Data set from Pupil absence in schools in England

Absence rates by characteristic and local authority district

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Last updated

Absence information by local authority district. Includes FSM eligible and FSM6 eligible breakdowns.

Data set details

Pupils and schools
Pupil absence in schools in England
Release type
Geographic levels
Local authority district
  • Authorised absence rate
  • Authorised absence rate exact
  • Number of authorised absence sessions
  • Characteristic
  • School type
Time period
2018/19 to 2022/23

Data set preview

Table showing first 5 rows, from underlying data
Academic yearSix half terms202223Local authority districtE92000001EnglandzOutside of England and unknownzzOutside of England and unknownTotalFSMFSM Not eligible1573541970299302319067405.522454.278831.2436119612.4602764056130399247379220.3556314.435815.919821764717332090020438830092319014397746815436740299300206560
Academic yearSix half terms202223Local authority districtE92000001EnglandzOutside of England and unknownzzOutside of England and unknownTotalFSM ever 6FSM unclassified in last 6 years28322441416724712.841195.17997.661291035.714297753289323542.322581230.3225812913500041616760221202474140950
Academic yearSix half terms202223Local authority districtE92000001EnglandzOutside of England and unknownzzOutside of England and unknownTotalFSM ever 6FSM not eligible in last 6 years1518526299277832207257115.278944.193811.0851217611.594258088112218391283019.3172414.445324.871921693116542000019437227212207213857441211315711277830200440
Academic yearSix half terms202223Local authority districtE92000001EnglandzOutside of England and unknownzzOutside of England and unknownTotalFSMFSM unclassified1453298188018.421053.3834615.03759642.8571414889117860.135147.4324352.702713100000418007828098000
Academic yearSix half terms202223Local authority districtE92000001EnglandzOutside of England and unknownzzOutside of England and unknownTotalFSMFSM eligible378127916137238176554710.728136.391694.3364413435.449744317998595588427122.8328612.941489.8913858695091220095244133781764611484747191554713723046200

Variables in this data set

Table showing first 5 of 37 variables
Variable nameVariable description
characteristicCharacteristic - Filter by pupil characteristic
enrolmentsNumber of pupil enrolments
enrolments_pa_10_exactNumber of persistent absentees
enrolments_pa_10_exact_percentPercentage of persistent absentees
school_typeSchool type - Filter by school type


  1. Total includes state-funded primary, secondary and special schools. Data for special schools is available from 2016/17 to present.
  2. Sessions recorded as not attending due to COVID circumstances are included as possible sessions in 2020/21 and 2021/22 only, but not as an absence within absence rates.

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