Data set from School funding statistics

Revenue funding to state-funded schools in England for pupils aged 5-16, in cash and real terms, 2010-11 to 2021-22

Not the latest data
Last updated

This data file contains time series data, running from 2010-11 to 2021-22, of revenue funding to state-funded schools in England for pupils aged 5-16. Data is in both cash terms and real terms (2020-21 prices). The data file also contains the GDP deflator index figures used to construct the real terms series.

Data set details

Finance and funding
School funding statistics
Release type
Geographic levels
  • GDP deflator index
  • Per pupil funding, 2020-21 terms, £
  • Per pupil funding, 2020-21 terms, annual growth in funding, %
Time period
2010-11 to 2021-22

Data set preview

Table showing first 5 rows, from underlying data
201011Financial yearNationalE92000001England35000z44000zzz5180z6510zzz676100079.5
201112Financial yearNationalE92000001England357002.1443000.60.6z52701.765200.20.2z678800080.7
201213Financial yearNationalE92000001England366002.5445000.41z53601.86510-0.20z683400082.4
201314Financial yearNationalE92000001England377003450001.12.2z54601.965200.10.1z690200083.8
201415Financial yearNationalE92000001England387002.7456001.33.5z55601.865400.40.5z696700085

Variables in this data set

Table showing first 5 of 14 variables
Variable nameVariable description
Annual_growth_in_funding_202021terms_%School funding, 2020-21 terms, annual growth in funding, %
Annual_growth_in_funding_cashterms_%School funding, cash terms, annual growth in funding, %
Annual_growth_in_per_pupil_funding_202021terms_%Per pupil funding, 2020-21 terms, annual growth in funding, %
Annual_growth_in_per_pupil_funding_cashterms_%Per pupil funding, cash terms, annual growth in funding, %
Cumulative_growth_in_funding_since_201011_202021terms_%School funding, 2020-21 terms, cumulative growth since 2010-11, %


  1. Stated-funded schools meals all state-funded providers, including mainstream primary and secondary schools, special schools, alternative provision, pupil referral units and non-maintained special schools.
  2. Funding in 2021-22 is based on the 2019 Spending Round settlement for school funding.
  3. Published in January 2021 by HM Treasury.
  4. Funding covers the following grants: dedicated schools grant (excluding early years and post-16 high-needs funding); grants outside the DSG to the City of London, Isles of Scilly and City Technology Colleges; pre-16 high-needs funding in non-maintained special schools, special and alternative provision free schools; pupil premium (all pupil ages); supplementary free school meals grant; teachers' pay grant (reception to year 11); teachers' pension employer contribution grant (TPECG) (reception to year 11).
  5. Pupil number counts are taken from the January preceding each financial year.

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