Data set from Apprenticeships and traineeships

Apprenticeship Achievement Rates Detailed Series

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Apprenticeship national achievement rate tables

Academic year: 2018/19 to 2020/21

Indicators: Achievement rate, Achievers, Completers, Leavers, Pass rate, Retention rate

Filters: Age, Level, demographic - ethnicity, gender and lldd, Sector Subject Area, Standard /Framework flag 

Data set details

Further education
Apprenticeships and traineeships
Release type
Geographic levels
  • Achievement Rate
  • Achievers
  • Completers
  • Age Group
  • Apprenticeship level
  • Demographic
Time period
2018/19 to 2020/21

Data set preview

Table showing first 5 rows, from underlying data
201819Academic yearNationalE92000001EnglandEthnicity groupFramework16-18AdvancedEthnic minorities (excluding white minorities)Agriculture, Horticulture and Animal Care10~~~~~
201819Academic yearNationalE92000001EnglandEthnicity groupFramework16-18AdvancedEthnic minorities (excluding white minorities)Arts, Media and Publishing10101058.37577.8
201819Academic yearNationalE92000001EnglandEthnicity groupFramework16-18AdvancedEthnic minorities (excluding white minorities)Business, Administration and Law44030030067.668.299
201819Academic yearNationalE92000001EnglandEthnicity groupFramework16-18AdvancedEthnic minorities (excluding white minorities)Construction, Planning and the Built Environment60404074.576.497.6
201819Academic yearNationalE92000001EnglandEthnicity groupFramework16-18AdvancedEthnic minorities (excluding white minorities)Education and Training50303062.570.888.2

Variables in this data set

Table showing first 5 of 12 variables
Variable nameVariable description
ageAge Group
apprenticeship_levelApprenticeship level
overall_achievement_rateAchievement Rate


  1. Retention rates are based on the individual aims that were successfully completed in the relevant year (the Hybrid End Year). They are calculated as the number of learning aims completed divided by the number of leavers.
  2. Further guidance for the Apprenticeships National Achievement Rate Tables can be found on the website:
  3. Volumes are rounded to the nearest 10 and 'low' indicates a base value of fewer than 5. Where data shows 'x' this indicates data is unavailable, 'z' indicates data is not applicable, and 'c' indicates data is suppressed.
  4. Sector Subject Area (SSA) codes are available on the qualification description page:
  5. Achievement rates are based on the individual apprenticeship programmes that were completed in the relevant year (Hybrid End Year). They are calculated as the number of programme aims achieved divided by the number started, excluding the programme aims of any learners that transferred onto another qualification within the same institution.
  6. Figures include all funded and unfunded apprenticeship programmes reported on the ILR.
  7. Pass rates are based on the individual aims that were successfully completed in the relevant year (the Hybrid End Year). They are calculated as the number of learning aims achieved divided by the number successfully completed.
  8. The data source for all tables is the apprenticeships achievement rate dataset.
  9. The overall achievement rate is based on the Hybrid End Year. The Hybrid End Year is the later of the Achievement Year, Expected End Year, Actual End Year or Reporting Year of a programme.
  10. Percentages are rounded to one decimal place and calculated on unrounded volumes. 'low' indicates a percentage below 0.5%. Where data shows 'x' this indicates data is unavailable, 'z' indicates data is not applicable, and 'c' indicates data is suppressed.
  11. Age, sex, learners with learning difficulties and/or disabilities and ethnicity are based upon self-declaration by the learner.
  12. Achievement rates are calculated according to the Apprenticeship Qualification Achievement Rate business rules. These documents are available on the website:

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