Highest qualification among 19-64 year olds
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Last updated
Highest qualification level of adults aged 19-64 in the United Kingdom by age group and gender.
On this page
Data set details
- Theme
- UK education and training statistics
- Publication
- Education and training statistics for the UK
- Release
- Reporting year 2022
- Release type
- Geographic levels
- National
- Indicators
- Percentage of population with their highest qualification as NQF level 2 or above
- Percentage of population with their highest qualification as NQF level 3 or above
- Percentage of population with their highest qualification as NQF level 4 or above
- Filters
- Age
- Gender
- Time period
- 2021
Data set preview
time_period | time_identifier | geographic_level | country_code | country_name | gender | age | t_age_1964 | pt_hiqual_nqf4 | pt_hiqual_nqf3 | pt_hiqual_nqf2 | pt_hiqual_scqf7 | pt_hiqual_scqf6 | pt_hiqual_scqf5 |
2021 | Calendar year | National | K02000001 | United Kingdom | Total | 19-24 | 4644 | 29 | 69 | 87 | z | z | z |
2021 | Calendar year | National | K02000001 | United Kingdom | Total | 25-29 | 4373 | 56 | 76 | 90 | z | z | z |
2021 | Calendar year | National | K02000001 | United Kingdom | Total | 30-39 | 8927 | 57 | 73 | 87 | z | z | z |
2021 | Calendar year | National | K02000001 | United Kingdom | Total | 40-49 | 8279 | 53 | 68 | 84 | z | z | z |
2021 | Calendar year | National | K02000001 | United Kingdom | Total | 50-64 | 13026 | 40 | 56 | 76 | z | z | z |
Variables in this data set
Variable name | Variable description |
age | Age |
gender | Gender |
pt_hiqual_nqf2 | Percentage of population with their highest qualification as NQF level 2 or above |
pt_hiqual_nqf3 | Percentage of population with their highest qualification as NQF level 3 or above |
pt_hiqual_nqf4 | Percentage of population with their highest qualification as NQF level 4 or above |
- Scottish Credit and Qualifications Framework (SCQF) levels used in Scotland are not directly comparable to NQF levels used in England/Wales/Northern Ireland. Figures relating to levels 5, 6 and 7 have been provided as the closest match to NQF levels 2, 3 and 4 respectively. Figures for the UK have been calculated using the NQF levels assigned to Scottish qualifications in the Labour Force Survey.
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