Data set from Schools, pupils and their characteristics

Pupil characteristics - number of pupils by national curriculum year group and sex

Latest data
Last updated
Pupils in state-funded nursery, primary, secondary and special schools, non-maintained special schools, pupil referral units and independent schools

Data set details

Pupils and schools
Schools, pupils and their characteristics
Release type
Geographic levels
Local authority, National, Regional
  • Full time equivalent
  • Full time pupils
  • Headcount
  • Year group
  • Pupil sex
  • School type
Time period
2015/16 to 2023/24

Data set preview

Table showing first 5 rows, from underlying data
201516Academic yearLocal authorityE92000001EnglandEast MidlandsE12000004830DerbyshireE10000007State-funded AP schoolFemaleEarly 10000
201516Academic yearLocal authorityE92000001EnglandEast MidlandsE12000004830DerbyshireE10000007State-funded AP schoolFemaleEarly 20000
201516Academic yearLocal authorityE92000001EnglandEast MidlandsE12000004830DerbyshireE10000007State-funded AP schoolFemaleNot followed0000
201516Academic yearLocal authorityE92000001EnglandEast MidlandsE12000004830DerbyshireE10000007State-funded AP schoolFemaleNursery 10000
201516Academic yearLocal authorityE92000001EnglandEast MidlandsE12000004830DerbyshireE10000007State-funded AP schoolFemaleNursery 20000

Variables in this data set

Table showing first 5 of 7 variables
Variable nameVariable description
fteFull time equivalent
full_timeFull time pupils
ncyearYear group - National curriculum year group
part_timePart time pupils


  1. Prior to 2023/24 schools were required to record pupils' gender, which was coded as male /female and reported in the publication as boys/girls. From 2023/24 the variable has been clarified to reflect the pupil's legal sex and is both recorded and reported as male/female. The figures are reported here as constituting a single time series. 

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