Data set from Apprenticeships in England by industry characteristics

Table 8 All enterprises with apprenticeship starts by count of years with apprenticeship starts between 201213 - 201920

Not the latest data
Last updated

Data covering the retention of enterprises with apprenticeship starts in England, where a match has been made between the ILR and the ONS IDBR.

Broken down by enterprise sector,  enterprise size, levy status, provider type and standard classification.

Data set details

Further education
Apprenticeships in England by industry characteristics
Release type
Geographic levels
  • Number of enterprises with apprenticeship starts
  • Percentage of enterprises with apprenticeship starts between 201213 to 201920
  • Percentage of enterprises with same number of years with apprenticeship starts
  • Apprenticeship type
  • Enterprise industry sector
  • Enterprise size
Time period

Data set preview

Table showing first 5 rows, from underlying data
Academic year201920NationalE92000001EnglandTotalTotalTotalTotalTotalEight times687068701003185502.155999159
Academic year201920NationalE92000001EnglandTotalTotalTotalTotalBothEight times3100687045.122306353185500.972836545
Academic year201920NationalE92000001EnglandTotalTotalTotalTotalFrameworks onlyEight times1010687014.676761793185500.316430861
Academic year201920NationalE92000001EnglandTotalTotalTotalTotalStandards onlyEight times2760687040.200931863185500.866731753
Academic year201920NationalE92000001EnglandTotalTotalTotalBothTotalEight times1930687028.043098433185500.604608966

Variables in this data set

Table showing first 5 of 11 variables
Variable nameVariable description
AllEmployersTotal number of enterprises with apprenticeship starts between 201213 to 201920
ASALevySupportedLevy supported
EmployersNumber of enterprises with apprenticeship starts
EmployersinYearAppsGroupTotal number of enterprises with same number of years with starts
EmployerSizeEnterprise size


  1. Percentages are rounded to one decimal place and are calculated on unrounded volumes.
  2. 2019/20 apprenticeship starts supported by ASA levy funds are currently classed as provisional and an amended methodology has been applied to this year only. Therefore, 2019/20 figures are not directly comparable to previous years. See methodology note for more information.

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