Data set from Attendance in education and early years settings during the coronavirus (COVID-19) pandemic

Table 1 - Daily attendance in education settings during COVID19 outbreak

Not the latest data
Last updated

Data set details

Attendance in education and early years settings during the coronavirus (COVID-19) pandemic
Release type
Geographic levels
  • Children attending
  • Children attending nursery
  • Children attending reception
  • Date
Time period
2020 Week 13 to 2020 Week 25

Data set preview

Table showing first 5 rows, from underlying data
2020Week 13NationalE92000001England23/03/2020722290093....3300003.76100027000280004900010.257000283000185000....................
2020Week 13NationalE92000001England24/03/2020762360096....2120002.4390001700020000320006.168000159000122000....................
2020Week 13NationalE92000001England25/03/2020752350096....1750002350001400018000280006.139000130000101000....................
2020Week 13NationalE92000001England26/03/2020752360096....1580001.8330001300018000270005.12600012200095000....................
2020Week 13NationalE92000001England27/03/2020742000081....1240001.32800011000160002300059800010100080000....................

Variables in this data set

Table showing first 5 of 39 variables
Variable nameVariable description
attending_nurseryChildren attending nursery
attending_receptionChildren attending reception
attending_year1Children attending year 1
attending_year10Children attending year 10
attending_year12Children attending year 12


  1. Settings are asked to provide a count of the number of children of critical workers and the number of vulnerable children. Some children are classified as both a child of a critical worker and a vulnerable child. Some settings have been counting these pupils as children of critical workers, but not in the count of vulnerable children. Therefore, the number of vulnerable children is an under-estimate. We estimate the true figure is up to 5% higher.
  2. Figures from Friday 27 March relate to data as at 4pm on each day, prior to this figures related to data as at 6pm. Negligible changes to the estimates were seen between 4pm and 6pm.
  3. The response rate for Friday 1 May was only 14% due to technical issues with DfE sign-in, the online system used by educational establishments to submit attendance data. This may have affected the accuracy of the figures. A lower response rate makes the methodology used to account for non-response slightly less reliable.
  4. Half term in most areas of the country
  5. All figures are adjusted for non-response. This methodology was adjusted from Friday 27 March. See accompanying document for full methodology.
  6. Figures from Friday 27 March relate to data as at 4pm on each day, prior to this figures related to data as at 6pm. Negligible changes to the estimates were seen between 4pm and 6pm. Figures for Monday 1 June relate to data as at 3pm.
  7. The following education settings are included: academies (including free schools and studio schools), local authority maintained schools (including local authority nursery schools), independent schools, non-maintained special schools, alternative provision, university technical colleges, FE colleges and sixth form colleges, and special post-16 institutions/specialist colleges
  8. From 1 June, the government asked schools to welcome back children in nursery, reception, year 1 and year 6, alongside children of critical workers and vulnerable children. As a result, changes were made to the survey of education settings to capture information about this wider group of attending pupils. The methodology to adjust figures for non-response was also updated to reflect this change.
  9. The response rates for Wednesday 13 and Friday 15 May were impacted slightly due to technical issues which made it more difficult for some schools to complete the survey. A lower response rate makes the methodology used to account for non-response slightly less reliable.
  10. Figures for 'children with an EHCP attending' and 'children with a social worker attending' for 1 to 3 June have been corrected after an error was identified in these figures published on 9 June.

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