Data set from LEO Graduate outcomes provider level data

Prior attainment by subject earnings summary

Not the latest data
Last updated

Data set details

Higher education
LEO Graduate outcomes provider level data
Release type
Geographic levels
  • Number of providers included in the PA band calculation
  • Provider with highest median earnings 5 years after graduation
  • Provider with lower quartile earnings 5 years after graduation
  • Prior Attainment Band
  • Subject Name
Time period

Data set preview

Table showing first 5 rows, from underlying data
201718Tax yearNationalK03000001Great BritainAgriculture, food and related studiesBand 171390025950299003300034900
201718Tax yearNationalK03000001Great BritainAgriculture, food and related studiesBand 2221640018025202002260029600
201718Tax yearNationalK03000001Great BritainAgriculture, food and related studiesBand 331950021800241002445024800
201718Tax yearNationalK03000001Great BritainAgriculture, food and related studiesNo PA band51430017200182002080021200
201718Tax yearNationalK03000001Great BritainAllied healthBand 1202410026825282003112545600

Variables in this data set

Table showing first 5 of 8 variables
Variable nameVariable description
LQProvider with lower quartile earnings 5 years after graduation
maxProvider with highest median earnings 5 years after graduation
medianProvider with median earnings 5 years after graduation
minProvider with lowest median earnings 5 years after graduation
PA_bandPrior Attainment Band - Filter by prior attainment band


  1. Earnings figures are in pounds (£) and are rounded to the nearest £100 - excluding summary tables where further averages have been taken

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