Data set from A level and other 16 to 18 results

MAT Attainment and Value Added - Student Characteristics

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Metrics for academic and applied general qualification cohorts, for academies that are in multi-academy trusts, by performance table eligibility, academy type, and student characteristics.

Data set details

School and college outcomes and performance
A level and other 16 to 18 results
Release type
Geographic levels
  • APS per academic entry
  • APS per applied general entry
  • Number of academic students
  • Academy type
  • Characteristic
  • MAT performance tables eligibility
Time period
2021/22 to 2023/24

Data set preview

Table showing first 5 rows, from underlying data
202122Academic yearNationalE92000001EnglandRevisedMulti-academy trustAll multi-academy trust institutionsAll multi-academy trust institutionsGenderFemale11066295438.5775zz9802417634.6908zz
202122Academic yearNationalE92000001EnglandRevisedMulti-academy trustAll multi-academy trust institutionsAll multi-academy trust institutionsGenderMale10795138736.5488zz9551996232.0312zz
202122Academic yearNationalE92000001EnglandRevisedMulti-academy trustAll multi-academy trust institutionsConverter academiesGenderFemale6934923539.2858zz6071693934.8953zz
202122Academic yearNationalE92000001EnglandRevisedMulti-academy trustAll multi-academy trust institutionsConverter academiesGenderMale6723962537.2606zz5831338432.1022zz
202122Academic yearNationalE92000001EnglandRevisedMulti-academy trustAll multi-academy trust institutionsFree schoolsGenderFemale51367038.6921zz33113335.5417zz

Variables in this data set

Table showing first 5 of 13 variables
Variable nameVariable description
academy_typeAcademy type
aps_per_entry_acadAPS per academic entry
aps_per_entry_agenAPS per applied general entry
number_of_entries_acadNumber of entries by academic students


  1. Includes state-funded mainstream academies within multi-academy trusts only. Special schools, pupil referral units, alternative provision academies and alternative provision free schools are not included
  2. Academies are associated with the multi-academy trust they were part of on 12 September at the start of the academic year. Institutions that joined a MAT during the academic year are not included
  3. 'All multi-academy trust institutions' contain convertor academies, sponsored academies, free schools, studio schools, and university technical colleges (UTCs)
  4. Eligible academies include academies in a multi-academy trust that met the inclusion criteria, i.e., a multi-academy trust that contained at least three academies with results at that phase of education/cohort and where those academies have been in the multi-academy trust for at least three academic years. Ineligible academies were either in a multi-academy trust that did not meet the inclusion criteria or were in a multi-academy trust that met the inclusion criteria, but the academy had not been in the multi-academy trust for at least three academic years.

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