Data set from Coronavirus (COVID-19) Reporting in Higher Education Providers


Latest data
Last updated

This file contains the figures for the total number of confirmed COVID-19 cases known to Higher Education Providers (HEPs) in students and staff from 01 August 2020 to 07 April 2021.

Data set details

Coronavirus (COVID-19) Reporting in Higher Education Providers
Release type
Geographic levels
  • Total number of confirmed COVID-19 cases
  • Total number of confirmed staff COVID-19 cases
  • Total number of confirmed student COVID-19 cases
Time period
2020/21 Autumn and spring term

Data set preview

Table showing first 1 rows, from underlying data
202021Autumn and spring termNationalE92000001England76546675718975

Variables in this data set

Table showing all 3 variables
Variable nameVariable description
total_covid_casesTotal number of confirmed COVID-19 cases
total_covid_cases_staffTotal number of confirmed staff COVID-19 cases
total_covid_cases_studentsTotal number of confirmed student COVID-19 cases

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