Data set from LEO Graduate outcomes provider level data

Provider outcomes and earnings summary by subject

Not the latest data
Last updated

Data set details

Higher education
LEO Graduate outcomes provider level data
Release type
Geographic levels
  • Difference between maximum and minimum provider earnings
  • Difference between maximum and minimum provider graduates in sustained employment further study or both
  • Lower quartile provider earnings
  • Subject name
Time period

Data set preview

Table showing first 5 rows, from underlying data
201718Tax yearNationalK03000001Great BritainLanguages and area studies7061.474.879.3582.67593.331.962206002410026400288003830017700
201718Tax yearNationalK03000001Great BritainPhilosophy and religious studies6467.576.7581.4584.52595.52860164002185024300289003900022600
201718Tax yearNationalK03000001Great BritainCombined and general studies2758.375.2582.686.293.535.220161002165024650263003210016000
201718Tax yearNationalK03000001Great BritainPolitics7564.379.482.885.694.33072197002480027400311004850028800
201718Tax yearNationalK03000001Great BritainCreative arts and design10164.180.58385.210035.999125001900021000230003080018300

Variables in this data set

Table showing first 5 of 15 variables
Variable nameVariable description
earnings_diffDifference between maximum and minimum provider earnings
earnings_LQLower quartile provider earnings
earnings_maxMaximum provider earnings
earnings_median_medianMedian provider earnings
earnings_minMinimum provider earnings


  1. Earnings figures are in pounds (£) and are rounded to the nearest £100 - excluding summary tables where further averages have been taken
  2. The number to the left of box plots represents the number of providers included in the calculation
  3. Employment outcome percentages are rounded to the nearest 0.1%

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