Data set from Education and training statistics for the UK

Highest qualification among 19-64 year olds

Latest data
Last updated

This file contains information on the highest qualification of adults (aged 19-64) in the UK, by sex.

Data set details

UK education and training statistics
Education and training statistics for the UK
Release type
Geographic levels
  • Number of people in thousands
  • Percentage of relevant population group
  • Age
  • Gender
  • Population category
Time period

Data set preview

Table showing first 5 rows, from underlying data
2022Calendar yearNationalK02000001United KingdomTotal19-24NQF Level 4 or above32.917411488625305z
2022Calendar yearNationalK02000001United KingdomTotal25-29NQF Level 4 or above57.903102961738995z
2022Calendar yearNationalK02000001United KingdomTotal30-39NQF Level 4 or above55.97694737582448z
2022Calendar yearNationalK02000001United KingdomTotal40-49NQF Level 4 or above55.497512764538889z
2022Calendar yearNationalK02000001United KingdomTotal50-64NQF Level 4 or above41.054000623649692z

Variables in this data set

Table showing all 5 variables
Variable nameVariable description
numberNumber of people in thousands
percentPercentage of relevant population group
population_categoryPopulation category


  1. Scottish Credit and Qualifications Framework (SCQF) levels used in Scotland are not directly comparable to NQF levels used in England/Wales/Northern Ireland. Figures relating to levels 5, 6 and 7 have been provided as the closest match to NQF levels 2, 3 and 4 respectively. Figures for the UK have been calculated using the NQF levels assigned to Scottish qualifications in the Labour Force Survey.
  2. 'z' indicates data is not applicable.

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