Data set from Key stage 4 performance

National characteristics summary

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National level headline entry and attainment measures broken down by year, detailed school type, gender, major and minor ethnicity, free school meal eligibility, special educational need status and description, primary need, disadvantaged status, first language, school admission type and school religious denomination.

Data set details

School and college outcomes and performance
Key stage 4 performance
Release type
Geographic levels
  • Average Attainment 8 score of all pupils
  • Average EBacc APS score per pupil
  • Average Progress 8 score of all pupils
  • The characteristic of the pupil
Time period
2018/19 to 2022/23

Data set preview

Table showing first 5 rows, from underlying data
202223Academic yearNationalE92000001EnglandRevisedAll state-fundedDisadvantageDisadvantaged40281593635575875.283514613891.74015125.26915143.44418927.7117397.41917612473931.492.97148768-84562.989-0.57-0.58-0.56
202223Academic yearNationalE92000001EnglandRevisedAll state-fundedDisadvantageDisadvantaged all other403044755222511899.350.343739197.723466552.432593672.819413443.49133320.412763728.51986799.24.4441976269582.2870.170.160.17
202223Academic yearNationalE92000001EnglandRevisedAll state-fundedEthnicityAsian - Any other Asian background239812152660131.0254.31173796.6759562.5937177.1645153.1346528.5448436.959896.444.93102767064.5140.690.660.71
202223Academic yearNationalE92000001EnglandRevisedAll state-fundedEthnicityAsian - Bangladeshi15031098157030951.91070197.5627157.1820774.7595654.2253723.1355732.450742.914.62101985076.640.50.470.53
202223Academic yearNationalE92000001EnglandRevisedAll state-fundedEthnicityAsian - Chinese14953383221736.2665.5332898.4265078.3299688.6217164.2158046.7183854.320963.066.221332294.5511.081.021.14

Variables in this data set

Table showing first 5 of 24 variables
Variable nameVariable description
avg_att8Average Attainment 8 score of all pupils
avg_ebaccapsAverage EBacc APS score per pupil
avg_p8scoreAverage Progress 8 score of all pupils
characteristicThe characteristic of the pupil
p8score_ci_lowProgress 8 lower 95% confidence interval


  1. All state-funded schools include local authority maintained mainstream schools, academies, free schools, city technology colleges, further education colleges with provision for 14 to 16 year-olds and state-funded special schools. They exclude independent schools, independent special schools, non-maintained special schools, hospital schools, pupil referral units and alternative provision. Alternative provision includes academy and free school alternative provision. 
  2. Some zero percentages may represent small numbers due to rounding.
  3. z = When an observation is not applicable
  4. In 2020 and 2021  Progress 8 data was not published because of the cancellation of GCSE exams (due to COVID-19). Calculating Progress 8 has an element of modelling (estimating the average Attainment 8 score for pupils with similar prior attainment) and with the lack of exam data, the Progress 8 measure is not meaningful as a measure of Progress. Progress 8 was reintroduced from 2022.
  5. English as an additional language (EAL) unclassified includes pupils whom first language was not obtained, refused or could not be determined.
  6. English includes pupils whose first language is English and pupils whose first language is not known but believed to be English.
  7. Other than English includes pupils whose first language is other than English and pupils whose first language is not known but believed to be other than English.
  8. Free school meals (FSM) does not relate to pupils who actually received free school meals but those who are eligible to receive free school meals. Pupils not eligible for free school meals or unclassified pupils are described as 'FSM all other’.
  9. Sub totals may not sum to the grand total due to a small number of pupils with missing information e.g. for  SEN, EAL, prior attainment level, religious denomination and admission type.
  10. From 2014/15, disadvantaged pupils include pupils known to be eligible for free school meals (FSM) in any spring, autumn, summer, alternative provision or pupil referral unit census from year 6 to year 11 or are looked after children for at least one day or are adopted from care.  For 2013/14 and earlier years, they include pupils known to be eligible for FSM in any spring, autumn, summer, alternative provision or pupil referral unit census from year 6 to year 11 or are looked after children.
  11. Disadvantaged all other includes pupils for whom free school meal eligibility could not be determined.
  12. Statement/EHC plan indicates whether a pupil a pupil has a statement of SEN or an education, health and care (EHC) plan when a formal assessment has been made.
  13. SEN support indicates whether a pupil has extra or different help given from that provided as part of the school’s usual curriculum. The class teacher and SEN coordinator (SENCO) may receive advice or support from outside specialists. This category replaces the former ‘school action’ and ‘school action plus’ categories.
  14. All pupils with a primary need (from 2014/15 onwards this consisted of pupils flagged as SEN with a statement, EHC plan, SEN support).
  15. Following special educational needs and disability (SEND) reforms in 2014/15, SEN pupils are categorised as 'SEN with a statement or Education, health and care (EHC) plan' and 'SEN support'. SEN support replaces 'school action' and 'school action plus' (grouped as SEN without a statement up to and including 2013/14) but some pupils remain with these provision types in first year of transition. More detailed information on the reforms can be found at this link:
  16. Social, Emotional and Mental Health (SEMH) was added as a new type of need in 2014/15; the previous type of need Behaviour, Emotional and Social Difficulties has been removed although it is not expected that SEMH will be a direct replacement.
  17. Unclassified ethnicity includes pupils whom ethnicity was not obtained, refused or could not be determined.

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