Data set from Local authority school places scorecards


Not the latest data
Last updated

Ofsted quality of school places added between 1st May 2019 and 1st May 2021

Data set details

Pupils and schools
Local authority school places scorecards
Release type
Geographic levels
Local authority, National
  • Existing Places in Good Schools
  • Existing Places in Inadequate Schools
  • Existing Places in Outstanding Schools
  • School Phase
Time period

Data set preview

Table showing first 5 rows, from underlying data
202021Academic yearNationalE92000001EnglandPrimary8137327794841156208270.891163723z85148834331884556323038323421
202021Academic yearNationalE92000001EnglandSecondary23544406828182846335850.876757583z81588220351955548939922345290
202021Academic yearLocal authorityE92000001EnglandE13000001Inner London201E09000001City of LondonPrimary00000zz2400000
202021Academic yearLocal authorityE92000001EnglandE13000001Inner London202E09000007CamdenPrimary000001142117784000
202021Academic yearLocal authorityE92000001EnglandE13000002Outer London203E09000011GreenwichPrimary0151450012001172811888187200

Variables in this data set

Table showing first 5 of 13 variables
Variable nameVariable description
existing_places_in_good_schoolsExisting Places in Good Schools
existing_places_in_inadequate_schoolsExisting Places in Inadequate Schools
existing_places_in_oustanding_schoolsExisting Places in Outstanding Schools
existing_places_in_requires_improvement_schoolsExisting Places in Requires Improvement Schools
existing_places_in_schools_with_no_current_ofsted_judgementExisting Places in Schools with no current Ofsted Judgment


  1. z indicates data is not applicable

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