55k | headcount_55_to_60k | headcount_60_to_65k | headcount_65_to_70k | headcount_70_to_80k | headcount_80_to_90k | headcount_90_to_100k | headcount_100_to_110k | headcount_110k_and_over | headcount_unknown_pay |
202324 | Academic year | National | E92000001 | England | Total state-funded schools | Total | Total | Total | 525330 | 46200.4 | 43801 | 14.7717 | 3714 | 23005 | 58988 | 65960 | 125203 | 92747 | 48858 | 29849 | 17891 | 13981 | 14450 | 6067 | 2836 | 1531 | 1907 | 18343 | |||||
202324 | Academic year | National | E92000001 | England | State-funded nursery and primary | Total | Total | Total | 253516 | 44736.7 | 42997 | 17.3598 | 1431 | 12287 | 28830 | 39029 | 73474 | 37047 | 16365 | 10678 | 6699 | 5503 | 6911 | 2836 | 1054 | 423 | 430 | 10519 | |||||
202324 | Academic year | National | E92000001 | England | LA maintained nursery and primary | Total | Total | Total | 146379 | 45023.4 | 43266 | 17.3014 | 647 | 7270 | 14103 | 23222 | 43982 | 20789 | 9382 | 6550 | 4118 | 3251 | 4275 | 1611 | 567 | 245 | 206 | 6161 | |||||
202324 | Academic year | National | E92000001 | England | LA maintained nursery | Total | Total | Total | 1312 | 50896.5 | 47666 | 41.6463 | 5 | 41 | 89 | 129 | 240 | 197 | 123 | 116 | 66 | 83 | 72 | 26 | 14 | 3 | 8 | 100 | |||||
202324 | Academic year | National | E92000001 | England | LA maintained primary | Total | Total | Total | 145067 | 44972.2 | 43244 | 17.0882 | 642 | 7229 | 14014 | 23093 | 43742 | 20592 | 9259 | 6434 | 4052 | 3168 | 4203 | 1585 | 553 | 242 | 198 | 6061 |
Variables in this data set
Variable name | Variable description |
age_category | Age of teachers |
average_mean | Mean pay |
average_median | Median pay |
gender | Gender of teacher |
grade | Grade of teacher |
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