Data set from Further education outcomes

Destinations by qualification title, provision and sector subject area 201314 - 201516 (QUA01)

Not the latest data
Last updated

Reports on the employment, and learning destinations of adult FE & Skills learners, all age apprentices that achieved their learning aim, and Traineeship learners that completed their aim. Destination rates are calculated as a proportion of learners for whom a match was found in the LEO data.

Includes earnings data one year after learning for learners achieving at Full level 2, Full level 3 and Level 4+.

Broken down by qualification title, learner age, level of learning, apprenticeship type, access to higher education and sector subject area (tiers 1 & 2).

Please note that the number of rows in this file exceeds the number which can be opened within Microsoft Excel. We therefore recommend using this data within the table builder tool, rather than downloading it directly.

Data set details

Destination of pupils and students
Further education outcomes
Release type
Geographic levels
  • Advanced apprenticeship (Level 3 or above)
  • Any learning rate
  • Below Level 2 (excluding English & Maths)
  • Provision
  • Access to Higher Education
  • Age Group
Time period
2013/14 to 2015/16

Data set preview

Table showing first 5 rows, from underlying data
201516Academic yearNationalE92000001EnglandTotalTotalTotalTotalTotalTotalTotalTotalTotalTotal10610701052940776765215259191552661247254265125756395750112801619021720
201516Academic yearNationalE92000001EnglandTotalTotalTotalTotalTotalTotalTotalTotalAccess to HETotal2146021420926032040723270021112264101829653212336075601269017930
201516Academic yearNationalE92000001EnglandTotalTotalTotalTotalTotalTotalTotalTotalFE ProvisionTotal10396101031520776865315249191552661237254163125756392390113101622021760
201516Academic yearNationalE92000001EnglandTotalTotalTotalTotalTotalTotalAgriculture, Horticulture and Animal CareTotalTotalTotal1350013440797012551524920115311911261536641174386830105601546019910
201516Academic yearNationalE92000001EnglandTotalTotalTotalTotalTotalTotalAgriculture, Horticulture and Animal CareTotalAccess to HETotal5050926061050823234c0000016164800088100cc0cc104920647014840

Variables in this data set

Table showing first 5 of 40 variables
Variable nameVariable description
25thPercentileLower quartile annualised earnings
75thPercentileUpper quartile annualised earnings
AccessToHEAccess to Higher Education - Filter by Access to Higher Education
AgeBandAge Group - Filter by age group
AnyLearnPercentAny learning rate

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