Data set from Looked after children aged 16 to 17 in independent or semi-independent placements

Local Authority Level

Latest data
Last updated

The number and proportion of children looked-after aged 16 to 17 placed in independent or semi-independent accommodation disaggregated by local authority

Data set details

Children's social care
Looked after children aged 16 to 17 in independent or semi-independent placements
Release type
Geographic levels
Local authority
  • Number of children in semi-independent living accommodation not subject to Children's Homes regulations
  • Number of children living independently
Time period

Data set preview

Table showing first 5 rows, from underlying data
2022Reporting yearLocal authorityE92000001EnglandE12000001North East840E06000047County Durham49c
2022Reporting yearLocal authorityE92000001EnglandE12000001North East841E06000005Darlington60
2022Reporting yearLocal authorityE92000001EnglandE12000001North East390E08000037Gatesheadc7
2022Reporting yearLocal authorityE92000001EnglandE12000001North East805E06000001Hartlepool7c
2022Reporting yearLocal authorityE92000001EnglandE12000001North East806E06000002Middlesbrough20c

Variables in this data set

Table showing all 2 variables
Variable nameVariable description
Independent_LivingNumber of children living independently
Semi_independent_living_accommodation_not_subject_to_Childrens_Homes_regulationsNumber of children in semi-independent living accommodation not subject to Children's Homes regulations


  1. National and regional numbers have been rounded to the nearest 10. Local authority figures are unrounded. Historical data may differ from older publications which is mainly due to amendments made by local authorities after the previous publication. Percentages have been rounded to whole numbers. Note that percentages may not sum to 100 due to rounding.
  2. For confidentiality purposes, numbers from one to five inclusive have been replaced in the published tables by a 'c'. Where any number is shown as zero, the original figure submitted was zero. Percentages that would round to zero but are not zero, for example where a percentage is <0.5%, have been suppressed and replaced by a 'k'.

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