Data set from LEO Graduate and Postgraduate Outcomes

Real Terms Earnings Underlying Data 1920

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Last updated


Underlying data file for the real terms earnings analysis in LEO: Graduate and postgraduate outcomes publication


Nominal and real terms earnings outcomes for UK domiciled first degree and level 7 graduates of English Higher Education Institutions (HEIs), Alternative Providers (APs) and Further Education Colleges (FECs), one, three, five and ten years after graduation (YAG), 2014/15 to 2019/20 tax year.

File formats and conventions


Files are Comma Separated Value (CSV)


  • Earnings figures are rounded to the nearest £100
  • Employment outcome percentages are rounded to the nearest 0.1%
  • All populations are rounded to the nearest 5 full-person equivalent (FPE) individuals
  • c = data has been supressed due to small numbers. z = there is no result (N/A

Data set details

Higher education
LEO Graduate and Postgraduate Outcomes
Release type
Geographic levels
  • Graduates
  • Graduates included in earnings figures
  • Graduates included in outcomes calculation
  • Qualification level
  • Years after graduation
Time period
2014-15 to 2019-20

Data set preview

Table showing first 5 rows, from underlying data
201415Tax yearNationalK03000001Great Britain2003/200410 YAGFirst-degreeUK214680207370147775190003030041600190003030041600
201415Tax yearNationalK03000001Great Britain2003/200410 YAGLevel 7 (research)UK15201445895219003500047800219003500047800
201415Tax yearNationalK03000001Great Britain2003/200410 YAGLevel 7 (taught)UK939559023557785201003390046000201003390046000
201415Tax yearNationalK03000001Great Britain2003/200410 YAGLevel 8UK786574554595288004160055500288004160055500
201415Tax yearNationalK03000001Great Britain2008/20095 YAGFirst-degreeUK241745235735168995175002520032800175002520032800

Variables in this data set

Table showing first 5 of 11 variables
Variable nameVariable description
earnings_includeGraduates included in earnings figures
earnings_LQLower quartile of earnings of graduates
earnings_LQ_RTELower quartile of real term earnings of graduates
earnings_medianMedian nominal earnings
earnings_median_RTEMedian real term earnings


  1. The adjustment for inflation used the 2014/15 tax year as a base year, hence real earnings in this year are presented as equal to nominal earnings. For 2015/16 to 2019/20 nominal earnings were adjusted using Consumer Price Index (CPIH) inflation rates at the end of each tax year relative to the end of the previous tax year.
  2. Earnings figures are rounded to the nearest £100
  3. c = data has been supressed due to small numbers. z = there is no result (N/A)
  4. In the 2019/20 tax year, 1 YAG (one year after graduation) relates to those who graduated in the 2017/18 academic year, 3 YAG to graduates in 2015/16, 5 YAG to graduates in 2013/14 and 10 YAG to graduates in 2008/09.
  5. All populations are rounded to the nearest 5 full-person equivalent (FPE) individuals

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