Advanced learner loans - applications
Advanced learner loan applications and total loan amount awarded
Academic year: 2014/15 to 2020/21
Indicators: Approved applications, Received applications and Total loan amount awarded (£000s)
Filters: Characteristics (Age, Gender and UK status ), Provider Type, Qualification type and Sector subject area (tier 1)
On this page
Data set details
- Theme
- Further education
- Publication
- Further education and skills
- Release
- Academic year 2020/21
- Release type
- Geographic levels
- National, Regional
- Indicators
- Approved applications
- Received applications
- Total loan amount awarded (£000s)
- Filters
- Characteristic
- Provider type
- Qualification type
- Time period
- 2014/15 to 2020/21
Data set preview
time_period | time_identifier | geographic_level | country_code | country_name | characteristic_group | characteristic | qualification_type | region_name | region_code | SSA | provider_type | apps_received | apps_approved | loan_amount_awarded_in_thousands |
201415 | Academic year | National | E92000001 | England | Total | Total | Total | Total | Total | 67280 | 56870 | 148800 | ||
201415 | Academic year | National | E92000001 | England | Gender | Male | Total | Total | Total | 18610 | 15310 | 44900 | ||
201415 | Academic year | National | E92000001 | England | Gender | Female | Total | Total | Total | 48670 | 41550 | 104000 | ||
201415 | Academic year | National | E92000001 | England | Age group | 19-23 | Total | Total | Total | z | z | z | ||
201415 | Academic year | National | E92000001 | England | Age group | 24-30 | Total | Total | Total | 27000 | 22680 | 63300 |
Variables in this data set
Variable name | Variable description |
apps_approved | Approved applications |
apps_received | Received applications |
characteristic | Characteristic |
loan_amount_awarded_in_thousands | Total loan amount awarded (£000s) |
provider_type | Provider type |
- 2018/19 data for provider type 'Other public funded' has been revised slightly here to include around 30 applications (received/approved) which were previously included in the 'Private Sector public funded' category
- From 2013/14 to 2015/16 loans were available for learners ages 24 or older studying full Level 3 and Level 4 qualifications. From 2016/17, Advanced Learner Loans were extended to learners aged 19 or older on the first day of their course and studying at Levels 3 to 6, and are not directly comparable to earlier years
- Volumes are rounded to the nearest ten, except for the Total loan amount awarded, which are rounded to the nearest hundred. Figures may not sum due to rounding. '~' Indicates a base value of fewer than five for the cohort combination
- Applications closed on the following 31 July for each academic year respectively. Final application data is as at 30 September for each academic year (August to July)
- The sum of applications may not equal the actual total number of applications as there may be duplicates in the learner breakdowns categories and qualification levels
- Applications received include processed and unprocessed applications but exclude those Cancelled, Deleted, In Data Entry and Ineligible (except where stated)
- For 2019/20, the sector subject area unknowns are under review
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