Data set from Children's social work workforce

2. Characteristics (in post, starters, leavers)

Latest data
Last updated
FTE and headcount figures on characteristics of social workers in post, starters and leavers by: sex; age; ethnicity; role; and time in service.

Data set details

Children's social care
Children's social work workforce
Release type
Geographic levels
Local authority, National, Regional
  • Social workers in post - FTE (as at 30 September)
  • Percentage of social workers in post - FTE (as at 30 September)
  • Social workers in post - headcount (as at 30 September)
  • Breakdown
Time period
2017 to 2024

Data set preview

Table showing first 5 rows, from underlying data
2024Reporting yearNationalE92000001EnglandTotalTotal34328.2100364021005613.410058221004728.71005073100
2024Reporting yearNationalE92000001EnglandAge group20 to 29 years old5252.515.3533314.71584.528.2160327.5769.316.378615.5
2024Reporting yearNationalE92000001EnglandAge group30 to 39 years old10321.830.11103130.31792.831.9186832.11491.131.5158231.2
2024Reporting yearNationalE92000001EnglandAge group40 to 49 years old9022.626.3957526.31288.523134423.11104.123.3118423.3
2024Reporting yearNationalE92000001EnglandAge group50 to 59 years old7085.520.6743720.4779.213.981414835.717.789517.6

Variables in this data set

Table showing first 5 of 13 variables
Variable nameVariable description
inpost_FTESocial workers in post - FTE (as at 30 September)
inpost_FTE_percentagePercentage of social workers in post - FTE (as at 30 September)
inpost_headcountSocial workers in post - headcount (as at 30 September)
inpost_headcount_percentagePercentage of social workers in post - headcount (as at 30 September)


  1. Age of the children and family social worker at 30 September of the reporting year.
  2. Age of social worker starter at 30 September of the reporting year.
  3. Age of social worker leaver on the date they left their post at the local authority.
  4. White comprises white British, white Irish, or any other white background.
  5. Black or Black British comprises black Caribbean, black African, or any other black background.
  6. Asian or Asian British comprises Indian, Pakistani, Bangladeshi, Chinese, or any other Asian background.
  7. Mixed comprises white and black Caribbean, white and black African, white and Asian, or any other mixed background.

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