Data set from Local authority school places scorecards

Preference Rate for School Applications and Offers

Latest data
Last updated
School preference offers from national offer day 2023 and 2024

Data set details

Pupils and schools
Local authority school places scorecards
Release type
Geographic levels
Local authority, National
  • Percentage of Offers made to Applicants of First Primary Preference
  • Percentage of Offers made to Applicants of First Secondary Preference
  • Percentage of Offers made to Applicants of One of Top Three Primary Preferences
Time period
2023/24 to 2024/25

Data set preview

Table showing first 5 rows, from underlying data
202425Academic yearNationalE92000001England93.24.50.998.682.98.82.994.6
202425Academic yearLocal authorityE92000001EnglandE13000001Inner London201E09000001City of London80.819.2010077.85.65.688.9
202425Academic yearLocal authorityE92000001EnglandE13000001Inner London202E09000007Camden84.27.62.894.676.211.1491.2
202425Academic yearLocal authorityE92000001EnglandE13000002Outer London203E09000011Greenwich89.86.12.398.
202425Academic yearLocal authorityE92000001EnglandE13000001Inner London204E09000012Hackney93.53.7198.27414.3694.3

Variables in this data set

Table showing first 5 of 8 variables
Variable nameVariable description
percentage_of_offers_made_to_applicants_of_first_preference_primaryPercentage of Offers made to Applicants of First Primary Preference
percentage_of_offers_made_to_applicants_of_first_preference_secondaryPercentage of Offers made to Applicants of First Secondary Preference
percentage_of_offers_made_to_applicants_of_one_of_top_three_preferences_primaryPercentage of Offers made to Applicants of One of Top Three Primary Preferences
percentage_of_offers_made_to_applicants_of_one_of_top_three_preferences_secondaryPercentage of Offers made to Applicants of One of Top Three Secondary Preferences
percentage_of_offers_made_to_applicants_of_second_preference_primaryPercentage of Offers made to Applicants of Second Primary Preference


  1. z indicates data is not applicable
  2. x indicates data is not available

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