Data set from Apprenticeships and traineeships

Monthly apprenticeship starts

Not the latest data
Last updated

Monthly breakdowns, showing the latest available of apprenticeship starts

Academic year: 2018/19 to 2020/21

Indicators:  Starts

Filters: Age Summary, Funding type, Apprenticeship Level/Standards, Start month

Data set details

Further education
Apprenticeships and traineeships
Release type
Geographic levels
  • Starts (reported to date)
  • Age Group
  • Apprenticeship Level and Overall Standards
  • Funding Type
Time period
2018/19 to 2020/21

Data set preview

Table showing first 5 rows, from underlying data
201819Academic yearNationalEnglandE92000001Apr-1919+Advanced ApprenticeshipOther4300
201819Academic yearNationalEnglandE92000001Apr-1919+Advanced ApprenticeshipSupported by ASA levy funds6300
201819Academic yearNationalEnglandE92000001Apr-1919+Advanced ApprenticeshipTotal10600
201819Academic yearNationalEnglandE92000001Apr-1919+Higher ApprenticeshipOther1500
201819Academic yearNationalEnglandE92000001Apr-1919+Higher ApprenticeshipSupported by ASA levy funds3400

Variables in this data set

Table showing all 5 variables
Variable nameVariable description
age_summaryAge Group
funding_typeFunding Type
levels_and_standardsApprenticeship Level and Overall Standards
start_monthStart Month
startsStarts (reported to date)


  1. Volumes are rounded to the nearest 100 and '~' indicates a base value of fewer than 50
  2. Age for starts is based on age at the start of the programme
  3. Age, gender, learners with learning difficulties and/or disabilities and ethnicity are based upon self-declaration by the learner
  4. There are a small number of starts on frameworks that have been reported in 2020/21. All remaining apprenticeship frameworks were withdrawn to new learners on 31 July 2020. Learners who started on frameworks are where it has been agreed a learner can return to a previous framework they have been on after an extensive break
  5. A minor amendment to how we count ‘starts supported by Apprenticeship Service Account (ASA) levy funds’ has been applied from 2020/21, please see the ‘About these statistics’ section

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